From the past many years, people are practicing, hatha yoga. Hatha Yoga is one of the very famous yoga which focuses on the complete body. There are It activates all the chakras in our body and helps us in providing overall wellness which means physical as well as spiritual wellness.
The word Hatha yoga is derived from the word, ‘Ha’, which stands for the sun Nadi, and the word ‘tha’ which means the moon Nadi. *Nadi’s are energy tunnels through the body. Balance your nadis, and your energy with this sun salutation.
Hatha Yoga
Hatha Yoga Surya Namaskar is one of the oldest and the most traditional yoga forms for sun salutation. People do this often to keep others to achieve complete fitness. Hatha Surya Namaskar is being practiced for a long time. It includes a total of 24 yoga positions; however, the 12 yoga positions are repeated again for completing one cycle. The yoga positions that are being practiced in Hatha Surya Namaskar can be used for doing different other yoga poses also. They have some really great effects on our body and mind. Even if one performs the Hatha Surya Namaskar for just 15 to 20 minutes, it also helps. Let’s see, how it can be done. We will share with you all the 12 yoga positions here, and how one can practice them. Make sure you do it in sequence only. Because Hatha Surya Namaskar can be done in sequence only.

Pranamasna – In this asana, one needs to be in the standing pose in the prayer pose form.
To do this asana, follow these steps:
Stand straight and put both your palms in front of your chest, like you do during prayer or namaskar.
Just let your body in a relaxed form, and salute the sun by thanking him from your mind. Inhale and exhale normally.
Hasta Utthanasana – This is a pose where you will have to raise both your arms. It is also named Raised Arms Pose.
Follow the steps given below to do this asana:
Start inhaling while you raise both your hands.
Make sure your arms are away from each other and are above your head.
Bend the upper trunk, your arms, and your head slightly.

Padahastasana – This pose is also named as Hand to foot pose. You can easily do it using
these steps:
Start exhaling while bending forward. Your palms and your fingers should either
touch your feet sides or should the floor.
Ensure that your knees are straight.

Ashwa Sanchalanasna – You may find it a bit difficult to do this step but will learn by practice. It is named Equestrian Pose. Do this pose using the below-mentioned steps:
Start with stretching any of your legs be it the right one or the left one towards the back while inhaling.
Both your hands should be on the floor, beside your foot.
Start bending the knee while keeping your arms straight.
Arch your back, while tilting your head in the backward direction.
Gaze in the upward direction, in the center of your eyebrows.
Parvatasana – This is named Mountain Pose, and this pose is practiced by beginners also for doing yoga. You can follow these steps for doing this yoga asana:
Place your right foot and your hands in the still position.
Now, bring the front foot toward the back next to the other foot.
Now while raising your buttocks, start bringing your head lower in between both your arms.
Your back and your legs should look like triangle sides.
Now, both your arms and legs should be straight, while your heels should be towards the floor.
Ashtanga Namaskara – When we say Ashtanga Namaskara, this means saluting using eight body parts. Here, is how you can perform this yoga asana:
Place both your hands and foot in the right position.
Bring your chin, chest, and knees lower touching the floor.
Both your feet should be on your toes.
Raise your buttocks, your hips, and your abdomen.

Bhujangasana – You all might be aware of this yoga pose which we also call Cobra Pose. It helps in eliminating different health-related problems. Here, is how to do this yoga pose:
Make sure both your hands and your legs are in the right position. Slightly move your chest in the forward direction.
Start raising your head, then your shoulders.
Make your elbows straight and arch your back, just like one needs to be in the cobra position.
Your hips and your buttocks will be towards the floor.
Now, bend your head backward and start gazing at the center of the eyebrow in the upward direction.
Parvatasana – Now, again we will do the Parvatasana, which we did before. Follow these simple steps, for doing this yoga asana:
Just after the Bhujangasana, start doing the Parvatasana by exhaling and raising your buttocks.
Ashwa Sanchalanasana – It is the same pose, which we did before, that is 4 the yoga pose.
Use these steps for doing this yoga asana:
Keep your palms on the floor and place the right foot in the correct position.
Start bending your left leg. Place the left foot in between both your hands.
Now, bring your right knee lower, making it touch the floor. Meanwhile, push your pelvis in the forward direction.
Now, start tilting your head towards the back, make an arch from the back, and start gazing at the center of both your eyebrows. Keep inhaling while doing this
Padahastasana – As we have done this asana while following the sequence, here are some
steps which you have to do now:
Start bringing your right foot in the forward direction, beside the left one. Keep both your legs straight.
Now, start bringing your forehead towards your knees but do not stress too much.
While doing this position exhale slowly.

Hasta Utthanasana – We are sharing some steps for doing this pose here, make sure you follow them properly:
Make sure that both your arms and your spine are straight and in one line.
Now, while raising your torso, start stretching your hands towards your head.
Both the hands will be separated, and the shoulders will also be away.
Slightly start bending your arms, your head, and your upper trunk backward.
Start inhaling by making the body straight.
Pranamasana – In this pose, you need to get aware in a similar way to the first one. To do this step, bring both your hands in front of your chest with both your palms touching each other. While doing this, exhale slowly. For the positions from 13 to 24, you need to repeat the same positions again to complete a