Yogic Philosophy
The word Yoga is termed as “yuj” in Sanskrit which means ‘yoke’ or ‘union’. Practising the postures and breathing with awareness develops harmony, unifying the mind, body and spirit, and is helping us to realize our true nature.
Sage Patanjali
lived in India over 2,200 years ago. A true sage and a scholar, he wrote classical texts on Sanskrit grammar and medicine, as well as his Yoga Sutras, the first written statement of yogic philosophy. Before that, yoga followed an oral tradition, passed on personally from teacher to student. The Gurukula System, a type of residential schooling system in ancient India with shishya (students) living near or with the guru, in the same house. The sacred tradition of guru-shishya in India in Hinduism and other religious groups such as Jainism, Buddhism and Sikhism appeared from ancient times. In Shree Hari Yoga school we try to follow this tradition. Therefore we have near our two yoga halls 11 accommodations for our students and also Shree Hariji’s accommodation is in the same place.
In 196 succinct aphorisms, Patanjali’s Yoga Sutras describe the functioning of the mind and emotions, and the path to fulfilment. In the first chapter, yoga is defined as “the stilling of the fluctuations of the mind” – ‘Yoga Chitta Vritti Nirodhah’. This famous phrase of Patanjali Yoga Sutra have covered both the aim and practice of yoga:the means are just as important as this end. Patanjali defines these means as the ‘eight limbs’ (ashtanga) or stages of yoga. With the sequential path of his eight-fold limbs, are also interlink.The first two, Yama (“don’t do these”, a list of self-restraint) and Niyama (“right living” or ethical rules), offer ethical guidance on personal conduct, both in relation to others and towards oneself. To live ethically and to have potentially transformative effect there are total ten precepts.
Mr Iyengar has said that, “Yoga makes a sincere practitioner into an integrated personality”. “It develops a feeling of oneness between man and nature, between man and man, and between man and his Maker, thus permitting the experience of a feeling of identity with the spirit that pervades all creation.”
These two components, pranayama and asana,
are the physical practices taught at the Shree hari: refers to control of breath and yoga postures. Together, when combine provides a support for more internal work. You will feel the freedom, self-realisation and enlightenment through withdrawal of the senses (pratyahara) and concentration (dharana), sustained meditation (dhyana) entering the state of samadhi. Yoga is “meditation in action”. His teaching combines all eight elements in asana practice (asana means here “to be seated in a position that is firm, but relaxed”), which helps us explore and experience the rest of the yoga practice. With the basic understanding of interconnection, of everyone and everything, this brings us back with the outside world contact.