How To Start A Mobile Yoga Business?

Shree hari yoga

Many people look for yoga classes in the vicinity today. When you were just an onlooker, or a yoga enthusiast, then you may have also looked for such opportunities. Practicing yoga at home, as a self-practitioner, and opening a yoga school are two different genres altogether. Most people start off, but do not seem to reach anywhere. If you see the searches on Google, most people who are beginners’ type, ‘yoga classes near me’.

If you are a yoga graduate, looking for options to expand, this is for you. Most graduates start looking for jobs, after completing any yoga teacher training course. It helps in sharpening the skills and also gives exposure to myriad situations. You will get to observe learned and experienced teachers in action. So, you get first-hand knowledge about what’s going on inside the classroom. After you have had sufficient experience, it gets easier.

Here in this article, you will learn how to open a mobile yoga business today.

Steps To Open A Mobile Yoga Business

So, you may have taken that ultimate decision, to start your own mobile yoga business. However, this is a new concept, so it may not be clear to many people. Normally, either the student visits a yoga studio or the teacher visits the student’s home. However, the mobile concept is a bit different. The classes can occur through online sessions or at a park, or at your office as well. These classes turn out to be lower in cost, and you can bring in other enthusiasts as well, that will allow both parties to break even.

If you are a small-time entrepreneur, who is just starting out, then this is for you.

  • The first step, that you need to take, is to name your yoga brand. A catchy name is what you should go after, as it can attract students to your business. Avoid names that are hard to spell. You should also check to see, if there is some other yoga studio, by the name, which you have shortlisted. As soon as you hit upon something uncommon, you should register the domain name. The name of any business is extremely important, as it distinguishes the business from that of the others. It also helps people, remember you.
  • After you have decided on the name, it is time to open a bank account. If you are conducting online sessions, you would need to accept payments online. After you open an account, you need to check and get the best payment app. Every bank has certain rules, so you need to go through each and every option that is available to you. Setting up a separate bank account, will also help you to segregate your personal expenses from the professional ones.
  • After you are done, you have to set up a legal entity. It can be a sole proprietorship business, LLC or LLP, or a Private limited company. It mainly depends on where you are conducting the business, or with whom. If it is a partnership, the rules are slightly different. You have to get several permits, local licenses, and liability insurance as well.
  • Business plan comes next and is equally important. You should know what you are trying to accomplish. The details about the products, services, marketing costs, opportunities, finances are extremely important. Your business plan can also fetch you partners or investors, which will help you to scale up your business in the long run.
  • In the course of drawing up a business plan, you need to check what your expenses are. If you are starting with a mobile business, the chances are high, that you will be able to save on infrastructure costs. Moreover, you can also run the official work or back-end work from your house, or a garage. After you are done with that, you need to get a good internet connection. Additionally, you can even co-ordinate with a professional video conferencing facility, which will help you to beam all your live videos and pre-recorded ones seamlessly. Free options that are available may not suffice, when you are turning pro. You also require email marketing tools and other video editing tools. Social media management tools are also very important. Additionally, you also need to spend some money on digital marketing.
  • Pricing all your yoga services is also very crucial for your business. You have to understand your market, what services you are offering, and to whom, is also very important. Age, gender, and location are three of the factors, that are of utmost importance. Furthermore, you need to check, what your expenditure is, so that you can price all your yoga services, accordingly.
  • The genre of services is also important. So, try to offer two-three forms like Hatha, Kundalini or Ashtanga Yoga. Yoga therapy and Ayurveda also leads today. So, try to start and propagate those as well.

Launching The Mobile Yoga Service

This is the next big thing for you. After you are done with all the setups, and preliminary work, now is the time for the big launch. Tell the world about your yoga classes, and start getting enquiries. You can set up a FaceBook page as it is quite popular today. Host an event locally, and invite some of the popular and dominant individuals from your zone. You can also get a press release done. Since you will conduct the classes online, or at other locations, you need to have certain things in place. A website is important, after which comes social media management, and thereafter you have to get the best equipment, that include wi-fi routers, mobile cameras, stands, and props. Transport is also important, if you plan to conduct classes at the park or at offices. A mic is also required for conducting group classes.

This is the just something, that you need to start with initially, to drive your mobile yoga business. There is scope for more improvement, which you will eventually realize. As you get students, and progress through the classes, you can try to generate more publicity. So, you will start spending less on marketing. Maintain your standards all through, as the competition is high. Do not give any opportunity to others, to find loopholes in your yoga services. You can also collaborate with influencers to become viral.

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