The word “Chakra” in the asana “Chakrasana” means “wheel”; thus, the English name “Wheel Pose.” In this position, the body is curled to resemble a wheel. The body’s energy is balanced by this odd position and movement, which also greatly boosts self-confidence.
You place significance on optimism by having complete faith in your ability to stay in Chakrasana.
- Lie on your back to start. Kneel and place your parallel, hip-distance feet directly beneath yours.
- With your palms facing down and your fingers pointed in the direction of your shoulders, reach back and position your hands beside your ears.
- Inhale, then exhale to lift your hips, torso, and head high enough to place the crown of your head on the mat without letting your feet or knees splay apart. Never put any weight on your head when standing.
- Pull your upper arms into their sockets, draw your elbows toward one another, and begin to arch your middle and upper back.
- On the subsequent inhale, ascend into the posture while pressing down with your hands and feet.
- Reach your tailbone toward the backs of your knees while rotating your inner thighs toward the floor. Check to see whether your feet are not turned out and use your big toes to dig.
- To deepen, move your feet closer to your hands while keeping your forearms and shins parallel to the ground.
- To exit the position, tuck your chin and bring your body to the ground.
(Avoid placing your head’s crown on the ground.)
Physical (Anatomical) Health
- Muscles:
Because this posture stretches every muscle in the body, the shoulders, arms, wrists, legs, chest, entire spine and the muscles around it, cervical and neck, face muscles, abdominal muscles, and thighs receive the most stretching and toning.
The wrists and feet support the full body’s weight, but the ability to distribute it appropriately takes effort and attention to the breath.
- Organs:
As the abdominal muscles are stretched, the kidney, liver, and pancreas become overly toned. Stretching the chest makes it possible for the heart to continue to beat properly and to start the blood flowing.
The lungs are also strained. In this position, the fresh blood flow to the neck and head stimulates the thyroid and pituitary glands.The reproductive organs are also stretched, which strengthens them and creates space for optimum hormone balancing and organ function.The breathing-related auxiliary muscles are stretched and made more open.
A muscle known as an intercostal muscle lies between each rib.
The intercostal muscles work together to expand the rib cage during inhalations and contract back together during exhalations.
These intercostals receive an incredible stretch when you backbend up and out of your ribs and chest while doing Wheel.
Health Benefits
- Symptoms:
This pose causes any imbalance in the glands’ normal activity since it involves the entire body. Indigestion disappears as the digestive system improves. Unhealthy lifestyle-related persistent headaches and shoulder discomfort are treated.The calf muscle irritation that causes uncomfortable cramps during the menstrual cycle or otherwise weak legs is relieved.
- Healing of Asthma, relief from Back Pain, Migraines, Stress, and Anxiety:
Both osteoporosis and infertility are curable. Therefore, it is crucial to comprehend the body’s flexibility during the position, as is done in most practises.
- Balance and Emotions:
Engaging in heart-opening positions can potentially increase your capacity for compassion for others, patience through trying times, and tranquilly. Additionally, completing Wheel Pose will make you feel accomplished and upbeat all around.
- Relaxation:
The backward-bending wheel pose used in Chakrasana, which is beneficial for lower back discomfort, may benefit all 33 spinal bones. It might support the spine’s suppleness and strengthening. Chakrasana may help those with lower back discomfort by enhancing the spine’s ability to function.
- Nervous System:
The nervous system might also benefit from chakrasana The autonomic nervous system, which is the body’s network of nerves that regulates involuntary biological functions like digestion, respiration, heart rate, and blood pressure, is a division of the nervous system. The chakrasana promotes effective communication between the two components of the nervous system.
Wheel Pose Contraindications:
- Injury:
It is most definitely best to avoid this posture if you have a cervical injury, a collar around your neck, or any other type of neck pain. However, if someone needs the opening due to a weak or stiff neck, they can do so with the right instructions back injury has to heal with appropriate rest; nonetheless, even if the injury is healed and other backbend asanas are practised without harming the back, Chakrasana is far too challenging to perform.The reason is that it might not be advisable to jerk your back in any way when you come out of the stance.
- Cardiac condition:
If a student has heart conditions, they should definitely avoid this pose and not even attempt it.
- Pressure:
This position should only be practised under professional supervision if the student has a history of either High Blood Pressure or Low Blood Pressure. This should come after many repetitions and months of practise of many other backbends.
- Pressure in Eyes:
If you’ve had cataract surgery or have a history of eye pressure, you should absolutely avoid this pose.
- Hernia:
Hernia, which makes it difficult for the body to extend while in the position and necessitates complete healing and a doctor’s prescription before this practise may be performed under supervision.
- Lack of Flexibility:
Surely the teacher should see this and refrain from imposing the stretch or the pose without first working on the student’s flexibility and confidence, even if they are healthy and free of diseases.
Is the wheel pose difficult?
Yoga’s challenging, heart-opening Wheel Pose simultaneously stretches and improves the entire body. Wheel pose requires a significant amount of backbending, thus it is crucial to completely warm up the body before attempting it.
Is the wheel pose a secure position?
If you have a persistent knee, wrist, shoulder, neck, or back ailment, you should stay away from Wheel Pose. Till your body is flexible enough to do so naturally, avoid forcing your body into the position.