Wild thing opens up chest, lung and shoulder areas, as well as the front of the legs and hip flexors

The word “camatka” means “astonished” or “surprised” in Sanskrit.If you give this word additional emphasis, it reads “a miracle.” In English, the Camatkarasana is known as the Wild Thing Pose. This posture relies on a back-bend and is a single-handed balance stance.

Why must you feel startled or astonished?

Wild Thing Pose, or Camatkarasana, makes you feel like, “This stretch feels so good; amazed with the energy it gives!!”.  This back-bend releases tension in the neck, upper abdomen, chest, and heart, causing an outpouring of joy. This yoga pose gives one an intoxicating feeling, hence Wild Thing Pose.

Steps for Wild Thing Pose:

  • Commence with Adho Mukha Svanasana (Downward-Facing Dog).
  • Roll like Vasisthasana onto the outside of your right foot while shifting your weight into your right hand (Side Plank Pose).
  • Raise your hips with buoyancy as you inhale. Maintain your composure while using your right hand to make a clawing motion. Hold the right arm bone’s head back. Step your left foot back and plant your toes on the ground with your left knee slightly bent as you exhale.
  • Lean back through your upper back to have your shoulder blades sweep toward the rear of your rib cage.
  • Lift your hips higher on an inhale until the right foot is firmly planted on the ground and your back-bends more.
  • Maintain your breath and tilt your head back, extending your left arm forth from your heart to demonstrate your strength and independence.
  • After holding 5–10 breaths, come back to Down Dog and repeat on the opposite side.

Benefits of Camatkarasana:

  1. Lengthens, strengthens, and stretches:

    Camatkarasana, a demanding arm balance pose that also strengthens the core, helps to lengthen the muscles in the extended arm, upper side of the belly, back, chest, and shoulders by contracting the opposite side of the same involved muscles.
    The muscles of the extended leg, specifically the quadriceps, hip flexors, and pelvis, are deeply stretched and contracted, while the muscles of the bent leg are neutral.
    The gluteus muscles of the weight-bearing leg must tighten to hold the hips and maintain them stable during a mild twist and back-bend.
    The back muscles are strengthened due to the core and shoulders being used to open the chest, supported by the extension of the front torso.

    1. Flexibility and Range of Motion:

This posture increases the flexibility of the hips, arms, shoulders, and core muscles by twisting and back-bending them. It’s a wonderful exercise for shoulders that are well-toned since the balancing motion places weight on the arms and shoulders.
This also aids in improving the spine’s range of motion when in a twist, preparing the upper body for other difficult poses of the same type.

    1. Chest, Diaphragm, and Breath:

Deeper breathing is made possible by the active use of the chest, rib cage, shoulders, and upper abdomen.
The intercostal muscles must be effectively used to maintain the body’s stability and relaxation when in a twist during the balancing movement.
Effective use of the diaphragm stimulates the lungs, facilitating an increase in oxygen intake and preparing the lungs for more challenging poses.

    1. Awareness and Focus:

This balance stance necessitates breath-body synergy. Focus and awareness are crucial for this synchronization. Students must be alert about the balancing movement, the weight-bearing hand and foot, the hips’ stability, the chest’s opening, the effective use of the engaged muscles to support the hips and back, and the gaze to twist and open the torso. This will help them prepare for more difficult poses like Fallen Triangle Pose (PatitaTarasana), a back-bend practice, and will make them more capable of achieving all of this.

    1. Posture and Alignment:

To get the most out of the pose, Wild Thing Pose requires that the hands, hips, feet, and head be aligned.
When those mentioned above are in alignment, it facilitates improved breathing, which makes holding the position less strenuous.
Therefore, the alignment of the chest and ribcage with the rest of the body affects respiration.
When the hands or feet are positioned incorrectly, the shoulders and chest are impacted, which affects respiration. Similarly, when the feet are positioned incorrectly, the hips and the abdominal muscles are impacted.

    1. Stimulation and Circulation:

The back-bend in Wild Thing Pose exerts pressure on the abdomen region during practice. This pressure helps to promote digestion, reduce anxiety, and strengthen the immune system (together with extending the muscles).
The pelvic opening stimulates the reproductive organs, providing hormonal balance and improved glandular function. In addition to being a light chest opening, it improves blood circulation, which is important for the heart’s health.

    1. Energizing and Cardio Workout:

This practice may increase energy levels and should be considered when performing hip opening, core yoga asanas, or even strengthening the shoulders. Additionally, it might be a brief aerobic workout beneficial for teenagers.

    1. Balance and Emotions:

The back-bend in this position opens the Sacral Chakra, the Heart Chakra (Anahata Chakra), and the Throat Chakra (Vishuddha Chakra) (Swadhisthana Chakra).
The stance is balanced in terms of both the physical and emotional aspects. This beautiful position gives the impression that you are taking a leap of faith and instills courage and self-assurance in a person.
Like other back-bends, it is energizing and can elicit sensations of immense joy and expansion. It gives one a feeling of freedom and lets them express their wild side.

    1. Preparatory Pose:

When practiced as part of a flow, the Wild Thing Pose can serve as a warm-up for peak postures like the Fallen Triangle Pose, Flip The Dog Pose, or Vasisthasana Variation Raised Leg Pose (Side Plank Variation Raised Leg).

Contraindications to Camatkarasana:

    • Injuries:

Avoid practicing Camatkarasana (Wild Thing Pose) if you have injuries to your wrist, shoulder, neck, elbows, or back. Even after the injury has fully healed, you should still practice this position under the supervision of a yoga instructor.

    • Migraine:

If you have a migraine, avoid doing Camatkarasana (Wild Thing Pose) since the head, and neck fall may increase pressure on the brain due to the abrupt rushing of blood.

    • Heart-Related Issues:

People who have experienced issues with their hearts should avoid Camatkarasana, not only those who have had heart surgery (Wild Thing Pose).

    • Carpal Tunnel Syndrome:

The median nerve compression caused by the pressure on the elbow and wrists may aggravate this condition. So it’s wise to steer clear of the habit.

    • Blood Pressure:

People with high blood pressure should avoid practicing this yoga posture because the quick rush of blood into the heart and the head in the opposite direction may not be safe and cause the body to become unbalanced.

    • Lack of Body Control or Balance:

Entering Camatkarasana, often known as the “Wild Thing Pose,” is simpler than coming out of it.
Understanding the body weight is necessary to escape from the position due to the rapid rotation of the body. Utilizing such information aids with bodily control. Therefore, if one doesn’t have it, it might hurt them when they release.

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Shree Hari Yoga