Skeletal System

The human skeleton is the interior framework of the human body that is composed of 14% of the entire body weight. It extends to the maximum density around age 21.

There are minute differences between sexes in the morphology of the skull, teeth, long bones, and pelvic girdle. In common, female skeletal component tend to be smaller and less strong than corresponding male component within a segment or cultural population. The human female pelvis is also dissimilar from that of males to facilitate childbirth.

The bones of the human skeleton are:

  • Appendicular skeleton
  • Axial skeleton

The appendicular skeleton comprises all the bones that forms the upper and lower limbs, and the shoulder. The axial skeleton comprises the bones that form the skull, laryngeal skeleton, vertebral column, and thoracic cage.

The bones of the appendicular skeleton are fixed to the axial one.

Axial System:

  1. Skull: –

The skull comprises of the cranial bones and the facial skeleton. The cranial bones composed the top and back portion of the skull and surrounded the brain. The facial skeleton, as its name recommends, makes up the face of the skull.

  1. Facial Skeleton: –

The 14 bones of the facial skeleton form the entry of the respiratory and digestive tracts. The facial skeleton is formed by the mandible, maxillae, and the bones that permit the shape of the nasal cavity.

  1. Cranial Bones: –

The eight cranial bones support and protects the brain are occipital bone, parietal bone, temporal bone, sphenoid and ethmoid.

  1. Skull Sutures: –

In new born infants, cranial bones are connected by flexible fibrous sutures. These regions permit the skull to expand to accommodate the growing brains.

Appendicular System:

  1. Pelvis: –

The bones of the pelvis joined with the bones of the lower limbs to the axial skeleton.

Let’s take a look at the bones of the appendicular skeleton.


  1. The Bones of the Shoulder Girdle: –

The shoulder girdle comprises of the scapulae and clavicles. The shoulder girdle connects the bones of upper limbs to the axial skeleton.


  1. Bones of the Upper Limbs: –

The upper limbs consist the bones of the arm, forearm, wrist and hand. The only bone of the arm is humerus. The ulna is the larger of the two forearm bones.


  1. Wrist Bones: –

The wrist bone consists of eight carpal bones. The eight carpal bones of the wrist are the Hamate, Triquetral, Scaphoid, Lunate, Pisiform, Trapezium, Trapezoid.


  1. The Bones of the Pelvis: –

The pelvic girdle is a ring of bones attach to the vertebral column that the bones of the lower limbs to the axial skeleton. Each hip bone is a large and irregular in shape.

Function Of The Skeletal System

  • The system protects the interior organs from injury.
  • It also allows movement of the body, limbs and appendages in general.
  • It also manufactures blood cells
  • The skeletal system is responsible for storing minerals and nutrients.
  • It also supports the body structure.

The Skeletal System and Yoga – The Connection

You know by now, that the human skeleton system comprises, bones, muscles, joints, ligaments, and tendons, to name a few. This is the framework, that you will particularly see, when you see someone. The skin happens to be the largest organ that covers the entire skeletal framework. Moreover, the skeletal system and the muscular system are inter-related. If there is any damage to one system, the other also gets affected. When there is any sort of injury to any of the muscles and connective tissues, the body is thrown off balance.

However, there is a cure. The ancient sages and saints have gifted mankind this wonderful, ancient healing form called yoga. If you practice yoga asanas on a regular basis, you are bound to get benefitted immensely. It is a mandate that, you should always learn yoga from an accredited yoga school, like Shree Hari Yoga. If you choose your yoga poses in a proper manner, you will be able to heal weak tissues and torn ones as well. Certain yoga poses can also help to lubricate the joints and also stimulates the production of synovial fluid. Yoga poses also help to strengthen the bones, removes age-related illnesses, and also improves bone density. It also prevents osteoporosis.

So, most of you may be wondering, which yoga practices are beneficial for the body. Yoga poses are the first thing, that you should practice. Then comes Pranayama, which will help you to breathe in a proper manner. When you correct your breathing technique, it also has positive implications on the body physically, as well as mentally. The diaphragm gets strengthened to the core.

Benefits of Yoga Asana on the Skeletal System

  • When you practice asanas on a regular basis, the benefits get passed on to the muscles, ligaments and tendons. They give shape to the body in particular.
  • The asanas can also address issues related to poor posture of the body.
  • It also helps to reduce structural decay.
  • Pranayama practices also helps the practitioner to release accumulated muscle tension. And it also aids in proper energy flow.
  • The poses also help to keep the body in supple condition.

If you are wondering, which poses have sufficient positive impact on the Musculo-skeletal system, then hold on. All the poses impact in some way or the other. Bhujangasana for example, helps to address the problems that are related to sitting at the desk for long working hours. The Revolved Triangle pose helps to open up the back of the hips. The Surya Namaskar is another series of asanas that are very impactful. It also gives the practitioner dynamism.

However, there are contraindications associated with the practice of asanas and breathing exercises. If you suffer from an injury, have undergone a surgery, or have some chronic illness, it is necessary for you to tell your yoga teacher about it. Some people cannot practice certain poses. You have to delegate the responsibility to someone, who is adept at teaching yoga and manage diseases as well.

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Shree Hari Yoga