Uttana shishosana is an excellent reminder of why we practice yoga: to feel better and to discover tools to help us live the best life. Although not particularly fancy, this posture is effective because dogs and puppies stretch. Humans tend to want to make life more difficult for themselves by constantly seeking meaning in the past or the future. Dogs, however, are excellent at being present. Our canine friends are loyal and entertaining, and they can teach us a lot about unwinding and caring for the people we love and ourselves. Allow yourself to come to your senses as you perform the extended puppy pose. Give yourself permission to linger (and lengthen) in the positive emotions.
Three Sanskrit words are combined to form the name of this yoga pose. The words “Uttana,” “Shisho,” and “asana,” which all refer to yoga postures, respectively, signify extended or intense. This yoga pose is not a remedial yoga position, a crucial distinction.
The downward-facing dog pose, also known as Adho Mukha Svanasana, and the child pose, also known as Balasana, are combined. So, either of these two asanas can be regarded as a variant of Uttana Shishosana. Because this yoga stance enables the heart to retain balance while straightforwardly extending the spine, better known as the melting heart pose.
- Start with Child Pose:
Begin by getting down on all fours on a yoga mat and spreading your knees to about hip-width. Your knees must be in line with your buttocks, and your big toes should touch each other.
- Tuck your chin in:
With as little effort as possible, tuck your chin into your chest and lower your forehead until it nearly touches the floor.
Inhale deeply through your nose while slowly exhaling through your mouth simultaneously.
- Release tension:
After that, you may release all of your tension by moving your shoulders away from your ears until they are stacked directly over your elbows, which are still bent at a 90-degree angle with your upper arms throughout the entire pose.
Your fingers are now extended wide apart, pointing forward, and are stretched across the surface of the yoga mat to make a straight line. Your forearms and palms are still flat on the yoga mat underneath you.
- Stretch further:
Take a deep breath in and slowly elevate your torso off the floor while maintaining your forehead flat on the floor. Up till your arms are extended, but your shoulders are neither shrugged nor bent, keep your hips stationary and move your upper body forward. With this action, your entire spine should feel like stretching. Pause between breaths.
- Relax and return:
Exhale, then slowly lower yourself back to the starting position of the child pose with your forehead resting on the yoga mat. Breathe in deeply and slowly.
- Stretches the hips and hamstrings:
The hips and thighs become stiff when the lower body or lower back is extended upward in the Uttana Shishosana pose with the tailbone deep pointing upward. While the muscles are contracted, this stretch strengthens them and helps them become strong and supportive of the body.
- The fullest stretch of the spine:
Observe how the spine’s lower section curves upward while declining and vice versa. The body extends simultaneously as the spine stretches to its fullest extent along both ends and in both directions along its center. The utmost stretch that the body and spine receive during this extension helps to relax it.
- Flexes the spine while stretching
The Extended Puppy Dog Pose stretches the muscles around the spine and the spine itself, increasing the flexibility of the muscles and the spine. Flexing the spine while performing any pose is a terrific method to enhance the flow of prana and the entire body’s posture.
- Acts as a restorative pose:
The hips and the whole back can be healed by this pose, which can be regarded as a restorative pose, after practicing challenging postures like Adho Mukha Svanasana, Dhanurasana, and Ustrasana, among others.
- Deep stretch for the shoulders and arms:
If done correctly with the chin, face, and neck in alignment, this posture functions as a terrific technique to relax the shoulders and the arms while giving it the most stretch possible. To appreciate the deep stretch at the shoulders, one must make sure the chest moves gently and carefully toward the floor or the mat. Although Uttana Shishosana is mostly for the shoulders, arms, and back, if performed correctly, the lower abdomen can also be massaged while attempting to lift the hips upward.
- Muscles are relaxed, and the mind is calmed:
The muscles surrounding the entire spine and the hips are soothed by slowly moving the lower body upward and the upper body downward while maintaining controlled breathing, eventually calming the mind and body.
- Excellent heart-opener:
While performing this pose, one must comprehend what is meant when the phrase “heart opener” is used. The chest opens up in this position, loosening the shoulders and back muscles. This pose is a great “heart opener” because it opens the chest, which increases lung capacity.
- Enhances blood circulation:
The blood flows in the other direction here in Uttana Shishosana, towards the chest and shoulders, and the entire body benefits from this.
- Effective treatment for insomnia:
Patients with issues related to insomnia may benefit from this pose as therapy. The deep stretch at the shoulders and chest, which causes blood to flow oppositely, can be a very effective stress reliever, reducing anxiety and promoting sleep.
- Downward facing dog | Adho mukha svanasana
- Cow pose
- Upward salute | Urdhva hastasana
- Sphinx pose | Salamba bhujangasana
- Floor bow | Dhanurasana
- Upward-facing dog | Urdhva Mukha svanasana
- Child’s pose | Balasana
- Supine twist | Jathara parivartanasana
- Before you begin the puppy stance, perform a few warm-up activities.
- Practice the cat and cow poses to avoid tension on your legs when performing the uttana shishosana stance.
- Always take long, steady breaths to enable you to extend your back fully.
- By maintaining a block beneath your forehead, you can slightly adjust the pose if performing it on a mat is problematic for you.
- You might even put a yoga bolster beneath the knees during the first practice sessions.
- This enables you to maintain the puppy’s stance for a longer time.
- You may feel queasy because this pose requires a little inversion.
- The abrupt alteration in blood flow is the main contributor to lightheadedness. Therefore, be sure to relinquish this stance slowly.
- Avoid doing this position if you have knee or hip issues because it will put more pressure on your knees and worsen your situation.
- If your arms and shoulders are stiff, you can skip Uttana Shishosana. It’s also advised against using this posture if you have significant lower back discomfort because it could worsen the pain and make your back stiffer.
- The opposing blood flow can be hazardous to both the mother and the fetus. Hence this asana must not be practiced in the later stages of pregnancy.
- If you have back difficulties, it is best to perform the posture while being guided by a specialist. If not, it can make your back discomfort worse.
- Should the feet be spread apart or together?
Generally, the feet should be hip-width apart in all yoga positions. Put your fingers on the hip joint about a finger’s width inward from the pelvic bones. The fingers should then be in line with the second toe as you continue down the line of the legs.
- Can the knee be bent past the 90-degree angle?
Not bending the knee past 90 degrees is common advice in yoga classes, and this is done to prevent knee pain.
When you’re tired or have spent the entire day sitting at a desk or in a chair, uttana shishosana is a fantastic technique to invigorate the physical and subtle bodies. The posture positively impacts one’s energy by elevating one’s sense of self-worth.