25 Yin Yoga poses Decoded For You

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If you have been practicing yoga for a while, you must have already encountered the more grounding side of yoga, through Hatha Yoga. Additionally, yoga is also about the dynamic forms and practices, as with forms such as Ashtanga-Vinyasa. From Hatha Yoga to Ashtanga Vinyasa, you must have seen the sweat-inducing side of yoga. Moreover, you cannot miss out the Kundalini Yoga practice, which evokes myriad emotions in different people.

Yin Yoga is another form of yoga, which stresses on the female energy. Many call it Daoist Yoga as well. It helps to go deep into the body’s tissues and works on them. Moreover, the main difference between the other forms and Yin Yoga, is that you have to hold the postures for a long time.

Today, you will come to know of the best Yin Yoga poses, that will help you to go deep within.

Yin Yoga Poses You Should Know About

In the Yin Yoga Class, you will be made to practice these poses, under the guidance of a trained yoga trainer.

  • Half Pigeon Pose Hip Block – This is a beginner level yoga pose, which anyone can start with. You have to perform the pose in sitting position. It also involves forward bend, so you can imagine the stress you will be subjecting your muscles to. This pose tends to benefit the lower back, middle back, glutes, hamstrings, hips, and pelvic region. You will be getting the best initiation, with the help of this pose.
  • Yogi Squat Variation – It is another one of those variations, which you can practice today. It will help you to boost energy, and is always included in the flow sequences. You will come across this yoga pose in many other yoga forms, like Prenatal yoga, Cire Yoga, as well as the very elusive Yin Yoga. You will be able to make a huge impact on the connective tissues within your body, with this yin pose.
  • Half -Lotus with Raised Arms – This is yet another yoga pose, which you can practice, but under the guidance of a trained yoga expert. It is a variation of the normal Half-Lotus pose. The creative alignment of the hands above the head, stretched to its limit, adds to the excitement. You can use it for warm up as well.
  • Broken Wings Pose – It is basically a prone pose for beginners. It mainly helps to open up the pectoral muscles and the hip muscles. The pose also allows a student to stretch as well as twist in the prone position. It is one of the restorative Yin yoga poses.
  • Child Pose with Block – It is yet another yoga pose, which falls under Yin Yoga as well. If you are a beginner, you will be able to do this pose, quite easily. You have to sit in Vajra asana, and stretch your hands in front, and fold the torso from the hip joint. In this variation, you have to use a block, to keep your head face down on it.
  • Crocodile Pose on your Elbows – This is yet another Yin yoga pose, that you cannot miss out on. It is one of the backbend yoga poses that all beginners can practice. You can consider this asana as a variation of the Salamba Bhujangasana. Some also address it as the Makarasana. In this pose, you will be able to give a gentle stretch to the back muscles, while keeping the neck supported.
  • Half-Butterfly Pose Forward Bend – It is a variation of the Bound Angle Pose, which you must have encountered in other yoga forms. One of the legs are extended and one is folded, while you fold forward in this yoga pose.
  • Fire Log Pose – It is a seated pose, that brings in immense benefits. It is a hip opener that only intermediate practitioners can do.
  • Ear Pressure Pose – It is another form of the Karnapida asana, which is also called plough pose in other yoga forms. By practicing this asana, you will be not only able to impact your body physically, but also mentally, as you cut off from the environment.
  • Easy Pose Forward Bend – It is again one of the calming and soothing poses, that you can practice. You have to sit in Sukhasana and then fold the body forward from the hip joint, to touch the ground with stretched hands.
  • Anahatasana Pose – This is one of the poses that forms a part of Yin Yoga poses. You will be on your knees, and folded forward, resting the ground with arms stretched forward.
  • Ankle Stretch Pose – You have to do this asana, by sitting on the heels. You can also sit on the ankles, if you want to. Hold the knees, and stretch the spine with head straight in one line, backwards.
  • Bananasana – This is another great asana, that can affect the gall bladder meridian of your body. If you raise the arms during the asana, you can also affect the heart and lung meridians in a positive manner.
  • Bridge Pose – You can start by lying down on the ground and lifting the body up, with the feet as support and on your elbows. After you have settled in this pose, you can straighten the legs, but not before placing a block beneath the spine.
  • Butterfly Pose – This is the same as the name that goes for it. You can do it, even without loose hamstrings.

Now that you know, the above poses, you should also know about a few more beneficial Yin Yoga poses. They are as given below.

  • Camel Pose – It is similar to the Ushtra Asana. It gives a deep stretch to the back.
  • Cat pulling its Tail Pose – This is one of the asanas, in which you can positively affect your meridians inside the torso.
  • Caterpillar Pose – It also involves stretching your ligaments to the core.
  • Deer Pose – It helps to open the hips. Your gall bladder line is positively affected as a part of the course.
  • Dragons Pose – It is a deep hip and groin opener. You can get into the pose from the Downward Dog pose.
  • Saddle Pose – You have to emulate a sacral-lumbar stretch through this asana. If you are an athlete, this pose will help you a lot.
  • Snail Pose – It is similar to Halasana, which is the plough pose.
  • Happy Baby Pose – You have to do this pose, while lying on your back. Stretch the legs upwards in front of you, while holding the toes. You can affect all the organ meridians that pass through the torso, while practicing this pose.

These are the top 25 Yin Yoga poses that you can try out, to awaken the female energies.
