500 Hour Vinyasa Yoga Teacher Training Course In Gokarna

YTT Courses & Yoga Retreats in a beachside spiritual location

One of India’s most essential and widely practiced cultural exports to the rest of the world is yoga. The secluded beaches of Gokarna, which combine the tranquility of the ocean with the mystique and allure of a bygone era, are perhaps the ideal setting for the practice of such a sublime art.

Gokarna is a center for spiritual education and attracts pilgrims throughout the year because it is located near some of the earliest shrines and temples and because of its longstanding connection to Lord Shiva.People go to India to study yoga in droves because, according to the yoga tradition, this is the best way to learn how to connect with one’s inner spiritual self.

yoga students do surya namaskar, sunsalutation
hatha yoga

In the end, the fact that beach yoga is done on the beach is one of the best reasons to do it and should be considered first and foremost.

Most likely, after your yoga class, the beach is the first place you go to relax and get some fresh air.To continue reaping the benefits of being outside, you could also try spending about an hour or so relaxing in the sand.It is one of the most effective ways to bringing about internal and external harmony and brings mind and body together as one.

At Shree Hari Yoga, a serene and environmentally friendly resort located in Gokarna, you will be totally immersed in the yogic way of life and learn about the true purpose of yoga and the historical practices associated with it.

Why choose Gokarna for your Yoga Teacher Training Course?

Gokarna, one of India’s seven important Hindu pilgrimage centers, is nestled between the mountains and the Arabian Sea. Recognized as the legendary location where Lord Shiva emerged into the world from the ear of a cow, Gokarna has historically drawn visitors to it’s important Hindu temples and holy sites. More recently the nearby unspoiled beaches (Main Beach, Kudle Beach, Om Beach, & Half Moon Beach) have attracted western tourists seeking a less crowded alternative to Goa.

Our school is located in the edge of the jungle just steps from serene and beautiful Kudle beach. Kudle is renown for it’s white sand and epic sunsets.  Less crowded than other local beaches, it is perfect for yoga practice and meditation overlooking the Arabian Sea. Just a short walk from the school you can reach other nearby beaches, historic temples, and Gokarna’s vibrant market.

outside yogahall in gokarna
old shiva tempel in gokarna

If you are interested in the roots of yoga and Indian mythology Gokarna is a great place to learn about it through the many heritage sites, culture, traditions, and local people. All of the temples and important sites are located within walking distance of the school and can be easily visited on your days off.

If you prefer sunny tropical environments and wish to explore yoga’s spiritual roots, Gokarna may be the ideal spot for you to undertake your teacher training course or yoga retreat. The unique combination of jungle, mountains, and perfect white sand beaches plus the access to important Hindu spiritual locations set the stage for an unforgettable spiritual experience! Gokarna’s weather is ideal between October and April with bright sunny days and pleasant temperatures.

What is Vinyasa Flow Yoga?

Vinyasa Flow is one of the yoga forms, which comprise several poses that are strung together. You are supposed to move from one pose to the other, seamlessly, without breaking out from any. Some yogis also refer to it, as Power yoga. There are a variety of poses that you are supposed to practice. And, classes are the not the same, as in Ashtanga Yoga, from which it originated. You have to follow different sequences at different times. You can aim for a more balanced body, through the practice of Vinyasa yoga and the practice will also not be monotonous. Furthermore, the practice will also prevent injuries, as you will not be using the same body parts repetitively. This breath-initiated practice has the power to connect most actions in life.

What Will You Learn In Vinyasa Flow Yoga?

Baddha Konasana-2

About Vinyasa Flow Yoga

The Vinyasa Yoga class has a lot of variety for you. And, it almost always includes sun salutations. You will be moving from one pose to another, very easily. The class can be fast-paced or slow. Moreover, your teacher can ask you to concentrate more on alignments. It mainly depends, on what style your teacher is trained in, and what you are comfortable with. Some classes can include warmups, whereas others can include stretches. A Vinyasa class can also borrow movements from various yoga traditions and lineages. Your teacher at Shree Hari Yoga School can ask you to do a Vinyasa at your own speed. It would simply mean, that you have to do a few poses, from the same family. Additionally, there are both basic and advanced versions of the Vinyasa yoga flow. Your main focus in the 500 Hour Vinyasa Yoga Teacher Training Course in Gokarna, should be to strengthen the body.  You will use Ujjayi breath in the Vinyasa Style Yoga. The Drishti and bandhas are also very important part of the practice.

Pranayama of Vinyasa Flow Yoga

You have to perform deep breathing as a part of your Vinyasa Yoga Flow class. This is mainly referred to as Ujjayi Pranayama. The Vedic texts or the translations also call it ‘Victorious breath’. Your body will get warmed up, from inside out. When you take a deep breath, you take in fresh ‘Prana’, and when you breathe out, you will be able to let go of anything, that affects your mind and body negatively. In the 500 Hour Vinyasa Yoga Teacher Training Course in Gokarna, the Ujjayi Breathing is irreplaceable. The ‘Ocean breath’ or ‘Victorious breath’, whatever you call it, will help you to deepen your pose. There will be a connection between the breath and the pose at every turn in Vinyasa Yoga. You can hold the asanas for five breaths. The teachers will always advise you and guide you, to listen to your breath. This practice is transformative in nature, and will help you to gain the best experiential training in yoga.

Pranayam yoga
Yoga Teacher Training

Asana In Vinyasa Flow Yoga

You can now start the Vinyasa Class, under the aegis of the best teachers in yoga. Shree Hari Yoga School ensures that you have the best of both worlds, in the Vinyasa practice. The class can be a bit challenging, as you have to constantly stay focussed on your breath. The Surya Namaskar forms the backbone of the Vinyasa Class. You can use them in their original form, for body warmup. After you are done with the Surya Namaskar, as a part of the schedule, you will move on to the transition poses. Take the example of the plank pose, after which you will be swiftly guided into the seated pose. When you are ready to change the pose, you can again go back to the plank pose. On the contrary, you can also take the Urdhva Mukha Shvanasana to Adho Mukha Shvanasana. You can create a great variety of Vinyasas, with the Surya Namaskar. Most practitioners do poses in a sequence, like Malasana, Sash tang Pranamasana, Anahata asana, and so on.


There are a great variety of yoga mantras, that you can practice. Almost all the mantras are derived from Sanskrit. It mainly liberates the mind from different kind of worries. It can either be a single syllable, two words or a phrase. You have to chant the mantras, keeping the sounds in mind, as they are more effective, when you pronounce them properly. Yoga mantras in general can assist you in your own personal spiritual growth.

Vinyasa in India
yoga students in lotus pose, praying

Art of Teaching

The 500 Hour Vinyasa Yoga Teacher Training Course in Gokarna is a dynamic class in all probability. There is no right method or a wrong method, to teach a Vinyasa class. It depends on the unique style of the teacher. You may feel intimidated to know, that the Vinyasa class requires careful handling by the teachers. It will include a grounding session, warm up session, main sequences, restorative poses, and Savasana. Most teachers feel that designing the class, can be one of the biggest challenges. The child’s pose is one of the first poses, that you can use to ground yourself. Additionally, you can also use the mountain pose. Sun salutations or Surya Namaskar can help you to warm up after that. The main sequence generally has poses on either side. There will detoxifying poses, hip openers, and chakra openers as well. After the main sequence is over, you can also try the restorative poses, which means that you have to hold the poses for long. Savasana follows, as it is the final relaxing pose that completes the cycle.

Anatomy and Physiology

The knowledge of anatomy and physiology is important for all types of yoga. In Vinyasa, breathing assumes a lot of importance. The reason being, that the human body is very complex. Anatomy and physiology are the main components of the human body. In yoga, there are lots of actions, movements, and breathing involved. You also need to manipulate the yogic kriyas as well. If you know the science of the body well, then it becomes all the easier for an individual to suggest alterations and modifications. The Vinyasa class is also a bit different from the normal yoga classes, so you will study the subject in detail.

laughing yoga
jadu class dharamsala


Vinyasa Yoga follow on the pathway curated by Patanjali’s Yoga Sutras. However, it has been tweaked into a more modern form of the traditional static Ashtanga style, which is difficult to follow for a family person. The 500 hour Vinyasa Yoga Teacher Training Course, will help you to delve deep into the ocean of knowledge, which in this case are the sutras. The Yoga Sutras lay a lot of stress on the eight limbs of Ashtanga. However, in the Vinyasa class, you will not follow the eight limbs stringently. You will mainly focus on five steps instead of eight in the style. The philosophical lessons are extremely important for anyone, as it helps you to develop conviction not just for yourself, but for the student as well.

Sound Healing

Sounds and yoga always go hand-on-hand. Sound healing is an important modality in the realm of yoga today. So, you will combine various forms of sounds like music, mantra, and the sound of bells and gongs in the practice. You can use sounds along with Vinyasa yoga, to make your practice even more effective. In the 500 hour Vinyasa Yoga TTC, you can utilize the various mantras to create an impression in the mind and soul. They will also help to communicate your message to the universe.

Double Dance Pose
forwardfold and supportedbackbend

Shatkarma (Cleansing)

You will be able to use the Shatkarma kriyas as well, as a part of the 500 hour Vinyasa Teacher Training. Nauli, Trataka, Dhouti, Kapalbhati, Neti, and Basti are a few of the practices, that you will engage in. The practices will help you to cleanse the organs of the body, to facilitate the energies to move freely. Cleansing the organs will also help you to concentrate more on the higher energies, and associate with them more easily. The activities also help to improve the physical prowess of the yoga practitioner.


In Vinyasa Yoga, you can use mudras, just like in the other yoga forms. These are hand gestures, which can help to channelize the subtle energies from one part of the body, to the other. Vinyasa Yoga Teacher Training India is a meditative form of yoga, where you can use these mudras to connect with the brain. The fingertips have nerve endings, that help to connect the energies and create a proper effect.

yoga Lehrer zeigt Asana korrektur
douple twin headstand


Bandhas are energy locks and are considered to be quite important in Vinyasa Yoga. The main bandhas are the Uddhiyana Bandha, Mula bandha, and Jalandhara bandha. Additionally, you can also practice the Maha bandha, where you combine all three bandhas. Vinyasa Yoga uses the three forces – energy locks or bandhas, Drishti, and breath works. The poses or asana is just a vehicle, which helps you to travel to the psychic realm.

Yoga Alliance Standard We Maintain for Vinyasa Flow Yoga

The Vinyasa Yoga Teacher Training India is one of the best accredited courses which you can enrol for. Shree Hari Yoga School is one of the most renowned schools, which offer the courses. You can complete the basic and advanced levels of the courses in one go, as a part of the 500 Hour YTTC. It will help you to materialize your goals. After you get your certificate of course completion, you can apply for RYT 500.

Partner yoga, acro yoga

Yoga Sequencing Classes (Practicum) for Vinyasa Flow Yoga

In Vinyasa Yoga, you will be able to do different kinds of poses as a part of the schedule. Each day will be different. Take for example, the standing Vinyasa flow. It will help in diverting the energy downward, toward the waist and the legs. It can help to alleviate your Vata. Likewise, you can follow fun flows and creative flows as well. The Vinyasa yoga class can never be monotonous, due to such attributes.

Schedule of Vinyasa Flow Yoga at Shree Hari Yoga School

At Shree Hari Yoga School, most yoga sessions start with Pranayama and meditation. The students are required to cleanse internally, by doing kriyas, so as to feel lighter and practice yoga well. You can also warm up with Surya namaskara, before breakfast. After a healthy breakfast, you will practice Vinyasa asanas and proceed for theory lectures on yoga anatomy, yoga physiology, and philosophy. Learn about teaching methodology. After lunch, you will be indulging in practice of the Vinyasa asanas again. Mantra chanting follow in the evening, after you have had sufficient physical poses and breathing practice.

Gokarna Teacher Training Lifestyle

How you will spend your days and nights during the course

Daily Routine

From Monday to Saturday, generally from 6:30am to 6:30pm, your daily routine will include multiple practice sessions as well as practical and theory classes. Your schedule will also include open time for you to engage in self-study and practice teaching with your fellow trainees.

On Saturdays you will have only a half day of coursework and Sundays are your days off. Use this time to relax, study, and enjoy your surrounding.

yoga teaching practicum
group massage

Sample Schedule

Your actual schedule will vary weekly but this is an example of what you can expect:

06:30am – 07:30am ​Meditation/Pranayama/ Mantra/ sound healing/ yoga nindra
07:30am – 09:00am led Vinyasa yoga
09:00am – 10:00am Breakfast
11:00am – 12:00pm Philosophy
12:00pm – 13:00pm​ Art of teaching
14:00pm – 15:00pm​ Anatomy/ physiology/ TCM / Ayurveda
15:00pm – 16:00pm self study
16:00pm – 17:30pm Mysore style Vinyasa
19:00pm – 20:00pm ​Dinner

Where You Will Stay

We provide you with clean, comfortable, and safe accommodations located close to the yoga shala. Rooms are either shared between two trainees or private, depending on your preference. These simple but cozy rooms are the perfect respite for rest and relaxation between training sessions. You will step out of your door straight into nature and fall asleep with the sounds of the ocean or mountain breeze. The fresh air and beautiful scenery will fill your soul with happiness and calm.

yoga shala
shy diet food

What You Will Eat

We provide 3 healthy, energy-boosting vegetarian (vegan-friendly) meals per day, from Monday to Saturday. Our kitchen staff prides themselves on their selection of local, fresh, and seasonally-appropriate ingredients. We aim to give you all the energy you need for this intensive time. Let us nourish your soul and fill your body with prana supporting meals!

Sunday is a holiday for staff and students and we encourage you to try some of the delicious food on offer in the surrounding area.

Opening & Closing

Please feel free to check-in any time from 10 am on the day before your course’s start date. This arrival day is dedicated for you to settle in and get familiar with your new surroundings. In the evening there will be an orientation and opening ceremony followed by a welcome dinner. The following morning your training schedule will commence after a sunrise fire ceremony.

On the final day, we will hold a closing ceremony where you will get your certificate followed by a photo session with your fellow graduates. Check-out time is 1 pm, but you may join activities throughout the day as desired.

authentic wisdom of yoga, havan, fire ceremony
holy Rama water tempel

After Class in Gokarna

  • Yoga on the beach
  • professional Yoga photos with our photographer
  • Sunset boat trips
  • Hindu temples (Rama, Koti)
  • Visiting the nearby Shiva cave
  • Local town market for shopping
  • Swimming & Surfing
  • Trekking
  • Visit nearby secluded beaches (Half-Moon, Paradise, etc.)
  • Palm readings by locals

Upcoming Yoga Courses in Gokarna

You can join the 500 Hour Vinyasa Yoga Teacher Training course in Gokarna, at any time of the year. We post the same on the website at regular intervals, twice a month. If you are interested in advancing your yoga career, then you should enquire now about the advanced Vinyasa Yoga courses as well. We are just a call and e-mail away.

DatesCourseLocationsShared RoomPrivate RoomBook Early Discount*
1725141600500September 202409/01/202401 Sep 2024 - 25 Oct 2024500 Hour Ashtanga Yoga Teacher TrainingGoa€3,300€3,600SAVE €200*Contact
1727301600500September 202409/26/202426 Sep 2024 - 19 Nov 2024500 Hour Ashtanga Yoga Teacher TrainingGoa€3,300€3,600SAVE €200*Contact
1729461600500October 202410/21/202421 Oct 2024 - 14 Dec 2024500 Hour Ashtanga Yoga Teacher TrainingGoa€3,300€3,600SAVE €200*Contact
1731625200500November 202411/15/202415 Nov 2024 - 08 Jan 2025500 Hour Ashtanga Yoga Teacher TrainingGoa€3,300€3,600SAVE €200*Contact
1733785200500December 202412/10/202410 Dec 2024 - 02 Feb 2025500 Hour Ashtanga Yoga Teacher TrainingGoa€3,300€3,600SAVE €200*Contact
1735945200500January 202501/04/202504 Jan 2025 - 27 Feb 2025500 Hour Ashtanga Yoga Teacher TrainingGoa€3,300€3,600SAVE €200*Contact
1738105200500January 202501/29/202529 Jan 2025 - 24 Mar 2025500 Hour Ashtanga Yoga Teacher TrainingGoa€3,300€3,600SAVE €200*Contact
1740265200500February 202502/23/202523 Feb 2025 - 18 Apr 2025500 Hour Ashtanga Yoga Teacher TrainingGoa€3,300€3,600SAVE €200*Contact
1725141600500September 202409/01/202401 Sep 2024 - 25 Oct 2024500 Hour Hatha Yoga Teacher TrainingGoa€3,300€3,600SAVE €200*Contact
1727301600500September 202409/26/202426 Sep 2024 - 19 Nov 2024500 Hour Hatha Yoga Teacher TrainingGoa€3,300€3,600SAVE €200*Contact
1729461600500October 202410/21/202421 Oct 2024 - 14 Dec 2024500 Hour Hatha Yoga Teacher TrainingGoa€3,300€3,600SAVE €200*Contact
1731625200500November 202411/15/202415 Nov 2024 - 08 Jan 2025500 Hour Hatha Yoga Teacher TrainingGoa€3,300€3,600SAVE €200*Contact
1733785200500December 202412/10/202410 Dec 2024 - 02 Feb 2025500 Hour Hatha Yoga Teacher TrainingGoa€3,300€3,600SAVE €200*Contact
1735945200500January 202501/04/202504 Jan 2025 - 27 Feb 2025500 Hour Hatha Yoga Teacher TrainingGoa€3,300€3,600SAVE €200*Contact
1738105200500January 202501/29/202529 Jan 2025 - 24 Mar 2025500 Hour Hatha Yoga Teacher TrainingGoa€3,300€3,600SAVE €200*Contact
1740265200500February 202502/23/202523 Feb 2025 - 18 Apr 2025500 Hour Hatha Yoga Teacher TrainingGoa€3,300€3,600SAVE €200*Contact
1725141600500September 202409/01/202401 Sep 2024 - 25 Oct 2024500 Hour Multistyle Yoga Teacher TrainingGoa€3,300€3,600SAVE €200*Contact
1727301600500September 202409/26/202426 Sep 2024 - 19 Nov 2024500 Hour Multistyle Yoga Teacher TrainingGoa€3,300€3,600SAVE €200*Contact
1729461600500October 202410/21/202421 Oct 2024 - 14 Dec 2024500 Hour Multistyle Yoga Teacher TrainingGoa€3,300€3,600SAVE €200*Contact
1731625200500November 202411/15/202415 Nov 2024 - 08 Jan 2025500 Hour Multistyle Yoga Teacher TrainingGoa€3,300€3,600SAVE €200*Contact
1733785200500December 202412/10/202410 Dec 2024 - 02 Feb 2025500 Hour Multistyle Yoga Teacher TrainingGoa€3,300€3,600SAVE €200*Contact
1735945200500January 202501/04/202504 Jan 2025 - 27 Feb 2025500 Hour Multistyle Yoga Teacher TrainingGoa€3,300€3,600SAVE €200*Contact
1738105200500January 202501/29/202529 Jan 2025 - 24 Mar 2025500 Hour Multistyle Yoga Teacher TrainingGoa€3,300€3,600SAVE €200*Contact
1740265200500February 202502/23/202523 Feb 2025 - 18 Apr 2025500 Hour Multistyle Yoga Teacher TrainingGoa€3,300€3,600SAVE €200*Contact
1725141600500September 202409/01/202401 Sep 2024 - 25 Oct 2024500 Hour Restorative Yoga Teacher TrainingGoa€3,300€3,600SAVE €200*Contact
1727301600500September 202409/26/202426 Sep 2024 - 19 Nov 2024500 Hour Restorative Yoga Teacher TrainingGoa€3,300€3,600SAVE €200*Contact
1729461600500October 202410/21/202421 Oct 2024 - 14 Dec 2024500 Hour Restorative Yoga Teacher TrainingGoa€3,300€3,600SAVE €200*Contact
1731625200500November 202411/15/202415 Nov 2024 - 08 Jan 2025500 Hour Restorative Yoga Teacher TrainingGoa€3,300€3,600SAVE €200*Contact
1733785200500December 202412/10/202410 Dec 2024 - 02 Feb 2025500 Hour Restorative Yoga Teacher TrainingGoa€3,300€3,600SAVE €200*Contact
1735945200500January 202501/04/202504 Jan 2025 - 27 Feb 2025500 Hour Restorative Yoga Teacher TrainingGoa€3,300€3,600SAVE €200*Contact
1738105200500January 202501/29/202529 Jan 2025 - 24 Mar 2025500 Hour Restorative Yoga Teacher TrainingGoa€3,300€3,600SAVE €200*Contact
1740265200500February 202502/23/202523 Feb 2025 - 18 Apr 2025500 Hour Restorative Yoga Teacher TrainingGoa€3,300€3,600SAVE €200*Contact
1725141600500September 202409/01/202401 Sep 2024 - 25 Oct 2024500 Hour Therapeutic Yoga Teacher TrainingGoa€3,300€3,600SAVE €200*Contact
1727301600500September 202409/26/202426 Sep 2024 - 19 Nov 2024500 Hour Therapeutic Yoga Teacher TrainingGoa€3,300€3,600SAVE €200*Contact
1729461600500October 202410/21/202421 Oct 2024 - 14 Dec 2024500 Hour Therapeutic Yoga Teacher TrainingGoa€3,300€3,600SAVE €200*Contact
1731625200500November 202411/15/202415 Nov 2024 - 08 Jan 2025500 Hour Therapeutic Yoga Teacher TrainingGoa€3,300€3,600SAVE €200*Contact
1733785200500December 202412/10/202410 Dec 2024 - 02 Feb 2025500 Hour Therapeutic Yoga Teacher TrainingGoa€3,300€3,600SAVE €200*Contact
1735945200500January 202501/04/202504 Jan 2025 - 27 Feb 2025500 Hour Therapeutic Yoga Teacher TrainingGoa€3,300€3,600SAVE €200*Contact
1738105200500January 202501/29/202529 Jan 2025 - 24 Mar 2025500 Hour Therapeutic Yoga Teacher TrainingGoa€3,300€3,600SAVE €200*Contact
1740265200500February 202502/23/202523 Feb 2025 - 18 Apr 2025500 Hour Therapeutic Yoga Teacher TrainingGoa€3,300€3,600SAVE €200*Contact
1725141600500September 202409/01/202401 Sep 2024 - 25 Oct 2024500 Hour Vinyasa Yoga Teacher TrainingGoa€3,300€3,600SAVE €200*Contact
1727301600500September 202409/26/202426 Sep 2024 - 19 Nov 2024500 Hour Vinyasa Yoga Teacher TrainingGoa€3,300€3,600SAVE €200*Contact
1729461600500October 202410/21/202421 Oct 2024 - 14 Dec 2024500 Hour Vinyasa Yoga Teacher TrainingGoa€3,300€3,600SAVE €200*Contact
1731625200500November 202411/15/202415 Nov 2024 - 08 Jan 2025500 Hour Vinyasa Yoga Teacher TrainingGoa€3,300€3,600SAVE €200*Contact
1733785200500December 202412/10/202410 Dec 2024 - 02 Feb 2025500 Hour Vinyasa Yoga Teacher TrainingGoa€3,300€3,600SAVE €200*Contact
1735945200500January 202501/04/202504 Jan 2025 - 27 Feb 2025500 Hour Vinyasa Yoga Teacher TrainingGoa€3,300€3,600SAVE €200*Contact
1738105200500January 202501/29/202529 Jan 2025 - 24 Mar 2025500 Hour Vinyasa Yoga Teacher TrainingGoa€3,300€3,600SAVE €200*Contact
1740265200500February 202502/23/202523 Feb 2025 - 18 Apr 2025500 Hour Vinyasa Yoga Teacher TrainingGoa€3,300€3,600SAVE €200*Contact
1725141600500September 202409/01/202401 Sep 2024 - 25 Oct 2024500 Hour Yin Yoga Teacher TrainingGoa€3,300€3,600SAVE €200*Contact
1727301600500September 202409/26/202426 Sep 2024 - 19 Nov 2024500 Hour Yin Yoga Teacher TrainingGoa€3,300€3,600SAVE €200*Contact
1729461600500October 202410/21/202421 Oct 2024 - 14 Dec 2024500 Hour Yin Yoga Teacher TrainingGoa€3,300€3,600SAVE €200*Contact
1731625200500November 202411/15/202415 Nov 2024 - 08 Jan 2025500 Hour Yin Yoga Teacher TrainingGoa€3,300€3,600SAVE €200*Contact
1733785200500December 202412/10/202410 Dec 2024 - 02 Feb 2025500 Hour Yin Yoga Teacher TrainingGoa€3,300€3,600SAVE €200*Contact
1735945200500January 202501/04/202504 Jan 2025 - 27 Feb 2025500 Hour Yin Yoga Teacher TrainingGoa€3,300€3,600SAVE €200*Contact
1738105200500January 202501/29/202529 Jan 2025 - 24 Mar 2025500 Hour Yin Yoga Teacher TrainingGoa€3,300€3,600SAVE €200*Contact
1740265200500February 202502/23/202523 Feb 2025 - 18 Apr 2025500 Hour Yin Yoga Teacher TrainingGoa€3,300€3,600SAVE €200*Contact
1725141600300September 202409/01/202401 Sep 2024 - 30 Sep 2024300 Hour Ashtanga Yoga Teacher TrainingGoa€2,100€2,350SAVE €150*Contact
1727733600300October 202410/01/202401 Oct 2024 - 30 Oct 2024300 Hour Ashtanga Yoga Teacher TrainingGoa€2,100€2,350SAVE €150*Contact
1730415600300November 202411/01/202401 Nov 2024 - 30 Nov 2024300 Hour Ashtanga Yoga Teacher TrainingGoa€2,100€2,350SAVE €150*Contact
1733007600300December 202412/01/202401 Dec 2024 - 30 Dec 2024300 Hour Ashtanga Yoga Teacher TrainingGoa€2,100€2,350SAVE €150*Contact
1735686000300January 202501/01/202501 Jan 2025 - 30 Jan 2025300 Hour Ashtanga Yoga Teacher TrainingGoa€2,100€2,350SAVE €150*Contact
1738364400300February 202502/01/202501 Feb 2025 - 02 Mar 2025300 Hour Ashtanga Yoga Teacher TrainingGoa€2,100€2,350SAVE €150*Contact
1740783600300March 202503/01/202501 Mar 2025 - 30 Mar 2025300 Hour Ashtanga Yoga Teacher TrainingGoa€2,100€2,350SAVE €150*Contact
1743458400300April 202504/01/202501 Apr 2025 - 30 Apr 2025300 Hour Ashtanga Yoga Teacher TrainingGoa€2,100€2,350SAVE €150*Contact
1725141600300September 202409/01/202401 Sep 2024 - 30 Sep 2024300 Hour Hatha Yoga Teacher TrainingGoa€2,100€2,350SAVE €150*Contact
1727733600300October 202410/01/202401 Oct 2024 - 30 Oct 2024300 Hour Hatha Yoga Teacher TrainingGoa€2,100€2,350SAVE €150*Contact
1730415600300November 202411/01/202401 Nov 2024 - 30 Nov 2024300 Hour Hatha Yoga Teacher TrainingGoa€2,100€2,350SAVE €150*Contact
1733007600300December 202412/01/202401 Dec 2024 - 30 Dec 2024300 Hour Hatha Yoga Teacher TrainingGoa€2,100€2,350SAVE €150*Contact
1735686000300January 202501/01/202501 Jan 2025 - 30 Jan 2025300 Hour Hatha Yoga Teacher TrainingGoa€2,100€2,350SAVE €150*Contact
1738364400300February 202502/01/202501 Feb 2025 - 02 Mar 2025300 Hour Hatha Yoga Teacher TrainingGoa€2,100€2,350SAVE €150*Contact
1740783600300March 202503/01/202501 Mar 2025 - 30 Mar 2025300 Hour Hatha Yoga Teacher TrainingGoa€2,100€2,350SAVE €150*Contact
1743458400300April 202504/01/202501 Apr 2025 - 30 Apr 2025300 Hour Hatha Yoga Teacher TrainingGoa€2,100€2,350SAVE €150*Contact
1725141600300September 202409/01/202401 Sep 2024 - 30 Sep 2024300 Hour Multistyle Yoga Teacher TrainingGoa€2,100€2,350SAVE €150*Contact
1727733600300October 202410/01/202401 Oct 2024 - 30 Oct 2024300 Hour Multistyle Yoga Teacher TrainingGoa€2,100€2,350SAVE €150*Contact
1730415600300November 202411/01/202401 Nov 2024 - 30 Nov 2024300 Hour Multistyle Yoga Teacher TrainingGoa€2,100€2,350SAVE €150*Contact
1733007600300December 202412/01/202401 Dec 2024 - 30 Dec 2024300 Hour Multistyle Yoga Teacher TrainingGoa€2,100€2,350SAVE €150*Contact
1735686000300January 202501/01/202501 Jan 2025 - 30 Jan 2025300 Hour Multistyle Yoga Teacher TrainingGoa€2,100€2,350SAVE €150*Contact
1738364400300February 202502/01/202501 Feb 2025 - 02 Mar 2025300 Hour Multistyle Yoga Teacher TrainingGoa€2,100€2,350SAVE €150*Contact
1740783600300March 202503/01/202501 Mar 2025 - 30 Mar 2025300 Hour Multistyle Yoga Teacher TrainingGoa€2,100€2,350SAVE €150*Contact
1743458400300April 202504/01/202501 Apr 2025 - 30 Apr 2025300 Hour Multistyle Yoga Teacher TrainingGoa€2,100€2,350SAVE €150*Contact
1725141600300September 202409/01/202401 Sep 2024 - 30 Sep 2024300 Hour Restorative Yoga Teacher TrainingGoa€2,100€2,350SAVE €150*Contact
1727733600300October 202410/01/202401 Oct 2024 - 30 Oct 2024300 Hour Restorative Yoga Teacher TrainingGoa€2,100€2,350SAVE €150*Contact
1730415600300November 202411/01/202401 Nov 2024 - 30 Nov 2024300 Hour Restorative Yoga Teacher TrainingGoa€2,100€2,350SAVE €150*Contact
1733007600300December 202412/01/202401 Dec 2024 - 30 Dec 2024300 Hour Restorative Yoga Teacher TrainingGoa€2,100€2,350SAVE €150*Contact
1735686000300January 202501/01/202501 Jan 2025 - 30 Jan 2025300 Hour Restorative Yoga Teacher TrainingGoa€2,100€2,350SAVE €150*Contact
1738364400300February 202502/01/202501 Feb 2025 - 02 Mar 2025300 Hour Restorative Yoga Teacher TrainingGoa€2,100€2,350SAVE €150*Contact
1740783600300March 202503/01/202501 Mar 2025 - 30 Mar 2025300 Hour Restorative Yoga Teacher TrainingGoa€2,100€2,350SAVE €150*Contact
1743458400300April 202504/01/202501 Apr 2025 - 30 Apr 2025300 Hour Restorative Yoga Teacher TrainingGoa€2,100€2,350SAVE €150*Contact
1725141600300September 202409/01/202401 Sep 2024 - 30 Sep 2024300 Hour Therapeutic Yoga Teacher TrainingGoa€2,100€2,350SAVE €150*Contact
1727733600300October 202410/01/202401 Oct 2024 - 30 Oct 2024300 Hour Therapeutic Yoga Teacher TrainingGoa€2,100€2,350SAVE €150*Contact
1730415600300November 202411/01/202401 Nov 2024 - 30 Nov 2024300 Hour Therapeutic Yoga Teacher TrainingGoa€2,100€2,350SAVE €150*Contact
1733007600300December 202412/01/202401 Dec 2024 - 30 Dec 2024300 Hour Therapeutic Yoga Teacher TrainingGoa€2,100€2,350SAVE €150*Contact
1735686000300January 202501/01/202501 Jan 2025 - 30 Jan 2025300 Hour Therapeutic Yoga Teacher TrainingGoa€2,100€2,350SAVE €150*Contact
1738364400300February 202502/01/202501 Feb 2025 - 02 Mar 2025300 Hour Therapeutic Yoga Teacher TrainingGoa€2,100€2,350SAVE €150*Contact
1740783600300March 202503/01/202501 Mar 2025 - 30 Mar 2025300 Hour Therapeutic Yoga Teacher TrainingGoa€2,100€2,350SAVE €150*Contact
1743458400300April 202504/01/202501 Apr 2025 - 30 Apr 2025300 Hour Therapeutic Yoga Teacher TrainingGoa€2,100€2,350SAVE €150*Contact
1725141600300September 202409/01/202401 Sep 2024 - 30 Sep 2024300 Hour Vinyasa Yoga Teacher TrainingGoa€2,100€2,350SAVE €150*Contact
1727733600300October 202410/01/202401 Oct 2024 - 30 Oct 2024300 Hour Vinyasa Yoga Teacher TrainingGoa€2,100€2,350SAVE €150*Contact
1730415600300November 202411/01/202401 Nov 2024 - 30 Nov 2024300 Hour Vinyasa Yoga Teacher TrainingGoa€2,100€2,350SAVE €150*Contact
1733007600300December 202412/01/202401 Dec 2024 - 30 Dec 2024300 Hour Vinyasa Yoga Teacher TrainingGoa€2,100€2,350SAVE €150*Contact
1735686000300January 202501/01/202501 Jan 2025 - 30 Jan 2025300 Hour Vinyasa Yoga Teacher TrainingGoa€2,100€2,350SAVE €150*Contact
1738364400300February 202502/01/202501 Feb 2025 - 02 Mar 2025300 Hour Vinyasa Yoga Teacher TrainingGoa€2,100€2,350SAVE €150*Contact
1740783600300March 202503/01/202501 Mar 2025 - 30 Mar 2025300 Hour Vinyasa Yoga Teacher TrainingGoa€2,100€2,350SAVE €150*Contact
1743458400300April 202504/01/202501 Apr 2025 - 30 Apr 2025300 Hour Vinyasa Yoga Teacher TrainingGoa€2,100€2,350SAVE €150*Contact
1725141600300September 202409/01/202401 Sep 2024 - 30 Sep 2024300 Hour Yin Yoga Teacher TrainingGoa€2,100€2,350SAVE €150*Contact
1727733600300October 202410/01/202401 Oct 2024 - 30 Oct 2024300 Hour Yin Yoga Teacher TrainingGoa€2,100€2,350SAVE €150*Contact
1730415600300November 202411/01/202401 Nov 2024 - 30 Nov 2024300 Hour Yin Yoga Teacher TrainingGoa€2,100€2,350SAVE €150*Contact
1733007600300December 202412/01/202401 Dec 2024 - 30 Dec 2024300 Hour Yin Yoga Teacher TrainingGoa€2,100€2,350SAVE €150*Contact
1735686000300January 202501/01/202501 Jan 2025 - 30 Jan 2025300 Hour Yin Yoga Teacher TrainingGoa€2,100€2,350SAVE €150*Contact
1738364400300February 202502/01/202501 Feb 2025 - 02 Mar 2025300 Hour Yin Yoga Teacher TrainingGoa€2,100€2,350SAVE €150*Contact
1740783600300March 202503/01/202501 Mar 2025 - 30 Mar 2025300 Hour Yin Yoga Teacher TrainingGoa€2,100€2,350SAVE €150*Contact
1743458400300April 202504/01/202501 Apr 2025 - 30 Apr 2025300 Hour Yin Yoga Teacher TrainingGoa€2,100€2,350SAVE €150*Contact
1725141600200September 202409/01/202401 Sep 2024 - 25 Sep 2024200 Hour Ashtanga Teacher TrainingGoa€1,500€1,750SAVE €100*Contact
1727301600200September 202409/26/202426 Sep 2024 - 20 Oct 2024200 Hour Ashtanga Teacher TrainingGoa€1,500€1,750SAVE €100*Contact
1729461600200October 202410/21/202421 Oct 2024 - 14 Nov 2024200 Hour Ashtanga Teacher TrainingGoa€1,500€1,750SAVE €100*Contact
1731625200200November 202411/15/202415 Nov 2024 - 09 Dec 2024200 Hour Ashtanga Teacher TrainingGoa€1,500€1,750SAVE €100*Contact
1733785200200December 202412/10/202410 Dec 2024 - 03 Jan 2025200 Hour Ashtanga Teacher TrainingGoa€1,500€1,750SAVE €100*Contact
1735945200200January 202501/04/202504 Jan 2025 - 28 Jan 2025200 Hour Ashtanga Teacher TrainingGoa€1,500€1,750SAVE €100*Contact
1738105200200January 202501/29/202529 Jan 2025 - 22 Feb 2025200 Hour Ashtanga Teacher TrainingGoa€1,500€1,750SAVE €100*Contact
1740265200200February 202502/23/202523 Feb 2025 - 19 Mar 2025200 Hour Ashtanga Teacher TrainingGoa€1,500€1,750SAVE €100*Contact
1742425200200March 202503/20/202520 Mar 2025 - 13 Apr 2025200 Hour Ashtanga Teacher TrainingGoa€1,500€1,750SAVE €100*Contact
1744581600200April 202504/14/202514 Apr 2025 - 08 May 2025200 Hour Ashtanga Teacher TrainingGoa€1,500€1,750SAVE €100*Contact
1725141600200September 202409/01/202401 Sep 2024 - 25 Sep 2024200 Hour Hatha Teacher TrainingGoa€1,500€1,750SAVE €100*Contact
1727301600200September 202409/26/202426 Sep 2024 - 20 Oct 2024200 Hour Hatha Teacher TrainingGoa€1,500€1,750SAVE €100*Contact
1729461600200October 202410/21/202421 Oct 2024 - 14 Nov 2024200 Hour Hatha Teacher TrainingGoa€1,500€1,750SAVE €100*Contact
1731625200200November 202411/15/202415 Nov 2024 - 09 Dec 2024200 Hour Hatha Teacher TrainingGoa€1,500€1,750SAVE €100*Contact
1733785200200December 202412/10/202410 Dec 2024 - 03 Jan 2025200 Hour Hatha Teacher TrainingGoa€1,500€1,750SAVE €100*Contact
1735945200200January 202501/04/202504 Jan 2025 - 28 Jan 2025200 Hour Hatha Teacher TrainingGoa€1,500€1,750SAVE €100*Contact
1738105200200January 202501/29/202529 Jan 2025 - 22 Feb 2025200 Hour Hatha Teacher TrainingGoa€1,500€1,750SAVE €100*Contact
1740265200200February 202502/23/202523 Feb 2025 - 19 Mar 2025200 Hour Hatha Teacher TrainingGoa€1,500€1,750SAVE €100*Contact
1742425200200March 202503/20/202520 Mar 2025 - 13 Apr 2025200 Hour Hatha Teacher TrainingGoa€1,500€1,750SAVE €100*Contact
1744581600200April 202504/14/202514 Apr 2025 - 08 May 2025200 Hour Hatha Teacher TrainingGoa€1,500€1,750SAVE €100*Contact
1725141600200September 202409/01/202401 Sep 2024 - 25 Sep 2024200 Hour Multistyle Teacher TrainingGoa€1,500€1,750SAVE €100*Contact
1727301600200September 202409/26/202426 Sep 2024 - 20 Oct 2024200 Hour Multistyle Teacher TrainingGoa€1,500€1,750SAVE €100*Contact
1729461600200October 202410/21/202421 Oct 2024 - 14 Nov 2024200 Hour Multistyle Teacher TrainingGoa€1,500€1,750SAVE €100*Contact
1731625200200November 202411/15/202415 Nov 2024 - 09 Dec 2024200 Hour Multistyle Teacher TrainingGoa€1,500€1,750SAVE €100*Contact
1733785200200December 202412/10/202410 Dec 2024 - 03 Jan 2025200 Hour Multistyle Teacher TrainingGoa€1,500€1,750SAVE €100*Contact
1735945200200January 202501/04/202504 Jan 2025 - 28 Jan 2025200 Hour Multistyle Teacher TrainingGoa€1,500€1,750SAVE €100*Contact
1738105200200January 202501/29/202529 Jan 2025 - 22 Feb 2025200 Hour Multistyle Teacher TrainingGoa€1,500€1,750SAVE €100*Contact
1740265200200February 202502/23/202523 Feb 2025 - 19 Mar 2025200 Hour Multistyle Teacher TrainingGoa€1,500€1,750SAVE €100*Contact
1742425200200March 202503/20/202520 Mar 2025 - 13 Apr 2025200 Hour Multistyle Teacher TrainingGoa€1,500€1,750SAVE €100*Contact
1744581600200April 202504/14/202514 Apr 2025 - 08 May 2025200 Hour Multistyle Teacher TrainingGoa€1,500€1,750SAVE €100*Contact
1725141600200September 202409/01/202401 Sep 2024 - 25 Sep 2024200 Hour Restorative Teacher TrainingGoa€1,500€1,750SAVE €100*Contact
1727301600200September 202409/26/202426 Sep 2024 - 20 Oct 2024200 Hour Restorative Teacher TrainingGoa€1,500€1,750SAVE €100*Contact
1729461600200October 202410/21/202421 Oct 2024 - 14 Nov 2024200 Hour Restorative Teacher TrainingGoa€1,500€1,750SAVE €100*Contact
1731625200200November 202411/15/202415 Nov 2024 - 09 Dec 2024200 Hour Restorative Teacher TrainingGoa€1,500€1,750SAVE €100*Contact
1733785200200December 202412/10/202410 Dec 2024 - 03 Jan 2025200 Hour Restorative Teacher TrainingGoa€1,500€1,750SAVE €100*Contact
1735945200200January 202501/04/202504 Jan 2025 - 28 Jan 2025200 Hour Restorative Teacher TrainingGoa€1,500€1,750SAVE €100*Contact
1738105200200January 202501/29/202529 Jan 2025 - 22 Feb 2025200 Hour Restorative Teacher TrainingGoa€1,500€1,750SAVE €100*Contact
1740265200200February 202502/23/202523 Feb 2025 - 19 Mar 2025200 Hour Restorative Teacher TrainingGoa€1,500€1,750SAVE €100*Contact
1742425200200March 202503/20/202520 Mar 2025 - 13 Apr 2025200 Hour Restorative Teacher TrainingGoa€1,500€1,750SAVE €100*Contact
1744581600200April 202504/14/202514 Apr 2025 - 08 May 2025200 Hour Restorative Teacher TrainingGoa€1,500€1,750SAVE €100*Contact
1725141600200September 202409/01/202401 Sep 2024 - 25 Sep 2024200 Hour Therapeutic Teacher TrainingGoa€1,500€1,750SAVE €100*Contact
1727301600200September 202409/26/202426 Sep 2024 - 20 Oct 2024200 Hour Therapeutic Teacher TrainingGoa€1,500€1,750SAVE €100*Contact
1729461600200October 202410/21/202421 Oct 2024 - 14 Nov 2024200 Hour Therapeutic Teacher TrainingGoa€1,500€1,750SAVE €100*Contact
1731625200200November 202411/15/202415 Nov 2024 - 09 Dec 2024200 Hour Therapeutic Teacher TrainingGoa€1,500€1,750SAVE €100*Contact
1733785200200December 202412/10/202410 Dec 2024 - 03 Jan 2025200 Hour Therapeutic Teacher TrainingGoa€1,500€1,750SAVE €100*Contact
1735945200200January 202501/04/202504 Jan 2025 - 28 Jan 2025200 Hour Therapeutic Teacher TrainingGoa€1,500€1,750SAVE €100*Contact
1738105200200January 202501/29/202529 Jan 2025 - 22 Feb 2025200 Hour Therapeutic Teacher TrainingGoa€1,500€1,750SAVE €100*Contact
1740265200200February 202502/23/202523 Feb 2025 - 19 Mar 2025200 Hour Therapeutic Teacher TrainingGoa€1,500€1,750SAVE €100*Contact
1742425200200March 202503/20/202520 Mar 2025 - 13 Apr 2025200 Hour Therapeutic Teacher TrainingGoa€1,500€1,750SAVE €100*Contact
1744581600200April 202504/14/202514 Apr 2025 - 08 May 2025200 Hour Therapeutic Teacher TrainingGoa€1,500€1,750SAVE €100*Contact
1725141600200September 202409/01/202401 Sep 2024 - 25 Sep 2024200 Hour Vinyasa Teacher TrainingGoa€1,500€1,750SAVE €100*Contact
1727301600200September 202409/26/202426 Sep 2024 - 20 Oct 2024200 Hour Vinyasa Teacher TrainingGoa€1,500€1,750SAVE €100*Contact
1729461600200October 202410/21/202421 Oct 2024 - 14 Nov 2024200 Hour Vinyasa Teacher TrainingGoa€1,500€1,750SAVE €100*Contact
1731625200200November 202411/15/202415 Nov 2024 - 09 Dec 2024200 Hour Vinyasa Teacher TrainingGoa€1,500€1,750SAVE €100*Contact
1733785200200December 202412/10/202410 Dec 2024 - 03 Jan 2025200 Hour Vinyasa Teacher TrainingGoa€1,500€1,750SAVE €100*Contact
1735945200200January 202501/04/202504 Jan 2025 - 28 Jan 2025200 Hour Vinyasa Teacher TrainingGoa€1,500€1,750SAVE €100*Contact
1738105200200January 202501/29/202529 Jan 2025 - 22 Feb 2025200 Hour Vinyasa Teacher TrainingGoa€1,500€1,750SAVE €100*Contact
1740265200200February 202502/23/202523 Feb 2025 - 19 Mar 2025200 Hour Vinyasa Teacher TrainingGoa€1,500€1,750SAVE €100*Contact
1742425200200March 202503/20/202520 Mar 2025 - 13 Apr 2025200 Hour Vinyasa Teacher TrainingGoa€1,500€1,750SAVE €100*Contact
1744581600200April 202504/14/202514 Apr 2025 - 08 May 2025200 Hour Vinyasa Teacher TrainingGoa€1,500€1,750SAVE €100*Contact
1725141600200September 202409/01/202401 Sep 2024 - 25 Sep 2024200 Hour Yin Yoga Teacher TrainingGoa€1,500€1,750SAVE €100*Contact
1727301600200September 202409/26/202426 Sep 2024 - 20 Oct 2024200 Hour Yin Yoga Teacher TrainingGoa€1,500€1,750SAVE €100*Contact
1729461600200October 202410/21/202421 Oct 2024 - 14 Nov 2024200 Hour Yin Yoga Teacher TrainingGoa€1,500€1,750SAVE €100*Contact
1731625200200November 202411/15/202415 Nov 2024 - 09 Dec 2024200 Hour Yin Yoga Teacher TrainingGoa€1,500€1,750SAVE €100*Contact
1733785200200December 202412/10/202410 Dec 2024 - 03 Jan 2025200 Hour Yin Yoga Teacher TrainingGoa€1,500€1,750SAVE €100*Contact
1735945200200January 202501/04/202504 Jan 2025 - 28 Jan 2025200 Hour Yin Yoga Teacher TrainingGoa€1,500€1,750SAVE €100*Contact
1738105200200January 202501/29/202529 Jan 2025 - 22 Feb 2025200 Hour Yin Yoga Teacher TrainingGoa€1,500€1,750SAVE €100*Contact
1740265200200February 202502/23/202523 Feb 2025 - 19 Mar 2025200 Hour Yin Yoga Teacher TrainingGoa€1,500€1,750SAVE €100*Contact
1742425200200March 202503/20/202520 Mar 2025 - 13 Apr 2025200 Hour Yin Yoga Teacher TrainingGoa€1,500€1,750SAVE €100*Contact
1744581600200April 202504/14/202514 Apr 2025 - 08 May 2025200 Hour Yin Yoga Teacher TrainingGoa€1,500€1,750SAVE €100*Contact
1725141600100September 202409/01/202401 Sep 2024 - 12 Sep 2024100 Hour Ashtanga Teacher TrainingGoa€800€925SAVE €50*Contact
1726696800100September 202409/19/202419 Sep 2024 - 30 Sep 2024100 Hour Ashtanga Teacher TrainingGoa€800€925SAVE €50*Contact
1727733600100October 202410/01/202401 Oct 2024 - 12 Oct 2024100 Hour Ashtanga Teacher TrainingGoa€800€925SAVE €50*Contact
1729288800100October 202410/19/202419 Oct 2024 - 30 Oct 2024100 Hour Ashtanga Teacher TrainingGoa€800€925SAVE €50*Contact
1730415600100November 202411/01/202401 Nov 2024 - 12 Nov 2024100 Hour Ashtanga Teacher TrainingGoa€800€925SAVE €50*Contact
1731970800100November 202411/19/202419 Nov 2024 - 30 Nov 2024100 Hour Ashtanga Teacher TrainingGoa€800€925SAVE €50*Contact
1733007600100December 202412/01/202401 Dec 2024 - 12 Dec 2024100 Hour Ashtanga Teacher TrainingGoa€800€925SAVE €50*Contact
1734562800100December 202412/19/202419 Dec 2024 - 30 Dec 2024100 Hour Ashtanga Teacher TrainingGoa€800€925SAVE €50*Contact
1735686000100January 202501/01/202501 Jan 2025 - 12 Jan 2025100 Hour Ashtanga Teacher TrainingGoa€800€925SAVE €50*Contact
1737241200100January 202501/19/202519 Jan 2025 - 30 Jan 2025100 Hour Ashtanga Teacher TrainingGoa€800€925SAVE €50*Contact
1738364400100February 202502/01/202501 Feb 2025 - 12 Feb 2025100 Hour Ashtanga Teacher TrainingGoa€800€925SAVE €50*Contact
1739919600100February 202502/19/202519 Feb 2025 - 02 Mar 2025100 Hour Ashtanga Teacher TrainingGoa€800€925SAVE €50*Contact
1740783600100March 202503/01/202501 Mar 2025 - 12 Mar 2025100 Hour Ashtanga Teacher TrainingGoa€800€925SAVE €50*Contact
1742338800100March 202503/19/202519 Mar 2025 - 30 Mar 2025100 Hour Ashtanga Teacher TrainingGoa€800€925SAVE €50*Contact
1743458400100April 202504/01/202501 Apr 2025 - 12 Apr 2025100 Hour Ashtanga Teacher TrainingGoa€800€925SAVE €50*Contact
1745013600100April 202504/19/202519 Apr 2025 - 30 Apr 2025100 Hour Ashtanga Teacher TrainingGoa€800€925SAVE €50*Contact
1725141600100September 202409/01/202401 Sep 2024 - 12 Sep 2024100 Hour Hatha Teacher TrainingGoa€800€925SAVE €50*Contact
1726696800100September 202409/19/202419 Sep 2024 - 30 Sep 2024100 Hour Hatha Teacher TrainingGoa€800€925SAVE €50*Contact
1727733600100October 202410/01/202401 Oct 2024 - 12 Oct 2024100 Hour Hatha Teacher TrainingGoa€800€925SAVE €50*Contact
1729288800100October 202410/19/202419 Oct 2024 - 30 Oct 2024100 Hour Hatha Teacher TrainingGoa€800€925SAVE €50*Contact
1730415600100November 202411/01/202401 Nov 2024 - 12 Nov 2024100 Hour Hatha Teacher TrainingGoa€800€925SAVE €50*Contact
1731970800100November 202411/19/202419 Nov 2024 - 30 Nov 2024100 Hour Hatha Teacher TrainingGoa€800€925SAVE €50*Contact
1733007600100December 202412/01/202401 Dec 2024 - 12 Dec 2024100 Hour Hatha Teacher TrainingGoa€800€925SAVE €50*Contact
1734562800100December 202412/19/202419 Dec 2024 - 30 Dec 2024100 Hour Hatha Teacher TrainingGoa€800€925SAVE €50*Contact
1735686000100January 202501/01/202501 Jan 2025 - 12 Jan 2025100 Hour Hatha Teacher TrainingGoa€800€925SAVE €50*Contact
1737241200100January 202501/19/202519 Jan 2025 - 30 Jan 2025100 Hour Hatha Teacher TrainingGoa€800€925SAVE €50*Contact
1738364400100February 202502/01/202501 Feb 2025 - 12 Feb 2025100 Hour Hatha Teacher TrainingGoa€800€925SAVE €50*Contact
1739919600100February 202502/19/202519 Feb 2025 - 02 Mar 2025100 Hour Hatha Teacher TrainingGoa€800€925SAVE €50*Contact
1740783600100March 202503/01/202501 Mar 2025 - 12 Mar 2025100 Hour Hatha Teacher TrainingGoa€800€925SAVE €50*Contact
1742338800100March 202503/19/202519 Mar 2025 - 30 Mar 2025100 Hour Hatha Teacher TrainingGoa€800€925SAVE €50*Contact
1743458400100April 202504/01/202501 Apr 2025 - 12 Apr 2025100 Hour Hatha Teacher TrainingGoa€800€925SAVE €50*Contact
1745013600100April 202504/19/202519 Apr 2025 - 30 Apr 2025100 Hour Hatha Teacher TrainingGoa€800€925SAVE €50*Contact
1725141600100September 202409/01/202401 Sep 2024 - 12 Sep 2024100 Hour Vinyasa Teacher TrainingGoa€800€925SAVE €50*Contact
1726696800100September 202409/19/202419 Sep 2024 - 30 Sep 2024100 Hour Vinyasa Teacher TrainingGoa€800€925SAVE €50*Contact
1727733600100October 202410/01/202401 Oct 2024 - 12 Oct 2024100 Hour Vinyasa Teacher TrainingGoa€800€925SAVE €50*Contact
1729288800100October 202410/19/202419 Oct 2024 - 30 Oct 2024100 Hour Vinyasa Teacher TrainingGoa€800€925SAVE €50*Contact
1730415600100November 202411/01/202401 Nov 2024 - 12 Nov 2024100 Hour Vinyasa Teacher TrainingGoa€800€925SAVE €50*Contact
1731970800100November 202411/19/202419 Nov 2024 - 30 Nov 2024100 Hour Vinyasa Teacher TrainingGoa€800€925SAVE €50*Contact
1733007600100December 202412/01/202401 Dec 2024 - 12 Dec 2024100 Hour Vinyasa Teacher TrainingGoa€800€925SAVE €50*Contact
1734562800100December 202412/19/202419 Dec 2024 - 30 Dec 2024100 Hour Vinyasa Teacher TrainingGoa€800€925SAVE €50*Contact
1735686000100January 202501/01/202501 Jan 2025 - 12 Jan 2025100 Hour Vinyasa Teacher TrainingGoa€800€925SAVE €50*Contact
1737241200100January 202501/19/202519 Jan 2025 - 30 Jan 2025100 Hour Vinyasa Teacher TrainingGoa€800€925SAVE €50*Contact
1738364400100February 202502/01/202501 Feb 2025 - 12 Feb 2025100 Hour Vinyasa Teacher TrainingGoa€800€925SAVE €50*Contact
1739919600100February 202502/19/202519 Feb 2025 - 02 Mar 2025100 Hour Vinyasa Teacher TrainingGoa€800€925SAVE €50*Contact
1740783600100March 202503/01/202501 Mar 2025 - 12 Mar 2025100 Hour Vinyasa Teacher TrainingGoa€800€925SAVE €50*Contact
1742338800100March 202503/19/202519 Mar 2025 - 30 Mar 2025100 Hour Vinyasa Teacher TrainingGoa€800€925SAVE €50*Contact
1743458400100April 202504/01/202501 Apr 2025 - 12 Apr 2025100 Hour Vinyasa Teacher TrainingGoa€800€925SAVE €50*Contact
1745013600100April 202504/19/202519 Apr 2025 - 30 Apr 2025100 Hour Vinyasa Teacher TrainingGoa€800€925SAVE €50*Contact
1725141600100September 202409/01/202401 Sep 2024 - 12 Sep 2024100 Hour Restorative Teacher TrainingGoa€800€925SAVE €50*Contact
1726696800100September 202409/19/202419 Sep 2024 - 30 Sep 2024100 Hour Restorative Teacher TrainingGoa€800€925SAVE €50*Contact
1727733600100October 202410/01/202401 Oct 2024 - 12 Oct 2024100 Hour Restorative Teacher TrainingGoa€800€925SAVE €50*Contact
1729288800100October 202410/19/202419 Oct 2024 - 30 Oct 2024100 Hour Restorative Teacher TrainingGoa€800€925SAVE €50*Contact
1730415600100November 202411/01/202401 Nov 2024 - 12 Nov 2024100 Hour Restorative Teacher TrainingGoa€800€925SAVE €50*Contact
1731970800100November 202411/19/202419 Nov 2024 - 30 Nov 2024100 Hour Restorative Teacher TrainingGoa€800€925SAVE €50*Contact
1733007600100December 202412/01/202401 Dec 2024 - 12 Dec 2024100 Hour Restorative Teacher TrainingGoa€800€925SAVE €50*Contact
1734562800100December 202412/19/202419 Dec 2024 - 30 Dec 2024100 Hour Restorative Teacher TrainingGoa€800€925SAVE €50*Contact
1735686000100January 202501/01/202501 Jan 2025 - 12 Jan 2025100 Hour Restorative Teacher TrainingGoa€800€925SAVE €50*Contact
1737241200100January 202501/19/202519 Jan 2025 - 30 Jan 2025100 Hour Restorative Teacher TrainingGoa€800€925SAVE €50*Contact
1738364400100February 202502/01/202501 Feb 2025 - 12 Feb 2025100 Hour Restorative Teacher TrainingGoa€800€925SAVE €50*Contact
1739919600100February 202502/19/202519 Feb 2025 - 02 Mar 2025100 Hour Restorative Teacher TrainingGoa€800€925SAVE €50*Contact
1740783600100March 202503/01/202501 Mar 2025 - 12 Mar 2025100 Hour Restorative Teacher TrainingGoa€800€925SAVE €50*Contact
1742338800100March 202503/19/202519 Mar 2025 - 30 Mar 2025100 Hour Restorative Teacher TrainingGoa€800€925SAVE €50*Contact
1743458400100April 202504/01/202501 Apr 2025 - 12 Apr 2025100 Hour Restorative Teacher TrainingGoa€800€925SAVE €50*Contact
1745013600100April 202504/19/202519 Apr 2025 - 30 Apr 2025100 Hour Restorative Teacher TrainingGoa€800€925SAVE €50*Contact
1725141600100September 202409/01/202401 Sep 2024 - 12 Sep 2024100 Hour Therapeutic Teacher TrainingGoa€800€925SAVE €50*Contact
1726696800100September 202409/19/202419 Sep 2024 - 30 Sep 2024100 Hour Therapeutic Teacher TrainingGoa€800€925SAVE €50*Contact
1727733600100October 202410/01/202401 Oct 2024 - 12 Oct 2024100 Hour Therapeutic Teacher TrainingGoa€800€925SAVE €50*Contact
1729288800100October 202410/19/202419 Oct 2024 - 30 Oct 2024100 Hour Therapeutic Teacher TrainingGoa€800€925SAVE €50*Contact
1730415600100November 202411/01/202401 Nov 2024 - 12 Nov 2024100 Hour Therapeutic Teacher TrainingGoa€800€925SAVE €50*Contact
1731970800100November 202411/19/202419 Nov 2024 - 30 Nov 2024100 Hour Therapeutic Teacher TrainingGoa€800€925SAVE €50*Contact
1733007600100December 202412/01/202401 Dec 2024 - 12 Dec 2024100 Hour Therapeutic Teacher TrainingGoa€800€925SAVE €50*Contact
1734562800100December 202412/19/202419 Dec 2024 - 30 Dec 2024100 Hour Therapeutic Teacher TrainingGoa€800€925SAVE €50*Contact
1735686000100January 202501/01/202501 Jan 2025 - 12 Jan 2025100 Hour Therapeutic Teacher TrainingGoa€800€925SAVE €50*Contact
1737241200100January 202501/19/202519 Jan 2025 - 30 Jan 2025100 Hour Therapeutic Teacher TrainingGoa€800€925SAVE €50*Contact
1738364400100February 202502/01/202501 Feb 2025 - 12 Feb 2025100 Hour Therapeutic Teacher TrainingGoa€800€925SAVE €50*Contact
1739919600100February 202502/19/202519 Feb 2025 - 02 Mar 2025100 Hour Therapeutic Teacher TrainingGoa€800€925SAVE €50*Contact
1740783600100March 202503/01/202501 Mar 2025 - 12 Mar 2025100 Hour Therapeutic Teacher TrainingGoa€800€925SAVE €50*Contact
1742338800100March 202503/19/202519 Mar 2025 - 30 Mar 2025100 Hour Therapeutic Teacher TrainingGoa€800€925SAVE €50*Contact
1743458400100April 202504/01/202501 Apr 2025 - 12 Apr 2025100 Hour Therapeutic Teacher TrainingGoa€800€925SAVE €50*Contact
1745013600100April 202504/19/202519 Apr 2025 - 30 Apr 2025100 Hour Therapeutic Teacher TrainingGoa€800€925SAVE €50*Contact
1725141600100September 202409/01/202401 Sep 2024 - 12 Sep 2024100 Hour Yin Yoga Teacher TrainingGoa€800€925SAVE €50*Contact
1726696800100September 202409/19/202419 Sep 2024 - 30 Sep 2024100 Hour Yin Yoga Teacher TrainingGoa€800€925SAVE €50*Contact
1727733600100October 202410/01/202401 Oct 2024 - 12 Oct 2024100 Hour Yin Yoga Teacher TrainingGoa€800€925SAVE €50*Contact
1729288800100October 202410/19/202419 Oct 2024 - 30 Oct 2024100 Hour Yin Yoga Teacher TrainingGoa€800€925SAVE €50*Contact
1730415600100November 202411/01/202401 Nov 2024 - 12 Nov 2024100 Hour Yin Yoga Teacher TrainingGoa€800€925SAVE €50*Contact
1731970800100November 202411/19/202419 Nov 2024 - 30 Nov 2024100 Hour Yin Yoga Teacher TrainingGoa€800€925SAVE €50*Contact
1733007600100December 202412/01/202401 Dec 2024 - 12 Dec 2024100 Hour Yin Yoga Teacher TrainingGoa€800€925SAVE €50*Contact
1734562800100December 202412/19/202419 Dec 2024 - 30 Dec 2024100 Hour Yin Yoga Teacher TrainingGoa€800€925SAVE €50*Contact
1735686000100January 202501/01/202501 Jan 2025 - 12 Jan 2025100 Hour Yin Yoga Teacher TrainingGoa€800€925SAVE €50*Contact
1737241200100January 202501/19/202519 Jan 2025 - 30 Jan 2025100 Hour Yin Yoga Teacher TrainingGoa€800€925SAVE €50*Contact
1738364400100February 202502/01/202501 Feb 2025 - 12 Feb 2025100 Hour Yin Yoga Teacher TrainingGoa€800€925SAVE €50*Contact
1739919600100February 202502/19/202519 Feb 2025 - 02 Mar 2025100 Hour Yin Yoga Teacher TrainingGoa€800€925SAVE €50*Contact
1740783600100March 202503/01/202501 Mar 2025 - 12 Mar 2025100 Hour Yin Yoga Teacher TrainingGoa€800€925SAVE €50*Contact
1742338800100March 202503/19/202519 Mar 2025 - 30 Mar 2025100 Hour Yin Yoga Teacher TrainingGoa€800€925SAVE €50*Contact
1743458400100April 202504/01/202501 Apr 2025 - 12 Apr 2025100 Hour Yin Yoga Teacher TrainingGoa€800€925SAVE €50*Contact
1745013600100April 202504/19/202519 Apr 2025 - 30 Apr 2025100 Hour Yin Yoga Teacher TrainingGoa€800€925SAVE €50*Contact
50May 2024,June 2024,July 2024,August 2024,September 2024,October 2024,November 2024,December 2024,January 2025,February 2025,March 2025,April 2025Every Monday to Saturday50 Hour Yin Yoga Teacher TrainingGoa€550€675SAVE €50*Contact
50May 2024,June 2024,July 2024,August 2024,September 2024,October 2024,November 2024,December 2024,January 2025,February 2025,March 2025,April 2025Every Monday to Saturday50 Hour Yoga Nidra Teacher TrainingGoa€550€675SAVE €50*Contact
172522800050-aerielSeptember 202409/02/202402 Sep 2024 - 07 Sep 202450 Hour Aerial Yoga Teacher TrainingGoa€550€675Contact
172643760050-aerielSeptember 202409/16/202416 Sep 2024 - 21 Sep 202450 Hour Aerial Yoga Teacher TrainingGoa€550€675Contact
172764720050-aerielSeptember 202409/30/202430 Sep 2024 - 05 Oct 202450 Hour Aerial Yoga Teacher TrainingGoa€550€675Contact
172885680050-aerielOctober 202410/14/202414 Oct 2024 - 19 Oct 202450 Hour Aerial Yoga Teacher TrainingGoa€550€675Contact
173007000050-aerielOctober 202410/28/202428 Oct 2024 - 02 Nov 202450 Hour Aerial Yoga Teacher TrainingGoa€550€675Contact
173127960050-aerielNovember 202411/11/202411 Nov 2024 - 16 Nov 202450 Hour Aerial Yoga Teacher TrainingGoa€550€675Contact
173248920050-aerielNovember 202411/25/202425 Nov 2024 - 30 Nov 202450 Hour Aerial Yoga Teacher TrainingGoa€550€675Contact
173369880050-aerielDecember 202412/09/202409 Dec 2024 - 14 Dec 202450 Hour Aerial Yoga Teacher TrainingGoa€550€675Contact
173490840050-aerielDecember 202412/23/202423 Dec 2024 - 28 Dec 202450 Hour Aerial Yoga Teacher TrainingGoa€550€675Contact
173611800050-aerielJanuary 202501/06/202506 Jan 2025 - 11 Jan 202550 Hour Aerial Yoga Teacher TrainingGoa€550€675Contact
173732760050-aerielJanuary 202501/20/202520 Jan 2025 - 25 Jan 202550 Hour Aerial Yoga Teacher TrainingGoa€550€675Contact
173853720050-aerielFebruary 202502/03/202503 Feb 2025 - 08 Feb 202550 Hour Aerial Yoga Teacher TrainingGoa€550€675Contact
173974680050-aerielFebruary 202502/17/202517 Feb 2025 - 22 Feb 202550 Hour Aerial Yoga Teacher TrainingGoa€550€675Contact
174095640050-aerielMarch 202503/03/202503 Mar 2025 - 08 Mar 202550 Hour Aerial Yoga Teacher TrainingGoa€550€675Contact
174216600050-aerielMarch 202503/17/202517 Mar 2025 - 22 Mar 202550 Hour Aerial Yoga Teacher TrainingGoa€550€675Contact
174337200050-aerielMarch 202503/31/202531 Mar 2025 - 05 Apr 202550 Hour Aerial Yoga Teacher TrainingGoa€550€675Contact
174458160050-aerielApril 202504/14/202514 Apr 2025 - 19 Apr 202550 Hour Aerial Yoga Teacher TrainingGoa€550€675Contact
174579120050-aerielApril 202504/28/202528 Apr 2025 - 03 May 202550 Hour Aerial Yoga Teacher TrainingGoa€550€675Contact
174700080050-aerielMay 202505/12/202512 May 2025 - 17 May 202550 Hour Aerial Yoga Teacher TrainingGoa€550€675Contact
1725141600100-aerielSeptember 202409/01/202401 Sep 2024 - 12 Sep 2024100 Hour Aerial Yoga Teacher TrainingGoa€800€925Contact
1726437600100-aerielSeptember 202409/16/202416 Sep 2024 - 27 Sep 2024100 Hour Aerial Yoga Teacher TrainingGoa€800€925Contact
1727647200100-aerielSeptember 202409/30/202430 Sep 2024 - 11 Oct 2024100 Hour Aerial Yoga Teacher TrainingGoa€800€925Contact
1728856800100-aerielOctober 202410/14/202414 Oct 2024 - 25 Oct 2024100 Hour Aerial Yoga Teacher TrainingGoa€800€925Contact
1730070000100-aerielOctober 202410/28/202428 Oct 2024 - 08 Nov 2024100 Hour Aerial Yoga Teacher TrainingGoa€800€925Contact
1731279600100-aerielNovember 202411/11/202411 Nov 2024 - 22 Nov 2024100 Hour Aerial Yoga Teacher TrainingGoa€800€925Contact
1732489200100-aerielNovember 202411/25/202425 Nov 2024 - 06 Dec 2024100 Hour Aerial Yoga Teacher TrainingGoa€800€925Contact
1733698800100-aerielDecember 202412/09/202409 Dec 2024 - 20 Dec 2024100 Hour Aerial Yoga Teacher TrainingGoa€800€925Contact
1734908400100-aerielDecember 202412/23/202423 Dec 2024 - 03 Jan 2025100 Hour Aerial Yoga Teacher TrainingGoa€800€925Contact
1736118000100-aerielJanuary 202501/06/202506 Jan 2025 - 17 Jan 2025100 Hour Aerial Yoga Teacher TrainingGoa€800€925Contact
1737327600100-aerielJanuary 202501/20/202520 Jan 2025 - 31 Jan 2025100 Hour Aerial Yoga Teacher TrainingGoa€800€925Contact
1738537200100-aerielFebruary 202502/03/202503 Feb 2025 - 14 Feb 2025100 Hour Aerial Yoga Teacher TrainingGoa€800€925Contact
1739746800100-aerielFebruary 202502/17/202517 Feb 2025 - 28 Feb 2025100 Hour Aerial Yoga Teacher TrainingGoa€800€925Contact
1740956400100-aerielMarch 202503/03/202503 Mar 2025 - 14 Mar 2025100 Hour Aerial Yoga Teacher TrainingGoa€800€925Contact
1742166000100-aerielMarch 202503/17/202517 Mar 2025 - 28 Mar 2025100 Hour Aerial Yoga Teacher TrainingGoa€800€925Contact
1743372000100-aerielMarch 202503/31/202531 Mar 2025 - 11 Apr 2025100 Hour Aerial Yoga Teacher TrainingGoa€800€925Contact
1744581600100-aerielApril 202504/14/202514 Apr 2025 - 25 Apr 2025100 Hour Aerial Yoga Teacher TrainingGoa€800€925Contact
1745791200100-aerielApril 202504/28/202528 Apr 2025 - 09 May 2025100 Hour Aerial Yoga Teacher TrainingGoa€800€925Contact
1747000800100-aerielMay 202505/12/202512 May 2025 - 23 May 2025100 Hour Aerial Yoga Teacher TrainingGoa€800€925Contact
1725141600500September 202409/01/202401 Sep 2024 - 25 Oct 2024500 Hour Ashtanga Yoga Teacher TrainingGokarna€3,300€3,600SAVE €200*Contact
1727301600500September 202409/26/202426 Sep 2024 - 19 Nov 2024500 Hour Ashtanga Yoga Teacher TrainingGokarna€3,300€3,600SAVE €200*Contact
1729461600500October 202410/21/202421 Oct 2024 - 14 Dec 2024500 Hour Ashtanga Yoga Teacher TrainingGokarna€3,300€3,600SAVE €200*Contact
1731625200500November 202411/15/202415 Nov 2024 - 08 Jan 2025500 Hour Ashtanga Yoga Teacher TrainingGokarna€3,300€3,600SAVE €200*Contact
1733785200500December 202412/10/202410 Dec 2024 - 02 Feb 2025500 Hour Ashtanga Yoga Teacher TrainingGokarna€3,300€3,600SAVE €200*Contact
1735945200500January 202501/04/202504 Jan 2025 - 27 Feb 2025500 Hour Ashtanga Yoga Teacher TrainingGokarna€3,300€3,600SAVE €200*Contact
1738105200500January 202501/29/202529 Jan 2025 - 24 Mar 2025500 Hour Ashtanga Yoga Teacher TrainingGokarna€3,300€3,600SAVE €200*Contact
1740265200500February 202502/23/202523 Feb 2025 - 18 Apr 2025500 Hour Ashtanga Yoga Teacher TrainingGokarna€3,300€3,600SAVE €200*Contact
1725141600500September 202409/01/202401 Sep 2024 - 25 Oct 2024500 Hour Hatha Yoga Teacher TrainingGokarna€3,300€3,600SAVE €200*Contact
1727301600500September 202409/26/202426 Sep 2024 - 19 Nov 2024500 Hour Hatha Yoga Teacher TrainingGokarna€3,300€3,600SAVE €200*Contact
1729461600500October 202410/21/202421 Oct 2024 - 14 Dec 2024500 Hour Hatha Yoga Teacher TrainingGokarna€3,300€3,600SAVE €200*Contact
1731625200500November 202411/15/202415 Nov 2024 - 08 Jan 2025500 Hour Hatha Yoga Teacher TrainingGokarna€3,300€3,600SAVE €200*Contact
1733785200500December 202412/10/202410 Dec 2024 - 02 Feb 2025500 Hour Hatha Yoga Teacher TrainingGokarna€3,300€3,600SAVE €200*Contact
1735945200500January 202501/04/202504 Jan 2025 - 27 Feb 2025500 Hour Hatha Yoga Teacher TrainingGokarna€3,300€3,600SAVE €200*Contact
1738105200500January 202501/29/202529 Jan 2025 - 24 Mar 2025500 Hour Hatha Yoga Teacher TrainingGokarna€3,300€3,600SAVE €200*Contact
1740265200500February 202502/23/202523 Feb 2025 - 18 Apr 2025500 Hour Hatha Yoga Teacher TrainingGokarna€3,300€3,600SAVE €200*Contact
1725141600500September 202409/01/202401 Sep 2024 - 25 Oct 2024500 Hour Multistyle Yoga Teacher TrainingGokarna€3,300€3,600SAVE €200*Contact
1727301600500September 202409/26/202426 Sep 2024 - 19 Nov 2024500 Hour Multistyle Yoga Teacher TrainingGokarna€3,300€3,600SAVE €200*Contact
1729461600500October 202410/21/202421 Oct 2024 - 14 Dec 2024500 Hour Multistyle Yoga Teacher TrainingGokarna€3,300€3,600SAVE €200*Contact
1731625200500November 202411/15/202415 Nov 2024 - 08 Jan 2025500 Hour Multistyle Yoga Teacher TrainingGokarna€3,300€3,600SAVE €200*Contact
1733785200500December 202412/10/202410 Dec 2024 - 02 Feb 2025500 Hour Multistyle Yoga Teacher TrainingGokarna€3,300€3,600SAVE €200*Contact
1735945200500January 202501/04/202504 Jan 2025 - 27 Feb 2025500 Hour Multistyle Yoga Teacher TrainingGokarna€3,300€3,600SAVE €200*Contact
1738105200500January 202501/29/202529 Jan 2025 - 24 Mar 2025500 Hour Multistyle Yoga Teacher TrainingGokarna€3,300€3,600SAVE €200*Contact
1740265200500February 202502/23/202523 Feb 2025 - 18 Apr 2025500 Hour Multistyle Yoga Teacher TrainingGokarna€3,300€3,600SAVE €200*Contact
1725141600500September 202409/01/202401 Sep 2024 - 25 Oct 2024500 Hour Restorative Yoga Teacher TrainingGokarna€3,300€3,600SAVE €200*Contact
1727301600500September 202409/26/202426 Sep 2024 - 19 Nov 2024500 Hour Restorative Yoga Teacher TrainingGokarna€3,300€3,600SAVE €200*Contact
1729461600500October 202410/21/202421 Oct 2024 - 14 Dec 2024500 Hour Restorative Yoga Teacher TrainingGokarna€3,300€3,600SAVE €200*Contact
1731625200500November 202411/15/202415 Nov 2024 - 08 Jan 2025500 Hour Restorative Yoga Teacher TrainingGokarna€3,300€3,600SAVE €200*Contact
1733785200500December 202412/10/202410 Dec 2024 - 02 Feb 2025500 Hour Restorative Yoga Teacher TrainingGokarna€3,300€3,600SAVE €200*Contact
1735945200500January 202501/04/202504 Jan 2025 - 27 Feb 2025500 Hour Restorative Yoga Teacher TrainingGokarna€3,300€3,600SAVE €200*Contact
1738105200500January 202501/29/202529 Jan 2025 - 24 Mar 2025500 Hour Restorative Yoga Teacher TrainingGokarna€3,300€3,600SAVE €200*Contact
1740265200500February 202502/23/202523 Feb 2025 - 18 Apr 2025500 Hour Restorative Yoga Teacher TrainingGokarna€3,300€3,600SAVE €200*Contact
1725141600500September 202409/01/202401 Sep 2024 - 25 Oct 2024500 Hour Therapeutic Yoga Teacher TrainingGokarna€3,300€3,600SAVE €200*Contact
1727301600500September 202409/26/202426 Sep 2024 - 19 Nov 2024500 Hour Therapeutic Yoga Teacher TrainingGokarna€3,300€3,600SAVE €200*Contact
1729461600500October 202410/21/202421 Oct 2024 - 14 Dec 2024500 Hour Therapeutic Yoga Teacher TrainingGokarna€3,300€3,600SAVE €200*Contact
1731625200500November 202411/15/202415 Nov 2024 - 08 Jan 2025500 Hour Therapeutic Yoga Teacher TrainingGokarna€3,300€3,600SAVE €200*Contact
1733785200500December 202412/10/202410 Dec 2024 - 02 Feb 2025500 Hour Therapeutic Yoga Teacher TrainingGokarna€3,300€3,600SAVE €200*Contact
1735945200500January 202501/04/202504 Jan 2025 - 27 Feb 2025500 Hour Therapeutic Yoga Teacher TrainingGokarna€3,300€3,600SAVE €200*Contact
1738105200500January 202501/29/202529 Jan 2025 - 24 Mar 2025500 Hour Therapeutic Yoga Teacher TrainingGokarna€3,300€3,600SAVE €200*Contact
1740265200500February 202502/23/202523 Feb 2025 - 18 Apr 2025500 Hour Therapeutic Yoga Teacher TrainingGokarna€3,300€3,600SAVE €200*Contact
1725141600500September 202409/01/202401 Sep 2024 - 25 Oct 2024500 Hour Vinyasa Yoga Teacher TrainingGokarna€3,300€3,600SAVE €200*Contact
1727301600500September 202409/26/202426 Sep 2024 - 19 Nov 2024500 Hour Vinyasa Yoga Teacher TrainingGokarna€3,300€3,600SAVE €200*Contact
1729461600500October 202410/21/202421 Oct 2024 - 14 Dec 2024500 Hour Vinyasa Yoga Teacher TrainingGokarna€3,300€3,600SAVE €200*Contact
1731625200500November 202411/15/202415 Nov 2024 - 08 Jan 2025500 Hour Vinyasa Yoga Teacher TrainingGokarna€3,300€3,600SAVE €200*Contact
1733785200500December 202412/10/202410 Dec 2024 - 02 Feb 2025500 Hour Vinyasa Yoga Teacher TrainingGokarna€3,300€3,600SAVE €200*Contact
1735945200500January 202501/04/202504 Jan 2025 - 27 Feb 2025500 Hour Vinyasa Yoga Teacher TrainingGokarna€3,300€3,600SAVE €200*Contact
1738105200500January 202501/29/202529 Jan 2025 - 24 Mar 2025500 Hour Vinyasa Yoga Teacher TrainingGokarna€3,300€3,600SAVE €200*Contact
1740265200500February 202502/23/202523 Feb 2025 - 18 Apr 2025500 Hour Vinyasa Yoga Teacher TrainingGokarna€3,300€3,600SAVE €200*Contact
1725141600500September 202409/01/202401 Sep 2024 - 25 Oct 2024500 Hour Yin Yoga Teacher TrainingGokarna€3,300€3,600SAVE €200*Contact
1727301600500September 202409/26/202426 Sep 2024 - 19 Nov 2024500 Hour Yin Yoga Teacher TrainingGokarna€3,300€3,600SAVE €200*Contact
1729461600500October 202410/21/202421 Oct 2024 - 14 Dec 2024500 Hour Yin Yoga Teacher TrainingGokarna€3,300€3,600SAVE €200*Contact
1731625200500November 202411/15/202415 Nov 2024 - 08 Jan 2025500 Hour Yin Yoga Teacher TrainingGokarna€3,300€3,600SAVE €200*Contact
1733785200500December 202412/10/202410 Dec 2024 - 02 Feb 2025500 Hour Yin Yoga Teacher TrainingGokarna€3,300€3,600SAVE €200*Contact
1735945200500January 202501/04/202504 Jan 2025 - 27 Feb 2025500 Hour Yin Yoga Teacher TrainingGokarna€3,300€3,600SAVE €200*Contact
1738105200500January 202501/29/202529 Jan 2025 - 24 Mar 2025500 Hour Yin Yoga Teacher TrainingGokarna€3,300€3,600SAVE €200*Contact
1740265200500February 202502/23/202523 Feb 2025 - 18 Apr 2025500 Hour Yin Yoga Teacher TrainingGokarna€3,300€3,600SAVE €200*Contact
1725141600300September 202409/01/202401 Sep 2024 - 30 Sep 2024300 Hour Ashtanga Yoga Teacher TrainingGokarna€2,100€2,350SAVE €150*Contact
1727733600300October 202410/01/202401 Oct 2024 - 30 Oct 2024300 Hour Ashtanga Yoga Teacher TrainingGokarna€2,100€2,350SAVE €150*Contact
1730415600300November 202411/01/202401 Nov 2024 - 30 Nov 2024300 Hour Ashtanga Yoga Teacher TrainingGokarna€2,100€2,350SAVE €150*Contact
1733007600300December 202412/01/202401 Dec 2024 - 30 Dec 2024300 Hour Ashtanga Yoga Teacher TrainingGokarna€2,100€2,350SAVE €150*Contact
1735686000300January 202501/01/202501 Jan 2025 - 30 Jan 2025300 Hour Ashtanga Yoga Teacher TrainingGokarna€2,100€2,350SAVE €150*Contact
1738364400300February 202502/01/202501 Feb 2025 - 02 Mar 2025300 Hour Ashtanga Yoga Teacher TrainingGokarna€2,100€2,350SAVE €150*Contact
1740783600300March 202503/01/202501 Mar 2025 - 30 Mar 2025300 Hour Ashtanga Yoga Teacher TrainingGokarna€2,100€2,350SAVE €150*Contact
1743458400300April 202504/01/202501 Apr 2025 - 30 Apr 2025300 Hour Ashtanga Yoga Teacher TrainingGokarna€2,100€2,350SAVE €150*Contact
1725141600300September 202409/01/202401 Sep 2024 - 30 Sep 2024300 Hour Hatha Yoga Teacher TrainingGokarna€2,100€2,350SAVE €150*Contact
1727733600300October 202410/01/202401 Oct 2024 - 30 Oct 2024300 Hour Hatha Yoga Teacher TrainingGokarna€2,100€2,350SAVE €150*Contact
1730415600300November 202411/01/202401 Nov 2024 - 30 Nov 2024300 Hour Hatha Yoga Teacher TrainingGokarna€2,100€2,350SAVE €150*Contact
1733007600300December 202412/01/202401 Dec 2024 - 30 Dec 2024300 Hour Hatha Yoga Teacher TrainingGokarna€2,100€2,350SAVE €150*Contact
1735686000300January 202501/01/202501 Jan 2025 - 30 Jan 2025300 Hour Hatha Yoga Teacher TrainingGokarna€2,100€2,350SAVE €150*Contact
1738364400300February 202502/01/202501 Feb 2025 - 02 Mar 2025300 Hour Hatha Yoga Teacher TrainingGokarna€2,100€2,350SAVE €150*Contact
1740783600300March 202503/01/202501 Mar 2025 - 30 Mar 2025300 Hour Hatha Yoga Teacher TrainingGokarna€2,100€2,350SAVE €150*Contact
1743458400300April 202504/01/202501 Apr 2025 - 30 Apr 2025300 Hour Hatha Yoga Teacher TrainingGokarna€2,100€2,350SAVE €150*Contact
1725141600300September 202409/01/202401 Sep 2024 - 30 Sep 2024300 Hour Multistyle Yoga Teacher TrainingGokarna€2,100€2,350SAVE €150*Contact
1727733600300October 202410/01/202401 Oct 2024 - 30 Oct 2024300 Hour Multistyle Yoga Teacher TrainingGokarna€2,100€2,350SAVE €150*Contact
1730415600300November 202411/01/202401 Nov 2024 - 30 Nov 2024300 Hour Multistyle Yoga Teacher TrainingGokarna€2,100€2,350SAVE €150*Contact
1733007600300December 202412/01/202401 Dec 2024 - 30 Dec 2024300 Hour Multistyle Yoga Teacher TrainingGokarna€2,100€2,350SAVE €150*Contact
1735686000300January 202501/01/202501 Jan 2025 - 30 Jan 2025300 Hour Multistyle Yoga Teacher TrainingGokarna€2,100€2,350SAVE €150*Contact
1738364400300February 202502/01/202501 Feb 2025 - 02 Mar 2025300 Hour Multistyle Yoga Teacher TrainingGokarna€2,100€2,350SAVE €150*Contact
1740783600300March 202503/01/202501 Mar 2025 - 30 Mar 2025300 Hour Multistyle Yoga Teacher TrainingGokarna€2,100€2,350SAVE €150*Contact
1743458400300April 202504/01/202501 Apr 2025 - 30 Apr 2025300 Hour Multistyle Yoga Teacher TrainingGokarna€2,100€2,350SAVE €150*Contact
1725141600300September 202409/01/202401 Sep 2024 - 30 Sep 2024300 Hour Restorative Yoga Teacher TrainingGokarna€2,100€2,350SAVE €150*Contact
1727733600300October 202410/01/202401 Oct 2024 - 30 Oct 2024300 Hour Restorative Yoga Teacher TrainingGokarna€2,100€2,350SAVE €150*Contact
1730415600300November 202411/01/202401 Nov 2024 - 30 Nov 2024300 Hour Restorative Yoga Teacher TrainingGokarna€2,100€2,350SAVE €150*Contact
1733007600300December 202412/01/202401 Dec 2024 - 30 Dec 2024300 Hour Restorative Yoga Teacher TrainingGokarna€2,100€2,350SAVE €150*Contact
1735686000300January 202501/01/202501 Jan 2025 - 30 Jan 2025300 Hour Restorative Yoga Teacher TrainingGokarna€2,100€2,350SAVE €150*Contact
1738364400300February 202502/01/202501 Feb 2025 - 02 Mar 2025300 Hour Restorative Yoga Teacher TrainingGokarna€2,100€2,350SAVE €150*Contact
1740783600300March 202503/01/202501 Mar 2025 - 30 Mar 2025300 Hour Restorative Yoga Teacher TrainingGokarna€2,100€2,350SAVE €150*Contact
1743458400300April 202504/01/202501 Apr 2025 - 30 Apr 2025300 Hour Restorative Yoga Teacher TrainingGokarna€2,100€2,350SAVE €150*Contact
1725141600300September 202409/01/202401 Sep 2024 - 30 Sep 2024300 Hour Therapeutic Yoga Teacher TrainingGokarna€2,100€2,350SAVE €150*Contact
1727733600300October 202410/01/202401 Oct 2024 - 30 Oct 2024300 Hour Therapeutic Yoga Teacher TrainingGokarna€2,100€2,350SAVE €150*Contact
1730415600300November 202411/01/202401 Nov 2024 - 30 Nov 2024300 Hour Therapeutic Yoga Teacher TrainingGokarna€2,100€2,350SAVE €150*Contact
1733007600300December 202412/01/202401 Dec 2024 - 30 Dec 2024300 Hour Therapeutic Yoga Teacher TrainingGokarna€2,100€2,350SAVE €150*Contact
1735686000300January 202501/01/202501 Jan 2025 - 30 Jan 2025300 Hour Therapeutic Yoga Teacher TrainingGokarna€2,100€2,350SAVE €150*Contact
1738364400300February 202502/01/202501 Feb 2025 - 02 Mar 2025300 Hour Therapeutic Yoga Teacher TrainingGokarna€2,100€2,350SAVE €150*Contact
1740783600300March 202503/01/202501 Mar 2025 - 30 Mar 2025300 Hour Therapeutic Yoga Teacher TrainingGokarna€2,100€2,350SAVE €150*Contact
1743458400300April 202504/01/202501 Apr 2025 - 30 Apr 2025300 Hour Therapeutic Yoga Teacher TrainingGokarna€2,100€2,350SAVE €150*Contact
1725141600300September 202409/01/202401 Sep 2024 - 30 Sep 2024300 Hour Vinyasa Yoga Teacher TrainingGokarna€2,100€2,350SAVE €150*Contact
1727733600300October 202410/01/202401 Oct 2024 - 30 Oct 2024300 Hour Vinyasa Yoga Teacher TrainingGokarna€2,100€2,350SAVE €150*Contact
1730415600300November 202411/01/202401 Nov 2024 - 30 Nov 2024300 Hour Vinyasa Yoga Teacher TrainingGokarna€2,100€2,350SAVE €150*Contact
1733007600300December 202412/01/202401 Dec 2024 - 30 Dec 2024300 Hour Vinyasa Yoga Teacher TrainingGokarna€2,100€2,350SAVE €150*Contact
1735686000300January 202501/01/202501 Jan 2025 - 30 Jan 2025300 Hour Vinyasa Yoga Teacher TrainingGokarna€2,100€2,350SAVE €150*Contact
1738364400300February 202502/01/202501 Feb 2025 - 02 Mar 2025300 Hour Vinyasa Yoga Teacher TrainingGokarna€2,100€2,350SAVE €150*Contact
1740783600300March 202503/01/202501 Mar 2025 - 30 Mar 2025300 Hour Vinyasa Yoga Teacher TrainingGokarna€2,100€2,350SAVE €150*Contact
1743458400300April 202504/01/202501 Apr 2025 - 30 Apr 2025300 Hour Vinyasa Yoga Teacher TrainingGokarna€2,100€2,350SAVE €150*Contact
1725141600300September 202409/01/202401 Sep 2024 - 30 Sep 2024300 Hour Yin Yoga Teacher TrainingGokarna€2,100€2,350SAVE €150*Contact
1727733600300October 202410/01/202401 Oct 2024 - 30 Oct 2024300 Hour Yin Yoga Teacher TrainingGokarna€2,100€2,350SAVE €150*Contact
1730415600300November 202411/01/202401 Nov 2024 - 30 Nov 2024300 Hour Yin Yoga Teacher TrainingGokarna€2,100€2,350SAVE €150*Contact
1733007600300December 202412/01/202401 Dec 2024 - 30 Dec 2024300 Hour Yin Yoga Teacher TrainingGokarna€2,100€2,350SAVE €150*Contact
1735686000300January 202501/01/202501 Jan 2025 - 30 Jan 2025300 Hour Yin Yoga Teacher TrainingGokarna€2,100€2,350SAVE €150*Contact
1738364400300February 202502/01/202501 Feb 2025 - 02 Mar 2025300 Hour Yin Yoga Teacher TrainingGokarna€2,100€2,350SAVE €150*Contact
1740783600300March 202503/01/202501 Mar 2025 - 30 Mar 2025300 Hour Yin Yoga Teacher TrainingGokarna€2,100€2,350SAVE €150*Contact
1743458400300April 202504/01/202501 Apr 2025 - 30 Apr 2025300 Hour Yin Yoga Teacher TrainingGokarna€2,100€2,350SAVE €150*Contact
1725141600200September 202409/01/202401 Sep 2024 - 25 Sep 2024200 Hour Ashtanga Teacher TrainingGokarna€1,500€1,750SAVE €100*Contact
1727301600200September 202409/26/202426 Sep 2024 - 20 Oct 2024200 Hour Ashtanga Teacher TrainingGokarna€1,500€1,750SAVE €100*Contact
1729461600200October 202410/21/202421 Oct 2024 - 14 Nov 2024200 Hour Ashtanga Teacher TrainingGokarna€1,500€1,750SAVE €100*Contact
1731625200200November 202411/15/202415 Nov 2024 - 09 Dec 2024200 Hour Ashtanga Teacher TrainingGokarna€1,500€1,750SAVE €100*Contact
1733785200200December 202412/10/202410 Dec 2024 - 03 Jan 2025200 Hour Ashtanga Teacher TrainingGokarna€1,500€1,750SAVE €100*Contact
1735945200200January 202501/04/202504 Jan 2025 - 28 Jan 2025200 Hour Ashtanga Teacher TrainingGokarna€1,500€1,750SAVE €100*Contact
1738105200200January 202501/29/202529 Jan 2025 - 22 Feb 2025200 Hour Ashtanga Teacher TrainingGokarna€1,500€1,750SAVE €100*Contact
1740265200200February 202502/23/202523 Feb 2025 - 19 Mar 2025200 Hour Ashtanga Teacher TrainingGokarna€1,500€1,750SAVE €100*Contact
1742425200200March 202503/20/202520 Mar 2025 - 13 Apr 2025200 Hour Ashtanga Teacher TrainingGokarna€1,500€1,750SAVE €100*Contact
1744581600200April 202504/14/202514 Apr 2025 - 08 May 2025200 Hour Ashtanga Teacher TrainingGokarna€1,500€1,750SAVE €100*Contact
1725141600200September 202409/01/202401 Sep 2024 - 25 Sep 2024200 Hour Hatha Teacher TrainingGokarna€1,500€1,750SAVE €100*Contact
1727301600200September 202409/26/202426 Sep 2024 - 20 Oct 2024200 Hour Hatha Teacher TrainingGokarna€1,500€1,750SAVE €100*Contact
1729461600200October 202410/21/202421 Oct 2024 - 14 Nov 2024200 Hour Hatha Teacher TrainingGokarna€1,500€1,750SAVE €100*Contact
1731625200200November 202411/15/202415 Nov 2024 - 09 Dec 2024200 Hour Hatha Teacher TrainingGokarna€1,500€1,750SAVE €100*Contact
1733785200200December 202412/10/202410 Dec 2024 - 03 Jan 2025200 Hour Hatha Teacher TrainingGokarna€1,500€1,750SAVE €100*Contact
1735945200200January 202501/04/202504 Jan 2025 - 28 Jan 2025200 Hour Hatha Teacher TrainingGokarna€1,500€1,750SAVE €100*Contact
1738105200200January 202501/29/202529 Jan 2025 - 22 Feb 2025200 Hour Hatha Teacher TrainingGokarna€1,500€1,750SAVE €100*Contact
1740265200200February 202502/23/202523 Feb 2025 - 19 Mar 2025200 Hour Hatha Teacher TrainingGokarna€1,500€1,750SAVE €100*Contact
1742425200200March 202503/20/202520 Mar 2025 - 13 Apr 2025200 Hour Hatha Teacher TrainingGokarna€1,500€1,750SAVE €100*Contact
1744581600200April 202504/14/202514 Apr 2025 - 08 May 2025200 Hour Hatha Teacher TrainingGokarna€1,500€1,750SAVE €100*Contact
1725141600200September 202409/01/202401 Sep 2024 - 25 Sep 2024200 Hour Multistyle Teacher TrainingGokarna€1,500€1,750SAVE €100*Contact
1727301600200September 202409/26/202426 Sep 2024 - 20 Oct 2024200 Hour Multistyle Teacher TrainingGokarna€1,500€1,750SAVE €100*Contact
1729461600200October 202410/21/202421 Oct 2024 - 14 Nov 2024200 Hour Multistyle Teacher TrainingGokarna€1,500€1,750SAVE €100*Contact
1731625200200November 202411/15/202415 Nov 2024 - 09 Dec 2024200 Hour Multistyle Teacher TrainingGokarna€1,500€1,750SAVE €100*Contact
1733785200200December 202412/10/202410 Dec 2024 - 03 Jan 2025200 Hour Multistyle Teacher TrainingGokarna€1,500€1,750SAVE €100*Contact
1735945200200January 202501/04/202504 Jan 2025 - 28 Jan 2025200 Hour Multistyle Teacher TrainingGokarna€1,500€1,750SAVE €100*Contact
1738105200200January 202501/29/202529 Jan 2025 - 22 Feb 2025200 Hour Multistyle Teacher TrainingGokarna€1,500€1,750SAVE €100*Contact
1740265200200February 202502/23/202523 Feb 2025 - 19 Mar 2025200 Hour Multistyle Teacher TrainingGokarna€1,500€1,750SAVE €100*Contact
1742425200200March 202503/20/202520 Mar 2025 - 13 Apr 2025200 Hour Multistyle Teacher TrainingGokarna€1,500€1,750SAVE €100*Contact
1744581600200April 202504/14/202514 Apr 2025 - 08 May 2025200 Hour Multistyle Teacher TrainingGokarna€1,500€1,750SAVE €100*Contact
1725141600200September 202409/01/202401 Sep 2024 - 25 Sep 2024200 Hour Restorative Teacher TrainingGokarna€1,500€1,750SAVE €100*Contact
1727301600200September 202409/26/202426 Sep 2024 - 20 Oct 2024200 Hour Restorative Teacher TrainingGokarna€1,500€1,750SAVE €100*Contact
1729461600200October 202410/21/202421 Oct 2024 - 14 Nov 2024200 Hour Restorative Teacher TrainingGokarna€1,500€1,750SAVE €100*Contact
1731625200200November 202411/15/202415 Nov 2024 - 09 Dec 2024200 Hour Restorative Teacher TrainingGokarna€1,500€1,750SAVE €100*Contact
1733785200200December 202412/10/202410 Dec 2024 - 03 Jan 2025200 Hour Restorative Teacher TrainingGokarna€1,500€1,750SAVE €100*Contact
1735945200200January 202501/04/202504 Jan 2025 - 28 Jan 2025200 Hour Restorative Teacher TrainingGokarna€1,500€1,750SAVE €100*Contact
1738105200200January 202501/29/202529 Jan 2025 - 22 Feb 2025200 Hour Restorative Teacher TrainingGokarna€1,500€1,750SAVE €100*Contact
1740265200200February 202502/23/202523 Feb 2025 - 19 Mar 2025200 Hour Restorative Teacher TrainingGokarna€1,500€1,750SAVE €100*Contact
1742425200200March 202503/20/202520 Mar 2025 - 13 Apr 2025200 Hour Restorative Teacher TrainingGokarna€1,500€1,750SAVE €100*Contact
1744581600200April 202504/14/202514 Apr 2025 - 08 May 2025200 Hour Restorative Teacher TrainingGokarna€1,500€1,750SAVE €100*Contact
1725141600200September 202409/01/202401 Sep 2024 - 25 Sep 2024200 Hour Therapeutic Teacher TrainingGokarna€1,500€1,750SAVE €100*Contact
1727301600200September 202409/26/202426 Sep 2024 - 20 Oct 2024200 Hour Therapeutic Teacher TrainingGokarna€1,500€1,750SAVE €100*Contact
1729461600200October 202410/21/202421 Oct 2024 - 14 Nov 2024200 Hour Therapeutic Teacher TrainingGokarna€1,500€1,750SAVE €100*Contact
1731625200200November 202411/15/202415 Nov 2024 - 09 Dec 2024200 Hour Therapeutic Teacher TrainingGokarna€1,500€1,750SAVE €100*Contact
1733785200200December 202412/10/202410 Dec 2024 - 03 Jan 2025200 Hour Therapeutic Teacher TrainingGokarna€1,500€1,750SAVE €100*Contact
1735945200200January 202501/04/202504 Jan 2025 - 28 Jan 2025200 Hour Therapeutic Teacher TrainingGokarna€1,500€1,750SAVE €100*Contact
1738105200200January 202501/29/202529 Jan 2025 - 22 Feb 2025200 Hour Therapeutic Teacher TrainingGokarna€1,500€1,750SAVE €100*Contact
1740265200200February 202502/23/202523 Feb 2025 - 19 Mar 2025200 Hour Therapeutic Teacher TrainingGokarna€1,500€1,750SAVE €100*Contact
1742425200200March 202503/20/202520 Mar 2025 - 13 Apr 2025200 Hour Therapeutic Teacher TrainingGokarna€1,500€1,750SAVE €100*Contact
1744581600200April 202504/14/202514 Apr 2025 - 08 May 2025200 Hour Therapeutic Teacher TrainingGokarna€1,500€1,750SAVE €100*Contact
1725141600200September 202409/01/202401 Sep 2024 - 25 Sep 2024200 Hour Vinyasa Teacher TrainingGokarna€1,500€1,750SAVE €100*Contact
1727301600200September 202409/26/202426 Sep 2024 - 20 Oct 2024200 Hour Vinyasa Teacher TrainingGokarna€1,500€1,750SAVE €100*Contact
1729461600200October 202410/21/202421 Oct 2024 - 14 Nov 2024200 Hour Vinyasa Teacher TrainingGokarna€1,500€1,750SAVE €100*Contact
1731625200200November 202411/15/202415 Nov 2024 - 09 Dec 2024200 Hour Vinyasa Teacher TrainingGokarna€1,500€1,750SAVE €100*Contact
1733785200200December 202412/10/202410 Dec 2024 - 03 Jan 2025200 Hour Vinyasa Teacher TrainingGokarna€1,500€1,750SAVE €100*Contact
1735945200200January 202501/04/202504 Jan 2025 - 28 Jan 2025200 Hour Vinyasa Teacher TrainingGokarna€1,500€1,750SAVE €100*Contact
1738105200200January 202501/29/202529 Jan 2025 - 22 Feb 2025200 Hour Vinyasa Teacher TrainingGokarna€1,500€1,750SAVE €100*Contact
1740265200200February 202502/23/202523 Feb 2025 - 19 Mar 2025200 Hour Vinyasa Teacher TrainingGokarna€1,500€1,750SAVE €100*Contact
1742425200200March 202503/20/202520 Mar 2025 - 13 Apr 2025200 Hour Vinyasa Teacher TrainingGokarna€1,500€1,750SAVE €100*Contact
1744581600200April 202504/14/202514 Apr 2025 - 08 May 2025200 Hour Vinyasa Teacher TrainingGokarna€1,500€1,750SAVE €100*Contact
1725141600200September 202409/01/202401 Sep 2024 - 25 Sep 2024200 Hour Yin Yoga Teacher TrainingGokarna€1,500€1,750SAVE €100*Contact
1727301600200September 202409/26/202426 Sep 2024 - 20 Oct 2024200 Hour Yin Yoga Teacher TrainingGokarna€1,500€1,750SAVE €100*Contact
1729461600200October 202410/21/202421 Oct 2024 - 14 Nov 2024200 Hour Yin Yoga Teacher TrainingGokarna€1,500€1,750SAVE €100*Contact
1731625200200November 202411/15/202415 Nov 2024 - 09 Dec 2024200 Hour Yin Yoga Teacher TrainingGokarna€1,500€1,750SAVE €100*Contact
1733785200200December 202412/10/202410 Dec 2024 - 03 Jan 2025200 Hour Yin Yoga Teacher TrainingGokarna€1,500€1,750SAVE €100*Contact
1735945200200January 202501/04/202504 Jan 2025 - 28 Jan 2025200 Hour Yin Yoga Teacher TrainingGokarna€1,500€1,750SAVE €100*Contact
1738105200200January 202501/29/202529 Jan 2025 - 22 Feb 2025200 Hour Yin Yoga Teacher TrainingGokarna€1,500€1,750SAVE €100*Contact
1740265200200February 202502/23/202523 Feb 2025 - 19 Mar 2025200 Hour Yin Yoga Teacher TrainingGokarna€1,500€1,750SAVE €100*Contact
1742425200200March 202503/20/202520 Mar 2025 - 13 Apr 2025200 Hour Yin Yoga Teacher TrainingGokarna€1,500€1,750SAVE €100*Contact
1744581600200April 202504/14/202514 Apr 2025 - 08 May 2025200 Hour Yin Yoga Teacher TrainingGokarna€1,500€1,750SAVE €100*Contact
1725141600100September 202409/01/202401 Sep 2024 - 12 Sep 2024100 Hour Ashtanga Teacher TrainingGokarna€800€925SAVE €50*Contact
1726696800100September 202409/19/202419 Sep 2024 - 30 Sep 2024100 Hour Ashtanga Teacher TrainingGokarna€800€925SAVE €50*Contact
1727733600100October 202410/01/202401 Oct 2024 - 12 Oct 2024100 Hour Ashtanga Teacher TrainingGokarna€800€925SAVE €50*Contact
1729288800100October 202410/19/202419 Oct 2024 - 30 Oct 2024100 Hour Ashtanga Teacher TrainingGokarna€800€925SAVE €50*Contact
1730415600100November 202411/01/202401 Nov 2024 - 12 Nov 2024100 Hour Ashtanga Teacher TrainingGokarna€800€925SAVE €50*Contact
1731970800100November 202411/19/202419 Nov 2024 - 30 Nov 2024100 Hour Ashtanga Teacher TrainingGokarna€800€925SAVE €50*Contact
1733007600100December 202412/01/202401 Dec 2024 - 12 Dec 2024100 Hour Ashtanga Teacher TrainingGokarna€800€925SAVE €50*Contact
1734562800100December 202412/19/202419 Dec 2024 - 30 Dec 2024100 Hour Ashtanga Teacher TrainingGokarna€800€925SAVE €50*Contact
1735686000100January 202501/01/202501 Jan 2025 - 12 Jan 2025100 Hour Ashtanga Teacher TrainingGokarna€800€925SAVE €50*Contact
1737241200100January 202501/19/202519 Jan 2025 - 30 Jan 2025100 Hour Ashtanga Teacher TrainingGokarna€800€925SAVE €50*Contact
1738364400100February 202502/01/202501 Feb 2025 - 12 Feb 2025100 Hour Ashtanga Teacher TrainingGokarna€800€925SAVE €50*Contact
1739919600100February 202502/19/202519 Feb 2025 - 02 Mar 2025100 Hour Ashtanga Teacher TrainingGokarna€800€925SAVE €50*Contact
1740783600100March 202503/01/202501 Mar 2025 - 12 Mar 2025100 Hour Ashtanga Teacher TrainingGokarna€800€925SAVE €50*Contact
1742338800100March 202503/19/202519 Mar 2025 - 30 Mar 2025100 Hour Ashtanga Teacher TrainingGokarna€800€925SAVE €50*Contact
1743458400100April 202504/01/202501 Apr 2025 - 12 Apr 2025100 Hour Ashtanga Teacher TrainingGokarna€800€925SAVE €50*Contact
1745013600100April 202504/19/202519 Apr 2025 - 30 Apr 2025100 Hour Ashtanga Teacher TrainingGokarna€800€925SAVE €50*Contact
1725141600100September 202409/01/202401 Sep 2024 - 12 Sep 2024100 Hour Hatha Teacher TrainingGokarna€800€925SAVE €50*Contact
1726696800100September 202409/19/202419 Sep 2024 - 30 Sep 2024100 Hour Hatha Teacher TrainingGokarna€800€925SAVE €50*Contact
1727733600100October 202410/01/202401 Oct 2024 - 12 Oct 2024100 Hour Hatha Teacher TrainingGokarna€800€925SAVE €50*Contact
1729288800100October 202410/19/202419 Oct 2024 - 30 Oct 2024100 Hour Hatha Teacher TrainingGokarna€800€925SAVE €50*Contact
1730415600100November 202411/01/202401 Nov 2024 - 12 Nov 2024100 Hour Hatha Teacher TrainingGokarna€800€925SAVE €50*Contact
1731970800100November 202411/19/202419 Nov 2024 - 30 Nov 2024100 Hour Hatha Teacher TrainingGokarna€800€925SAVE €50*Contact
1733007600100December 202412/01/202401 Dec 2024 - 12 Dec 2024100 Hour Hatha Teacher TrainingGokarna€800€925SAVE €50*Contact
1734562800100December 202412/19/202419 Dec 2024 - 30 Dec 2024100 Hour Hatha Teacher TrainingGokarna€800€925SAVE €50*Contact
1735686000100January 202501/01/202501 Jan 2025 - 12 Jan 2025100 Hour Hatha Teacher TrainingGokarna€800€925SAVE €50*Contact
1737241200100January 202501/19/202519 Jan 2025 - 30 Jan 2025100 Hour Hatha Teacher TrainingGokarna€800€925SAVE €50*Contact
1738364400100February 202502/01/202501 Feb 2025 - 12 Feb 2025100 Hour Hatha Teacher TrainingGokarna€800€925SAVE €50*Contact
1739919600100February 202502/19/202519 Feb 2025 - 02 Mar 2025100 Hour Hatha Teacher TrainingGokarna€800€925SAVE €50*Contact
1740783600100March 202503/01/202501 Mar 2025 - 12 Mar 2025100 Hour Hatha Teacher TrainingGokarna€800€925SAVE €50*Contact
1742338800100March 202503/19/202519 Mar 2025 - 30 Mar 2025100 Hour Hatha Teacher TrainingGokarna€800€925SAVE €50*Contact
1743458400100April 202504/01/202501 Apr 2025 - 12 Apr 2025100 Hour Hatha Teacher TrainingGokarna€800€925SAVE €50*Contact
1745013600100April 202504/19/202519 Apr 2025 - 30 Apr 2025100 Hour Hatha Teacher TrainingGokarna€800€925SAVE €50*Contact
1725141600100September 202409/01/202401 Sep 2024 - 12 Sep 2024100 Hour Vinyasa Teacher TrainingGokarna€800€925SAVE €50*Contact
1726696800100September 202409/19/202419 Sep 2024 - 30 Sep 2024100 Hour Vinyasa Teacher TrainingGokarna€800€925SAVE €50*Contact
1727733600100October 202410/01/202401 Oct 2024 - 12 Oct 2024100 Hour Vinyasa Teacher TrainingGokarna€800€925SAVE €50*Contact
1729288800100October 202410/19/202419 Oct 2024 - 30 Oct 2024100 Hour Vinyasa Teacher TrainingGokarna€800€925SAVE €50*Contact
1730415600100November 202411/01/202401 Nov 2024 - 12 Nov 2024100 Hour Vinyasa Teacher TrainingGokarna€800€925SAVE €50*Contact
1731970800100November 202411/19/202419 Nov 2024 - 30 Nov 2024100 Hour Vinyasa Teacher TrainingGokarna€800€925SAVE €50*Contact
1733007600100December 202412/01/202401 Dec 2024 - 12 Dec 2024100 Hour Vinyasa Teacher TrainingGokarna€800€925SAVE €50*Contact
1734562800100December 202412/19/202419 Dec 2024 - 30 Dec 2024100 Hour Vinyasa Teacher TrainingGokarna€800€925SAVE €50*Contact
1735686000100January 202501/01/202501 Jan 2025 - 12 Jan 2025100 Hour Vinyasa Teacher TrainingGokarna€800€925SAVE €50*Contact
1737241200100January 202501/19/202519 Jan 2025 - 30 Jan 2025100 Hour Vinyasa Teacher TrainingGokarna€800€925SAVE €50*Contact
1738364400100February 202502/01/202501 Feb 2025 - 12 Feb 2025100 Hour Vinyasa Teacher TrainingGokarna€800€925SAVE €50*Contact
1739919600100February 202502/19/202519 Feb 2025 - 02 Mar 2025100 Hour Vinyasa Teacher TrainingGokarna€800€925SAVE €50*Contact
1740783600100March 202503/01/202501 Mar 2025 - 12 Mar 2025100 Hour Vinyasa Teacher TrainingGokarna€800€925SAVE €50*Contact
1742338800100March 202503/19/202519 Mar 2025 - 30 Mar 2025100 Hour Vinyasa Teacher TrainingGokarna€800€925SAVE €50*Contact
1743458400100April 202504/01/202501 Apr 2025 - 12 Apr 2025100 Hour Vinyasa Teacher TrainingGokarna€800€925SAVE €50*Contact
1745013600100April 202504/19/202519 Apr 2025 - 30 Apr 2025100 Hour Vinyasa Teacher TrainingGokarna€800€925SAVE €50*Contact
1725141600100September 202409/01/202401 Sep 2024 - 12 Sep 2024100 Hour Restorative Teacher TrainingGokarna€800€925SAVE €50*Contact
1726696800100September 202409/19/202419 Sep 2024 - 30 Sep 2024100 Hour Restorative Teacher TrainingGokarna€800€925SAVE €50*Contact
1727733600100October 202410/01/202401 Oct 2024 - 12 Oct 2024100 Hour Restorative Teacher TrainingGokarna€800€925SAVE €50*Contact
1729288800100October 202410/19/202419 Oct 2024 - 30 Oct 2024100 Hour Restorative Teacher TrainingGokarna€800€925SAVE €50*Contact
1730415600100November 202411/01/202401 Nov 2024 - 12 Nov 2024100 Hour Restorative Teacher TrainingGokarna€800€925SAVE €50*Contact
1731970800100November 202411/19/202419 Nov 2024 - 30 Nov 2024100 Hour Restorative Teacher TrainingGokarna€800€925SAVE €50*Contact
1733007600100December 202412/01/202401 Dec 2024 - 12 Dec 2024100 Hour Restorative Teacher TrainingGokarna€800€925SAVE €50*Contact
1734562800100December 202412/19/202419 Dec 2024 - 30 Dec 2024100 Hour Restorative Teacher TrainingGokarna€800€925SAVE €50*Contact
1735686000100January 202501/01/202501 Jan 2025 - 12 Jan 2025100 Hour Restorative Teacher TrainingGokarna€800€925SAVE €50*Contact
1737241200100January 202501/19/202519 Jan 2025 - 30 Jan 2025100 Hour Restorative Teacher TrainingGokarna€800€925SAVE €50*Contact
1738364400100February 202502/01/202501 Feb 2025 - 12 Feb 2025100 Hour Restorative Teacher TrainingGokarna€800€925SAVE €50*Contact
1739919600100February 202502/19/202519 Feb 2025 - 02 Mar 2025100 Hour Restorative Teacher TrainingGokarna€800€925SAVE €50*Contact
1740783600100March 202503/01/202501 Mar 2025 - 12 Mar 2025100 Hour Restorative Teacher TrainingGokarna€800€925SAVE €50*Contact
1742338800100March 202503/19/202519 Mar 2025 - 30 Mar 2025100 Hour Restorative Teacher TrainingGokarna€800€925SAVE €50*Contact
1743458400100April 202504/01/202501 Apr 2025 - 12 Apr 2025100 Hour Restorative Teacher TrainingGokarna€800€925SAVE €50*Contact
1745013600100April 202504/19/202519 Apr 2025 - 30 Apr 2025100 Hour Restorative Teacher TrainingGokarna€800€925SAVE €50*Contact
1725141600100September 202409/01/202401 Sep 2024 - 12 Sep 2024100 Hour Therapeutic Teacher TrainingGokarna€800€925SAVE €50*Contact
1726696800100September 202409/19/202419 Sep 2024 - 30 Sep 2024100 Hour Therapeutic Teacher TrainingGokarna€800€925SAVE €50*Contact
1727733600100October 202410/01/202401 Oct 2024 - 12 Oct 2024100 Hour Therapeutic Teacher TrainingGokarna€800€925SAVE €50*Contact
1729288800100October 202410/19/202419 Oct 2024 - 30 Oct 2024100 Hour Therapeutic Teacher TrainingGokarna€800€925SAVE €50*Contact
1730415600100November 202411/01/202401 Nov 2024 - 12 Nov 2024100 Hour Therapeutic Teacher TrainingGokarna€800€925SAVE €50*Contact
1731970800100November 202411/19/202419 Nov 2024 - 30 Nov 2024100 Hour Therapeutic Teacher TrainingGokarna€800€925SAVE €50*Contact
1733007600100December 202412/01/202401 Dec 2024 - 12 Dec 2024100 Hour Therapeutic Teacher TrainingGokarna€800€925SAVE €50*Contact
1734562800100December 202412/19/202419 Dec 2024 - 30 Dec 2024100 Hour Therapeutic Teacher TrainingGokarna€800€925SAVE €50*Contact
1735686000100January 202501/01/202501 Jan 2025 - 12 Jan 2025100 Hour Therapeutic Teacher TrainingGokarna€800€925SAVE €50*Contact
1737241200100January 202501/19/202519 Jan 2025 - 30 Jan 2025100 Hour Therapeutic Teacher TrainingGokarna€800€925SAVE €50*Contact
1738364400100February 202502/01/202501 Feb 2025 - 12 Feb 2025100 Hour Therapeutic Teacher TrainingGokarna€800€925SAVE €50*Contact
1739919600100February 202502/19/202519 Feb 2025 - 02 Mar 2025100 Hour Therapeutic Teacher TrainingGokarna€800€925SAVE €50*Contact
1740783600100March 202503/01/202501 Mar 2025 - 12 Mar 2025100 Hour Therapeutic Teacher TrainingGokarna€800€925SAVE €50*Contact
1742338800100March 202503/19/202519 Mar 2025 - 30 Mar 2025100 Hour Therapeutic Teacher TrainingGokarna€800€925SAVE €50*Contact
1743458400100April 202504/01/202501 Apr 2025 - 12 Apr 2025100 Hour Therapeutic Teacher TrainingGokarna€800€925SAVE €50*Contact
1745013600100April 202504/19/202519 Apr 2025 - 30 Apr 2025100 Hour Therapeutic Teacher TrainingGokarna€800€925SAVE €50*Contact
1725141600100September 202409/01/202401 Sep 2024 - 12 Sep 2024100 Hour Yin Yoga Teacher TrainingGokarna€800€925SAVE €50*Contact
1726696800100September 202409/19/202419 Sep 2024 - 30 Sep 2024100 Hour Yin Yoga Teacher TrainingGokarna€800€925SAVE €50*Contact
1727733600100October 202410/01/202401 Oct 2024 - 12 Oct 2024100 Hour Yin Yoga Teacher TrainingGokarna€800€925SAVE €50*Contact
1729288800100October 202410/19/202419 Oct 2024 - 30 Oct 2024100 Hour Yin Yoga Teacher TrainingGokarna€800€925SAVE €50*Contact
1730415600100November 202411/01/202401 Nov 2024 - 12 Nov 2024100 Hour Yin Yoga Teacher TrainingGokarna€800€925SAVE €50*Contact
1731970800100November 202411/19/202419 Nov 2024 - 30 Nov 2024100 Hour Yin Yoga Teacher TrainingGokarna€800€925SAVE €50*Contact
1733007600100December 202412/01/202401 Dec 2024 - 12 Dec 2024100 Hour Yin Yoga Teacher TrainingGokarna€800€925SAVE €50*Contact
1734562800100December 202412/19/202419 Dec 2024 - 30 Dec 2024100 Hour Yin Yoga Teacher TrainingGokarna€800€925SAVE €50*Contact
1735686000100January 202501/01/202501 Jan 2025 - 12 Jan 2025100 Hour Yin Yoga Teacher TrainingGokarna€800€925SAVE €50*Contact
1737241200100January 202501/19/202519 Jan 2025 - 30 Jan 2025100 Hour Yin Yoga Teacher TrainingGokarna€800€925SAVE €50*Contact
1738364400100February 202502/01/202501 Feb 2025 - 12 Feb 2025100 Hour Yin Yoga Teacher TrainingGokarna€800€925SAVE €50*Contact
1739919600100February 202502/19/202519 Feb 2025 - 02 Mar 2025100 Hour Yin Yoga Teacher TrainingGokarna€800€925SAVE €50*Contact
1740783600100March 202503/01/202501 Mar 2025 - 12 Mar 2025100 Hour Yin Yoga Teacher TrainingGokarna€800€925SAVE €50*Contact
1742338800100March 202503/19/202519 Mar 2025 - 30 Mar 2025100 Hour Yin Yoga Teacher TrainingGokarna€800€925SAVE €50*Contact
1743458400100April 202504/01/202501 Apr 2025 - 12 Apr 2025100 Hour Yin Yoga Teacher TrainingGokarna€800€925SAVE €50*Contact
1745013600100April 202504/19/202519 Apr 2025 - 30 Apr 2025100 Hour Yin Yoga Teacher TrainingGokarna€800€925SAVE €50*Contact
50May 2024,June 2024,July 2024,August 2024,September 2024,October 2024,November 2024,December 2024,January 2025,February 2025,March 2025,April 2025Every Monday to Saturday50 Hour Yin Yoga Teacher TrainingGokarna€550€675SAVE €50*Contact
50May 2024,June 2024,July 2024,August 2024,September 2024,October 2024,November 2024,December 2024,January 2025,February 2025,March 2025,April 2025Every Monday to Saturday50 Hour Yoga Nidra Teacher TrainingGokarna€550€675SAVE €50*Contact
1716501600500May 202405/24/202424 May 2024 - 17 Jul 2024500 Hour Ashtanga Yoga Teacher TrainingDharamsala€3,300€3,600SAVE €200*Contact
1718661600500June 202406/18/202418 Jun 2024 - 11 Aug 2024500 Hour Ashtanga Yoga Teacher TrainingDharamsala€3,300€3,600SAVE €200*Contact
1720821600500July 202407/13/202413 Jul 2024 - 05 Sep 2024500 Hour Ashtanga Yoga Teacher TrainingDharamsala€3,300€3,600SAVE €200*Contact
1722981600500August 202408/07/202407 Aug 2024 - 30 Sep 2024500 Hour Ashtanga Yoga Teacher TrainingDharamsala€3,300€3,600SAVE €200*Contact
1740783600500March 202503/01/202501 Mar 2025 - 24 Apr 2025500 Hour Ashtanga Yoga Teacher TrainingDharamsala€3,300€3,600SAVE €200*Contact
1742943600500March 202503/26/202526 Mar 2025 - 19 May 2025500 Hour Ashtanga Yoga Teacher TrainingDharamsala€3,300€3,600SAVE €200*Contact
1745100000500April 202504/20/202520 Apr 2025 - 13 Jun 2025500 Hour Ashtanga Yoga Teacher TrainingDharamsala€3,300€3,600SAVE €200*Contact
1747260000500May 202505/15/202515 May 2025 - 08 Jul 2025500 Hour Ashtanga Yoga Teacher TrainingDharamsala€3,300€3,600SAVE €200*Contact
1749420000500June 202506/09/202509 Jun 2025 - 02 Aug 2025500 Hour Ashtanga Yoga Teacher TrainingDharamsala€3,300€3,600SAVE €200*Contact
1751580000500July 202507/04/202504 Jul 2025 - 27 Aug 2025500 Hour Ashtanga Yoga Teacher TrainingDharamsala€3,300€3,600SAVE €200*Contact
1755900000500August 202508/23/202523 Aug 2025 - 16 Oct 2025500 Hour Ashtanga Yoga Teacher TrainingDharamsala€3,300€3,600SAVE €200*Contact
1747260000500May 202505/15/202515 May 2025 - 08 Jun 2025500 Hour Ashtanga Yoga Teacher TrainingDharamsala€3,300€3,600SAVE €200*Contact
1749420000500June 202506/09/202509 Jun 2025 - 02 Aug 2025500 Hour Ashtanga Yoga Teacher TrainingDharamsala€3,300€3,600SAVE €200*Contact
1751580000500July 202507/04/202504 Jul 2025 - 27 Aug 2025500 Hour Ashtanga Yoga Teacher TrainingDharamsala€3,300€3,600SAVE €200*Contact
1753740000500July 202507/29/202529 Jul 2025 - 21 Sep 2025500 Hour Ashtanga Yoga Teacher TrainingDharamsala€3,300€3,600SAVE €200*Contact
1716501600500May 202405/24/202424 May 2024 - 17 Jul 2024500 Hour Hatha Yoga Teacher TrainingDharamsala€3,300€3,600SAVE €200*Contact
1718661600500June 202406/18/202418 Jun 2024 - 11 Aug 2024500 Hour Hatha Yoga Teacher TrainingDharamsala€3,300€3,600SAVE €200*Contact
1720821600500July 202407/13/202413 Jul 2024 - 05 Sep 2024500 Hour Hatha Yoga Teacher TrainingDharamsala€3,300€3,600SAVE €200*Contact
1722981600500August 202408/07/202407 Aug 2024 - 30 Sep 2024500 Hour Hatha Yoga Teacher TrainingDharamsala€3,300€3,600SAVE €200*Contact
1740783600500March 202503/01/202501 Mar 2025 - 24 Apr 2025500 Hour Hatha Yoga Teacher TrainingDharamsala€3,300€3,600SAVE €200*Contact
1742943600500March 202503/26/202526 Mar 2025 - 19 May 2025500 Hour Hatha Yoga Teacher TrainingDharamsala€3,300€3,600SAVE €200*Contact
1745100000500April 202504/20/202520 Apr 2025 - 13 Jun 2025500 Hour Hatha Yoga Teacher TrainingDharamsala€3,300€3,600SAVE €200*Contact
1747260000500May 202505/15/202515 May 2025 - 08 Jul 2025500 Hour Hatha Yoga Teacher TrainingDharamsala€3,300€3,600SAVE €200*Contact
1749420000500June 202506/09/202509 Jun 2025 - 02 Aug 2025500 Hour Hatha Yoga Teacher TrainingDharamsala€3,300€3,600SAVE €200*Contact
1751580000500July 202507/04/202504 Jul 2025 - 27 Aug 2025500 Hour Hatha Yoga Teacher TrainingDharamsala€3,300€3,600SAVE €200*Contact
1755900000500August 202508/23/202523 Aug 2025 - 16 Oct 2025500 Hour Hatha Yoga Teacher TrainingDharamsala€3,300€3,600SAVE €200*Contact
1747260000500May 202505/15/202515 May 2025 - 08 Jun 2025500 Hour Hatha Yoga Teacher TrainingDharamsala€3,300€3,600SAVE €200*Contact
1749420000500June 202506/09/202509 Jun 2025 - 02 Aug 2025500 Hour Hatha Yoga Teacher TrainingDharamsala€3,300€3,600SAVE €200*Contact
1751580000500July 202507/04/202504 Jul 2025 - 27 Aug 2025500 Hour Hatha Yoga Teacher TrainingDharamsala€3,300€3,600SAVE €200*Contact
1753740000500July 202507/29/202529 Jul 2025 - 21 Sep 2025500 Hour Hatha Yoga Teacher TrainingDharamsala€3,300€3,600SAVE €200*Contact
1716501600500May 202405/24/202424 May 2024 - 17 Jul 2024500 Hour Multistyle Yoga Teacher TrainingDharamsala€3,300€3,600SAVE €200*Contact
1718661600500June 202406/18/202418 Jun 2024 - 11 Aug 2024500 Hour Multistyle Yoga Teacher TrainingDharamsala€3,300€3,600SAVE €200*Contact
1720821600500July 202407/13/202413 Jul 2024 - 05 Sep 2024500 Hour Multistyle Yoga Teacher TrainingDharamsala€3,300€3,600SAVE €200*Contact
1722981600500August 202408/07/202407 Aug 2024 - 30 Sep 2024500 Hour Multistyle Yoga Teacher TrainingDharamsala€3,300€3,600SAVE €200*Contact
1740783600500March 202503/01/202501 Mar 2025 - 24 Apr 2025500 Hour Multistyle Yoga Teacher TrainingDharamsala€3,300€3,600SAVE €200*Contact
1742943600500March 202503/26/202526 Mar 2025 - 19 May 2025500 Hour Multistyle Yoga Teacher TrainingDharamsala€3,300€3,600SAVE €200*Contact
1745100000500April 202504/20/202520 Apr 2025 - 13 Jun 2025500 Hour Multistyle Yoga Teacher TrainingDharamsala€3,300€3,600SAVE €200*Contact
1747260000500May 202505/15/202515 May 2025 - 08 Jul 2025500 Hour Multistyle Yoga Teacher TrainingDharamsala€3,300€3,600SAVE €200*Contact
1749420000500June 202506/09/202509 Jun 2025 - 02 Aug 2025500 Hour Multistyle Yoga Teacher TrainingDharamsala€3,300€3,600SAVE €200*Contact
1751580000500July 202507/04/202504 Jul 2025 - 27 Aug 2025500 Hour Multistyle Yoga Teacher TrainingDharamsala€3,300€3,600SAVE €200*Contact
1755900000500August 202508/23/202523 Aug 2025 - 16 Oct 2025500 Hour Multistyle Yoga Teacher TrainingDharamsala€3,300€3,600SAVE €200*Contact
1747260000500May 202505/15/202515 May 2025 - 08 Jun 2025500 Hour Multistyle Yoga Teacher TrainingDharamsala€3,300€3,600SAVE €200*Contact
1749420000500June 202506/09/202509 Jun 2025 - 02 Aug 2025500 Hour Multistyle Yoga Teacher TrainingDharamsala€3,300€3,600SAVE €200*Contact
1751580000500July 202507/04/202504 Jul 2025 - 27 Aug 2025500 Hour Multistyle Yoga Teacher TrainingDharamsala€3,300€3,600SAVE €200*Contact
1753740000500July 202507/29/202529 Jul 2025 - 21 Sep 2025500 Hour Multistyle Yoga Teacher TrainingDharamsala€3,300€3,600SAVE €200*Contact
1716501600500May 202405/24/202424 May 2024 - 17 Jul 2024500 Hour Restorative Yoga Teacher TrainingDharamsala€3,300€3,600SAVE €200*Contact
1718661600500June 202406/18/202418 Jun 2024 - 11 Aug 2024500 Hour Restorative Yoga Teacher TrainingDharamsala€3,300€3,600SAVE €200*Contact
1720821600500July 202407/13/202413 Jul 2024 - 05 Sep 2024500 Hour Restorative Yoga Teacher TrainingDharamsala€3,300€3,600SAVE €200*Contact
1722981600500August 202408/07/202407 Aug 2024 - 30 Sep 2024500 Hour Restorative Yoga Teacher TrainingDharamsala€3,300€3,600SAVE €200*Contact
1740783600500March 202503/01/202501 Mar 2025 - 24 Apr 2025500 Hour Restorative Yoga Teacher TrainingDharamsala€3,300€3,600SAVE €200*Contact
1742943600500March 202503/26/202526 Mar 2025 - 19 May 2025500 Hour Restorative Yoga Teacher TrainingDharamsala€3,300€3,600SAVE €200*Contact
1745100000500April 202504/20/202520 Apr 2025 - 13 Jun 2025500 Hour Restorative Yoga Teacher TrainingDharamsala€3,300€3,600SAVE €200*Contact
1747260000500May 202505/15/202515 May 2025 - 08 Jul 2025500 Hour Restorative Yoga Teacher TrainingDharamsala€3,300€3,600SAVE €200*Contact
1749420000500June 202506/09/202509 Jun 2025 - 02 Aug 2025500 Hour Restorative Yoga Teacher TrainingDharamsala€3,300€3,600SAVE €200*Contact
1751580000500July 202507/04/202504 Jul 2025 - 27 Aug 2025500 Hour Restorative Yoga Teacher TrainingDharamsala€3,300€3,600SAVE €200*Contact
1755900000500August 202508/23/202523 Aug 2025 - 16 Oct 2025500 Hour Restorative Yoga Teacher TrainingDharamsala€3,300€3,600SAVE €200*Contact
1747260000500May 202505/15/202515 May 2025 - 08 Jun 2025500 Hour Restorative Yoga Teacher TrainingDharamsala€3,300€3,600SAVE €200*Contact
1749420000500June 202506/09/202509 Jun 2025 - 02 Aug 2025500 Hour Restorative Yoga Teacher TrainingDharamsala€3,300€3,600SAVE €200*Contact
1751580000500July 202507/04/202504 Jul 2025 - 27 Aug 2025500 Hour Restorative Yoga Teacher TrainingDharamsala€3,300€3,600SAVE €200*Contact
1753740000500July 202507/29/202529 Jul 2025 - 21 Sep 2025500 Hour Restorative Yoga Teacher TrainingDharamsala€3,300€3,600SAVE €200*Contact
1716501600500May 202405/24/202424 May 2024 - 17 Jul 2024500 Hour Therapeutic Yoga Teacher TrainingDharamsala€3,300€3,600SAVE €200*Contact
1718661600500June 202406/18/202418 Jun 2024 - 11 Aug 2024500 Hour Therapeutic Yoga Teacher TrainingDharamsala€3,300€3,600SAVE €200*Contact
1720821600500July 202407/13/202413 Jul 2024 - 05 Sep 2024500 Hour Therapeutic Yoga Teacher TrainingDharamsala€3,300€3,600SAVE €200*Contact
1722981600500August 202408/07/202407 Aug 2024 - 30 Sep 2024500 Hour Therapeutic Yoga Teacher TrainingDharamsala€3,300€3,600SAVE €200*Contact
1740783600500March 202503/01/202501 Mar 2025 - 24 Apr 2025500 Hour Therapeutic Yoga Teacher TrainingDharamsala€3,300€3,600SAVE €200*Contact
1742943600500March 202503/26/202526 Mar 2025 - 19 May 2025500 Hour Therapeutic Yoga Teacher TrainingDharamsala€3,300€3,600SAVE €200*Contact
1745100000500April 202504/20/202520 Apr 2025 - 13 Jun 2025500 Hour Therapeutic Yoga Teacher TrainingDharamsala€3,300€3,600SAVE €200*Contact
1747260000500May 202505/15/202515 May 2025 - 08 Jul 2025500 Hour Therapeutic Yoga Teacher TrainingDharamsala€3,300€3,600SAVE €200*Contact
1749420000500June 202506/09/202509 Jun 2025 - 02 Aug 2025500 Hour Therapeutic Yoga Teacher TrainingDharamsala€3,300€3,600SAVE €200*Contact
1751580000500July 202507/04/202504 Jul 2025 - 27 Aug 2025500 Hour Therapeutic Yoga Teacher TrainingDharamsala€3,300€3,600SAVE €200*Contact
1755900000500August 202508/23/202523 Aug 2025 - 16 Oct 2025500 Hour Therapeutic Yoga Teacher TrainingDharamsala€3,300€3,600SAVE €200*Contact
1747260000500May 202505/15/202515 May 2025 - 08 Jun 2025500 Hour Therapeutic Yoga Teacher TrainingDharamsala€3,300€3,600SAVE €200*Contact
1749420000500June 202506/09/202509 Jun 2025 - 02 Aug 2025500 Hour Therapeutic Yoga Teacher TrainingDharamsala€3,300€3,600SAVE €200*Contact
1751580000500July 202507/04/202504 Jul 2025 - 27 Aug 2025500 Hour Therapeutic Yoga Teacher TrainingDharamsala€3,300€3,600SAVE €200*Contact
1753740000500July 202507/29/202529 Jul 2025 - 21 Sep 2025500 Hour Therapeutic Yoga Teacher TrainingDharamsala€3,300€3,600SAVE €200*Contact
1716501600500May 202405/24/202424 May 2024 - 17 Jul 2024500 Hour Vinyasa Yoga Teacher TrainingDharamsala€3,300€3,600SAVE €200*Contact
1718661600500June 202406/18/202418 Jun 2024 - 11 Aug 2024500 Hour Vinyasa Yoga Teacher TrainingDharamsala€3,300€3,600SAVE €200*Contact
1720821600500July 202407/13/202413 Jul 2024 - 05 Sep 2024500 Hour Vinyasa Yoga Teacher TrainingDharamsala€3,300€3,600SAVE €200*Contact
1722981600500August 202408/07/202407 Aug 2024 - 30 Sep 2024500 Hour Vinyasa Yoga Teacher TrainingDharamsala€3,300€3,600SAVE €200*Contact
1740783600500March 202503/01/202501 Mar 2025 - 24 Apr 2025500 Hour Vinyasa Yoga Teacher TrainingDharamsala€3,300€3,600SAVE €200*Contact
1742943600500March 202503/26/202526 Mar 2025 - 19 May 2025500 Hour Vinyasa Yoga Teacher TrainingDharamsala€3,300€3,600SAVE €200*Contact
1745100000500April 202504/20/202520 Apr 2025 - 13 Jun 2025500 Hour Vinyasa Yoga Teacher TrainingDharamsala€3,300€3,600SAVE €200*Contact
1747260000500May 202505/15/202515 May 2025 - 08 Jul 2025500 Hour Vinyasa Yoga Teacher TrainingDharamsala€3,300€3,600SAVE €200*Contact
1749420000500June 202506/09/202509 Jun 2025 - 02 Aug 2025500 Hour Vinyasa Yoga Teacher TrainingDharamsala€3,300€3,600SAVE €200*Contact
1751580000500July 202507/04/202504 Jul 2025 - 27 Aug 2025500 Hour Vinyasa Yoga Teacher TrainingDharamsala€3,300€3,600SAVE €200*Contact
1755900000500August 202508/23/202523 Aug 2025 - 16 Oct 2025500 Hour Vinyasa Yoga Teacher TrainingDharamsala€3,300€3,600SAVE €200*Contact
1747260000500May 202505/15/202515 May 2025 - 08 Jun 2025500 Hour Vinyasa Yoga Teacher TrainingDharamsala€3,300€3,600SAVE €200*Contact
1749420000500June 202506/09/202509 Jun 2025 - 02 Aug 2025500 Hour Vinyasa Yoga Teacher TrainingDharamsala€3,300€3,600SAVE €200*Contact
1751580000500July 202507/04/202504 Jul 2025 - 27 Aug 2025500 Hour Vinyasa Yoga Teacher TrainingDharamsala€3,300€3,600SAVE €200*Contact
1753740000500July 202507/29/202529 Jul 2025 - 21 Sep 2025500 Hour Vinyasa Yoga Teacher TrainingDharamsala€3,300€3,600SAVE €200*Contact
1716501600500May 202405/24/202424 May 2024 - 17 Jul 2024500 Hour Yin Yoga Teacher TrainingDharamsala€3,300€3,600SAVE €200*Contact
1718661600500June 202406/18/202418 Jun 2024 - 11 Aug 2024500 Hour Yin Yoga Teacher TrainingDharamsala€3,300€3,600SAVE €200*Contact
1720821600500July 202407/13/202413 Jul 2024 - 05 Sep 2024500 Hour Yin Yoga Teacher TrainingDharamsala€3,300€3,600SAVE €200*Contact
1722981600500August 202408/07/202407 Aug 2024 - 30 Sep 2024500 Hour Yin Yoga Teacher TrainingDharamsala€3,300€3,600SAVE €200*Contact
1740783600500March 202503/01/202501 Mar 2025 - 24 Apr 2025500 Hour Yin Yoga Teacher TrainingDharamsala€3,300€3,600SAVE €200*Contact
1742943600500March 202503/26/202526 Mar 2025 - 19 May 2025500 Hour Yin Yoga Teacher TrainingDharamsala€3,300€3,600SAVE €200*Contact
1745100000500April 202504/20/202520 Apr 2025 - 13 Jun 2025500 Hour Yin Yoga Teacher TrainingDharamsala€3,300€3,600SAVE €200*Contact
1747260000500May 202505/15/202515 May 2025 - 08 Jul 2025500 Hour Yin Yoga Teacher TrainingDharamsala€3,300€3,600SAVE €200*Contact
1749420000500June 202506/09/202509 Jun 2025 - 02 Aug 2025500 Hour Yin Yoga Teacher TrainingDharamsala€3,300€3,600SAVE €200*Contact
1751580000500July 202507/04/202504 Jul 2025 - 27 Aug 2025500 Hour Yin Yoga Teacher TrainingDharamsala€3,300€3,600SAVE €200*Contact
1755900000500August 202508/23/202523 Aug 2025 - 16 Oct 2025500 Hour Yin Yoga Teacher TrainingDharamsala€3,300€3,600SAVE €200*Contact
1747260000500May 202505/15/202515 May 2025 - 08 Jun 2025500 Hour Yin Yoga Teacher TrainingDharamsala€3,300€3,600SAVE €200*Contact
1749420000500June 202506/09/202509 Jun 2025 - 02 Aug 2025500 Hour Yin Yoga Teacher TrainingDharamsala€3,300€3,600SAVE €200*Contact
1751580000500July 202507/04/202504 Jul 2025 - 27 Aug 2025500 Hour Yin Yoga Teacher TrainingDharamsala€3,300€3,600SAVE €200*Contact
1753740000500July 202507/29/202529 Jul 2025 - 21 Sep 2025500 Hour Yin Yoga Teacher TrainingDharamsala€3,300€3,600SAVE €200*Contact
1717192800300June 202406/01/202401 Jun 2024 - 30 Jun 2024300 Hour Ashtanga Yoga Teacher TrainingDharamsala€2,100€2,350SAVE €150*Contact
1719784800300July 202407/01/202401 Jul 2024 - 30 Jul 2024300 Hour Ashtanga Yoga Teacher TrainingDharamsala€2,100€2,350SAVE €150*Contact
1722463200300August 202408/01/202401 Aug 2024 - 30 Aug 2024300 Hour Ashtanga Yoga Teacher TrainingDharamsala€2,100€2,350SAVE €150*Contact
1725141600300September 202409/01/202401 Sep 2024 - 30 Sep 2024300 Hour Ashtanga Yoga Teacher TrainingDharamsala€2,100€2,350SAVE €150*Contact
1727733600300October 202410/01/202401 Oct 2024 - 30 Oct 2024300 Hour Ashtanga Yoga Teacher TrainingDharamsala€2,100€2,350SAVE €150*Contact
1740783600300March 202503/01/202501 Mar 2025 - 30 Mar 2025300 Hour Ashtanga Yoga Teacher TrainingDharamsala€2,100€2,350SAVE €150*Contact
1743458400300April 202504/01/202501 Apr 2025 - 30 Apr 2025300 Hour Ashtanga Yoga Teacher TrainingDharamsala€2,100€2,350SAVE €150*Contact
1746050400300May 202505/01/202501 May 2025 - 30 May 2025300 Hour Ashtanga Yoga Teacher TrainingDharamsala€2,100€2,350SAVE €150*Contact
1748728800300June 202506/01/202501 Jun 2025 - 30 Jun 2025300 Hour Ashtanga Yoga Teacher TrainingDharamsala€2,100€2,350SAVE €150*Contact
1751320800300July 202507/01/202501 Jul 2025 - 30 Jul 2025300 Hour Ashtanga Yoga Teacher TrainingDharamsala€2,100€2,350SAVE €150*Contact
1753999200300August 202508/01/202501 Aug 2025 - 30 Aug 2025300 Hour Ashtanga Yoga Teacher TrainingDharamsala€2,100€2,350SAVE €150*Contact
1759269600300October 202510/01/202501 Oct 2025 - 30 Oct 2025300 Hour Ashtanga Yoga Teacher TrainingDharamsala€2,100€2,350SAVE €150*Contact
1748728800300June 202506/01/202501 Jun 2025 - 30 Jun 2025300 Hour Ashtanga Yoga Teacher TrainingDharamsala€2,100€2,350SAVE €150*Contact
1751320800300July 202507/01/202501 Jul 2025 - 30 Jul 2025300 Hour Ashtanga Yoga Teacher TrainingDharamsala€2,100€2,350SAVE €150*Contact
1717192800300June 202406/01/202401 Jun 2024 - 30 Jun 2024300 Hour Hatha Yoga Teacher TrainingDharamsala€2,100€2,350SAVE €150*Contact
1719784800300July 202407/01/202401 Jul 2024 - 30 Jul 2024300 Hour Hatha Yoga Teacher TrainingDharamsala€2,100€2,350SAVE €150*Contact
1722463200300August 202408/01/202401 Aug 2024 - 30 Aug 2024300 Hour Hatha Yoga Teacher TrainingDharamsala€2,100€2,350SAVE €150*Contact
1725141600300September 202409/01/202401 Sep 2024 - 30 Sep 2024300 Hour Hatha Yoga Teacher TrainingDharamsala€2,100€2,350SAVE €150*Contact
1727733600300October 202410/01/202401 Oct 2024 - 30 Oct 2024300 Hour Hatha Yoga Teacher TrainingDharamsala€2,100€2,350SAVE €150*Contact
1740783600300March 202503/01/202501 Mar 2025 - 30 Mar 2025300 Hour Hatha Yoga Teacher TrainingDharamsala€2,100€2,350SAVE €150*Contact
1743458400300April 202504/01/202501 Apr 2025 - 30 Apr 2025300 Hour Hatha Yoga Teacher TrainingDharamsala€2,100€2,350SAVE €150*Contact
1746050400300May 202505/01/202501 May 2025 - 30 May 2025300 Hour Hatha Yoga Teacher TrainingDharamsala€2,100€2,350SAVE €150*Contact
1748728800300June 202506/01/202501 Jun 2025 - 30 Jun 2025300 Hour Hatha Yoga Teacher TrainingDharamsala€2,100€2,350SAVE €150*Contact
1751320800300July 202507/01/202501 Jul 2025 - 30 Jul 2025300 Hour Hatha Yoga Teacher TrainingDharamsala€2,100€2,350SAVE €150*Contact
1753999200300August 202508/01/202501 Aug 2025 - 30 Aug 2025300 Hour Hatha Yoga Teacher TrainingDharamsala€2,100€2,350SAVE €150*Contact
1759269600300October 202510/01/202501 Oct 2025 - 30 Oct 2025300 Hour Hatha Yoga Teacher TrainingDharamsala€2,100€2,350SAVE €150*Contact
1748728800300June 202506/01/202501 Jun 2025 - 30 Jun 2025300 Hour Hatha Yoga Teacher TrainingDharamsala€2,100€2,350SAVE €150*Contact
1751320800300July 202507/01/202501 Jul 2025 - 30 Jul 2025300 Hour Hatha Yoga Teacher TrainingDharamsala€2,100€2,350SAVE €150*Contact
1717192800300June 202406/01/202401 Jun 2024 - 30 Jun 2024300 Hour Multistyle Yoga Teacher TrainingDharamsala€2,100€2,350SAVE €150*Contact
1719784800300July 202407/01/202401 Jul 2024 - 30 Jul 2024300 Hour Multistyle Yoga Teacher TrainingDharamsala€2,100€2,350SAVE €150*Contact
1722463200300August 202408/01/202401 Aug 2024 - 30 Aug 2024300 Hour Multistyle Yoga Teacher TrainingDharamsala€2,100€2,350SAVE €150*Contact
1725141600300September 202409/01/202401 Sep 2024 - 30 Sep 2024300 Hour Multistyle Yoga Teacher TrainingDharamsala€2,100€2,350SAVE €150*Contact
1727733600300October 202410/01/202401 Oct 2024 - 30 Oct 2024300 Hour Multistyle Yoga Teacher TrainingDharamsala€2,100€2,350SAVE €150*Contact
1740783600300March 202503/01/202501 Mar 2025 - 30 Mar 2025300 Hour Multistyle Yoga Teacher TrainingDharamsala€2,100€2,350SAVE €150*Contact
1743458400300April 202504/01/202501 Apr 2025 - 30 Apr 2025300 Hour Multistyle Yoga Teacher TrainingDharamsala€2,100€2,350SAVE €150*Contact
1746050400300May 202505/01/202501 May 2025 - 30 May 2025300 Hour Multistyle Yoga Teacher TrainingDharamsala€2,100€2,350SAVE €150*Contact
1748728800300June 202506/01/202501 Jun 2025 - 30 Jun 2025300 Hour Multistyle Yoga Teacher TrainingDharamsala€2,100€2,350SAVE €150*Contact
1751320800300July 202507/01/202501 Jul 2025 - 30 Jul 2025300 Hour Multistyle Yoga Teacher TrainingDharamsala€2,100€2,350SAVE €150*Contact
1753999200300August 202508/01/202501 Aug 2025 - 30 Aug 2025300 Hour Multistyle Yoga Teacher TrainingDharamsala€2,100€2,350SAVE €150*Contact
1759269600300October 202510/01/202501 Oct 2025 - 30 Oct 2025300 Hour Multistyle Yoga Teacher TrainingDharamsala€2,100€2,350SAVE €150*Contact
1748728800300June 202506/01/202501 Jun 2025 - 30 Jun 2025300 Hour Multistyle Yoga Teacher TrainingDharamsala€2,100€2,350SAVE €150*Contact
1751320800300July 202507/01/202501 Jul 2025 - 30 Jul 2025300 Hour Multistyle Yoga Teacher TrainingDharamsala€2,100€2,350SAVE €150*Contact
1717192800300June 202406/01/202401 Jun 2024 - 30 Jun 2024300 Hour Restorative Yoga Teacher TrainingDharamsala€2,100€2,350SAVE €150*Contact
1719784800300July 202407/01/202401 Jul 2024 - 30 Jul 2024300 Hour Restorative Yoga Teacher TrainingDharamsala€2,100€2,350SAVE €150*Contact
1722463200300August 202408/01/202401 Aug 2024 - 30 Aug 2024300 Hour Restorative Yoga Teacher TrainingDharamsala€2,100€2,350SAVE €150*Contact
1725141600300September 202409/01/202401 Sep 2024 - 30 Sep 2024300 Hour Restorative Yoga Teacher TrainingDharamsala€2,100€2,350SAVE €150*Contact
1727733600300October 202410/01/202401 Oct 2024 - 30 Oct 2024300 Hour Restorative Yoga Teacher TrainingDharamsala€2,100€2,350SAVE €150*Contact
1740783600300March 202503/01/202501 Mar 2025 - 30 Mar 2025300 Hour Restorative Yoga Teacher TrainingDharamsala€2,100€2,350SAVE €150*Contact
1743458400300April 202504/01/202501 Apr 2025 - 30 Apr 2025300 Hour Restorative Yoga Teacher TrainingDharamsala€2,100€2,350SAVE €150*Contact
1746050400300May 202505/01/202501 May 2025 - 30 May 2025300 Hour Restorative Yoga Teacher TrainingDharamsala€2,100€2,350SAVE €150*Contact
1748728800300June 202506/01/202501 Jun 2025 - 30 Jun 2025300 Hour Restorative Yoga Teacher TrainingDharamsala€2,100€2,350SAVE €150*Contact
1751320800300July 202507/01/202501 Jul 2025 - 30 Jul 2025300 Hour Restorative Yoga Teacher TrainingDharamsala€2,100€2,350SAVE €150*Contact
1753999200300August 202508/01/202501 Aug 2025 - 30 Aug 2025300 Hour Restorative Yoga Teacher TrainingDharamsala€2,100€2,350SAVE €150*Contact
1759269600300October 202510/01/202501 Oct 2025 - 30 Oct 2025300 Hour Restorative Yoga Teacher TrainingDharamsala€2,100€2,350SAVE €150*Contact
1748728800300June 202506/01/202501 Jun 2025 - 30 Jun 2025300 Hour Restorative Yoga Teacher TrainingDharamsala€2,100€2,350SAVE €150*Contact
1751320800300July 202507/01/202501 Jul 2025 - 30 Jul 2025300 Hour Restorative Yoga Teacher TrainingDharamsala€2,100€2,350SAVE €150*Contact
1717192800300June 202406/01/202401 Jun 2024 - 30 Jun 2024300 Hour Therapeutic Yoga Teacher TrainingDharamsala€2,100€2,350SAVE €150*Contact
1719784800300July 202407/01/202401 Jul 2024 - 30 Jul 2024300 Hour Therapeutic Yoga Teacher TrainingDharamsala€2,100€2,350SAVE €150*Contact
1722463200300August 202408/01/202401 Aug 2024 - 30 Aug 2024300 Hour Therapeutic Yoga Teacher TrainingDharamsala€2,100€2,350SAVE €150*Contact
1725141600300September 202409/01/202401 Sep 2024 - 30 Sep 2024300 Hour Therapeutic Yoga Teacher TrainingDharamsala€2,100€2,350SAVE €150*Contact
1727733600300October 202410/01/202401 Oct 2024 - 30 Oct 2024300 Hour Therapeutic Yoga Teacher TrainingDharamsala€2,100€2,350SAVE €150*Contact
1740783600300March 202503/01/202501 Mar 2025 - 30 Mar 2025300 Hour Therapeutic Yoga Teacher TrainingDharamsala€2,100€2,350SAVE €150*Contact
1743458400300April 202504/01/202501 Apr 2025 - 30 Apr 2025300 Hour Therapeutic Yoga Teacher TrainingDharamsala€2,100€2,350SAVE €150*Contact
1746050400300May 202505/01/202501 May 2025 - 30 May 2025300 Hour Therapeutic Yoga Teacher TrainingDharamsala€2,100€2,350SAVE €150*Contact
1748728800300June 202506/01/202501 Jun 2025 - 30 Jun 2025300 Hour Therapeutic Yoga Teacher TrainingDharamsala€2,100€2,350SAVE €150*Contact
1751320800300July 202507/01/202501 Jul 2025 - 30 Jul 2025300 Hour Therapeutic Yoga Teacher TrainingDharamsala€2,100€2,350SAVE €150*Contact
1753999200300August 202508/01/202501 Aug 2025 - 30 Aug 2025300 Hour Therapeutic Yoga Teacher TrainingDharamsala€2,100€2,350SAVE €150*Contact
1759269600300October 202510/01/202501 Oct 2025 - 30 Oct 2025300 Hour Therapeutic Yoga Teacher TrainingDharamsala€2,100€2,350SAVE €150*Contact
1748728800300June 202506/01/202501 Jun 2025 - 30 Jun 2025300 Hour Therapeutic Yoga Teacher TrainingDharamsala€2,100€2,350SAVE €150*Contact
1751320800300July 202507/01/202501 Jul 2025 - 30 Jul 2025300 Hour Therapeutic Yoga Teacher TrainingDharamsala€2,100€2,350SAVE €150*Contact
1717192800300June 202406/01/202401 Jun 2024 - 30 Jun 2024300 Hour Vinyasa Yoga Teacher TrainingDharamsala€2,100€2,350SAVE €150*Contact
1719784800300July 202407/01/202401 Jul 2024 - 30 Jul 2024300 Hour Vinyasa Yoga Teacher TrainingDharamsala€2,100€2,350SAVE €150*Contact
1722463200300August 202408/01/202401 Aug 2024 - 30 Aug 2024300 Hour Vinyasa Yoga Teacher TrainingDharamsala€2,100€2,350SAVE €150*Contact
1725141600300September 202409/01/202401 Sep 2024 - 30 Sep 2024300 Hour Vinyasa Yoga Teacher TrainingDharamsala€2,100€2,350SAVE €150*Contact
1727733600300October 202410/01/202401 Oct 2024 - 30 Oct 2024300 Hour Vinyasa Yoga Teacher TrainingDharamsala€2,100€2,350SAVE €150*Contact
1740783600300March 202503/01/202501 Mar 2025 - 30 Mar 2025300 Hour Vinyasa Yoga Teacher TrainingDharamsala€2,100€2,350SAVE €150*Contact
1743458400300April 202504/01/202501 Apr 2025 - 30 Apr 2025300 Hour Vinyasa Yoga Teacher TrainingDharamsala€2,100€2,350SAVE €150*Contact
1746050400300May 202505/01/202501 May 2025 - 30 May 2025300 Hour Vinyasa Yoga Teacher TrainingDharamsala€2,100€2,350SAVE €150*Contact
1748728800300June 202506/01/202501 Jun 2025 - 30 Jun 2025300 Hour Vinyasa Yoga Teacher TrainingDharamsala€2,100€2,350SAVE €150*Contact
1751320800300July 202507/01/202501 Jul 2025 - 30 Jul 2025300 Hour Vinyasa Yoga Teacher TrainingDharamsala€2,100€2,350SAVE €150*Contact
1753999200300August 202508/01/202501 Aug 2025 - 30 Aug 2025300 Hour Vinyasa Yoga Teacher TrainingDharamsala€2,100€2,350SAVE €150*Contact
1759269600300October 202510/01/202501 Oct 2025 - 30 Oct 2025300 Hour Vinyasa Yoga Teacher TrainingDharamsala€2,100€2,350SAVE €150*Contact
1748728800300June 202506/01/202501 Jun 2025 - 30 Jun 2025300 Hour Vinyasa Yoga Teacher TrainingDharamsala€2,100€2,350SAVE €150*Contact
1751320800300July 202507/01/202501 Jul 2025 - 30 Jul 2025300 Hour Vinyasa Yoga Teacher TrainingDharamsala€2,100€2,350SAVE €150*Contact
1717192800300June 202406/01/202401 Jun 2024 - 30 Jun 2024300 Hour Yin Yoga Teacher TrainingDharamsala€2,100€2,350SAVE €150*Contact
1719784800300July 202407/01/202401 Jul 2024 - 30 Jul 2024300 Hour Yin Yoga Teacher TrainingDharamsala€2,100€2,350SAVE €150*Contact
1722463200300August 202408/01/202401 Aug 2024 - 30 Aug 2024300 Hour Yin Yoga Teacher TrainingDharamsala€2,100€2,350SAVE €150*Contact
1725141600300September 202409/01/202401 Sep 2024 - 30 Sep 2024300 Hour Yin Yoga Teacher TrainingDharamsala€2,100€2,350SAVE €150*Contact
1727733600300October 202410/01/202401 Oct 2024 - 30 Oct 2024300 Hour Yin Yoga Teacher TrainingDharamsala€2,100€2,350SAVE €150*Contact
1740783600300March 202503/01/202501 Mar 2025 - 30 Mar 2025300 Hour Yin Yoga Teacher TrainingDharamsala€2,100€2,350SAVE €150*Contact
1743458400300April 202504/01/202501 Apr 2025 - 30 Apr 2025300 Hour Yin Yoga Teacher TrainingDharamsala€2,100€2,350SAVE €150*Contact
1746050400300May 202505/01/202501 May 2025 - 30 May 2025300 Hour Yin Yoga Teacher TrainingDharamsala€2,100€2,350SAVE €150*Contact
1748728800300June 202506/01/202501 Jun 2025 - 30 Jun 2025300 Hour Yin Yoga Teacher TrainingDharamsala€2,100€2,350SAVE €150*Contact
1751320800300July 202507/01/202501 Jul 2025 - 30 Jul 2025300 Hour Yin Yoga Teacher TrainingDharamsala€2,100€2,350SAVE €150*Contact
1753999200300August 202508/01/202501 Aug 2025 - 30 Aug 2025300 Hour Yin Yoga Teacher TrainingDharamsala€2,100€2,350SAVE €150*Contact
1759269600300October 202510/01/202501 Oct 2025 - 30 Oct 2025300 Hour Yin Yoga Teacher TrainingDharamsala€2,100€2,350SAVE €150*Contact
1748728800300June 202506/01/202501 Jun 2025 - 30 Jun 2025300 Hour Yin Yoga Teacher TrainingDharamsala€2,100€2,350SAVE €150*Contact
1751320800300July 202507/01/202501 Jul 2025 - 30 Jul 2025300 Hour Yin Yoga Teacher TrainingDharamsala€2,100€2,350SAVE €150*Contact
1716501600200May 202405/24/202424 May 2024 - 17 Jun 2024200 Hour Ashtanga Teacher TrainingDharamsala€1,500€1,750SAVE €100*Contact
1718661600200June 202406/18/202418 Jun 2024 - 12 Jul 2024200 Hour Ashtanga Teacher TrainingDharamsala€1,500€1,750SAVE €100*Contact
1720821600200July 202407/13/202413 Jul 2024 - 06 Aug 2024200 Hour Ashtanga Teacher TrainingDharamsala€1,500€1,750SAVE €100*Contact
1722981600200August 202408/07/202407 Aug 2024 - 31 Aug 2024200 Hour Ashtanga Teacher TrainingDharamsala€1,500€1,750SAVE €100*Contact
1725141600200September 202409/01/202401 Sep 2024 - 25 Sep 2024200 Hour Ashtanga Teacher TrainingDharamsala€1,500€1,750SAVE €100*Contact
1727301600200September 202409/26/202426 Sep 2024 - 20 Oct 2024200 Hour Ashtanga Teacher TrainingDharamsala€1,500€1,750SAVE €100*Contact
1740783600200March 202503/01/202501 Mar 2025 - 25 Mar 2025200 Hour Ashtanga Teacher TrainingDharamsala€1,500€1,750SAVE €100*Contact
1742943600200March 202503/26/202526 Mar 2025 - 19 Apr 2025200 Hour Ashtanga Teacher TrainingDharamsala€1,500€1,750SAVE €100*Contact
1745100000200April 202504/20/202520 Apr 2025 - 14 May 2025200 Hour Ashtanga Teacher TrainingDharamsala€1,500€1,750SAVE €100*Contact
1747260000200May 202505/15/202515 May 2025 - 08 Jun 2025200 Hour Ashtanga Teacher TrainingDharamsala€1,500€1,750SAVE €100*Contact
1749420000200June 202506/09/202509 Jun 2025 - 03 Jul 2025200 Hour Ashtanga Teacher TrainingDharamsala€1,500€1,750SAVE €100*Contact
1751580000200July 202507/04/202504 Jul 2025 - 28 Jul 2025200 Hour Ashtanga Teacher TrainingDharamsala€1,500€1,750SAVE €100*Contact
1755900000200August 202508/23/202523 Aug 2025 - 16 Sep 2025200 Hour Ashtanga Teacher TrainingDharamsala€1,500€1,750SAVE €100*Contact
1747260000200May 202505/15/202515 May 2025 - 08 Jun 2025200 Hour Ashtanga Teacher TrainingDharamsala€1,500€1,750SAVE €100*Contact
1749420000200June 202506/09/202509 Jun 2025 - 03 Jul 2025200 Hour Ashtanga Teacher TrainingDharamsala€1,500€1,750SAVE €100*Contact
1751580000200July 202507/04/202504 Jul 2025 - 28 Jul 2025200 Hour Ashtanga Teacher TrainingDharamsala€1,500€1,750SAVE €100*Contact
1753740000200July 202507/29/202529 Jul 2025 - 22 Aug 2025200 Hour Ashtanga Teacher TrainingDharamsala€1,500€1,750SAVE €100*Contact
1716501600200May 202405/24/202424 May 2024 - 17 Jun 2024200 Hour Hatha Teacher TrainingDharamsala€1,500€1,750SAVE €100*Contact
1718661600200June 202406/18/202418 Jun 2024 - 12 Jul 2024200 Hour Hatha Teacher TrainingDharamsala€1,500€1,750SAVE €100*Contact
1720821600200July 202407/13/202413 Jul 2024 - 06 Aug 2024200 Hour Hatha Teacher TrainingDharamsala€1,500€1,750SAVE €100*Contact
1722981600200August 202408/07/202407 Aug 2024 - 31 Aug 2024200 Hour Hatha Teacher TrainingDharamsala€1,500€1,750SAVE €100*Contact
1725141600200September 202409/01/202401 Sep 2024 - 25 Sep 2024200 Hour Hatha Teacher TrainingDharamsala€1,500€1,750SAVE €100*Contact
1727301600200September 202409/26/202426 Sep 2024 - 20 Oct 2024200 Hour Hatha Teacher TrainingDharamsala€1,500€1,750SAVE €100*Contact
1740783600200March 202503/01/202501 Mar 2025 - 25 Mar 2025200 Hour Hatha Teacher TrainingDharamsala€1,500€1,750SAVE €100*Contact
1742943600200March 202503/26/202526 Mar 2025 - 19 Apr 2025200 Hour Hatha Teacher TrainingDharamsala€1,500€1,750SAVE €100*Contact
1745100000200April 202504/20/202520 Apr 2025 - 14 May 2025200 Hour Hatha Teacher TrainingDharamsala€1,500€1,750SAVE €100*Contact
1747260000200May 202505/15/202515 May 2025 - 08 Jun 2025200 Hour Hatha Teacher TrainingDharamsala€1,500€1,750SAVE €100*Contact
1749420000200June 202506/09/202509 Jun 2025 - 03 Jul 2025200 Hour Hatha Teacher TrainingDharamsala€1,500€1,750SAVE €100*Contact
1751580000200July 202507/04/202504 Jul 2025 - 28 Jul 2025200 Hour Hatha Teacher TrainingDharamsala€1,500€1,750SAVE €100*Contact
1755900000200August 202508/23/202523 Aug 2025 - 16 Sep 2025200 Hour Hatha Teacher TrainingDharamsala€1,500€1,750SAVE €100*Contact
1747260000200May 202505/15/202515 May 2025 - 08 Jun 2025200 Hour Hatha Teacher TrainingDharamsala€1,500€1,750SAVE €100*Contact
1749420000200June 202506/09/202509 Jun 2025 - 03 Jul 2025200 Hour Hatha Teacher TrainingDharamsala€1,500€1,750SAVE €100*Contact
1751580000200July 202507/04/202504 Jul 2025 - 28 Jul 2025200 Hour Hatha Teacher TrainingDharamsala€1,500€1,750SAVE €100*Contact
1753740000200July 202507/29/202529 Jul 2025 - 22 Aug 2025200 Hour Hatha Teacher TrainingDharamsala€1,500€1,750SAVE €100*Contact
1716501600200May 202405/24/202424 May 2024 - 17 Jun 2024200 Hour Multistyle Teacher TrainingDharamsala€1,500€1,750SAVE €100*Contact
1718661600200June 202406/18/202418 Jun 2024 - 12 Jul 2024200 Hour Multistyle Teacher TrainingDharamsala€1,500€1,750SAVE €100*Contact
1720821600200July 202407/13/202413 Jul 2024 - 06 Aug 2024200 Hour Multistyle Teacher TrainingDharamsala€1,500€1,750SAVE €100*Contact
1722981600200August 202408/07/202407 Aug 2024 - 31 Aug 2024200 Hour Multistyle Teacher TrainingDharamsala€1,500€1,750SAVE €100*Contact
1725141600200September 202409/01/202401 Sep 2024 - 25 Sep 2024200 Hour Multistyle Teacher TrainingDharamsala€1,500€1,750SAVE €100*Contact
1727301600200September 202409/26/202426 Sep 2024 - 20 Oct 2024200 Hour Multistyle Teacher TrainingDharamsala€1,500€1,750SAVE €100*Contact
1740783600200March 202503/01/202501 Mar 2025 - 25 Mar 2025200 Hour Multistyle Teacher TrainingDharamsala€1,500€1,750SAVE €100*Contact
1742943600200March 202503/26/202526 Mar 2025 - 19 Apr 2025200 Hour Multistyle Teacher TrainingDharamsala€1,500€1,750SAVE €100*Contact
1745100000200April 202504/20/202520 Apr 2025 - 14 May 2025200 Hour Multistyle Teacher TrainingDharamsala€1,500€1,750SAVE €100*Contact
1747260000200May 202505/15/202515 May 2025 - 08 Jun 2025200 Hour Multistyle Teacher TrainingDharamsala€1,500€1,750SAVE €100*Contact
1749420000200June 202506/09/202509 Jun 2025 - 03 Jul 2025200 Hour Multistyle Teacher TrainingDharamsala€1,500€1,750SAVE €100*Contact
1751580000200July 202507/04/202504 Jul 2025 - 28 Jul 2025200 Hour Multistyle Teacher TrainingDharamsala€1,500€1,750SAVE €100*Contact
1755900000200August 202508/23/202523 Aug 2025 - 16 Sep 2025200 Hour Multistyle Teacher TrainingDharamsala€1,500€1,750SAVE €100*Contact
1747260000200May 202505/15/202515 May 2025 - 08 Jun 2025200 Hour Multistyle Teacher TrainingDharamsala€1,500€1,750SAVE €100*Contact
1749420000200June 202506/09/202509 Jun 2025 - 03 Jul 2025200 Hour Multistyle Teacher TrainingDharamsala€1,500€1,750SAVE €100*Contact
1751580000200July 202507/04/202504 Jul 2025 - 28 Jul 2025200 Hour Multistyle Teacher TrainingDharamsala€1,500€1,750SAVE €100*Contact
1753740000200July 202507/29/202529 Jul 2025 - 22 Aug 2025200 Hour Multistyle Teacher TrainingDharamsala€1,500€1,750SAVE €100*Contact
1716501600200May 202405/24/202424 May 2024 - 17 Jun 2024200 Hour Restorative Teacher TrainingDharamsala€1,500€1,750SAVE €100*Contact
1718661600200June 202406/18/202418 Jun 2024 - 12 Jul 2024200 Hour Restorative Teacher TrainingDharamsala€1,500€1,750SAVE €100*Contact
1720821600200July 202407/13/202413 Jul 2024 - 06 Aug 2024200 Hour Restorative Teacher TrainingDharamsala€1,500€1,750SAVE €100*Contact
1722981600200August 202408/07/202407 Aug 2024 - 31 Aug 2024200 Hour Restorative Teacher TrainingDharamsala€1,500€1,750SAVE €100*Contact
1725141600200September 202409/01/202401 Sep 2024 - 25 Sep 2024200 Hour Restorative Teacher TrainingDharamsala€1,500€1,750SAVE €100*Contact
1727301600200September 202409/26/202426 Sep 2024 - 20 Oct 2024200 Hour Restorative Teacher TrainingDharamsala€1,500€1,750SAVE €100*Contact
1740783600200March 202503/01/202501 Mar 2025 - 25 Mar 2025200 Hour Restorative Teacher TrainingDharamsala€1,500€1,750SAVE €100*Contact
1742943600200March 202503/26/202526 Mar 2025 - 19 Apr 2025200 Hour Restorative Teacher TrainingDharamsala€1,500€1,750SAVE €100*Contact
1745100000200April 202504/20/202520 Apr 2025 - 14 May 2025200 Hour Restorative Teacher TrainingDharamsala€1,500€1,750SAVE €100*Contact
1747260000200May 202505/15/202515 May 2025 - 08 Jun 2025200 Hour Restorative Teacher TrainingDharamsala€1,500€1,750SAVE €100*Contact
1749420000200June 202506/09/202509 Jun 2025 - 03 Jul 2025200 Hour Restorative Teacher TrainingDharamsala€1,500€1,750SAVE €100*Contact
1751580000200July 202507/04/202504 Jul 2025 - 28 Jul 2025200 Hour Restorative Teacher TrainingDharamsala€1,500€1,750SAVE €100*Contact
1755900000200August 202508/23/202523 Aug 2025 - 16 Sep 2025200 Hour Restorative Teacher TrainingDharamsala€1,500€1,750SAVE €100*Contact
1747260000200May 202505/15/202515 May 2025 - 08 Jun 2025200 Hour Restorative Teacher TrainingDharamsala€1,500€1,750SAVE €100*Contact
1749420000200June 202506/09/202509 Jun 2025 - 03 Jul 2025200 Hour Restorative Teacher TrainingDharamsala€1,500€1,750SAVE €100*Contact
1751580000200July 202507/04/202504 Jul 2025 - 28 Jul 2025200 Hour Restorative Teacher TrainingDharamsala€1,500€1,750SAVE €100*Contact
1753740000200July 202507/29/202529 Jul 2025 - 22 Aug 2025200 Hour Restorative Teacher TrainingDharamsala€1,500€1,750SAVE €100*Contact
1716501600200May 202405/24/202424 May 2024 - 17 Jun 2024200 Hour Therapeutic Teacher TrainingDharamsala€1,500€1,750SAVE €100*Contact
1718661600200June 202406/18/202418 Jun 2024 - 12 Jul 2024200 Hour Therapeutic Teacher TrainingDharamsala€1,500€1,750SAVE €100*Contact
1720821600200July 202407/13/202413 Jul 2024 - 06 Aug 2024200 Hour Therapeutic Teacher TrainingDharamsala€1,500€1,750SAVE €100*Contact
1722981600200August 202408/07/202407 Aug 2024 - 31 Aug 2024200 Hour Therapeutic Teacher TrainingDharamsala€1,500€1,750SAVE €100*Contact
1725141600200September 202409/01/202401 Sep 2024 - 25 Sep 2024200 Hour Therapeutic Teacher TrainingDharamsala€1,500€1,750SAVE €100*Contact
1727301600200September 202409/26/202426 Sep 2024 - 20 Oct 2024200 Hour Therapeutic Teacher TrainingDharamsala€1,500€1,750SAVE €100*Contact
1740783600200March 202503/01/202501 Mar 2025 - 25 Mar 2025200 Hour Therapeutic Teacher TrainingDharamsala€1,500€1,750SAVE €100*Contact
1742943600200March 202503/26/202526 Mar 2025 - 19 Apr 2025200 Hour Therapeutic Teacher TrainingDharamsala€1,500€1,750SAVE €100*Contact
1745100000200April 202504/20/202520 Apr 2025 - 14 May 2025200 Hour Therapeutic Teacher TrainingDharamsala€1,500€1,750SAVE €100*Contact
1747260000200May 202505/15/202515 May 2025 - 08 Jun 2025200 Hour Therapeutic Teacher TrainingDharamsala€1,500€1,750SAVE €100*Contact
1749420000200June 202506/09/202509 Jun 2025 - 03 Jul 2025200 Hour Therapeutic Teacher TrainingDharamsala€1,500€1,750SAVE €100*Contact
1751580000200July 202507/04/202504 Jul 2025 - 28 Jul 2025200 Hour Therapeutic Teacher TrainingDharamsala€1,500€1,750SAVE €100*Contact
1755900000200August 202508/23/202523 Aug 2025 - 16 Sep 2025200 Hour Therapeutic Teacher TrainingDharamsala€1,500€1,750SAVE €100*Contact
1747260000200May 202505/15/202515 May 2025 - 08 Jun 2025200 Hour Therapeutic Teacher TrainingDharamsala€1,500€1,750SAVE €100*Contact
1749420000200June 202506/09/202509 Jun 2025 - 03 Jul 2025200 Hour Therapeutic Teacher TrainingDharamsala€1,500€1,750SAVE €100*Contact
1751580000200July 202507/04/202504 Jul 2025 - 28 Jul 2025200 Hour Therapeutic Teacher TrainingDharamsala€1,500€1,750SAVE €100*Contact
1753740000200July 202507/29/202529 Jul 2025 - 22 Aug 2025200 Hour Therapeutic Teacher TrainingDharamsala€1,500€1,750SAVE €100*Contact
1716501600200May 202405/24/202424 May 2024 - 17 Jun 2024200 Hour Vinyasa Teacher TrainingDharamsala€1,500€1,750SAVE €100*Contact
1718661600200June 202406/18/202418 Jun 2024 - 12 Jul 2024200 Hour Vinyasa Teacher TrainingDharamsala€1,500€1,750SAVE €100*Contact
1720821600200July 202407/13/202413 Jul 2024 - 06 Aug 2024200 Hour Vinyasa Teacher TrainingDharamsala€1,500€1,750SAVE €100*Contact
1722981600200August 202408/07/202407 Aug 2024 - 31 Aug 2024200 Hour Vinyasa Teacher TrainingDharamsala€1,500€1,750SAVE €100*Contact
1725141600200September 202409/01/202401 Sep 2024 - 25 Sep 2024200 Hour Vinyasa Teacher TrainingDharamsala€1,500€1,750SAVE €100*Contact
1727301600200September 202409/26/202426 Sep 2024 - 20 Oct 2024200 Hour Vinyasa Teacher TrainingDharamsala€1,500€1,750SAVE €100*Contact
1740783600200March 202503/01/202501 Mar 2025 - 25 Mar 2025200 Hour Vinyasa Teacher TrainingDharamsala€1,500€1,750SAVE €100*Contact
1742943600200March 202503/26/202526 Mar 2025 - 19 Apr 2025200 Hour Vinyasa Teacher TrainingDharamsala€1,500€1,750SAVE €100*Contact
1745100000200April 202504/20/202520 Apr 2025 - 14 May 2025200 Hour Vinyasa Teacher TrainingDharamsala€1,500€1,750SAVE €100*Contact
1747260000200May 202505/15/202515 May 2025 - 08 Jun 2025200 Hour Vinyasa Teacher TrainingDharamsala€1,500€1,750SAVE €100*Contact
1749420000200June 202506/09/202509 Jun 2025 - 03 Jul 2025200 Hour Vinyasa Teacher TrainingDharamsala€1,500€1,750SAVE €100*Contact
1751580000200July 202507/04/202504 Jul 2025 - 28 Jul 2025200 Hour Vinyasa Teacher TrainingDharamsala€1,500€1,750SAVE €100*Contact
1755900000200August 202508/23/202523 Aug 2025 - 16 Sep 2025200 Hour Vinyasa Teacher TrainingDharamsala€1,500€1,750SAVE €100*Contact
1747260000200May 202505/15/202515 May 2025 - 08 Jun 2025200 Hour Vinyasa Teacher TrainingDharamsala€1,500€1,750SAVE €100*Contact
1749420000200June 202506/09/202509 Jun 2025 - 03 Jul 2025200 Hour Vinyasa Teacher TrainingDharamsala€1,500€1,750SAVE €100*Contact
1751580000200July 202507/04/202504 Jul 2025 - 28 Jul 2025200 Hour Vinyasa Teacher TrainingDharamsala€1,500€1,750SAVE €100*Contact
1753740000200July 202507/29/202529 Jul 2025 - 22 Aug 2025200 Hour Vinyasa Teacher TrainingDharamsala€1,500€1,750SAVE €100*Contact
1716501600200May 202405/24/202424 May 2024 - 17 Jun 2024200 Hour Yin Yoga Teacher TrainingDharamsala€1,500€1,750SAVE €100*Contact
1718661600200June 202406/18/202418 Jun 2024 - 12 Jul 2024200 Hour Yin Yoga Teacher TrainingDharamsala€1,500€1,750SAVE €100*Contact
1720821600200July 202407/13/202413 Jul 2024 - 06 Aug 2024200 Hour Yin Yoga Teacher TrainingDharamsala€1,500€1,750SAVE €100*Contact
1722981600200August 202408/07/202407 Aug 2024 - 31 Aug 2024200 Hour Yin Yoga Teacher TrainingDharamsala€1,500€1,750SAVE €100*Contact
1725141600200September 202409/01/202401 Sep 2024 - 25 Sep 2024200 Hour Yin Yoga Teacher TrainingDharamsala€1,500€1,750SAVE €100*Contact
1727301600200September 202409/26/202426 Sep 2024 - 20 Oct 2024200 Hour Yin Yoga Teacher TrainingDharamsala€1,500€1,750SAVE €100*Contact
1740783600200March 202503/01/202501 Mar 2025 - 25 Mar 2025200 Hour Yin Yoga Teacher TrainingDharamsala€1,500€1,750SAVE €100*Contact
1742943600200March 202503/26/202526 Mar 2025 - 19 Apr 2025200 Hour Yin Yoga Teacher TrainingDharamsala€1,500€1,750SAVE €100*Contact
1745100000200April 202504/20/202520 Apr 2025 - 14 May 2025200 Hour Yin Yoga Teacher TrainingDharamsala€1,500€1,750SAVE €100*Contact
1747260000200May 202505/15/202515 May 2025 - 08 Jun 2025200 Hour Yin Yoga Teacher TrainingDharamsala€1,500€1,750SAVE €100*Contact
1749420000200June 202506/09/202509 Jun 2025 - 03 Jul 2025200 Hour Yin Yoga Teacher TrainingDharamsala€1,500€1,750SAVE €100*Contact
1751580000200July 202507/04/202504 Jul 2025 - 28 Jul 2025200 Hour Yin Yoga Teacher TrainingDharamsala€1,500€1,750SAVE €100*Contact
1755900000200August 202508/23/202523 Aug 2025 - 16 Sep 2025200 Hour Yin Yoga Teacher TrainingDharamsala€1,500€1,750SAVE €100*Contact
1747260000200May 202505/15/202515 May 2025 - 08 Jun 2025200 Hour Yin Yoga Teacher TrainingDharamsala€1,500€1,750SAVE €100*Contact
1749420000200June 202506/09/202509 Jun 2025 - 03 Jul 2025200 Hour Yin Yoga Teacher TrainingDharamsala€1,500€1,750SAVE €100*Contact
1751580000200July 202507/04/202504 Jul 2025 - 28 Jul 2025200 Hour Yin Yoga Teacher TrainingDharamsala€1,500€1,750SAVE €100*Contact
1753740000200July 202507/29/202529 Jul 2025 - 22 Aug 2025200 Hour Yin Yoga Teacher TrainingDharamsala€1,500€1,750SAVE €100*Contact
1717192800100June 202406/01/202401 Jun 2024 - 12 Jun 2024100 Hour Ashtanga Teacher TrainingDharamsala€800€925SAVE €50*Contact
1718748000100June 202406/19/202419 Jun 2024 - 30 Jun 2024100 Hour Ashtanga Teacher TrainingDharamsala€800€925SAVE €50*Contact
1719784800100July 202407/01/202401 Jul 2024 - 12 Jul 2024100 Hour Ashtanga Teacher TrainingDharamsala€800€925SAVE €50*Contact
1721340000100July 202407/19/202419 Jul 2024 - 30 Jul 2024100 Hour Ashtanga Teacher TrainingDharamsala€800€925SAVE €50*Contact
1722463200100August 202408/01/202401 Aug 2024 - 12 Aug 2024100 Hour Ashtanga Teacher TrainingDharamsala€800€925SAVE €50*Contact
1724018400100August 202408/19/202419 Aug 2024 - 30 Aug 2024100 Hour Ashtanga Teacher TrainingDharamsala€800€925SAVE €50*Contact
1725141600100September 202409/01/202401 Sep 2024 - 12 Sep 2024100 Hour Ashtanga Teacher TrainingDharamsala€800€925SAVE €50*Contact
1726696800100September 202409/19/202419 Sep 2024 - 30 Sep 2024100 Hour Ashtanga Teacher TrainingDharamsala€800€925SAVE €50*Contact
1740783600100March 202503/01/202501 Mar 2025 - 12 Mar 2025100 Hour Ashtanga Teacher TrainingDharamsala€800€925SAVE €50*Contact
1742338800100March 202503/19/202519 Mar 2025 - 30 Mar 2025100 Hour Ashtanga Teacher TrainingDharamsala€800€925SAVE €50*Contact
1743458400100April 202504/01/202501 Apr 2025 - 12 Apr 2025100 Hour Ashtanga Teacher TrainingDharamsala€800€925SAVE €50*Contact
1745013600100April 202504/19/202519 Apr 2025 - 30 Apr 2025100 Hour Ashtanga Teacher TrainingDharamsala€800€925SAVE €50*Contact
1746050400100May 202505/01/202501 May 2025 - 12 May 2025100 Hour Ashtanga Teacher TrainingDharamsala€800€925SAVE €50*Contact
1747605600100May 202505/19/202519 May 2025 - 30 May 2025100 Hour Ashtanga Teacher TrainingDharamsala€800€925SAVE €50*Contact
1748728800100June 202506/01/202501 Jun 2025 - 12 Jun 2025100 Hour Ashtanga Teacher TrainingDharamsala€800€925SAVE €50*Contact
1750284000100June 202506/19/202519 Jun 2025 - 30 Jun 2025100 Hour Ashtanga Teacher TrainingDharamsala€800€925SAVE €50*Contact
1751320800100July 202507/01/202501 Jul 2025 - 12 Jul 2025100 Hour Ashtanga Teacher TrainingDharamsala€800€925SAVE €50*Contact
1752876000100July 202507/19/202519 Jul 2025 - 30 Jul 2025100 Hour Ashtanga Teacher TrainingDharamsala€800€925SAVE €50*Contact
1753999200100August 202508/01/202501 Aug 2025 - 12 Aug 2025100 Hour Ashtanga Teacher TrainingDharamsala€800€925SAVE €50*Contact
1717192800100June 202406/01/202401 Jun 2024 - 12 Jun 2024100 Hour Hatha Teacher TrainingDharamsala€800€925SAVE €50*Contact
1718748000100June 202406/19/202419 Jun 2024 - 30 Jun 2024100 Hour Hatha Teacher TrainingDharamsala€800€925SAVE €50*Contact
1719784800100July 202407/01/202401 Jul 2024 - 12 Jul 2024100 Hour Hatha Teacher TrainingDharamsala€800€925SAVE €50*Contact
1721340000100July 202407/19/202419 Jul 2024 - 30 Jul 2024100 Hour Hatha Teacher TrainingDharamsala€800€925SAVE €50*Contact
1722463200100August 202408/01/202401 Aug 2024 - 12 Aug 2024100 Hour Hatha Teacher TrainingDharamsala€800€925SAVE €50*Contact
1724018400100August 202408/19/202419 Aug 2024 - 30 Aug 2024100 Hour Hatha Teacher TrainingDharamsala€800€925SAVE €50*Contact
1725141600100September 202409/01/202401 Sep 2024 - 12 Sep 2024100 Hour Hatha Teacher TrainingDharamsala€800€925SAVE €50*Contact
1726696800100September 202409/19/202419 Sep 2024 - 30 Sep 2024100 Hour Hatha Teacher TrainingDharamsala€800€925SAVE €50*Contact
1740783600100March 202503/01/202501 Mar 2025 - 12 Mar 2025100 Hour Hatha Teacher TrainingDharamsala€800€925SAVE €50*Contact
1742338800100March 202503/19/202519 Mar 2025 - 30 Mar 2025100 Hour Hatha Teacher TrainingDharamsala€800€925SAVE €50*Contact
1743458400100April 202504/01/202501 Apr 2025 - 12 Apr 2025100 Hour Hatha Teacher TrainingDharamsala€800€925SAVE €50*Contact
1745013600100April 202504/19/202519 Apr 2025 - 30 Apr 2025100 Hour Hatha Teacher TrainingDharamsala€800€925SAVE €50*Contact
1746050400100May 202505/01/202501 May 2025 - 12 May 2025100 Hour Hatha Teacher TrainingDharamsala€800€925SAVE €50*Contact
1747605600100May 202505/19/202519 May 2025 - 30 May 2025100 Hour Hatha Teacher TrainingDharamsala€800€925SAVE €50*Contact
1748728800100June 202506/01/202501 Jun 2025 - 12 Jun 2025100 Hour Hatha Teacher TrainingDharamsala€800€925SAVE €50*Contact
1750284000100June 202506/19/202519 Jun 2025 - 30 Jun 2025100 Hour Hatha Teacher TrainingDharamsala€800€925SAVE €50*Contact
1751320800100July 202507/01/202501 Jul 2025 - 12 Jul 2025100 Hour Hatha Teacher TrainingDharamsala€800€925SAVE €50*Contact
1752876000100July 202507/19/202519 Jul 2025 - 30 Jul 2025100 Hour Hatha Teacher TrainingDharamsala€800€925SAVE €50*Contact
1753999200100August 202508/01/202501 Aug 2025 - 12 Aug 2025100 Hour Hatha Teacher TrainingDharamsala€800€925SAVE €50*Contact
1717192800100June 202406/01/202401 Jun 2024 - 12 Jun 2024100 Hour Vinyasa Teacher TrainingDharamsala€800€925SAVE €50*Contact
1718748000100June 202406/19/202419 Jun 2024 - 30 Jun 2024100 Hour Vinyasa Teacher TrainingDharamsala€800€925SAVE €50*Contact
1719784800100July 202407/01/202401 Jul 2024 - 12 Jul 2024100 Hour Vinyasa Teacher TrainingDharamsala€800€925SAVE €50*Contact
1721340000100July 202407/19/202419 Jul 2024 - 30 Jul 2024100 Hour Vinyasa Teacher TrainingDharamsala€800€925SAVE €50*Contact
1722463200100August 202408/01/202401 Aug 2024 - 12 Aug 2024100 Hour Vinyasa Teacher TrainingDharamsala€800€925SAVE €50*Contact
1724018400100August 202408/19/202419 Aug 2024 - 30 Aug 2024100 Hour Vinyasa Teacher TrainingDharamsala€800€925SAVE €50*Contact
1725141600100September 202409/01/202401 Sep 2024 - 12 Sep 2024100 Hour Vinyasa Teacher TrainingDharamsala€800€925SAVE €50*Contact
1726696800100September 202409/19/202419 Sep 2024 - 30 Sep 2024100 Hour Vinyasa Teacher TrainingDharamsala€800€925SAVE €50*Contact
1740783600100March 202503/01/202501 Mar 2025 - 12 Mar 2025100 Hour Vinyasa Teacher TrainingDharamsala€800€925SAVE €50*Contact
1742338800100March 202503/19/202519 Mar 2025 - 30 Mar 2025100 Hour Vinyasa Teacher TrainingDharamsala€800€925SAVE €50*Contact
1743458400100April 202504/01/202501 Apr 2025 - 12 Apr 2025100 Hour Vinyasa Teacher TrainingDharamsala€800€925SAVE €50*Contact
1745013600100April 202504/19/202519 Apr 2025 - 30 Apr 2025100 Hour Vinyasa Teacher TrainingDharamsala€800€925SAVE €50*Contact
1746050400100May 202505/01/202501 May 2025 - 12 May 2025100 Hour Vinyasa Teacher TrainingDharamsala€800€925SAVE €50*Contact
1747605600100May 202505/19/202519 May 2025 - 30 May 2025100 Hour Vinyasa Teacher TrainingDharamsala€800€925SAVE €50*Contact
1748728800100June 202506/01/202501 Jun 2025 - 12 Jun 2025100 Hour Vinyasa Teacher TrainingDharamsala€800€925SAVE €50*Contact
1750284000100June 202506/19/202519 Jun 2025 - 30 Jun 2025100 Hour Vinyasa Teacher TrainingDharamsala€800€925SAVE €50*Contact
1751320800100July 202507/01/202501 Jul 2025 - 12 Jul 2025100 Hour Vinyasa Teacher TrainingDharamsala€800€925SAVE €50*Contact
1752876000100July 202507/19/202519 Jul 2025 - 30 Jul 2025100 Hour Vinyasa Teacher TrainingDharamsala€800€925SAVE €50*Contact
1753999200100August 202508/01/202501 Aug 2025 - 12 Aug 2025100 Hour Vinyasa Teacher TrainingDharamsala€800€925SAVE €50*Contact
1717192800100June 202406/01/202401 Jun 2024 - 12 Jun 2024100 Hour Restorative Teacher TrainingDharamsala€800€925SAVE €50*Contact
1718748000100June 202406/19/202419 Jun 2024 - 30 Jun 2024100 Hour Restorative Teacher TrainingDharamsala€800€925SAVE €50*Contact
1719784800100July 202407/01/202401 Jul 2024 - 12 Jul 2024100 Hour Restorative Teacher TrainingDharamsala€800€925SAVE €50*Contact
1721340000100July 202407/19/202419 Jul 2024 - 30 Jul 2024100 Hour Restorative Teacher TrainingDharamsala€800€925SAVE €50*Contact
1722463200100August 202408/01/202401 Aug 2024 - 12 Aug 2024100 Hour Restorative Teacher TrainingDharamsala€800€925SAVE €50*Contact
1724018400100August 202408/19/202419 Aug 2024 - 30 Aug 2024100 Hour Restorative Teacher TrainingDharamsala€800€925SAVE €50*Contact
1725141600100September 202409/01/202401 Sep 2024 - 12 Sep 2024100 Hour Restorative Teacher TrainingDharamsala€800€925SAVE €50*Contact
1726696800100September 202409/19/202419 Sep 2024 - 30 Sep 2024100 Hour Restorative Teacher TrainingDharamsala€800€925SAVE €50*Contact
1740783600100March 202503/01/202501 Mar 2025 - 12 Mar 2025100 Hour Restorative Teacher TrainingDharamsala€800€925SAVE €50*Contact
1742338800100March 202503/19/202519 Mar 2025 - 30 Mar 2025100 Hour Restorative Teacher TrainingDharamsala€800€925SAVE €50*Contact
1743458400100April 202504/01/202501 Apr 2025 - 12 Apr 2025100 Hour Restorative Teacher TrainingDharamsala€800€925SAVE €50*Contact
1745013600100April 202504/19/202519 Apr 2025 - 30 Apr 2025100 Hour Restorative Teacher TrainingDharamsala€800€925SAVE €50*Contact
1746050400100May 202505/01/202501 May 2025 - 12 May 2025100 Hour Restorative Teacher TrainingDharamsala€800€925SAVE €50*Contact
1747605600100May 202505/19/202519 May 2025 - 30 May 2025100 Hour Restorative Teacher TrainingDharamsala€800€925SAVE €50*Contact
1748728800100June 202506/01/202501 Jun 2025 - 12 Jun 2025100 Hour Restorative Teacher TrainingDharamsala€800€925SAVE €50*Contact
1750284000100June 202506/19/202519 Jun 2025 - 30 Jun 2025100 Hour Restorative Teacher TrainingDharamsala€800€925SAVE €50*Contact
1751320800100July 202507/01/202501 Jul 2025 - 12 Jul 2025100 Hour Restorative Teacher TrainingDharamsala€800€925SAVE €50*Contact
1752876000100July 202507/19/202519 Jul 2025 - 30 Jul 2025100 Hour Restorative Teacher TrainingDharamsala€800€925SAVE €50*Contact
1753999200100August 202508/01/202501 Aug 2025 - 12 Aug 2025100 Hour Restorative Teacher TrainingDharamsala€800€925SAVE €50*Contact
1717192800100June 202406/01/202401 Jun 2024 - 12 Jun 2024100 Hour Therapeutic Teacher TrainingDharamsala€800€925SAVE €50*Contact
1718748000100June 202406/19/202419 Jun 2024 - 30 Jun 2024100 Hour Therapeutic Teacher TrainingDharamsala€800€925SAVE €50*Contact
1719784800100July 202407/01/202401 Jul 2024 - 12 Jul 2024100 Hour Therapeutic Teacher TrainingDharamsala€800€925SAVE €50*Contact
1721340000100July 202407/19/202419 Jul 2024 - 30 Jul 2024100 Hour Therapeutic Teacher TrainingDharamsala€800€925SAVE €50*Contact
1722463200100August 202408/01/202401 Aug 2024 - 12 Aug 2024100 Hour Therapeutic Teacher TrainingDharamsala€800€925SAVE €50*Contact
1724018400100August 202408/19/202419 Aug 2024 - 30 Aug 2024100 Hour Therapeutic Teacher TrainingDharamsala€800€925SAVE €50*Contact
1725141600100September 202409/01/202401 Sep 2024 - 12 Sep 2024100 Hour Therapeutic Teacher TrainingDharamsala€800€925SAVE €50*Contact
1726696800100September 202409/19/202419 Sep 2024 - 30 Sep 2024100 Hour Therapeutic Teacher TrainingDharamsala€800€925SAVE €50*Contact
1740783600100March 202503/01/202501 Mar 2025 - 12 Mar 2025100 Hour Therapeutic Teacher TrainingDharamsala€800€925SAVE €50*Contact
1742338800100March 202503/19/202519 Mar 2025 - 30 Mar 2025100 Hour Therapeutic Teacher TrainingDharamsala€800€925SAVE €50*Contact
1743458400100April 202504/01/202501 Apr 2025 - 12 Apr 2025100 Hour Therapeutic Teacher TrainingDharamsala€800€925SAVE €50*Contact
1745013600100April 202504/19/202519 Apr 2025 - 30 Apr 2025100 Hour Therapeutic Teacher TrainingDharamsala€800€925SAVE €50*Contact
1746050400100May 202505/01/202501 May 2025 - 12 May 2025100 Hour Therapeutic Teacher TrainingDharamsala€800€925SAVE €50*Contact
1747605600100May 202505/19/202519 May 2025 - 30 May 2025100 Hour Therapeutic Teacher TrainingDharamsala€800€925SAVE €50*Contact
1748728800100June 202506/01/202501 Jun 2025 - 12 Jun 2025100 Hour Therapeutic Teacher TrainingDharamsala€800€925SAVE €50*Contact
1750284000100June 202506/19/202519 Jun 2025 - 30 Jun 2025100 Hour Therapeutic Teacher TrainingDharamsala€800€925SAVE €50*Contact
1751320800100July 202507/01/202501 Jul 2025 - 12 Jul 2025100 Hour Therapeutic Teacher TrainingDharamsala€800€925SAVE €50*Contact
1752876000100July 202507/19/202519 Jul 2025 - 30 Jul 2025100 Hour Therapeutic Teacher TrainingDharamsala€800€925SAVE €50*Contact
1753999200100August 202508/01/202501 Aug 2025 - 12 Aug 2025100 Hour Therapeutic Teacher TrainingDharamsala€800€925SAVE €50*Contact
1717192800100June 202406/01/202401 Jun 2024 - 12 Jun 2024100 Hour Yin Yoga Teacher TrainingDharamsala€800€925SAVE €50*Contact
1718748000100June 202406/19/202419 Jun 2024 - 30 Jun 2024100 Hour Yin Yoga Teacher TrainingDharamsala€800€925SAVE €50*Contact
1719784800100July 202407/01/202401 Jul 2024 - 12 Jul 2024100 Hour Yin Yoga Teacher TrainingDharamsala€800€925SAVE €50*Contact
1721340000100July 202407/19/202419 Jul 2024 - 30 Jul 2024100 Hour Yin Yoga Teacher TrainingDharamsala€800€925SAVE €50*Contact
1722463200100August 202408/01/202401 Aug 2024 - 12 Aug 2024100 Hour Yin Yoga Teacher TrainingDharamsala€800€925SAVE €50*Contact
1724018400100August 202408/19/202419 Aug 2024 - 30 Aug 2024100 Hour Yin Yoga Teacher TrainingDharamsala€800€925SAVE €50*Contact
1725141600100September 202409/01/202401 Sep 2024 - 12 Sep 2024100 Hour Yin Yoga Teacher TrainingDharamsala€800€925SAVE €50*Contact
1726696800100September 202409/19/202419 Sep 2024 - 30 Sep 2024100 Hour Yin Yoga Teacher TrainingDharamsala€800€925SAVE €50*Contact
1740783600100March 202503/01/202501 Mar 2025 - 12 Mar 2025100 Hour Yin Yoga Teacher TrainingDharamsala€800€925SAVE €50*Contact
1742338800100March 202503/19/202519 Mar 2025 - 30 Mar 2025100 Hour Yin Yoga Teacher TrainingDharamsala€800€925SAVE €50*Contact
1743458400100April 202504/01/202501 Apr 2025 - 12 Apr 2025100 Hour Yin Yoga Teacher TrainingDharamsala€800€925SAVE €50*Contact
1745013600100April 202504/19/202519 Apr 2025 - 30 Apr 2025100 Hour Yin Yoga Teacher TrainingDharamsala€800€925SAVE €50*Contact
1746050400100May 202505/01/202501 May 2025 - 12 May 2025100 Hour Yin Yoga Teacher TrainingDharamsala€800€925SAVE €50*Contact
1747605600100May 202505/19/202519 May 2025 - 30 May 2025100 Hour Yin Yoga Teacher TrainingDharamsala€800€925SAVE €50*Contact
1748728800100June 202506/01/202501 Jun 2025 - 12 Jun 2025100 Hour Yin Yoga Teacher TrainingDharamsala€800€925SAVE €50*Contact
1750284000100June 202506/19/202519 Jun 2025 - 30 Jun 2025100 Hour Yin Yoga Teacher TrainingDharamsala€800€925SAVE €50*Contact
1751320800100July 202507/01/202501 Jul 2025 - 12 Jul 2025100 Hour Yin Yoga Teacher TrainingDharamsala€800€925SAVE €50*Contact
1752876000100July 202507/19/202519 Jul 2025 - 30 Jul 2025100 Hour Yin Yoga Teacher TrainingDharamsala€800€925SAVE €50*Contact
1753999200100August 202508/01/202501 Aug 2025 - 12 Aug 2025100 Hour Yin Yoga Teacher TrainingDharamsala€800€925SAVE €50*Contact
50May 2024,June 2024,July 2024,August 2024,September 2024,October 2024,November 2024,December 2024,January 2025,February 2025,March 2025,April 2025Every Monday to Saturday50 Hour Yin Yoga Teacher TrainingDharamsala€550€675SAVE €50*Contact
50May 2024,June 2024,July 2024,August 2024,September 2024,October 2024,November 2024,December 2024,January 2025,February 2025,March 2025,April 2025Every Monday to Saturday50 Hour Yoga Nidra Teacher TrainingDharamsala€550€675SAVE €50*Contact
1714341600500April 202404/29/202429 Apr 2024 - 22 Jun 2024500 Hour Ashtanga Yoga Teacher TrainingRishikesh€3,300€3,600SAVE €200*Contact
1716501600500May 202405/24/202424 May 2024 - 17 Jul 2024500 Hour Ashtanga Yoga Teacher TrainingRishikesh€3,300€3,600SAVE €200*Contact
1718661600500June 202406/18/202418 Jun 2024 - 11 Aug 2024500 Hour Ashtanga Yoga Teacher TrainingRishikesh€3,300€3,600SAVE €200*Contact
1720821600500July 202407/13/202413 Jul 2024 - 05 Sep 2024500 Hour Ashtanga Yoga Teacher TrainingRishikesh€3,300€3,600SAVE €200*Contact
1722981600500August 202408/07/202407 Aug 2024 - 30 Sep 2024500 Hour Ashtanga Yoga Teacher TrainingRishikesh€3,300€3,600SAVE €200*Contact
1714341600500April 202404/29/202429 Apr 2024 - 22 Jun 2024500 Hour Hatha Yoga Teacher TrainingRishikesh€3,300€3,600SAVE €200*Contact
1716501600500May 202405/24/202424 May 2024 - 17 Jul 2024500 Hour Hatha Yoga Teacher TrainingRishikesh€3,300€3,600SAVE €200*Contact
1718661600500June 202406/18/202418 Jun 2024 - 11 Aug 2024500 Hour Hatha Yoga Teacher TrainingRishikesh€3,300€3,600SAVE €200*Contact
1720821600500July 202407/13/202413 Jul 2024 - 05 Sep 2024500 Hour Hatha Yoga Teacher TrainingRishikesh€3,300€3,600SAVE €200*Contact
1722981600500August 202408/07/202407 Aug 2024 - 30 Sep 2024500 Hour Hatha Yoga Teacher TrainingRishikesh€3,300€3,600SAVE €200*Contact
1714341600500April 202404/29/202429 Apr 2024 - 22 Jun 2024500 Hour Multistyle Yoga Teacher TrainingRishikesh€3,300€3,600SAVE €200*Contact
1716501600500May 202405/24/202424 May 2024 - 17 Jul 2024500 Hour Multistyle Yoga Teacher TrainingRishikesh€3,300€3,600SAVE €200*Contact
1718661600500June 202406/18/202418 Jun 2024 - 11 Aug 2024500 Hour Multistyle Yoga Teacher TrainingRishikesh€3,300€3,600SAVE €200*Contact
1720821600500July 202407/13/202413 Jul 2024 - 05 Sep 2024500 Hour Multistyle Yoga Teacher TrainingRishikesh€3,300€3,600SAVE €200*Contact
1722981600500August 202408/07/202407 Aug 2024 - 30 Sep 2024500 Hour Multistyle Yoga Teacher TrainingRishikesh€3,300€3,600SAVE €200*Contact
1714341600500April 202404/29/202429 Apr 2024 - 22 Jun 2024500 Hour Restorative Yoga Teacher TrainingRishikesh€3,300€3,600SAVE €200*Contact
1716501600500May 202405/24/202424 May 2024 - 17 Jul 2024500 Hour Restorative Yoga Teacher TrainingRishikesh€3,300€3,600SAVE €200*Contact
1718661600500June 202406/18/202418 Jun 2024 - 11 Aug 2024500 Hour Restorative Yoga Teacher TrainingRishikesh€3,300€3,600SAVE €200*Contact
1720821600500July 202407/13/202413 Jul 2024 - 05 Sep 2024500 Hour Restorative Yoga Teacher TrainingRishikesh€3,300€3,600SAVE €200*Contact
1722981600500August 202408/07/202407 Aug 2024 - 30 Sep 2024500 Hour Restorative Yoga Teacher TrainingRishikesh€3,300€3,600SAVE €200*Contact
1714341600500April 202404/29/202429 Apr 2024 - 22 Jun 2024500 Hour Therapeutic Yoga Teacher TrainingRishikesh€3,300€3,600SAVE €200*Contact
1716501600500May 202405/24/202424 May 2024 - 17 Jul 2024500 Hour Therapeutic Yoga Teacher TrainingRishikesh€3,300€3,600SAVE €200*Contact
1718661600500June 202406/18/202418 Jun 2024 - 11 Aug 2024500 Hour Therapeutic Yoga Teacher TrainingRishikesh€3,300€3,600SAVE €200*Contact
1720821600500July 202407/13/202413 Jul 2024 - 05 Sep 2024500 Hour Therapeutic Yoga Teacher TrainingRishikesh€3,300€3,600SAVE €200*Contact
1722981600500August 202408/07/202407 Aug 2024 - 30 Sep 2024500 Hour Therapeutic Yoga Teacher TrainingRishikesh€3,300€3,600SAVE €200*Contact
1714341600500April 202404/29/202429 Apr 2024 - 22 Jun 2024500 Hour Vinyasa Yoga Teacher TrainingRishikesh€3,300€3,600SAVE €200*Contact
1716501600500May 202405/24/202424 May 2024 - 17 Jul 2024500 Hour Vinyasa Yoga Teacher TrainingRishikesh€3,300€3,600SAVE €200*Contact
1718661600500June 202406/18/202418 Jun 2024 - 11 Aug 2024500 Hour Vinyasa Yoga Teacher TrainingRishikesh€3,300€3,600SAVE €200*Contact
1720821600500July 202407/13/202413 Jul 2024 - 05 Sep 2024500 Hour Vinyasa Yoga Teacher TrainingRishikesh€3,300€3,600SAVE €200*Contact
1722981600500August 202408/07/202407 Aug 2024 - 30 Sep 2024500 Hour Vinyasa Yoga Teacher TrainingRishikesh€3,300€3,600SAVE €200*Contact
1714341600500April 202404/29/202429 Apr 2024 - 22 Jun 2024500 Hour Yin Yoga Teacher TrainingRishikesh€3,300€3,600SAVE €200*Contact
1716501600500May 202405/24/202424 May 2024 - 17 Jul 2024500 Hour Yin Yoga Teacher TrainingRishikesh€3,300€3,600SAVE €200*Contact
1718661600500June 202406/18/202418 Jun 2024 - 11 Aug 2024500 Hour Yin Yoga Teacher TrainingRishikesh€3,300€3,600SAVE €200*Contact
1720821600500July 202407/13/202413 Jul 2024 - 05 Sep 2024500 Hour Yin Yoga Teacher TrainingRishikesh€3,300€3,600SAVE €200*Contact
1722981600500August 202408/07/202407 Aug 2024 - 30 Sep 2024500 Hour Yin Yoga Teacher TrainingRishikesh€3,300€3,600SAVE €200*Contact
1717192800300June 202406/01/202401 Jun 2024 - 30 Jun 2024300 Hour Ashtanga Yoga Teacher TrainingRishikesh€2,100€2,350SAVE €150*Contact
1719784800300July 202407/01/202401 Jul 2024 - 30 Jul 2024300 Hour Ashtanga Yoga Teacher TrainingRishikesh€2,100€2,350SAVE €150*Contact
1722463200300August 202408/01/202401 Aug 2024 - 30 Aug 2024300 Hour Ashtanga Yoga Teacher TrainingRishikesh€2,100€2,350SAVE €150*Contact
1725141600300September 202409/01/202401 Sep 2024 - 30 Sep 2024300 Hour Ashtanga Yoga Teacher TrainingRishikesh€2,100€2,350SAVE €150*Contact
1727733600300October 202410/01/202401 Oct 2024 - 30 Oct 2024300 Hour Ashtanga Yoga Teacher TrainingRishikesh€2,100€2,350SAVE €150*Contact
1717192800300June 202406/01/202401 Jun 2024 - 30 Jun 2024300 Hour Hatha Yoga Teacher TrainingRishikesh€2,100€2,350SAVE €150*Contact
1719784800300July 202407/01/202401 Jul 2024 - 30 Jul 2024300 Hour Hatha Yoga Teacher TrainingRishikesh€2,100€2,350SAVE €150*Contact
1722463200300August 202408/01/202401 Aug 2024 - 30 Aug 2024300 Hour Hatha Yoga Teacher TrainingRishikesh€2,100€2,350SAVE €150*Contact
1725141600300September 202409/01/202401 Sep 2024 - 30 Sep 2024300 Hour Hatha Yoga Teacher TrainingRishikesh€2,100€2,350SAVE €150*Contact
1727733600300October 202410/01/202401 Oct 2024 - 30 Oct 2024300 Hour Hatha Yoga Teacher TrainingRishikesh€2,100€2,350SAVE €150*Contact
1717192800300June 202406/01/202401 Jun 2024 - 30 Jun 2024300 Hour Multistyle Yoga Teacher TrainingRishikesh€2,100€2,350SAVE €150*Contact
1719784800300July 202407/01/202401 Jul 2024 - 30 Jul 2024300 Hour Multistyle Yoga Teacher TrainingRishikesh€2,100€2,350SAVE €150*Contact
1722463200300August 202408/01/202401 Aug 2024 - 30 Aug 2024300 Hour Multistyle Yoga Teacher TrainingRishikesh€2,100€2,350SAVE €150*Contact
1725141600300September 202409/01/202401 Sep 2024 - 30 Sep 2024300 Hour Multistyle Yoga Teacher TrainingRishikesh€2,100€2,350SAVE €150*Contact
1727733600300October 202410/01/202401 Oct 2024 - 30 Oct 2024300 Hour Multistyle Yoga Teacher TrainingRishikesh€2,100€2,350SAVE €150*Contact
1717192800300June 202406/01/202401 Jun 2024 - 30 Jun 2024300 Hour Restorative Yoga Teacher TrainingRishikesh€2,100€2,350SAVE €150*Contact
1719784800300July 202407/01/202401 Jul 2024 - 30 Jul 2024300 Hour Restorative Yoga Teacher TrainingRishikesh€2,100€2,350SAVE €150*Contact
1722463200300August 202408/01/202401 Aug 2024 - 30 Aug 2024300 Hour Restorative Yoga Teacher TrainingRishikesh€2,100€2,350SAVE €150*Contact
1725141600300September 202409/01/202401 Sep 2024 - 30 Sep 2024300 Hour Restorative Yoga Teacher TrainingRishikesh€2,100€2,350SAVE €150*Contact
1727733600300October 202410/01/202401 Oct 2024 - 30 Oct 2024300 Hour Restorative Yoga Teacher TrainingRishikesh€2,100€2,350SAVE €150*Contact
1717192800300June 202406/01/202401 Jun 2024 - 30 Jun 2024300 Hour Therapeutic Yoga Teacher TrainingRishikesh€2,100€2,350SAVE €150*Contact
1719784800300July 202407/01/202401 Jul 2024 - 30 Jul 2024300 Hour Therapeutic Yoga Teacher TrainingRishikesh€2,100€2,350SAVE €150*Contact
1722463200300August 202408/01/202401 Aug 2024 - 30 Aug 2024300 Hour Therapeutic Yoga Teacher TrainingRishikesh€2,100€2,350SAVE €150*Contact
1725141600300September 202409/01/202401 Sep 2024 - 30 Sep 2024300 Hour Therapeutic Yoga Teacher TrainingRishikesh€2,100€2,350SAVE €150*Contact
1727733600300October 202410/01/202401 Oct 2024 - 30 Oct 2024300 Hour Therapeutic Yoga Teacher TrainingRishikesh€2,100€2,350SAVE €150*Contact
1717192800300June 202406/01/202401 Jun 2024 - 30 Jun 2024300 Hour Vinyasa Yoga Teacher TrainingRishikesh€2,100€2,350SAVE €150*Contact
1719784800300July 202407/01/202401 Jul 2024 - 30 Jul 2024300 Hour Vinyasa Yoga Teacher TrainingRishikesh€2,100€2,350SAVE €150*Contact
1722463200300August 202408/01/202401 Aug 2024 - 30 Aug 2024300 Hour Vinyasa Yoga Teacher TrainingRishikesh€2,100€2,350SAVE €150*Contact
1725141600300September 202409/01/202401 Sep 2024 - 30 Sep 2024300 Hour Vinyasa Yoga Teacher TrainingRishikesh€2,100€2,350SAVE €150*Contact
1727733600300October 202410/01/202401 Oct 2024 - 30 Oct 2024300 Hour Vinyasa Yoga Teacher TrainingRishikesh€2,100€2,350SAVE €150*Contact
1717192800300June 202406/01/202401 Jun 2024 - 30 Jun 2024300 Hour Yin Yoga Teacher TrainingRishikesh€2,100€2,350SAVE €150*Contact
1719784800300July 202407/01/202401 Jul 2024 - 30 Jul 2024300 Hour Yin Yoga Teacher TrainingRishikesh€2,100€2,350SAVE €150*Contact
1722463200300August 202408/01/202401 Aug 2024 - 30 Aug 2024300 Hour Yin Yoga Teacher TrainingRishikesh€2,100€2,350SAVE €150*Contact
1725141600300September 202409/01/202401 Sep 2024 - 30 Sep 2024300 Hour Yin Yoga Teacher TrainingRishikesh€2,100€2,350SAVE €150*Contact
1727733600300October 202410/01/202401 Oct 2024 - 30 Oct 2024300 Hour Yin Yoga Teacher TrainingRishikesh€2,100€2,350SAVE €150*Contact
1716501600200May 202405/24/202424 May 2024 - 17 Jun 2024200 Hour Ashtanga Teacher TrainingRishikesh€1,500€1,750SAVE €100*Contact
1718661600200June 202406/18/202418 Jun 2024 - 12 Jul 2024200 Hour Ashtanga Teacher TrainingRishikesh€1,500€1,750SAVE €100*Contact
1720821600200July 202407/13/202413 Jul 2024 - 06 Aug 2024200 Hour Ashtanga Teacher TrainingRishikesh€1,500€1,750SAVE €100*Contact
1722981600200August 202408/07/202407 Aug 2024 - 31 Aug 2024200 Hour Ashtanga Teacher TrainingRishikesh€1,500€1,750SAVE €100*Contact
1725141600200September 202409/01/202401 Sep 2024 - 25 Sep 2024200 Hour Ashtanga Teacher TrainingRishikesh€1,500€1,750SAVE €100*Contact
1727301600200September 202409/26/202426 Sep 2024 - 20 Oct 2024200 Hour Ashtanga Teacher TrainingRishikesh€1,500€1,750SAVE €100*Contact
1716501600200May 202405/24/202424 May 2024 - 17 Jun 2024200 Hour Hatha Teacher TrainingRishikesh€1,500€1,750SAVE €100*Contact
1718661600200June 202406/18/202418 Jun 2024 - 12 Jul 2024200 Hour Hatha Teacher TrainingRishikesh€1,500€1,750SAVE €100*Contact
1720821600200July 202407/13/202413 Jul 2024 - 06 Aug 2024200 Hour Hatha Teacher TrainingRishikesh€1,500€1,750SAVE €100*Contact
1722981600200August 202408/07/202407 Aug 2024 - 31 Aug 2024200 Hour Hatha Teacher TrainingRishikesh€1,500€1,750SAVE €100*Contact
1725141600200September 202409/01/202401 Sep 2024 - 25 Sep 2024200 Hour Hatha Teacher TrainingRishikesh€1,500€1,750SAVE €100*Contact
1727301600200September 202409/26/202426 Sep 2024 - 20 Oct 2024200 Hour Hatha Teacher TrainingRishikesh€1,500€1,750SAVE €100*Contact
1716501600200May 202405/24/202424 May 2024 - 17 Jun 2024200 Hour Multistyle Teacher TrainingRishikesh€1,500€1,750SAVE €100*Contact
1718661600200June 202406/18/202418 Jun 2024 - 12 Jul 2024200 Hour Multistyle Teacher TrainingRishikesh€1,500€1,750SAVE €100*Contact
1720821600200July 202407/13/202413 Jul 2024 - 06 Aug 2024200 Hour Multistyle Teacher TrainingRishikesh€1,500€1,750SAVE €100*Contact
1722981600200August 202408/07/202407 Aug 2024 - 31 Aug 2024200 Hour Multistyle Teacher TrainingRishikesh€1,500€1,750SAVE €100*Contact
1725141600200September 202409/01/202401 Sep 2024 - 25 Sep 2024200 Hour Multistyle Teacher TrainingRishikesh€1,500€1,750SAVE €100*Contact
1727301600200September 202409/26/202426 Sep 2024 - 20 Oct 2024200 Hour Multistyle Teacher TrainingRishikesh€1,500€1,750SAVE €100*Contact
1716501600200May 202405/24/202424 May 2024 - 17 Jun 2024200 Hour Restorative Teacher TrainingRishikesh€1,500€1,750SAVE €100*Contact
1718661600200June 202406/18/202418 Jun 2024 - 12 Jul 2024200 Hour Restorative Teacher TrainingRishikesh€1,500€1,750SAVE €100*Contact
1720821600200July 202407/13/202413 Jul 2024 - 06 Aug 2024200 Hour Restorative Teacher TrainingRishikesh€1,500€1,750SAVE €100*Contact
1722981600200August 202408/07/202407 Aug 2024 - 31 Aug 2024200 Hour Restorative Teacher TrainingRishikesh€1,500€1,750SAVE €100*Contact
1725141600200September 202409/01/202401 Sep 2024 - 25 Sep 2024200 Hour Restorative Teacher TrainingRishikesh€1,500€1,750SAVE €100*Contact
1727301600200September 202409/26/202426 Sep 2024 - 20 Oct 2024200 Hour Restorative Teacher TrainingRishikesh€1,500€1,750SAVE €100*Contact
1716501600200May 202405/24/202424 May 2024 - 17 Jun 2024200 Hour Therapeutic Teacher TrainingRishikesh€1,500€1,750SAVE €100*Contact
1718661600200June 202406/18/202418 Jun 2024 - 12 Jul 2024200 Hour Therapeutic Teacher TrainingRishikesh€1,500€1,750SAVE €100*Contact
1720821600200July 202407/13/202413 Jul 2024 - 06 Aug 2024200 Hour Therapeutic Teacher TrainingRishikesh€1,500€1,750SAVE €100*Contact
1722981600200August 202408/07/202407 Aug 2024 - 31 Aug 2024200 Hour Therapeutic Teacher TrainingRishikesh€1,500€1,750SAVE €100*Contact
1725141600200September 202409/01/202401 Sep 2024 - 25 Sep 2024200 Hour Therapeutic Teacher TrainingRishikesh€1,500€1,750SAVE €100*Contact
1727301600200September 202409/26/202426 Sep 2024 - 20 Oct 2024200 Hour Therapeutic Teacher TrainingRishikesh€1,500€1,750SAVE €100*Contact
1716501600200May 202405/24/202424 May 2024 - 17 Jun 2024200 Hour Vinyasa Teacher TrainingRishikesh€1,500€1,750SAVE €100*Contact
1718661600200June 202406/18/202418 Jun 2024 - 12 Jul 2024200 Hour Vinyasa Teacher TrainingRishikesh€1,500€1,750SAVE €100*Contact
1720821600200July 202407/13/202413 Jul 2024 - 06 Aug 2024200 Hour Vinyasa Teacher TrainingRishikesh€1,500€1,750SAVE €100*Contact
1722981600200August 202408/07/202407 Aug 2024 - 31 Aug 2024200 Hour Vinyasa Teacher TrainingRishikesh€1,500€1,750SAVE €100*Contact
1725141600200September 202409/01/202401 Sep 2024 - 25 Sep 2024200 Hour Vinyasa Teacher TrainingRishikesh€1,500€1,750SAVE €100*Contact
1727301600200September 202409/26/202426 Sep 2024 - 20 Oct 2024200 Hour Vinyasa Teacher TrainingRishikesh€1,500€1,750SAVE €100*Contact
1716501600200May 202405/24/202424 May 2024 - 17 Jun 2024200 Hour Yin Yoga Teacher TrainingRishikesh€1,500€1,750SAVE €100*Contact
1718661600200June 202406/18/202418 Jun 2024 - 12 Jul 2024200 Hour Yin Yoga Teacher TrainingRishikesh€1,500€1,750SAVE €100*Contact
1720821600200July 202407/13/202413 Jul 2024 - 06 Aug 2024200 Hour Yin Yoga Teacher TrainingRishikesh€1,500€1,750SAVE €100*Contact
1722981600200August 202408/07/202407 Aug 2024 - 31 Aug 2024200 Hour Yin Yoga Teacher TrainingRishikesh€1,500€1,750SAVE €100*Contact
1725141600200September 202409/01/202401 Sep 2024 - 25 Sep 2024200 Hour Yin Yoga Teacher TrainingRishikesh€1,500€1,750SAVE €100*Contact
1727301600200September 202409/26/202426 Sep 2024 - 20 Oct 2024200 Hour Yin Yoga Teacher TrainingRishikesh€1,500€1,750SAVE €100*Contact
1717192800100June 202406/01/202401 Jun 2024 - 12 Jun 2024100 Hour Ashtanga Teacher TrainingRishikesh€800€925SAVE €50*Contact
1718748000100June 202406/19/202419 Jun 2024 - 30 Jun 2024100 Hour Ashtanga Teacher TrainingRishikesh€800€925SAVE €50*Contact
1719784800100July 202407/01/202401 Jul 2024 - 12 Jul 2024100 Hour Ashtanga Teacher TrainingRishikesh€800€925SAVE €50*Contact
1721340000100July 202407/19/202419 Jul 2024 - 30 Jul 2024100 Hour Ashtanga Teacher TrainingRishikesh€800€925SAVE €50*Contact
1722463200100August 202408/01/202401 Aug 2024 - 12 Aug 2024100 Hour Ashtanga Teacher TrainingRishikesh€800€925SAVE €50*Contact
1724018400100August 202408/19/202419 Aug 2024 - 30 Aug 2024100 Hour Ashtanga Teacher TrainingRishikesh€800€925SAVE €50*Contact
1725141600100September 202409/01/202401 Sep 2024 - 12 Sep 2024100 Hour Ashtanga Teacher TrainingRishikesh€800€925SAVE €50*Contact
1726696800100September 202409/19/202419 Sep 2024 - 30 Sep 2024100 Hour Ashtanga Teacher TrainingRishikesh€800€925SAVE €50*Contact
1727733600100October 202410/01/202401 Oct 2024 - 12 Oct 2024100 Hour Ashtanga Teacher TrainingRishikesh€800€925SAVE €50*Contact
1729288800100October 202410/19/202419 Oct 2024 - 30 Oct 2024100 Hour Ashtanga Teacher TrainingRishikesh€800€925SAVE €50*Contact
1717192800100June 202406/01/202401 Jun 2024 - 12 Jun 2024100 Hour Hatha Teacher TrainingRishikesh€800€925SAVE €50*Contact
1718748000100June 202406/19/202419 Jun 2024 - 30 Jun 2024100 Hour Hatha Teacher TrainingRishikesh€800€925SAVE €50*Contact
1719784800100July 202407/01/202401 Jul 2024 - 12 Jul 2024100 Hour Hatha Teacher TrainingRishikesh€800€925SAVE €50*Contact
1721340000100July 202407/19/202419 Jul 2024 - 30 Jul 2024100 Hour Hatha Teacher TrainingRishikesh€800€925SAVE €50*Contact
1722463200100August 202408/01/202401 Aug 2024 - 12 Aug 2024100 Hour Hatha Teacher TrainingRishikesh€800€925SAVE €50*Contact
1724018400100August 202408/19/202419 Aug 2024 - 30 Aug 2024100 Hour Hatha Teacher TrainingRishikesh€800€925SAVE €50*Contact
1725141600100September 202409/01/202401 Sep 2024 - 12 Sep 2024100 Hour Hatha Teacher TrainingRishikesh€800€925SAVE €50*Contact
1726696800100September 202409/19/202419 Sep 2024 - 30 Sep 2024100 Hour Hatha Teacher TrainingRishikesh€800€925SAVE €50*Contact
1727733600100October 202410/01/202401 Oct 2024 - 12 Oct 2024100 Hour Hatha Teacher TrainingRishikesh€800€925SAVE €50*Contact
1729288800100October 202410/19/202419 Oct 2024 - 30 Oct 2024100 Hour Hatha Teacher TrainingRishikesh€800€925SAVE €50*Contact
1717192800100June 202406/01/202401 Jun 2024 - 12 Jun 2024100 Hour Vinyasa Teacher TrainingRishikesh€800€925SAVE €50*Contact
1718748000100June 202406/19/202419 Jun 2024 - 30 Jun 2024100 Hour Vinyasa Teacher TrainingRishikesh€800€925SAVE €50*Contact
1719784800100July 202407/01/202401 Jul 2024 - 12 Jul 2024100 Hour Vinyasa Teacher TrainingRishikesh€800€925SAVE €50*Contact
1721340000100July 202407/19/202419 Jul 2024 - 30 Jul 2024100 Hour Vinyasa Teacher TrainingRishikesh€800€925SAVE €50*Contact
1722463200100August 202408/01/202401 Aug 2024 - 12 Aug 2024100 Hour Vinyasa Teacher TrainingRishikesh€800€925SAVE €50*Contact
1724018400100August 202408/19/202419 Aug 2024 - 30 Aug 2024100 Hour Vinyasa Teacher TrainingRishikesh€800€925SAVE €50*Contact
1725141600100September 202409/01/202401 Sep 2024 - 12 Sep 2024100 Hour Vinyasa Teacher TrainingRishikesh€800€925SAVE €50*Contact
1726696800100September 202409/19/202419 Sep 2024 - 30 Sep 2024100 Hour Vinyasa Teacher TrainingRishikesh€800€925SAVE €50*Contact
1727733600100October 202410/01/202401 Oct 2024 - 12 Oct 2024100 Hour Vinyasa Teacher TrainingRishikesh€800€925SAVE €50*Contact
1729288800100October 202410/19/202419 Oct 2024 - 30 Oct 2024100 Hour Vinyasa Teacher TrainingRishikesh€800€925SAVE €50*Contact
1717192800100June 202406/01/202401 Jun 2024 - 12 Jun 2024100 Hour Restorative Teacher TrainingRishikesh€800€925SAVE €50*Contact
1718748000100June 202406/19/202419 Jun 2024 - 30 Jun 2024100 Hour Restorative Teacher TrainingRishikesh€800€925SAVE €50*Contact
1719784800100July 202407/01/202401 Jul 2024 - 12 Jul 2024100 Hour Restorative Teacher TrainingRishikesh€800€925SAVE €50*Contact
1721340000100July 202407/19/202419 Jul 2024 - 30 Jul 2024100 Hour Restorative Teacher TrainingRishikesh€800€925SAVE €50*Contact
1722463200100August 202408/01/202401 Aug 2024 - 12 Aug 2024100 Hour Restorative Teacher TrainingRishikesh€800€925SAVE €50*Contact
1724018400100August 202408/19/202419 Aug 2024 - 30 Aug 2024100 Hour Restorative Teacher TrainingRishikesh€800€925SAVE €50*Contact
1725141600100September 202409/01/202401 Sep 2024 - 12 Sep 2024100 Hour Restorative Teacher TrainingRishikesh€800€925SAVE €50*Contact
1726696800100September 202409/19/202419 Sep 2024 - 30 Sep 2024100 Hour Restorative Teacher TrainingRishikesh€800€925SAVE €50*Contact
1727733600100October 202410/01/202401 Oct 2024 - 12 Oct 2024100 Hour Restorative Teacher TrainingRishikesh€800€925SAVE €50*Contact
1729288800100October 202410/19/202419 Oct 2024 - 30 Oct 2024100 Hour Restorative Teacher TrainingRishikesh€800€925SAVE €50*Contact
1717192800100June 202406/01/202401 Jun 2024 - 12 Jun 2024100 Hour Therapeutic Teacher TrainingRishikesh€800€925SAVE €50*Contact
1718748000100June 202406/19/202419 Jun 2024 - 30 Jun 2024100 Hour Therapeutic Teacher TrainingRishikesh€800€925SAVE €50*Contact
1719784800100July 202407/01/202401 Jul 2024 - 12 Jul 2024100 Hour Therapeutic Teacher TrainingRishikesh€800€925SAVE €50*Contact
1721340000100July 202407/19/202419 Jul 2024 - 30 Jul 2024100 Hour Therapeutic Teacher TrainingRishikesh€800€925SAVE €50*Contact
1722463200100August 202408/01/202401 Aug 2024 - 12 Aug 2024100 Hour Therapeutic Teacher TrainingRishikesh€800€925SAVE €50*Contact
1724018400100August 202408/19/202419 Aug 2024 - 30 Aug 2024100 Hour Therapeutic Teacher TrainingRishikesh€800€925SAVE €50*Contact
1725141600100September 202409/01/202401 Sep 2024 - 12 Sep 2024100 Hour Therapeutic Teacher TrainingRishikesh€800€925SAVE €50*Contact
1726696800100September 202409/19/202419 Sep 2024 - 30 Sep 2024100 Hour Therapeutic Teacher TrainingRishikesh€800€925SAVE €50*Contact
1727733600100October 202410/01/202401 Oct 2024 - 12 Oct 2024100 Hour Therapeutic Teacher TrainingRishikesh€800€925SAVE €50*Contact
1729288800100October 202410/19/202419 Oct 2024 - 30 Oct 2024100 Hour Therapeutic Teacher TrainingRishikesh€800€925SAVE €50*Contact
1717192800100June 202406/01/202401 Jun 2024 - 12 Jun 2024100 Hour Yin Yoga Teacher TrainingRishikesh€800€925SAVE €50*Contact
1718748000100June 202406/19/202419 Jun 2024 - 30 Jun 2024100 Hour Yin Yoga Teacher TrainingRishikesh€800€925SAVE €50*Contact
1719784800100July 202407/01/202401 Jul 2024 - 12 Jul 2024100 Hour Yin Yoga Teacher TrainingRishikesh€800€925SAVE €50*Contact
1721340000100July 202407/19/202419 Jul 2024 - 30 Jul 2024100 Hour Yin Yoga Teacher TrainingRishikesh€800€925SAVE €50*Contact
1722463200100August 202408/01/202401 Aug 2024 - 12 Aug 2024100 Hour Yin Yoga Teacher TrainingRishikesh€800€925SAVE €50*Contact
1724018400100August 202408/19/202419 Aug 2024 - 30 Aug 2024100 Hour Yin Yoga Teacher TrainingRishikesh€800€925SAVE €50*Contact
1725141600100September 202409/01/202401 Sep 2024 - 12 Sep 2024100 Hour Yin Yoga Teacher TrainingRishikesh€800€925SAVE €50*Contact
1726696800100September 202409/19/202419 Sep 2024 - 30 Sep 2024100 Hour Yin Yoga Teacher TrainingRishikesh€800€925SAVE €50*Contact
1727733600100October 202410/01/202401 Oct 2024 - 12 Oct 2024100 Hour Yin Yoga Teacher TrainingRishikesh€800€925SAVE €50*Contact
1729288800100October 202410/19/202419 Oct 2024 - 30 Oct 2024100 Hour Yin Yoga Teacher TrainingRishikesh€800€925SAVE €50*Contact
50May 2024,June 2024,July 2024,August 2024,September 2024,October 2024,November 2024,December 2024,January 2025,February 2025,March 2025,April 2025Every Monday to Saturday50 Hour Yin Yoga Teacher TrainingRishikesh€550€675SAVE €50*Contact
50May 2024,June 2024,July 2024,August 2024,September 2024,October 2024,November 2024,December 2024,January 2025,February 2025,March 2025,April 2025Every Monday to Saturday50 Hour Yoga Nidra Teacher TrainingRishikesh€550€675SAVE €50*Contact

Map & Directions to the Gokarna Yoga Center

Our Gokarna Yoga Center is located on beautiful Kudle Beach:

Shree Hari Yoga Center
Kudle Beach Road
Gokarna, Karnataka 581326, India

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