300 Hour Multistyle Yoga Teacher Training Course In Rishikesh

YTT Courses & Yoga Retreats in the Birthplace of Yoga

An inclusive topic is a yoga. Many great yogis spent many years developing, enhancing, and perfecting it. A few hundred hours of training barely scratch the surface.
You won’t be able to control it until after hours, weeks, or even years of practice. You must continue to advance even if you are successful.

Your knowledge and understanding will grow as a result of practicing multi-style yoga.

Our 300-hour yoga teacher training program includes Sivananda, Yin, Hatha, and Vinyasa as part of its Indian traditions coverage (dynamic flow). The main goal is to get the potential teachers in shape so they can practice and teach on their own in both physical and spiritual ways.
In the same way, YTTCs serve as refresher courses and multi-style yoga teacher training programs. The foundational courses of 200, 300, and 500 hours will give you a thorough understanding of the fundamental yoga styles.

In these classes, students of all skill levels are welcome. This enables children to choose their preferred style as they quickly become accustomed to various looks. They may then choose to concentrate on and become experts in that particular style.

Pranayam yoga

Rishikesh is a center for spirituality and embodies India’s deep-rooted, ancient culture. The intense sadhanas (meditation practices) carried out by the ancient sages have created many locations near Rishikesh where spiritual vibrations are at their highest.

As it is surrounded by imposing green mountains, lovely waterfalls, and the mesmerizing turquoise-blue Ganga River flowing through the town, one can immerse themselves in the beauty of nature here. These beautiful settings have a charm that can calm the soul, which is difficult to find in the hectic pace of city life.The entire state synthesizes numerous wonders, whether treks, climbs, meadows, camping, rafting, temples, or cultural festivals.

Yoga involves training the mind to become still, and Rishikesh, whose name means “Lord of Senses,” is the ideal location for this.

What To Expect When You Join A Yoga Teacher Training?

According to the Skanda Purana, Lord Vishnu appeared to Raibhya Rishi here as the “God of Senses,” Hrishikesh. In addition, this location’s serene surroundings and strong spiritual vibrations make it ideal for yogic practices for anyone looking to find solitude, tranquility, and self-transformation.

Many famous people have spoken highly of Rishikesh’s spiritual energy. Thousands of yogis and gurus have lived their lives of austerity here. While some yoga studios are situated in the city’s heart, many others are far from the commotion of the crowds, offering the ideal setting for yoga enthusiasts to learn and practice tranquility and peace amidst nature. And that is the way it ought to be! For those looking to advance spiritually in life, this location offers a wide range of educational opportunities, including yoga, meditation, Ayurveda, Pranic healing, sound healing, and much more.

Rishikesh, also known as the “Yoga capital of the world,” has Shree Hari Yoga, providing excellent learning opportunities in this field. These include yoga philosophy, which covers the knowledge downloaded from our great saints, meditation techniques that help us to be more appreciative of life, pranayama practices that teach us to be more aware of our breath, shatkarma practices that help in cleansing the body from the inside out, yoga anatman, and yoga nidra.

Hatha Yoga in Dharamsala

Why choose Rishikesh for your Yoga Teacher Training Course?

Yoga instruction in Rishikesh, sometimes known as the Yoga Capital of the World, is an experience you’ll remember forever.
Many folks from all over the world travel to Rishikesh as part of their soul-searching journey.
It is situated at the foot of the powerful Himalayas and on the banks of the sacred Ganges River.
Deepen your self-study while traveling along Vedic pilgrimage routes through spiritually charged sacred territory in the country of the Rishis. You get the chance to meet new people worldwide when you enroll at Shree Hari Yoga for yoga training in Rishikesh. This not only gives you a profound grasp of humanity in general but also enlarges your horizons of thought by acquainting you with various cultures, customs, and best practices. Yoga training gives you the mental capacity to evaluate multiple situations and points of view, which can help you live a better life and become a known and accredited yoga instructor worldwide.

Every yoga student here can experience a transient state of mind thanks to the flow of the
revered and captivating river Ganga. Rishikesh is the perfect location for any yoga practice
because of its ambiance, climate, and ideal environment for grasping yoga techniques and
reaping its best advantages, whether you’re a beginner or an experienced learner.

monkey in the mountains in rishikesh

What is Multi-style Yoga?

The 300 Hour Multistyle Yoga Teacher Training includes Hatha Yoga, Ashtanga Yoga, and Vinyasa Yoga practice. This is one of the best yoga courses, if you have completed the foundation course and looking for more advanced knowledge. You will be studying the same topics, but in-depth. That is what differentiates the course from other 200-hour courses. Moreover, you will also learn various forms of meditation, as a part of the course and in a more detailed manner. The course gives a lot of attention to technical aspects of yoga and the structural components.

What Will You Learn In Multi-style Yoga?


About Multi-style Yoga

You can now undergo the 300 Hour Multi-style Yoga Teacher Training in the tranquil and idyllic location of Rishikesh. You stand to get an all-around expertise in the subject with multi-style yoga. This multi-style yoga helps you to master various yoga styles.

These yoga styles focus on different aspects of the yoga realm and will help you understand how to use them for a balanced body, mind, and soul. You get to sink deep into the physical, mental, and spiritual practices involved in Yoga. The lessons enhance your understanding of yoga in depth. Yoga Philosophy, Anatomy, Physiology, and Yoga Lineage are also considered as an important part of the course.

Pranayama in Multi-style Yoga

You will learn about the different types of breathing in the multi style yoga teacher training. The practices are mainly attached with breath control and related sciences. Some of the Pranayama techniques that you will learn as a part of the course are Shitkari, Shitali, Anuloma Viloma, Bhramari, and Bhastrika Pranayama. Moreover, you will learn about the types of breathing like thoracic breathing, clavicular breathing, and abdominal breathing. The breathing modalities are an important part of the course. Moreover, you will come across fast breathing, slow breathing, and breath retention.

Pranayama Courses in India
Ashtanga yoga teacher in upper bhagsu, dharamshala

Asanas in Multi-style Yoga

As a part of the 300 Hour Multi-style Yoga Teacher Training you will learn about Hatha Yoga, which is the prime example of Classical Yoga. Ha stands for ‘sun’ and Tha stands for the ‘moon’. You will be able to unify the powers of the sun and the moon, through this yoga form. It also tends to increase your overall stamina and flexibility. You will start the practice, with the help of the Surya Namaskara, which is a great warmup. Forward-bending asanas and backward-bending asanas follow. There will be spinal twisting and contortions as well. You will also practice slits. In multi-style yoga, you will also learn Ashtanga Vinyasa for, in which the breath, poses, and your gaze assumes a lot of importance. There are two series – primary and secondary series, that you will master in this form. When you go for this kind of course, you are getting thorough information on the various styles, and that makes you an advanced teacher.


The 300 Hour Multistyle Yoga Teacher Training takes you through various kinds of mantras. They have the power to change lives. Additionally, mantras can create subtle vibrations that can cause the brain waves to travel well. You can communicate with the universe to send your messages across. Some of the mantras that are worth mentioning here are the opening mantra, Om, Gayatri Mantra, and the Completeness mantra, to name a few.

Vinyasa Yoga Teacher Training

Art of Teaching

The best teachers with teach you the advanced asanas, their sequencing, alignments, and variations in great detail. In multi style yoga teacher training, you will be exposed to three main forms of yoga, and they are Hatha Yoga and Ashtanga-Vinyasa Yoga. Most students are eager to come directly to the point, in this type of yoga. Most teachers at Shree Hari Yoga School will teach the Kleshas, vrittis, yamas, and niyamas in complete details. Moreover, you will get to learn about the sutras. You can also mix the classes. The best teachers will guide you through the process of comfort and discomfort, to make the students proficient as teachers. You can apply the same principles of teaching, in your own yoga class.

Anatomy and Physiology

Anatomy and Physiology lessons are important, if you want to teach yoga. Additionally, you will also be able to indulge in proper self-practice. At Shree Hari Yoga school, you will learn about the bones, muscles, tendons, ligaments, and the cartilage system. When you teach a yoga class, you need to advise the right adjustments and modifications. And for that very reason, you need to know about the internal structure of the body along with all the body processes. If you are unaware of the human anatomy, you cannot give the right suggestions to your students.

turtle pose
flexibillity, knee to head


In the 300 hour multi style yoga teacher training, trained yoga teachers will provide the best knowledge of Yoga Philosophy. The expert teachers at Shree Hari Yoga School have followed the yogic philosophy and help you to imbibe the same. In this multi-style yoga course, you will study from Patanjali’s Yoga Sutras, which is popular as the Eight-limb theory that achieves a lot of importance here. The yoga classes are conducted in a scientific manner, so that you can apply the principles on a daily basis.

Sound Healing

Sound Healing is another important part of the 300 hour multistyle yoga teacher training in Rishikesh. Sounds have the power to heal the mind and physical body, in various ways. It also impacts the brain waves. Sounds can travel through the nervous system fast and in every direction. Sounds have a direct relation to the mind, as it can aid in complete relaxation. It uses the aspects of music, to heal the mind and the body. Several religions use sound healing for therapeutic benefits.

Yoga hall with studends

Shatkarma (Cleansing)

Shatkarma kriyas are Kapalbhati, Nauli, Trataka, Basti, Neti, and Dhouti. You will be able to cleanse the entire body system, with such kriyas. These are six kriyas in total, as a part of the routine. The teachers at Shree Hari Yoga School, will help you to understand the same and also practice it under guidance. You will be able to clear the alimentary canal, respiratory system, nasal chambers, small intestines, colon, and eyes, using these kriyas.

Mudra & Bandha

Mudras and bandhas are very important part of the yoga realm. There are various types of hand mudras, head mudras, and energy locks or bandhas, that can aid in your yoga practice. These are practices, that accompany yoga asanas or you can also practice them on your own. You can also use Pranayama for maximum engagement of the body and to get all the yogic benefits. You can improve your yoga practice, through the use of hand mudras alone, like Chin mudra, Dhyana mudra, Gyan mudra, and Vayu mudra, to name a few. Bandhas can direct proper energies to various parts of the body as well. The main purpose of bandhas is to lock the energies in specific body parts.

laughing yoga

Yoga Alliance Standard We Maintain For Multi-style Yoga

The multi style yoga teacher training is certified by Yoga Alliance. You will be following a universal curriculum as a part of the multi-style yoga course. The course completion is followed by your ability to apply for RYT 300 certification. Moreover, you will be following a universal curriculum as a part of the course structure. So, you get global acceptance and can land a job anywhere. Yoga Alliance ensures a global curriculum is followed by the school.

yoga nidra

Yoga Sequencing Classes (Practicum) for Multi-style Yoga

The most experienced yoga teacher will conduct the classes at Shree Hari Yoga School. The classes are quite small, so you stand to get adequate attention from the teachers. You will practice sun salutations, standing asanas, seated ones, supine ones, forward-folding asanas, back-bending asanas, and twists/ contortions. The Ashtanga-Vinyasa journey will be theme-based. The teachers play a huge role in way they address the students for practice. Warmup is an essential part of the yoga forms, and takes place in the form of sun salutations. You will be guided to the final stage, where you relax in Savasana. In the dynamic flow yoga, you will learn about Drishti, breathing, and posture. That is Ashtanga Vinyasa flow for you. Both styles are given equal importance as a part of the course. One is static and provides balance, whereas the other introduces dynamism in the practice.

Schedule of Multi-style Yoga at Shree Hari Yoga School

The yoga classes start with Pranayama, mantras and meditation. You can start the session with Hatha Yoga, and then head for breakfast. After the same, you will attend theory classes on Yoga Anatomy, Philosophy, Sutras, and theoretical principles. You also learn the science of Pranayama, mudras, and bandhas. Alignments and adjustments follow. Yoga Nidra and meditation sessions are also a part of this life-changing yoga course. Philosophy classes are also a part of the course at Shree Hari Yoga School. After you are done, you will break for lunch. After lunch, you will be doing the Ashtanga-Vinyasa practice. You will also learn about sequencing. Practice teaching is also considered as important. The day ends with self-study and kirtans. There may be variations in the schedule, depending on the flow of the day or student requirements. Retire for the night early, so that you can get up early in the morning for practice.

Rishikesh Teacher Training Lifestyle

How you will spend your days and nights during the course

Daily Routine

From Monday to Saturday, generally from 6:30am to 6:30pm, your daily routine will include multiple practice sessions as well as practical and theory classes. Your schedule will also include open time for you to engage in self-study and practice teaching with your fellow trainees.

On Saturdays you will have only a half day of coursework and Sundays are your days off. Use this time to relax, study, and enjoy your surrounding.

meditation on top in the mountains
beautiful mountains

Sample Schedule

Your actual schedule will vary weekly but this is an example of what you can expect:

06:30am – 07:30am ​Meditation/Pranayama/ Mantra/ sound healing/ yoga nindra
07:30am – 09:00am led Multistyle yoga
09:00am – 10:00am Breakfast
11:00am – 12:00pm Philosophy
12:00pm – 13:00pm​ Art of teaching
14:00pm – 15:00pm​ Anatomy/ physiology/ TCM / Ayurveda
15:00pm – 16:00pm self study
16:00pm – 17:30pm Mysore style Multistyle
19:00pm – 20:00pm ​Dinner

Where You Will Stay

We provide you with clean, comfortable, and safe accommodations located close to the yoga shala. Rooms are either shared between two trainees or private, depending on your preference. These simple but cozy rooms are the perfect respite for rest and relaxation between training sessions. You will step out of your door straight into nature and fall asleep with the sounds of the ocean or mountain breeze. The fresh air and beautiful scenery will fill your soul with happiness and calm.

accommodations in the himalayan mountains
shy diet food

What You Will Eat

We provide 3 healthy, energy-boosting vegetarian (vegan-friendly) meals per day, from Monday to Saturday. Our kitchen staff prides themselves on their selection of local, fresh, and seasonally-appropriate ingredients. We aim to give you all the energy you need for this intensive time. Let us nourish your soul and fill your body with prana supporting meals!

Sunday is a holiday for staff and students and we encourage you to try some of the delicious food on offer in the surrounding area.

Opening & Closing

Please feel free to check-in any time from 10 am on the day before your course’s start date. This arrival day is dedicated for you to settle in and get familiar with your new surroundings. In the evening there will be an orientation and opening ceremony followed by a welcome dinner. The following morning your training schedule will commence after a sunrise fire ceremony.

On the final day, we will hold a closing ceremony where you will get your certificate followed by a photo session with your fellow graduates. Check-out time is 1 pm, but you may join activities throughout the day as desired.

monkey in the mountains in rishikesh
yoga teacher is meditating at the waterfall

After Class in Rishikesh

  • Ganga Aarti (ritual of worshipping the Ganges)
  • Visit temples and ashrams
  • Visit nearby waterfalls
  • Rishikesh (no, not an actual Rishikesh beach! It’s a place on the river bank frequented by people who come to sit, read, meditate, or chant)
  • Shopping at local markets
  • Hiking/walking

Nearby Adventure Activities

Rishikesh is also renowned for adventure sports. A few of the main activities offered are:

  • Bungee jumping
  • Mountain biking
  • White water rafting
  • Kayaking
  • Rock climbing
beautiful mountains

Upcoming Yoga Courses in Rishikesh

You can join the 300 Hour Multistyle Yoga Teacher Training course in Rishikesh, at any time of the year. We post the same on the website at regular intervals, twice a month. If you are interested in advancing your yoga career, then you should enquire now about the advanced Multistyle Yoga courses as well. We are just a call and e-mail away.

DatesCourseLocationsShared RoomPrivate RoomBook Early Discount*
1725141600500September 202409/01/202401 Sep 2024 - 25 Oct 2024500 Hour Ashtanga Yoga Teacher TrainingGoa€3,300€3,600SAVE €200*Contact
1727301600500September 202409/26/202426 Sep 2024 - 19 Nov 2024500 Hour Ashtanga Yoga Teacher TrainingGoa€3,300€3,600SAVE €200*Contact
1729461600500October 202410/21/202421 Oct 2024 - 14 Dec 2024500 Hour Ashtanga Yoga Teacher TrainingGoa€3,300€3,600SAVE €200*Contact
1731625200500November 202411/15/202415 Nov 2024 - 08 Jan 2025500 Hour Ashtanga Yoga Teacher TrainingGoa€3,300€3,600SAVE €200*Contact
1733785200500December 202412/10/202410 Dec 2024 - 02 Feb 2025500 Hour Ashtanga Yoga Teacher TrainingGoa€3,300€3,600SAVE €200*Contact
1735945200500January 202501/04/202504 Jan 2025 - 27 Feb 2025500 Hour Ashtanga Yoga Teacher TrainingGoa€3,300€3,600SAVE €200*Contact
1738105200500January 202501/29/202529 Jan 2025 - 24 Mar 2025500 Hour Ashtanga Yoga Teacher TrainingGoa€3,300€3,600SAVE €200*Contact
1740265200500February 202502/23/202523 Feb 2025 - 18 Apr 2025500 Hour Ashtanga Yoga Teacher TrainingGoa€3,300€3,600SAVE €200*Contact
1725141600500September 202409/01/202401 Sep 2024 - 25 Oct 2024500 Hour Hatha Yoga Teacher TrainingGoa€3,300€3,600SAVE €200*Contact
1727301600500September 202409/26/202426 Sep 2024 - 19 Nov 2024500 Hour Hatha Yoga Teacher TrainingGoa€3,300€3,600SAVE €200*Contact
1729461600500October 202410/21/202421 Oct 2024 - 14 Dec 2024500 Hour Hatha Yoga Teacher TrainingGoa€3,300€3,600SAVE €200*Contact
1731625200500November 202411/15/202415 Nov 2024 - 08 Jan 2025500 Hour Hatha Yoga Teacher TrainingGoa€3,300€3,600SAVE €200*Contact
1733785200500December 202412/10/202410 Dec 2024 - 02 Feb 2025500 Hour Hatha Yoga Teacher TrainingGoa€3,300€3,600SAVE €200*Contact
1735945200500January 202501/04/202504 Jan 2025 - 27 Feb 2025500 Hour Hatha Yoga Teacher TrainingGoa€3,300€3,600SAVE €200*Contact
1738105200500January 202501/29/202529 Jan 2025 - 24 Mar 2025500 Hour Hatha Yoga Teacher TrainingGoa€3,300€3,600SAVE €200*Contact
1740265200500February 202502/23/202523 Feb 2025 - 18 Apr 2025500 Hour Hatha Yoga Teacher TrainingGoa€3,300€3,600SAVE €200*Contact
1725141600500September 202409/01/202401 Sep 2024 - 25 Oct 2024500 Hour Multistyle Yoga Teacher TrainingGoa€3,300€3,600SAVE €200*Contact
1727301600500September 202409/26/202426 Sep 2024 - 19 Nov 2024500 Hour Multistyle Yoga Teacher TrainingGoa€3,300€3,600SAVE €200*Contact
1729461600500October 202410/21/202421 Oct 2024 - 14 Dec 2024500 Hour Multistyle Yoga Teacher TrainingGoa€3,300€3,600SAVE €200*Contact
1731625200500November 202411/15/202415 Nov 2024 - 08 Jan 2025500 Hour Multistyle Yoga Teacher TrainingGoa€3,300€3,600SAVE €200*Contact
1733785200500December 202412/10/202410 Dec 2024 - 02 Feb 2025500 Hour Multistyle Yoga Teacher TrainingGoa€3,300€3,600SAVE €200*Contact
1735945200500January 202501/04/202504 Jan 2025 - 27 Feb 2025500 Hour Multistyle Yoga Teacher TrainingGoa€3,300€3,600SAVE €200*Contact
1738105200500January 202501/29/202529 Jan 2025 - 24 Mar 2025500 Hour Multistyle Yoga Teacher TrainingGoa€3,300€3,600SAVE €200*Contact
1740265200500February 202502/23/202523 Feb 2025 - 18 Apr 2025500 Hour Multistyle Yoga Teacher TrainingGoa€3,300€3,600SAVE €200*Contact
1725141600500September 202409/01/202401 Sep 2024 - 25 Oct 2024500 Hour Restorative Yoga Teacher TrainingGoa€3,300€3,600SAVE €200*Contact
1727301600500September 202409/26/202426 Sep 2024 - 19 Nov 2024500 Hour Restorative Yoga Teacher TrainingGoa€3,300€3,600SAVE €200*Contact
1729461600500October 202410/21/202421 Oct 2024 - 14 Dec 2024500 Hour Restorative Yoga Teacher TrainingGoa€3,300€3,600SAVE €200*Contact
1731625200500November 202411/15/202415 Nov 2024 - 08 Jan 2025500 Hour Restorative Yoga Teacher TrainingGoa€3,300€3,600SAVE €200*Contact
1733785200500December 202412/10/202410 Dec 2024 - 02 Feb 2025500 Hour Restorative Yoga Teacher TrainingGoa€3,300€3,600SAVE €200*Contact
1735945200500January 202501/04/202504 Jan 2025 - 27 Feb 2025500 Hour Restorative Yoga Teacher TrainingGoa€3,300€3,600SAVE €200*Contact
1738105200500January 202501/29/202529 Jan 2025 - 24 Mar 2025500 Hour Restorative Yoga Teacher TrainingGoa€3,300€3,600SAVE €200*Contact
1740265200500February 202502/23/202523 Feb 2025 - 18 Apr 2025500 Hour Restorative Yoga Teacher TrainingGoa€3,300€3,600SAVE €200*Contact
1725141600500September 202409/01/202401 Sep 2024 - 25 Oct 2024500 Hour Therapeutic Yoga Teacher TrainingGoa€3,300€3,600SAVE €200*Contact
1727301600500September 202409/26/202426 Sep 2024 - 19 Nov 2024500 Hour Therapeutic Yoga Teacher TrainingGoa€3,300€3,600SAVE €200*Contact
1729461600500October 202410/21/202421 Oct 2024 - 14 Dec 2024500 Hour Therapeutic Yoga Teacher TrainingGoa€3,300€3,600SAVE €200*Contact
1731625200500November 202411/15/202415 Nov 2024 - 08 Jan 2025500 Hour Therapeutic Yoga Teacher TrainingGoa€3,300€3,600SAVE €200*Contact
1733785200500December 202412/10/202410 Dec 2024 - 02 Feb 2025500 Hour Therapeutic Yoga Teacher TrainingGoa€3,300€3,600SAVE €200*Contact
1735945200500January 202501/04/202504 Jan 2025 - 27 Feb 2025500 Hour Therapeutic Yoga Teacher TrainingGoa€3,300€3,600SAVE €200*Contact
1738105200500January 202501/29/202529 Jan 2025 - 24 Mar 2025500 Hour Therapeutic Yoga Teacher TrainingGoa€3,300€3,600SAVE €200*Contact
1740265200500February 202502/23/202523 Feb 2025 - 18 Apr 2025500 Hour Therapeutic Yoga Teacher TrainingGoa€3,300€3,600SAVE €200*Contact
1725141600500September 202409/01/202401 Sep 2024 - 25 Oct 2024500 Hour Vinyasa Yoga Teacher TrainingGoa€3,300€3,600SAVE €200*Contact
1727301600500September 202409/26/202426 Sep 2024 - 19 Nov 2024500 Hour Vinyasa Yoga Teacher TrainingGoa€3,300€3,600SAVE €200*Contact
1729461600500October 202410/21/202421 Oct 2024 - 14 Dec 2024500 Hour Vinyasa Yoga Teacher TrainingGoa€3,300€3,600SAVE €200*Contact
1731625200500November 202411/15/202415 Nov 2024 - 08 Jan 2025500 Hour Vinyasa Yoga Teacher TrainingGoa€3,300€3,600SAVE €200*Contact
1733785200500December 202412/10/202410 Dec 2024 - 02 Feb 2025500 Hour Vinyasa Yoga Teacher TrainingGoa€3,300€3,600SAVE €200*Contact
1735945200500January 202501/04/202504 Jan 2025 - 27 Feb 2025500 Hour Vinyasa Yoga Teacher TrainingGoa€3,300€3,600SAVE €200*Contact
1738105200500January 202501/29/202529 Jan 2025 - 24 Mar 2025500 Hour Vinyasa Yoga Teacher TrainingGoa€3,300€3,600SAVE €200*Contact
1740265200500February 202502/23/202523 Feb 2025 - 18 Apr 2025500 Hour Vinyasa Yoga Teacher TrainingGoa€3,300€3,600SAVE €200*Contact
1725141600500September 202409/01/202401 Sep 2024 - 25 Oct 2024500 Hour Yin Yoga Teacher TrainingGoa€3,300€3,600SAVE €200*Contact
1727301600500September 202409/26/202426 Sep 2024 - 19 Nov 2024500 Hour Yin Yoga Teacher TrainingGoa€3,300€3,600SAVE €200*Contact
1729461600500October 202410/21/202421 Oct 2024 - 14 Dec 2024500 Hour Yin Yoga Teacher TrainingGoa€3,300€3,600SAVE €200*Contact
1731625200500November 202411/15/202415 Nov 2024 - 08 Jan 2025500 Hour Yin Yoga Teacher TrainingGoa€3,300€3,600SAVE €200*Contact
1733785200500December 202412/10/202410 Dec 2024 - 02 Feb 2025500 Hour Yin Yoga Teacher TrainingGoa€3,300€3,600SAVE €200*Contact
1735945200500January 202501/04/202504 Jan 2025 - 27 Feb 2025500 Hour Yin Yoga Teacher TrainingGoa€3,300€3,600SAVE €200*Contact
1738105200500January 202501/29/202529 Jan 2025 - 24 Mar 2025500 Hour Yin Yoga Teacher TrainingGoa€3,300€3,600SAVE €200*Contact
1740265200500February 202502/23/202523 Feb 2025 - 18 Apr 2025500 Hour Yin Yoga Teacher TrainingGoa€3,300€3,600SAVE €200*Contact
1725141600300September 202409/01/202401 Sep 2024 - 30 Sep 2024300 Hour Ashtanga Yoga Teacher TrainingGoa€2,100€2,350SAVE €150*Contact
1727733600300October 202410/01/202401 Oct 2024 - 30 Oct 2024300 Hour Ashtanga Yoga Teacher TrainingGoa€2,100€2,350SAVE €150*Contact
1730415600300November 202411/01/202401 Nov 2024 - 30 Nov 2024300 Hour Ashtanga Yoga Teacher TrainingGoa€2,100€2,350SAVE €150*Contact
1733007600300December 202412/01/202401 Dec 2024 - 30 Dec 2024300 Hour Ashtanga Yoga Teacher TrainingGoa€2,100€2,350SAVE €150*Contact
1735686000300January 202501/01/202501 Jan 2025 - 30 Jan 2025300 Hour Ashtanga Yoga Teacher TrainingGoa€2,100€2,350SAVE €150*Contact
1738364400300February 202502/01/202501 Feb 2025 - 02 Mar 2025300 Hour Ashtanga Yoga Teacher TrainingGoa€2,100€2,350SAVE €150*Contact
1740783600300March 202503/01/202501 Mar 2025 - 30 Mar 2025300 Hour Ashtanga Yoga Teacher TrainingGoa€2,100€2,350SAVE €150*Contact
1743458400300April 202504/01/202501 Apr 2025 - 30 Apr 2025300 Hour Ashtanga Yoga Teacher TrainingGoa€2,100€2,350SAVE €150*Contact
1725141600300September 202409/01/202401 Sep 2024 - 30 Sep 2024300 Hour Hatha Yoga Teacher TrainingGoa€2,100€2,350SAVE €150*Contact
1727733600300October 202410/01/202401 Oct 2024 - 30 Oct 2024300 Hour Hatha Yoga Teacher TrainingGoa€2,100€2,350SAVE €150*Contact
1730415600300November 202411/01/202401 Nov 2024 - 30 Nov 2024300 Hour Hatha Yoga Teacher TrainingGoa€2,100€2,350SAVE €150*Contact
1733007600300December 202412/01/202401 Dec 2024 - 30 Dec 2024300 Hour Hatha Yoga Teacher TrainingGoa€2,100€2,350SAVE €150*Contact
1735686000300January 202501/01/202501 Jan 2025 - 30 Jan 2025300 Hour Hatha Yoga Teacher TrainingGoa€2,100€2,350SAVE €150*Contact
1738364400300February 202502/01/202501 Feb 2025 - 02 Mar 2025300 Hour Hatha Yoga Teacher TrainingGoa€2,100€2,350SAVE €150*Contact
1740783600300March 202503/01/202501 Mar 2025 - 30 Mar 2025300 Hour Hatha Yoga Teacher TrainingGoa€2,100€2,350SAVE €150*Contact
1743458400300April 202504/01/202501 Apr 2025 - 30 Apr 2025300 Hour Hatha Yoga Teacher TrainingGoa€2,100€2,350SAVE €150*Contact
1725141600300September 202409/01/202401 Sep 2024 - 30 Sep 2024300 Hour Multistyle Yoga Teacher TrainingGoa€2,100€2,350SAVE €150*Contact
1727733600300October 202410/01/202401 Oct 2024 - 30 Oct 2024300 Hour Multistyle Yoga Teacher TrainingGoa€2,100€2,350SAVE €150*Contact
1730415600300November 202411/01/202401 Nov 2024 - 30 Nov 2024300 Hour Multistyle Yoga Teacher TrainingGoa€2,100€2,350SAVE €150*Contact
1733007600300December 202412/01/202401 Dec 2024 - 30 Dec 2024300 Hour Multistyle Yoga Teacher TrainingGoa€2,100€2,350SAVE €150*Contact
1735686000300January 202501/01/202501 Jan 2025 - 30 Jan 2025300 Hour Multistyle Yoga Teacher TrainingGoa€2,100€2,350SAVE €150*Contact
1738364400300February 202502/01/202501 Feb 2025 - 02 Mar 2025300 Hour Multistyle Yoga Teacher TrainingGoa€2,100€2,350SAVE €150*Contact
1740783600300March 202503/01/202501 Mar 2025 - 30 Mar 2025300 Hour Multistyle Yoga Teacher TrainingGoa€2,100€2,350SAVE €150*Contact
1743458400300April 202504/01/202501 Apr 2025 - 30 Apr 2025300 Hour Multistyle Yoga Teacher TrainingGoa€2,100€2,350SAVE €150*Contact
1725141600300September 202409/01/202401 Sep 2024 - 30 Sep 2024300 Hour Restorative Yoga Teacher TrainingGoa€2,100€2,350SAVE €150*Contact
1727733600300October 202410/01/202401 Oct 2024 - 30 Oct 2024300 Hour Restorative Yoga Teacher TrainingGoa€2,100€2,350SAVE €150*Contact
1730415600300November 202411/01/202401 Nov 2024 - 30 Nov 2024300 Hour Restorative Yoga Teacher TrainingGoa€2,100€2,350SAVE €150*Contact
1733007600300December 202412/01/202401 Dec 2024 - 30 Dec 2024300 Hour Restorative Yoga Teacher TrainingGoa€2,100€2,350SAVE €150*Contact
1735686000300January 202501/01/202501 Jan 2025 - 30 Jan 2025300 Hour Restorative Yoga Teacher TrainingGoa€2,100€2,350SAVE €150*Contact
1738364400300February 202502/01/202501 Feb 2025 - 02 Mar 2025300 Hour Restorative Yoga Teacher TrainingGoa€2,100€2,350SAVE €150*Contact
1740783600300March 202503/01/202501 Mar 2025 - 30 Mar 2025300 Hour Restorative Yoga Teacher TrainingGoa€2,100€2,350SAVE €150*Contact
1743458400300April 202504/01/202501 Apr 2025 - 30 Apr 2025300 Hour Restorative Yoga Teacher TrainingGoa€2,100€2,350SAVE €150*Contact
1725141600300September 202409/01/202401 Sep 2024 - 30 Sep 2024300 Hour Therapeutic Yoga Teacher TrainingGoa€2,100€2,350SAVE €150*Contact
1727733600300October 202410/01/202401 Oct 2024 - 30 Oct 2024300 Hour Therapeutic Yoga Teacher TrainingGoa€2,100€2,350SAVE €150*Contact
1730415600300November 202411/01/202401 Nov 2024 - 30 Nov 2024300 Hour Therapeutic Yoga Teacher TrainingGoa€2,100€2,350SAVE €150*Contact
1733007600300December 202412/01/202401 Dec 2024 - 30 Dec 2024300 Hour Therapeutic Yoga Teacher TrainingGoa€2,100€2,350SAVE €150*Contact
1735686000300January 202501/01/202501 Jan 2025 - 30 Jan 2025300 Hour Therapeutic Yoga Teacher TrainingGoa€2,100€2,350SAVE €150*Contact
1738364400300February 202502/01/202501 Feb 2025 - 02 Mar 2025300 Hour Therapeutic Yoga Teacher TrainingGoa€2,100€2,350SAVE €150*Contact
1740783600300March 202503/01/202501 Mar 2025 - 30 Mar 2025300 Hour Therapeutic Yoga Teacher TrainingGoa€2,100€2,350SAVE €150*Contact
1743458400300April 202504/01/202501 Apr 2025 - 30 Apr 2025300 Hour Therapeutic Yoga Teacher TrainingGoa€2,100€2,350SAVE €150*Contact
1725141600300September 202409/01/202401 Sep 2024 - 30 Sep 2024300 Hour Vinyasa Yoga Teacher TrainingGoa€2,100€2,350SAVE €150*Contact
1727733600300October 202410/01/202401 Oct 2024 - 30 Oct 2024300 Hour Vinyasa Yoga Teacher TrainingGoa€2,100€2,350SAVE €150*Contact
1730415600300November 202411/01/202401 Nov 2024 - 30 Nov 2024300 Hour Vinyasa Yoga Teacher TrainingGoa€2,100€2,350SAVE €150*Contact
1733007600300December 202412/01/202401 Dec 2024 - 30 Dec 2024300 Hour Vinyasa Yoga Teacher TrainingGoa€2,100€2,350SAVE €150*Contact
1735686000300January 202501/01/202501 Jan 2025 - 30 Jan 2025300 Hour Vinyasa Yoga Teacher TrainingGoa€2,100€2,350SAVE €150*Contact
1738364400300February 202502/01/202501 Feb 2025 - 02 Mar 2025300 Hour Vinyasa Yoga Teacher TrainingGoa€2,100€2,350SAVE €150*Contact
1740783600300March 202503/01/202501 Mar 2025 - 30 Mar 2025300 Hour Vinyasa Yoga Teacher TrainingGoa€2,100€2,350SAVE €150*Contact
1743458400300April 202504/01/202501 Apr 2025 - 30 Apr 2025300 Hour Vinyasa Yoga Teacher TrainingGoa€2,100€2,350SAVE €150*Contact
1725141600300September 202409/01/202401 Sep 2024 - 30 Sep 2024300 Hour Yin Yoga Teacher TrainingGoa€2,100€2,350SAVE €150*Contact
1727733600300October 202410/01/202401 Oct 2024 - 30 Oct 2024300 Hour Yin Yoga Teacher TrainingGoa€2,100€2,350SAVE €150*Contact
1730415600300November 202411/01/202401 Nov 2024 - 30 Nov 2024300 Hour Yin Yoga Teacher TrainingGoa€2,100€2,350SAVE €150*Contact
1733007600300December 202412/01/202401 Dec 2024 - 30 Dec 2024300 Hour Yin Yoga Teacher TrainingGoa€2,100€2,350SAVE €150*Contact
1735686000300January 202501/01/202501 Jan 2025 - 30 Jan 2025300 Hour Yin Yoga Teacher TrainingGoa€2,100€2,350SAVE €150*Contact
1738364400300February 202502/01/202501 Feb 2025 - 02 Mar 2025300 Hour Yin Yoga Teacher TrainingGoa€2,100€2,350SAVE €150*Contact
1740783600300March 202503/01/202501 Mar 2025 - 30 Mar 2025300 Hour Yin Yoga Teacher TrainingGoa€2,100€2,350SAVE €150*Contact
1743458400300April 202504/01/202501 Apr 2025 - 30 Apr 2025300 Hour Yin Yoga Teacher TrainingGoa€2,100€2,350SAVE €150*Contact
1725141600200September 202409/01/202401 Sep 2024 - 25 Sep 2024200 Hour Ashtanga Teacher TrainingGoa€1,500€1,750SAVE €100*Contact
1727301600200September 202409/26/202426 Sep 2024 - 20 Oct 2024200 Hour Ashtanga Teacher TrainingGoa€1,500€1,750SAVE €100*Contact
1729461600200October 202410/21/202421 Oct 2024 - 14 Nov 2024200 Hour Ashtanga Teacher TrainingGoa€1,500€1,750SAVE €100*Contact
1731625200200November 202411/15/202415 Nov 2024 - 09 Dec 2024200 Hour Ashtanga Teacher TrainingGoa€1,500€1,750SAVE €100*Contact
1733785200200December 202412/10/202410 Dec 2024 - 03 Jan 2025200 Hour Ashtanga Teacher TrainingGoa€1,500€1,750SAVE €100*Contact
1735945200200January 202501/04/202504 Jan 2025 - 28 Jan 2025200 Hour Ashtanga Teacher TrainingGoa€1,500€1,750SAVE €100*Contact
1738105200200January 202501/29/202529 Jan 2025 - 22 Feb 2025200 Hour Ashtanga Teacher TrainingGoa€1,500€1,750SAVE €100*Contact
1740265200200February 202502/23/202523 Feb 2025 - 19 Mar 2025200 Hour Ashtanga Teacher TrainingGoa€1,500€1,750SAVE €100*Contact
1742425200200March 202503/20/202520 Mar 2025 - 13 Apr 2025200 Hour Ashtanga Teacher TrainingGoa€1,500€1,750SAVE €100*Contact
1744581600200April 202504/14/202514 Apr 2025 - 08 May 2025200 Hour Ashtanga Teacher TrainingGoa€1,500€1,750SAVE €100*Contact
1725141600200September 202409/01/202401 Sep 2024 - 25 Sep 2024200 Hour Hatha Teacher TrainingGoa€1,500€1,750SAVE €100*Contact
1727301600200September 202409/26/202426 Sep 2024 - 20 Oct 2024200 Hour Hatha Teacher TrainingGoa€1,500€1,750SAVE €100*Contact
1729461600200October 202410/21/202421 Oct 2024 - 14 Nov 2024200 Hour Hatha Teacher TrainingGoa€1,500€1,750SAVE €100*Contact
1731625200200November 202411/15/202415 Nov 2024 - 09 Dec 2024200 Hour Hatha Teacher TrainingGoa€1,500€1,750SAVE €100*Contact
1733785200200December 202412/10/202410 Dec 2024 - 03 Jan 2025200 Hour Hatha Teacher TrainingGoa€1,500€1,750SAVE €100*Contact
1735945200200January 202501/04/202504 Jan 2025 - 28 Jan 2025200 Hour Hatha Teacher TrainingGoa€1,500€1,750SAVE €100*Contact
1738105200200January 202501/29/202529 Jan 2025 - 22 Feb 2025200 Hour Hatha Teacher TrainingGoa€1,500€1,750SAVE €100*Contact
1740265200200February 202502/23/202523 Feb 2025 - 19 Mar 2025200 Hour Hatha Teacher TrainingGoa€1,500€1,750SAVE €100*Contact
1742425200200March 202503/20/202520 Mar 2025 - 13 Apr 2025200 Hour Hatha Teacher TrainingGoa€1,500€1,750SAVE €100*Contact
1744581600200April 202504/14/202514 Apr 2025 - 08 May 2025200 Hour Hatha Teacher TrainingGoa€1,500€1,750SAVE €100*Contact
1725141600200September 202409/01/202401 Sep 2024 - 25 Sep 2024200 Hour Multistyle Teacher TrainingGoa€1,500€1,750SAVE €100*Contact
1727301600200September 202409/26/202426 Sep 2024 - 20 Oct 2024200 Hour Multistyle Teacher TrainingGoa€1,500€1,750SAVE €100*Contact
1729461600200October 202410/21/202421 Oct 2024 - 14 Nov 2024200 Hour Multistyle Teacher TrainingGoa€1,500€1,750SAVE €100*Contact
1731625200200November 202411/15/202415 Nov 2024 - 09 Dec 2024200 Hour Multistyle Teacher TrainingGoa€1,500€1,750SAVE €100*Contact
1733785200200December 202412/10/202410 Dec 2024 - 03 Jan 2025200 Hour Multistyle Teacher TrainingGoa€1,500€1,750SAVE €100*Contact
1735945200200January 202501/04/202504 Jan 2025 - 28 Jan 2025200 Hour Multistyle Teacher TrainingGoa€1,500€1,750SAVE €100*Contact
1738105200200January 202501/29/202529 Jan 2025 - 22 Feb 2025200 Hour Multistyle Teacher TrainingGoa€1,500€1,750SAVE €100*Contact
1740265200200February 202502/23/202523 Feb 2025 - 19 Mar 2025200 Hour Multistyle Teacher TrainingGoa€1,500€1,750SAVE €100*Contact
1742425200200March 202503/20/202520 Mar 2025 - 13 Apr 2025200 Hour Multistyle Teacher TrainingGoa€1,500€1,750SAVE €100*Contact
1744581600200April 202504/14/202514 Apr 2025 - 08 May 2025200 Hour Multistyle Teacher TrainingGoa€1,500€1,750SAVE €100*Contact
1725141600200September 202409/01/202401 Sep 2024 - 25 Sep 2024200 Hour Restorative Teacher TrainingGoa€1,500€1,750SAVE €100*Contact
1727301600200September 202409/26/202426 Sep 2024 - 20 Oct 2024200 Hour Restorative Teacher TrainingGoa€1,500€1,750SAVE €100*Contact
1729461600200October 202410/21/202421 Oct 2024 - 14 Nov 2024200 Hour Restorative Teacher TrainingGoa€1,500€1,750SAVE €100*Contact
1731625200200November 202411/15/202415 Nov 2024 - 09 Dec 2024200 Hour Restorative Teacher TrainingGoa€1,500€1,750SAVE €100*Contact
1733785200200December 202412/10/202410 Dec 2024 - 03 Jan 2025200 Hour Restorative Teacher TrainingGoa€1,500€1,750SAVE €100*Contact
1735945200200January 202501/04/202504 Jan 2025 - 28 Jan 2025200 Hour Restorative Teacher TrainingGoa€1,500€1,750SAVE €100*Contact
1738105200200January 202501/29/202529 Jan 2025 - 22 Feb 2025200 Hour Restorative Teacher TrainingGoa€1,500€1,750SAVE €100*Contact
1740265200200February 202502/23/202523 Feb 2025 - 19 Mar 2025200 Hour Restorative Teacher TrainingGoa€1,500€1,750SAVE €100*Contact
1742425200200March 202503/20/202520 Mar 2025 - 13 Apr 2025200 Hour Restorative Teacher TrainingGoa€1,500€1,750SAVE €100*Contact
1744581600200April 202504/14/202514 Apr 2025 - 08 May 2025200 Hour Restorative Teacher TrainingGoa€1,500€1,750SAVE €100*Contact
1725141600200September 202409/01/202401 Sep 2024 - 25 Sep 2024200 Hour Therapeutic Teacher TrainingGoa€1,500€1,750SAVE €100*Contact
1727301600200September 202409/26/202426 Sep 2024 - 20 Oct 2024200 Hour Therapeutic Teacher TrainingGoa€1,500€1,750SAVE €100*Contact
1729461600200October 202410/21/202421 Oct 2024 - 14 Nov 2024200 Hour Therapeutic Teacher TrainingGoa€1,500€1,750SAVE €100*Contact
1731625200200November 202411/15/202415 Nov 2024 - 09 Dec 2024200 Hour Therapeutic Teacher TrainingGoa€1,500€1,750SAVE €100*Contact
1733785200200December 202412/10/202410 Dec 2024 - 03 Jan 2025200 Hour Therapeutic Teacher TrainingGoa€1,500€1,750SAVE €100*Contact
1735945200200January 202501/04/202504 Jan 2025 - 28 Jan 2025200 Hour Therapeutic Teacher TrainingGoa€1,500€1,750SAVE €100*Contact
1738105200200January 202501/29/202529 Jan 2025 - 22 Feb 2025200 Hour Therapeutic Teacher TrainingGoa€1,500€1,750SAVE €100*Contact
1740265200200February 202502/23/202523 Feb 2025 - 19 Mar 2025200 Hour Therapeutic Teacher TrainingGoa€1,500€1,750SAVE €100*Contact
1742425200200March 202503/20/202520 Mar 2025 - 13 Apr 2025200 Hour Therapeutic Teacher TrainingGoa€1,500€1,750SAVE €100*Contact
1744581600200April 202504/14/202514 Apr 2025 - 08 May 2025200 Hour Therapeutic Teacher TrainingGoa€1,500€1,750SAVE €100*Contact
1725141600200September 202409/01/202401 Sep 2024 - 25 Sep 2024200 Hour Vinyasa Teacher TrainingGoa€1,500€1,750SAVE €100*Contact
1727301600200September 202409/26/202426 Sep 2024 - 20 Oct 2024200 Hour Vinyasa Teacher TrainingGoa€1,500€1,750SAVE €100*Contact
1729461600200October 202410/21/202421 Oct 2024 - 14 Nov 2024200 Hour Vinyasa Teacher TrainingGoa€1,500€1,750SAVE €100*Contact
1731625200200November 202411/15/202415 Nov 2024 - 09 Dec 2024200 Hour Vinyasa Teacher TrainingGoa€1,500€1,750SAVE €100*Contact
1733785200200December 202412/10/202410 Dec 2024 - 03 Jan 2025200 Hour Vinyasa Teacher TrainingGoa€1,500€1,750SAVE €100*Contact
1735945200200January 202501/04/202504 Jan 2025 - 28 Jan 2025200 Hour Vinyasa Teacher TrainingGoa€1,500€1,750SAVE €100*Contact
1738105200200January 202501/29/202529 Jan 2025 - 22 Feb 2025200 Hour Vinyasa Teacher TrainingGoa€1,500€1,750SAVE €100*Contact
1740265200200February 202502/23/202523 Feb 2025 - 19 Mar 2025200 Hour Vinyasa Teacher TrainingGoa€1,500€1,750SAVE €100*Contact
1742425200200March 202503/20/202520 Mar 2025 - 13 Apr 2025200 Hour Vinyasa Teacher TrainingGoa€1,500€1,750SAVE €100*Contact
1744581600200April 202504/14/202514 Apr 2025 - 08 May 2025200 Hour Vinyasa Teacher TrainingGoa€1,500€1,750SAVE €100*Contact
1725141600200September 202409/01/202401 Sep 2024 - 25 Sep 2024200 Hour Yin Yoga Teacher TrainingGoa€1,500€1,750SAVE €100*Contact
1727301600200September 202409/26/202426 Sep 2024 - 20 Oct 2024200 Hour Yin Yoga Teacher TrainingGoa€1,500€1,750SAVE €100*Contact
1729461600200October 202410/21/202421 Oct 2024 - 14 Nov 2024200 Hour Yin Yoga Teacher TrainingGoa€1,500€1,750SAVE €100*Contact
1731625200200November 202411/15/202415 Nov 2024 - 09 Dec 2024200 Hour Yin Yoga Teacher TrainingGoa€1,500€1,750SAVE €100*Contact
1733785200200December 202412/10/202410 Dec 2024 - 03 Jan 2025200 Hour Yin Yoga Teacher TrainingGoa€1,500€1,750SAVE €100*Contact
1735945200200January 202501/04/202504 Jan 2025 - 28 Jan 2025200 Hour Yin Yoga Teacher TrainingGoa€1,500€1,750SAVE €100*Contact
1738105200200January 202501/29/202529 Jan 2025 - 22 Feb 2025200 Hour Yin Yoga Teacher TrainingGoa€1,500€1,750SAVE €100*Contact
1740265200200February 202502/23/202523 Feb 2025 - 19 Mar 2025200 Hour Yin Yoga Teacher TrainingGoa€1,500€1,750SAVE €100*Contact
1742425200200March 202503/20/202520 Mar 2025 - 13 Apr 2025200 Hour Yin Yoga Teacher TrainingGoa€1,500€1,750SAVE €100*Contact
1744581600200April 202504/14/202514 Apr 2025 - 08 May 2025200 Hour Yin Yoga Teacher TrainingGoa€1,500€1,750SAVE €100*Contact
1725141600100September 202409/01/202401 Sep 2024 - 12 Sep 2024100 Hour Ashtanga Teacher TrainingGoa€800€925SAVE €50*Contact
1726696800100September 202409/19/202419 Sep 2024 - 30 Sep 2024100 Hour Ashtanga Teacher TrainingGoa€800€925SAVE €50*Contact
1727733600100October 202410/01/202401 Oct 2024 - 12 Oct 2024100 Hour Ashtanga Teacher TrainingGoa€800€925SAVE €50*Contact
1729288800100October 202410/19/202419 Oct 2024 - 30 Oct 2024100 Hour Ashtanga Teacher TrainingGoa€800€925SAVE €50*Contact
1730415600100November 202411/01/202401 Nov 2024 - 12 Nov 2024100 Hour Ashtanga Teacher TrainingGoa€800€925SAVE €50*Contact
1731970800100November 202411/19/202419 Nov 2024 - 30 Nov 2024100 Hour Ashtanga Teacher TrainingGoa€800€925SAVE €50*Contact
1733007600100December 202412/01/202401 Dec 2024 - 12 Dec 2024100 Hour Ashtanga Teacher TrainingGoa€800€925SAVE €50*Contact
1734562800100December 202412/19/202419 Dec 2024 - 30 Dec 2024100 Hour Ashtanga Teacher TrainingGoa€800€925SAVE €50*Contact
1735686000100January 202501/01/202501 Jan 2025 - 12 Jan 2025100 Hour Ashtanga Teacher TrainingGoa€800€925SAVE €50*Contact
1737241200100January 202501/19/202519 Jan 2025 - 30 Jan 2025100 Hour Ashtanga Teacher TrainingGoa€800€925SAVE €50*Contact
1738364400100February 202502/01/202501 Feb 2025 - 12 Feb 2025100 Hour Ashtanga Teacher TrainingGoa€800€925SAVE €50*Contact
1739919600100February 202502/19/202519 Feb 2025 - 02 Mar 2025100 Hour Ashtanga Teacher TrainingGoa€800€925SAVE €50*Contact
1740783600100March 202503/01/202501 Mar 2025 - 12 Mar 2025100 Hour Ashtanga Teacher TrainingGoa€800€925SAVE €50*Contact
1742338800100March 202503/19/202519 Mar 2025 - 30 Mar 2025100 Hour Ashtanga Teacher TrainingGoa€800€925SAVE €50*Contact
1743458400100April 202504/01/202501 Apr 2025 - 12 Apr 2025100 Hour Ashtanga Teacher TrainingGoa€800€925SAVE €50*Contact
1745013600100April 202504/19/202519 Apr 2025 - 30 Apr 2025100 Hour Ashtanga Teacher TrainingGoa€800€925SAVE €50*Contact
1725141600100September 202409/01/202401 Sep 2024 - 12 Sep 2024100 Hour Hatha Teacher TrainingGoa€800€925SAVE €50*Contact
1726696800100September 202409/19/202419 Sep 2024 - 30 Sep 2024100 Hour Hatha Teacher TrainingGoa€800€925SAVE €50*Contact
1727733600100October 202410/01/202401 Oct 2024 - 12 Oct 2024100 Hour Hatha Teacher TrainingGoa€800€925SAVE €50*Contact
1729288800100October 202410/19/202419 Oct 2024 - 30 Oct 2024100 Hour Hatha Teacher TrainingGoa€800€925SAVE €50*Contact
1730415600100November 202411/01/202401 Nov 2024 - 12 Nov 2024100 Hour Hatha Teacher TrainingGoa€800€925SAVE €50*Contact
1731970800100November 202411/19/202419 Nov 2024 - 30 Nov 2024100 Hour Hatha Teacher TrainingGoa€800€925SAVE €50*Contact
1733007600100December 202412/01/202401 Dec 2024 - 12 Dec 2024100 Hour Hatha Teacher TrainingGoa€800€925SAVE €50*Contact
1734562800100December 202412/19/202419 Dec 2024 - 30 Dec 2024100 Hour Hatha Teacher TrainingGoa€800€925SAVE €50*Contact
1735686000100January 202501/01/202501 Jan 2025 - 12 Jan 2025100 Hour Hatha Teacher TrainingGoa€800€925SAVE €50*Contact
1737241200100January 202501/19/202519 Jan 2025 - 30 Jan 2025100 Hour Hatha Teacher TrainingGoa€800€925SAVE €50*Contact
1738364400100February 202502/01/202501 Feb 2025 - 12 Feb 2025100 Hour Hatha Teacher TrainingGoa€800€925SAVE €50*Contact
1739919600100February 202502/19/202519 Feb 2025 - 02 Mar 2025100 Hour Hatha Teacher TrainingGoa€800€925SAVE €50*Contact
1740783600100March 202503/01/202501 Mar 2025 - 12 Mar 2025100 Hour Hatha Teacher TrainingGoa€800€925SAVE €50*Contact
1742338800100March 202503/19/202519 Mar 2025 - 30 Mar 2025100 Hour Hatha Teacher TrainingGoa€800€925SAVE €50*Contact
1743458400100April 202504/01/202501 Apr 2025 - 12 Apr 2025100 Hour Hatha Teacher TrainingGoa€800€925SAVE €50*Contact
1745013600100April 202504/19/202519 Apr 2025 - 30 Apr 2025100 Hour Hatha Teacher TrainingGoa€800€925SAVE €50*Contact
1725141600100September 202409/01/202401 Sep 2024 - 12 Sep 2024100 Hour Vinyasa Teacher TrainingGoa€800€925SAVE €50*Contact
1726696800100September 202409/19/202419 Sep 2024 - 30 Sep 2024100 Hour Vinyasa Teacher TrainingGoa€800€925SAVE €50*Contact
1727733600100October 202410/01/202401 Oct 2024 - 12 Oct 2024100 Hour Vinyasa Teacher TrainingGoa€800€925SAVE €50*Contact
1729288800100October 202410/19/202419 Oct 2024 - 30 Oct 2024100 Hour Vinyasa Teacher TrainingGoa€800€925SAVE €50*Contact
1730415600100November 202411/01/202401 Nov 2024 - 12 Nov 2024100 Hour Vinyasa Teacher TrainingGoa€800€925SAVE €50*Contact
1731970800100November 202411/19/202419 Nov 2024 - 30 Nov 2024100 Hour Vinyasa Teacher TrainingGoa€800€925SAVE €50*Contact
1733007600100December 202412/01/202401 Dec 2024 - 12 Dec 2024100 Hour Vinyasa Teacher TrainingGoa€800€925SAVE €50*Contact
1734562800100December 202412/19/202419 Dec 2024 - 30 Dec 2024100 Hour Vinyasa Teacher TrainingGoa€800€925SAVE €50*Contact
1735686000100January 202501/01/202501 Jan 2025 - 12 Jan 2025100 Hour Vinyasa Teacher TrainingGoa€800€925SAVE €50*Contact
1737241200100January 202501/19/202519 Jan 2025 - 30 Jan 2025100 Hour Vinyasa Teacher TrainingGoa€800€925SAVE €50*Contact
1738364400100February 202502/01/202501 Feb 2025 - 12 Feb 2025100 Hour Vinyasa Teacher TrainingGoa€800€925SAVE €50*Contact
1739919600100February 202502/19/202519 Feb 2025 - 02 Mar 2025100 Hour Vinyasa Teacher TrainingGoa€800€925SAVE €50*Contact
1740783600100March 202503/01/202501 Mar 2025 - 12 Mar 2025100 Hour Vinyasa Teacher TrainingGoa€800€925SAVE €50*Contact
1742338800100March 202503/19/202519 Mar 2025 - 30 Mar 2025100 Hour Vinyasa Teacher TrainingGoa€800€925SAVE €50*Contact
1743458400100April 202504/01/202501 Apr 2025 - 12 Apr 2025100 Hour Vinyasa Teacher TrainingGoa€800€925SAVE €50*Contact
1745013600100April 202504/19/202519 Apr 2025 - 30 Apr 2025100 Hour Vinyasa Teacher TrainingGoa€800€925SAVE €50*Contact
1725141600100September 202409/01/202401 Sep 2024 - 12 Sep 2024100 Hour Restorative Teacher TrainingGoa€800€925SAVE €50*Contact
1726696800100September 202409/19/202419 Sep 2024 - 30 Sep 2024100 Hour Restorative Teacher TrainingGoa€800€925SAVE €50*Contact
1727733600100October 202410/01/202401 Oct 2024 - 12 Oct 2024100 Hour Restorative Teacher TrainingGoa€800€925SAVE €50*Contact
1729288800100October 202410/19/202419 Oct 2024 - 30 Oct 2024100 Hour Restorative Teacher TrainingGoa€800€925SAVE €50*Contact
1730415600100November 202411/01/202401 Nov 2024 - 12 Nov 2024100 Hour Restorative Teacher TrainingGoa€800€925SAVE €50*Contact
1731970800100November 202411/19/202419 Nov 2024 - 30 Nov 2024100 Hour Restorative Teacher TrainingGoa€800€925SAVE €50*Contact
1733007600100December 202412/01/202401 Dec 2024 - 12 Dec 2024100 Hour Restorative Teacher TrainingGoa€800€925SAVE €50*Contact
1734562800100December 202412/19/202419 Dec 2024 - 30 Dec 2024100 Hour Restorative Teacher TrainingGoa€800€925SAVE €50*Contact
1735686000100January 202501/01/202501 Jan 2025 - 12 Jan 2025100 Hour Restorative Teacher TrainingGoa€800€925SAVE €50*Contact
1737241200100January 202501/19/202519 Jan 2025 - 30 Jan 2025100 Hour Restorative Teacher TrainingGoa€800€925SAVE €50*Contact
1738364400100February 202502/01/202501 Feb 2025 - 12 Feb 2025100 Hour Restorative Teacher TrainingGoa€800€925SAVE €50*Contact
1739919600100February 202502/19/202519 Feb 2025 - 02 Mar 2025100 Hour Restorative Teacher TrainingGoa€800€925SAVE €50*Contact
1740783600100March 202503/01/202501 Mar 2025 - 12 Mar 2025100 Hour Restorative Teacher TrainingGoa€800€925SAVE €50*Contact
1742338800100March 202503/19/202519 Mar 2025 - 30 Mar 2025100 Hour Restorative Teacher TrainingGoa€800€925SAVE €50*Contact
1743458400100April 202504/01/202501 Apr 2025 - 12 Apr 2025100 Hour Restorative Teacher TrainingGoa€800€925SAVE €50*Contact
1745013600100April 202504/19/202519 Apr 2025 - 30 Apr 2025100 Hour Restorative Teacher TrainingGoa€800€925SAVE €50*Contact
1725141600100September 202409/01/202401 Sep 2024 - 12 Sep 2024100 Hour Therapeutic Teacher TrainingGoa€800€925SAVE €50*Contact
1726696800100September 202409/19/202419 Sep 2024 - 30 Sep 2024100 Hour Therapeutic Teacher TrainingGoa€800€925SAVE €50*Contact
1727733600100October 202410/01/202401 Oct 2024 - 12 Oct 2024100 Hour Therapeutic Teacher TrainingGoa€800€925SAVE €50*Contact
1729288800100October 202410/19/202419 Oct 2024 - 30 Oct 2024100 Hour Therapeutic Teacher TrainingGoa€800€925SAVE €50*Contact
1730415600100November 202411/01/202401 Nov 2024 - 12 Nov 2024100 Hour Therapeutic Teacher TrainingGoa€800€925SAVE €50*Contact
1731970800100November 202411/19/202419 Nov 2024 - 30 Nov 2024100 Hour Therapeutic Teacher TrainingGoa€800€925SAVE €50*Contact
1733007600100December 202412/01/202401 Dec 2024 - 12 Dec 2024100 Hour Therapeutic Teacher TrainingGoa€800€925SAVE €50*Contact
1734562800100December 202412/19/202419 Dec 2024 - 30 Dec 2024100 Hour Therapeutic Teacher TrainingGoa€800€925SAVE €50*Contact
1735686000100January 202501/01/202501 Jan 2025 - 12 Jan 2025100 Hour Therapeutic Teacher TrainingGoa€800€925SAVE €50*Contact
1737241200100January 202501/19/202519 Jan 2025 - 30 Jan 2025100 Hour Therapeutic Teacher TrainingGoa€800€925SAVE €50*Contact
1738364400100February 202502/01/202501 Feb 2025 - 12 Feb 2025100 Hour Therapeutic Teacher TrainingGoa€800€925SAVE €50*Contact
1739919600100February 202502/19/202519 Feb 2025 - 02 Mar 2025100 Hour Therapeutic Teacher TrainingGoa€800€925SAVE €50*Contact
1740783600100March 202503/01/202501 Mar 2025 - 12 Mar 2025100 Hour Therapeutic Teacher TrainingGoa€800€925SAVE €50*Contact
1742338800100March 202503/19/202519 Mar 2025 - 30 Mar 2025100 Hour Therapeutic Teacher TrainingGoa€800€925SAVE €50*Contact
1743458400100April 202504/01/202501 Apr 2025 - 12 Apr 2025100 Hour Therapeutic Teacher TrainingGoa€800€925SAVE €50*Contact
1745013600100April 202504/19/202519 Apr 2025 - 30 Apr 2025100 Hour Therapeutic Teacher TrainingGoa€800€925SAVE €50*Contact
1725141600100September 202409/01/202401 Sep 2024 - 12 Sep 2024100 Hour Yin Yoga Teacher TrainingGoa€800€925SAVE €50*Contact
1726696800100September 202409/19/202419 Sep 2024 - 30 Sep 2024100 Hour Yin Yoga Teacher TrainingGoa€800€925SAVE €50*Contact
1727733600100October 202410/01/202401 Oct 2024 - 12 Oct 2024100 Hour Yin Yoga Teacher TrainingGoa€800€925SAVE €50*Contact
1729288800100October 202410/19/202419 Oct 2024 - 30 Oct 2024100 Hour Yin Yoga Teacher TrainingGoa€800€925SAVE €50*Contact
1730415600100November 202411/01/202401 Nov 2024 - 12 Nov 2024100 Hour Yin Yoga Teacher TrainingGoa€800€925SAVE €50*Contact
1731970800100November 202411/19/202419 Nov 2024 - 30 Nov 2024100 Hour Yin Yoga Teacher TrainingGoa€800€925SAVE €50*Contact
1733007600100December 202412/01/202401 Dec 2024 - 12 Dec 2024100 Hour Yin Yoga Teacher TrainingGoa€800€925SAVE €50*Contact
1734562800100December 202412/19/202419 Dec 2024 - 30 Dec 2024100 Hour Yin Yoga Teacher TrainingGoa€800€925SAVE €50*Contact
1735686000100January 202501/01/202501 Jan 2025 - 12 Jan 2025100 Hour Yin Yoga Teacher TrainingGoa€800€925SAVE €50*Contact
1737241200100January 202501/19/202519 Jan 2025 - 30 Jan 2025100 Hour Yin Yoga Teacher TrainingGoa€800€925SAVE €50*Contact
1738364400100February 202502/01/202501 Feb 2025 - 12 Feb 2025100 Hour Yin Yoga Teacher TrainingGoa€800€925SAVE €50*Contact
1739919600100February 202502/19/202519 Feb 2025 - 02 Mar 2025100 Hour Yin Yoga Teacher TrainingGoa€800€925SAVE €50*Contact
1740783600100March 202503/01/202501 Mar 2025 - 12 Mar 2025100 Hour Yin Yoga Teacher TrainingGoa€800€925SAVE €50*Contact
1742338800100March 202503/19/202519 Mar 2025 - 30 Mar 2025100 Hour Yin Yoga Teacher TrainingGoa€800€925SAVE €50*Contact
1743458400100April 202504/01/202501 Apr 2025 - 12 Apr 2025100 Hour Yin Yoga Teacher TrainingGoa€800€925SAVE €50*Contact
1745013600100April 202504/19/202519 Apr 2025 - 30 Apr 2025100 Hour Yin Yoga Teacher TrainingGoa€800€925SAVE €50*Contact
50May 2024,June 2024,July 2024,August 2024,September 2024,October 2024,November 2024,December 2024,January 2025,February 2025,March 2025,April 2025Every Monday to Saturday50 Hour Yin Yoga Teacher TrainingGoa€550€675SAVE €50*Contact
50May 2024,June 2024,July 2024,August 2024,September 2024,October 2024,November 2024,December 2024,January 2025,February 2025,March 2025,April 2025Every Monday to Saturday50 Hour Yoga Nidra Teacher TrainingGoa€550€675SAVE €50*Contact
172522800050-aerielSeptember 202409/02/202402 Sep 2024 - 07 Sep 202450 Hour Aerial Yoga Teacher TrainingGoa€550€675Contact
172643760050-aerielSeptember 202409/16/202416 Sep 2024 - 21 Sep 202450 Hour Aerial Yoga Teacher TrainingGoa€550€675Contact
172764720050-aerielSeptember 202409/30/202430 Sep 2024 - 05 Oct 202450 Hour Aerial Yoga Teacher TrainingGoa€550€675Contact
172885680050-aerielOctober 202410/14/202414 Oct 2024 - 19 Oct 202450 Hour Aerial Yoga Teacher TrainingGoa€550€675Contact
173007000050-aerielOctober 202410/28/202428 Oct 2024 - 02 Nov 202450 Hour Aerial Yoga Teacher TrainingGoa€550€675Contact
173127960050-aerielNovember 202411/11/202411 Nov 2024 - 16 Nov 202450 Hour Aerial Yoga Teacher TrainingGoa€550€675Contact
173248920050-aerielNovember 202411/25/202425 Nov 2024 - 30 Nov 202450 Hour Aerial Yoga Teacher TrainingGoa€550€675Contact
173369880050-aerielDecember 202412/09/202409 Dec 2024 - 14 Dec 202450 Hour Aerial Yoga Teacher TrainingGoa€550€675Contact
173490840050-aerielDecember 202412/23/202423 Dec 2024 - 28 Dec 202450 Hour Aerial Yoga Teacher TrainingGoa€550€675Contact
173611800050-aerielJanuary 202501/06/202506 Jan 2025 - 11 Jan 202550 Hour Aerial Yoga Teacher TrainingGoa€550€675Contact
173732760050-aerielJanuary 202501/20/202520 Jan 2025 - 25 Jan 202550 Hour Aerial Yoga Teacher TrainingGoa€550€675Contact
173853720050-aerielFebruary 202502/03/202503 Feb 2025 - 08 Feb 202550 Hour Aerial Yoga Teacher TrainingGoa€550€675Contact
173974680050-aerielFebruary 202502/17/202517 Feb 2025 - 22 Feb 202550 Hour Aerial Yoga Teacher TrainingGoa€550€675Contact
174095640050-aerielMarch 202503/03/202503 Mar 2025 - 08 Mar 202550 Hour Aerial Yoga Teacher TrainingGoa€550€675Contact
174216600050-aerielMarch 202503/17/202517 Mar 2025 - 22 Mar 202550 Hour Aerial Yoga Teacher TrainingGoa€550€675Contact
174337200050-aerielMarch 202503/31/202531 Mar 2025 - 05 Apr 202550 Hour Aerial Yoga Teacher TrainingGoa€550€675Contact
174458160050-aerielApril 202504/14/202514 Apr 2025 - 19 Apr 202550 Hour Aerial Yoga Teacher TrainingGoa€550€675Contact
174579120050-aerielApril 202504/28/202528 Apr 2025 - 03 May 202550 Hour Aerial Yoga Teacher TrainingGoa€550€675Contact
174700080050-aerielMay 202505/12/202512 May 2025 - 17 May 202550 Hour Aerial Yoga Teacher TrainingGoa€550€675Contact
1725141600100-aerielSeptember 202409/01/202401 Sep 2024 - 12 Sep 2024100 Hour Aerial Yoga Teacher TrainingGoa€800€925Contact
1726437600100-aerielSeptember 202409/16/202416 Sep 2024 - 27 Sep 2024100 Hour Aerial Yoga Teacher TrainingGoa€800€925Contact
1727647200100-aerielSeptember 202409/30/202430 Sep 2024 - 11 Oct 2024100 Hour Aerial Yoga Teacher TrainingGoa€800€925Contact
1728856800100-aerielOctober 202410/14/202414 Oct 2024 - 25 Oct 2024100 Hour Aerial Yoga Teacher TrainingGoa€800€925Contact
1730070000100-aerielOctober 202410/28/202428 Oct 2024 - 08 Nov 2024100 Hour Aerial Yoga Teacher TrainingGoa€800€925Contact
1731279600100-aerielNovember 202411/11/202411 Nov 2024 - 22 Nov 2024100 Hour Aerial Yoga Teacher TrainingGoa€800€925Contact
1732489200100-aerielNovember 202411/25/202425 Nov 2024 - 06 Dec 2024100 Hour Aerial Yoga Teacher TrainingGoa€800€925Contact
1733698800100-aerielDecember 202412/09/202409 Dec 2024 - 20 Dec 2024100 Hour Aerial Yoga Teacher TrainingGoa€800€925Contact
1734908400100-aerielDecember 202412/23/202423 Dec 2024 - 03 Jan 2025100 Hour Aerial Yoga Teacher TrainingGoa€800€925Contact
1736118000100-aerielJanuary 202501/06/202506 Jan 2025 - 17 Jan 2025100 Hour Aerial Yoga Teacher TrainingGoa€800€925Contact
1737327600100-aerielJanuary 202501/20/202520 Jan 2025 - 31 Jan 2025100 Hour Aerial Yoga Teacher TrainingGoa€800€925Contact
1738537200100-aerielFebruary 202502/03/202503 Feb 2025 - 14 Feb 2025100 Hour Aerial Yoga Teacher TrainingGoa€800€925Contact
1739746800100-aerielFebruary 202502/17/202517 Feb 2025 - 28 Feb 2025100 Hour Aerial Yoga Teacher TrainingGoa€800€925Contact
1740956400100-aerielMarch 202503/03/202503 Mar 2025 - 14 Mar 2025100 Hour Aerial Yoga Teacher TrainingGoa€800€925Contact
1742166000100-aerielMarch 202503/17/202517 Mar 2025 - 28 Mar 2025100 Hour Aerial Yoga Teacher TrainingGoa€800€925Contact
1743372000100-aerielMarch 202503/31/202531 Mar 2025 - 11 Apr 2025100 Hour Aerial Yoga Teacher TrainingGoa€800€925Contact
1744581600100-aerielApril 202504/14/202514 Apr 2025 - 25 Apr 2025100 Hour Aerial Yoga Teacher TrainingGoa€800€925Contact
1745791200100-aerielApril 202504/28/202528 Apr 2025 - 09 May 2025100 Hour Aerial Yoga Teacher TrainingGoa€800€925Contact
1747000800100-aerielMay 202505/12/202512 May 2025 - 23 May 2025100 Hour Aerial Yoga Teacher TrainingGoa€800€925Contact
1725141600500September 202409/01/202401 Sep 2024 - 25 Oct 2024500 Hour Ashtanga Yoga Teacher TrainingGokarna€3,300€3,600SAVE €200*Contact
1727301600500September 202409/26/202426 Sep 2024 - 19 Nov 2024500 Hour Ashtanga Yoga Teacher TrainingGokarna€3,300€3,600SAVE €200*Contact
1729461600500October 202410/21/202421 Oct 2024 - 14 Dec 2024500 Hour Ashtanga Yoga Teacher TrainingGokarna€3,300€3,600SAVE €200*Contact
1731625200500November 202411/15/202415 Nov 2024 - 08 Jan 2025500 Hour Ashtanga Yoga Teacher TrainingGokarna€3,300€3,600SAVE €200*Contact
1733785200500December 202412/10/202410 Dec 2024 - 02 Feb 2025500 Hour Ashtanga Yoga Teacher TrainingGokarna€3,300€3,600SAVE €200*Contact
1735945200500January 202501/04/202504 Jan 2025 - 27 Feb 2025500 Hour Ashtanga Yoga Teacher TrainingGokarna€3,300€3,600SAVE €200*Contact
1738105200500January 202501/29/202529 Jan 2025 - 24 Mar 2025500 Hour Ashtanga Yoga Teacher TrainingGokarna€3,300€3,600SAVE €200*Contact
1740265200500February 202502/23/202523 Feb 2025 - 18 Apr 2025500 Hour Ashtanga Yoga Teacher TrainingGokarna€3,300€3,600SAVE €200*Contact
1725141600500September 202409/01/202401 Sep 2024 - 25 Oct 2024500 Hour Hatha Yoga Teacher TrainingGokarna€3,300€3,600SAVE €200*Contact
1727301600500September 202409/26/202426 Sep 2024 - 19 Nov 2024500 Hour Hatha Yoga Teacher TrainingGokarna€3,300€3,600SAVE €200*Contact
1729461600500October 202410/21/202421 Oct 2024 - 14 Dec 2024500 Hour Hatha Yoga Teacher TrainingGokarna€3,300€3,600SAVE €200*Contact
1731625200500November 202411/15/202415 Nov 2024 - 08 Jan 2025500 Hour Hatha Yoga Teacher TrainingGokarna€3,300€3,600SAVE €200*Contact
1733785200500December 202412/10/202410 Dec 2024 - 02 Feb 2025500 Hour Hatha Yoga Teacher TrainingGokarna€3,300€3,600SAVE €200*Contact
1735945200500January 202501/04/202504 Jan 2025 - 27 Feb 2025500 Hour Hatha Yoga Teacher TrainingGokarna€3,300€3,600SAVE €200*Contact
1738105200500January 202501/29/202529 Jan 2025 - 24 Mar 2025500 Hour Hatha Yoga Teacher TrainingGokarna€3,300€3,600SAVE €200*Contact
1740265200500February 202502/23/202523 Feb 2025 - 18 Apr 2025500 Hour Hatha Yoga Teacher TrainingGokarna€3,300€3,600SAVE €200*Contact
1725141600500September 202409/01/202401 Sep 2024 - 25 Oct 2024500 Hour Multistyle Yoga Teacher TrainingGokarna€3,300€3,600SAVE €200*Contact
1727301600500September 202409/26/202426 Sep 2024 - 19 Nov 2024500 Hour Multistyle Yoga Teacher TrainingGokarna€3,300€3,600SAVE €200*Contact
1729461600500October 202410/21/202421 Oct 2024 - 14 Dec 2024500 Hour Multistyle Yoga Teacher TrainingGokarna€3,300€3,600SAVE €200*Contact
1731625200500November 202411/15/202415 Nov 2024 - 08 Jan 2025500 Hour Multistyle Yoga Teacher TrainingGokarna€3,300€3,600SAVE €200*Contact
1733785200500December 202412/10/202410 Dec 2024 - 02 Feb 2025500 Hour Multistyle Yoga Teacher TrainingGokarna€3,300€3,600SAVE €200*Contact
1735945200500January 202501/04/202504 Jan 2025 - 27 Feb 2025500 Hour Multistyle Yoga Teacher TrainingGokarna€3,300€3,600SAVE €200*Contact
1738105200500January 202501/29/202529 Jan 2025 - 24 Mar 2025500 Hour Multistyle Yoga Teacher TrainingGokarna€3,300€3,600SAVE €200*Contact
1740265200500February 202502/23/202523 Feb 2025 - 18 Apr 2025500 Hour Multistyle Yoga Teacher TrainingGokarna€3,300€3,600SAVE €200*Contact
1725141600500September 202409/01/202401 Sep 2024 - 25 Oct 2024500 Hour Restorative Yoga Teacher TrainingGokarna€3,300€3,600SAVE €200*Contact
1727301600500September 202409/26/202426 Sep 2024 - 19 Nov 2024500 Hour Restorative Yoga Teacher TrainingGokarna€3,300€3,600SAVE €200*Contact
1729461600500October 202410/21/202421 Oct 2024 - 14 Dec 2024500 Hour Restorative Yoga Teacher TrainingGokarna€3,300€3,600SAVE €200*Contact
1731625200500November 202411/15/202415 Nov 2024 - 08 Jan 2025500 Hour Restorative Yoga Teacher TrainingGokarna€3,300€3,600SAVE €200*Contact
1733785200500December 202412/10/202410 Dec 2024 - 02 Feb 2025500 Hour Restorative Yoga Teacher TrainingGokarna€3,300€3,600SAVE €200*Contact
1735945200500January 202501/04/202504 Jan 2025 - 27 Feb 2025500 Hour Restorative Yoga Teacher TrainingGokarna€3,300€3,600SAVE €200*Contact
1738105200500January 202501/29/202529 Jan 2025 - 24 Mar 2025500 Hour Restorative Yoga Teacher TrainingGokarna€3,300€3,600SAVE €200*Contact
1740265200500February 202502/23/202523 Feb 2025 - 18 Apr 2025500 Hour Restorative Yoga Teacher TrainingGokarna€3,300€3,600SAVE €200*Contact
1725141600500September 202409/01/202401 Sep 2024 - 25 Oct 2024500 Hour Therapeutic Yoga Teacher TrainingGokarna€3,300€3,600SAVE €200*Contact
1727301600500September 202409/26/202426 Sep 2024 - 19 Nov 2024500 Hour Therapeutic Yoga Teacher TrainingGokarna€3,300€3,600SAVE €200*Contact
1729461600500October 202410/21/202421 Oct 2024 - 14 Dec 2024500 Hour Therapeutic Yoga Teacher TrainingGokarna€3,300€3,600SAVE €200*Contact
1731625200500November 202411/15/202415 Nov 2024 - 08 Jan 2025500 Hour Therapeutic Yoga Teacher TrainingGokarna€3,300€3,600SAVE €200*Contact
1733785200500December 202412/10/202410 Dec 2024 - 02 Feb 2025500 Hour Therapeutic Yoga Teacher TrainingGokarna€3,300€3,600SAVE €200*Contact
1735945200500January 202501/04/202504 Jan 2025 - 27 Feb 2025500 Hour Therapeutic Yoga Teacher TrainingGokarna€3,300€3,600SAVE €200*Contact
1738105200500January 202501/29/202529 Jan 2025 - 24 Mar 2025500 Hour Therapeutic Yoga Teacher TrainingGokarna€3,300€3,600SAVE €200*Contact
1740265200500February 202502/23/202523 Feb 2025 - 18 Apr 2025500 Hour Therapeutic Yoga Teacher TrainingGokarna€3,300€3,600SAVE €200*Contact
1725141600500September 202409/01/202401 Sep 2024 - 25 Oct 2024500 Hour Vinyasa Yoga Teacher TrainingGokarna€3,300€3,600SAVE €200*Contact
1727301600500September 202409/26/202426 Sep 2024 - 19 Nov 2024500 Hour Vinyasa Yoga Teacher TrainingGokarna€3,300€3,600SAVE €200*Contact
1729461600500October 202410/21/202421 Oct 2024 - 14 Dec 2024500 Hour Vinyasa Yoga Teacher TrainingGokarna€3,300€3,600SAVE €200*Contact
1731625200500November 202411/15/202415 Nov 2024 - 08 Jan 2025500 Hour Vinyasa Yoga Teacher TrainingGokarna€3,300€3,600SAVE €200*Contact
1733785200500December 202412/10/202410 Dec 2024 - 02 Feb 2025500 Hour Vinyasa Yoga Teacher TrainingGokarna€3,300€3,600SAVE €200*Contact
1735945200500January 202501/04/202504 Jan 2025 - 27 Feb 2025500 Hour Vinyasa Yoga Teacher TrainingGokarna€3,300€3,600SAVE €200*Contact
1738105200500January 202501/29/202529 Jan 2025 - 24 Mar 2025500 Hour Vinyasa Yoga Teacher TrainingGokarna€3,300€3,600SAVE €200*Contact
1740265200500February 202502/23/202523 Feb 2025 - 18 Apr 2025500 Hour Vinyasa Yoga Teacher TrainingGokarna€3,300€3,600SAVE €200*Contact
1725141600500September 202409/01/202401 Sep 2024 - 25 Oct 2024500 Hour Yin Yoga Teacher TrainingGokarna€3,300€3,600SAVE €200*Contact
1727301600500September 202409/26/202426 Sep 2024 - 19 Nov 2024500 Hour Yin Yoga Teacher TrainingGokarna€3,300€3,600SAVE €200*Contact
1729461600500October 202410/21/202421 Oct 2024 - 14 Dec 2024500 Hour Yin Yoga Teacher TrainingGokarna€3,300€3,600SAVE €200*Contact
1731625200500November 202411/15/202415 Nov 2024 - 08 Jan 2025500 Hour Yin Yoga Teacher TrainingGokarna€3,300€3,600SAVE €200*Contact
1733785200500December 202412/10/202410 Dec 2024 - 02 Feb 2025500 Hour Yin Yoga Teacher TrainingGokarna€3,300€3,600SAVE €200*Contact
1735945200500January 202501/04/202504 Jan 2025 - 27 Feb 2025500 Hour Yin Yoga Teacher TrainingGokarna€3,300€3,600SAVE €200*Contact
1738105200500January 202501/29/202529 Jan 2025 - 24 Mar 2025500 Hour Yin Yoga Teacher TrainingGokarna€3,300€3,600SAVE €200*Contact
1740265200500February 202502/23/202523 Feb 2025 - 18 Apr 2025500 Hour Yin Yoga Teacher TrainingGokarna€3,300€3,600SAVE €200*Contact
1725141600300September 202409/01/202401 Sep 2024 - 30 Sep 2024300 Hour Ashtanga Yoga Teacher TrainingGokarna€2,100€2,350SAVE €150*Contact
1727733600300October 202410/01/202401 Oct 2024 - 30 Oct 2024300 Hour Ashtanga Yoga Teacher TrainingGokarna€2,100€2,350SAVE €150*Contact
1730415600300November 202411/01/202401 Nov 2024 - 30 Nov 2024300 Hour Ashtanga Yoga Teacher TrainingGokarna€2,100€2,350SAVE €150*Contact
1733007600300December 202412/01/202401 Dec 2024 - 30 Dec 2024300 Hour Ashtanga Yoga Teacher TrainingGokarna€2,100€2,350SAVE €150*Contact
1735686000300January 202501/01/202501 Jan 2025 - 30 Jan 2025300 Hour Ashtanga Yoga Teacher TrainingGokarna€2,100€2,350SAVE €150*Contact
1738364400300February 202502/01/202501 Feb 2025 - 02 Mar 2025300 Hour Ashtanga Yoga Teacher TrainingGokarna€2,100€2,350SAVE €150*Contact
1740783600300March 202503/01/202501 Mar 2025 - 30 Mar 2025300 Hour Ashtanga Yoga Teacher TrainingGokarna€2,100€2,350SAVE €150*Contact
1743458400300April 202504/01/202501 Apr 2025 - 30 Apr 2025300 Hour Ashtanga Yoga Teacher TrainingGokarna€2,100€2,350SAVE €150*Contact
1725141600300September 202409/01/202401 Sep 2024 - 30 Sep 2024300 Hour Hatha Yoga Teacher TrainingGokarna€2,100€2,350SAVE €150*Contact
1727733600300October 202410/01/202401 Oct 2024 - 30 Oct 2024300 Hour Hatha Yoga Teacher TrainingGokarna€2,100€2,350SAVE €150*Contact
1730415600300November 202411/01/202401 Nov 2024 - 30 Nov 2024300 Hour Hatha Yoga Teacher TrainingGokarna€2,100€2,350SAVE €150*Contact
1733007600300December 202412/01/202401 Dec 2024 - 30 Dec 2024300 Hour Hatha Yoga Teacher TrainingGokarna€2,100€2,350SAVE €150*Contact
1735686000300January 202501/01/202501 Jan 2025 - 30 Jan 2025300 Hour Hatha Yoga Teacher TrainingGokarna€2,100€2,350SAVE €150*Contact
1738364400300February 202502/01/202501 Feb 2025 - 02 Mar 2025300 Hour Hatha Yoga Teacher TrainingGokarna€2,100€2,350SAVE €150*Contact
1740783600300March 202503/01/202501 Mar 2025 - 30 Mar 2025300 Hour Hatha Yoga Teacher TrainingGokarna€2,100€2,350SAVE €150*Contact
1743458400300April 202504/01/202501 Apr 2025 - 30 Apr 2025300 Hour Hatha Yoga Teacher TrainingGokarna€2,100€2,350SAVE €150*Contact
1725141600300September 202409/01/202401 Sep 2024 - 30 Sep 2024300 Hour Multistyle Yoga Teacher TrainingGokarna€2,100€2,350SAVE €150*Contact
1727733600300October 202410/01/202401 Oct 2024 - 30 Oct 2024300 Hour Multistyle Yoga Teacher TrainingGokarna€2,100€2,350SAVE €150*Contact
1730415600300November 202411/01/202401 Nov 2024 - 30 Nov 2024300 Hour Multistyle Yoga Teacher TrainingGokarna€2,100€2,350SAVE €150*Contact
1733007600300December 202412/01/202401 Dec 2024 - 30 Dec 2024300 Hour Multistyle Yoga Teacher TrainingGokarna€2,100€2,350SAVE €150*Contact
1735686000300January 202501/01/202501 Jan 2025 - 30 Jan 2025300 Hour Multistyle Yoga Teacher TrainingGokarna€2,100€2,350SAVE €150*Contact
1738364400300February 202502/01/202501 Feb 2025 - 02 Mar 2025300 Hour Multistyle Yoga Teacher TrainingGokarna€2,100€2,350SAVE €150*Contact
1740783600300March 202503/01/202501 Mar 2025 - 30 Mar 2025300 Hour Multistyle Yoga Teacher TrainingGokarna€2,100€2,350SAVE €150*Contact
1743458400300April 202504/01/202501 Apr 2025 - 30 Apr 2025300 Hour Multistyle Yoga Teacher TrainingGokarna€2,100€2,350SAVE €150*Contact
1725141600300September 202409/01/202401 Sep 2024 - 30 Sep 2024300 Hour Restorative Yoga Teacher TrainingGokarna€2,100€2,350SAVE €150*Contact
1727733600300October 202410/01/202401 Oct 2024 - 30 Oct 2024300 Hour Restorative Yoga Teacher TrainingGokarna€2,100€2,350SAVE €150*Contact
1730415600300November 202411/01/202401 Nov 2024 - 30 Nov 2024300 Hour Restorative Yoga Teacher TrainingGokarna€2,100€2,350SAVE €150*Contact
1733007600300December 202412/01/202401 Dec 2024 - 30 Dec 2024300 Hour Restorative Yoga Teacher TrainingGokarna€2,100€2,350SAVE €150*Contact
1735686000300January 202501/01/202501 Jan 2025 - 30 Jan 2025300 Hour Restorative Yoga Teacher TrainingGokarna€2,100€2,350SAVE €150*Contact
1738364400300February 202502/01/202501 Feb 2025 - 02 Mar 2025300 Hour Restorative Yoga Teacher TrainingGokarna€2,100€2,350SAVE €150*Contact
1740783600300March 202503/01/202501 Mar 2025 - 30 Mar 2025300 Hour Restorative Yoga Teacher TrainingGokarna€2,100€2,350SAVE €150*Contact
1743458400300April 202504/01/202501 Apr 2025 - 30 Apr 2025300 Hour Restorative Yoga Teacher TrainingGokarna€2,100€2,350SAVE €150*Contact
1725141600300September 202409/01/202401 Sep 2024 - 30 Sep 2024300 Hour Therapeutic Yoga Teacher TrainingGokarna€2,100€2,350SAVE €150*Contact
1727733600300October 202410/01/202401 Oct 2024 - 30 Oct 2024300 Hour Therapeutic Yoga Teacher TrainingGokarna€2,100€2,350SAVE €150*Contact
1730415600300November 202411/01/202401 Nov 2024 - 30 Nov 2024300 Hour Therapeutic Yoga Teacher TrainingGokarna€2,100€2,350SAVE €150*Contact
1733007600300December 202412/01/202401 Dec 2024 - 30 Dec 2024300 Hour Therapeutic Yoga Teacher TrainingGokarna€2,100€2,350SAVE €150*Contact
1735686000300January 202501/01/202501 Jan 2025 - 30 Jan 2025300 Hour Therapeutic Yoga Teacher TrainingGokarna€2,100€2,350SAVE €150*Contact
1738364400300February 202502/01/202501 Feb 2025 - 02 Mar 2025300 Hour Therapeutic Yoga Teacher TrainingGokarna€2,100€2,350SAVE €150*Contact
1740783600300March 202503/01/202501 Mar 2025 - 30 Mar 2025300 Hour Therapeutic Yoga Teacher TrainingGokarna€2,100€2,350SAVE €150*Contact
1743458400300April 202504/01/202501 Apr 2025 - 30 Apr 2025300 Hour Therapeutic Yoga Teacher TrainingGokarna€2,100€2,350SAVE €150*Contact
1725141600300September 202409/01/202401 Sep 2024 - 30 Sep 2024300 Hour Vinyasa Yoga Teacher TrainingGokarna€2,100€2,350SAVE €150*Contact
1727733600300October 202410/01/202401 Oct 2024 - 30 Oct 2024300 Hour Vinyasa Yoga Teacher TrainingGokarna€2,100€2,350SAVE €150*Contact
1730415600300November 202411/01/202401 Nov 2024 - 30 Nov 2024300 Hour Vinyasa Yoga Teacher TrainingGokarna€2,100€2,350SAVE €150*Contact
1733007600300December 202412/01/202401 Dec 2024 - 30 Dec 2024300 Hour Vinyasa Yoga Teacher TrainingGokarna€2,100€2,350SAVE €150*Contact
1735686000300January 202501/01/202501 Jan 2025 - 30 Jan 2025300 Hour Vinyasa Yoga Teacher TrainingGokarna€2,100€2,350SAVE €150*Contact
1738364400300February 202502/01/202501 Feb 2025 - 02 Mar 2025300 Hour Vinyasa Yoga Teacher TrainingGokarna€2,100€2,350SAVE €150*Contact
1740783600300March 202503/01/202501 Mar 2025 - 30 Mar 2025300 Hour Vinyasa Yoga Teacher TrainingGokarna€2,100€2,350SAVE €150*Contact
1743458400300April 202504/01/202501 Apr 2025 - 30 Apr 2025300 Hour Vinyasa Yoga Teacher TrainingGokarna€2,100€2,350SAVE €150*Contact
1725141600300September 202409/01/202401 Sep 2024 - 30 Sep 2024300 Hour Yin Yoga Teacher TrainingGokarna€2,100€2,350SAVE €150*Contact
1727733600300October 202410/01/202401 Oct 2024 - 30 Oct 2024300 Hour Yin Yoga Teacher TrainingGokarna€2,100€2,350SAVE €150*Contact
1730415600300November 202411/01/202401 Nov 2024 - 30 Nov 2024300 Hour Yin Yoga Teacher TrainingGokarna€2,100€2,350SAVE €150*Contact
1733007600300December 202412/01/202401 Dec 2024 - 30 Dec 2024300 Hour Yin Yoga Teacher TrainingGokarna€2,100€2,350SAVE €150*Contact
1735686000300January 202501/01/202501 Jan 2025 - 30 Jan 2025300 Hour Yin Yoga Teacher TrainingGokarna€2,100€2,350SAVE €150*Contact
1738364400300February 202502/01/202501 Feb 2025 - 02 Mar 2025300 Hour Yin Yoga Teacher TrainingGokarna€2,100€2,350SAVE €150*Contact
1740783600300March 202503/01/202501 Mar 2025 - 30 Mar 2025300 Hour Yin Yoga Teacher TrainingGokarna€2,100€2,350SAVE €150*Contact
1743458400300April 202504/01/202501 Apr 2025 - 30 Apr 2025300 Hour Yin Yoga Teacher TrainingGokarna€2,100€2,350SAVE €150*Contact
1725141600200September 202409/01/202401 Sep 2024 - 25 Sep 2024200 Hour Ashtanga Teacher TrainingGokarna€1,500€1,750SAVE €100*Contact
1727301600200September 202409/26/202426 Sep 2024 - 20 Oct 2024200 Hour Ashtanga Teacher TrainingGokarna€1,500€1,750SAVE €100*Contact
1729461600200October 202410/21/202421 Oct 2024 - 14 Nov 2024200 Hour Ashtanga Teacher TrainingGokarna€1,500€1,750SAVE €100*Contact
1731625200200November 202411/15/202415 Nov 2024 - 09 Dec 2024200 Hour Ashtanga Teacher TrainingGokarna€1,500€1,750SAVE €100*Contact
1733785200200December 202412/10/202410 Dec 2024 - 03 Jan 2025200 Hour Ashtanga Teacher TrainingGokarna€1,500€1,750SAVE €100*Contact
1735945200200January 202501/04/202504 Jan 2025 - 28 Jan 2025200 Hour Ashtanga Teacher TrainingGokarna€1,500€1,750SAVE €100*Contact
1738105200200January 202501/29/202529 Jan 2025 - 22 Feb 2025200 Hour Ashtanga Teacher TrainingGokarna€1,500€1,750SAVE €100*Contact
1740265200200February 202502/23/202523 Feb 2025 - 19 Mar 2025200 Hour Ashtanga Teacher TrainingGokarna€1,500€1,750SAVE €100*Contact
1742425200200March 202503/20/202520 Mar 2025 - 13 Apr 2025200 Hour Ashtanga Teacher TrainingGokarna€1,500€1,750SAVE €100*Contact
1744581600200April 202504/14/202514 Apr 2025 - 08 May 2025200 Hour Ashtanga Teacher TrainingGokarna€1,500€1,750SAVE €100*Contact
1725141600200September 202409/01/202401 Sep 2024 - 25 Sep 2024200 Hour Hatha Teacher TrainingGokarna€1,500€1,750SAVE €100*Contact
1727301600200September 202409/26/202426 Sep 2024 - 20 Oct 2024200 Hour Hatha Teacher TrainingGokarna€1,500€1,750SAVE €100*Contact
1729461600200October 202410/21/202421 Oct 2024 - 14 Nov 2024200 Hour Hatha Teacher TrainingGokarna€1,500€1,750SAVE €100*Contact
1731625200200November 202411/15/202415 Nov 2024 - 09 Dec 2024200 Hour Hatha Teacher TrainingGokarna€1,500€1,750SAVE €100*Contact
1733785200200December 202412/10/202410 Dec 2024 - 03 Jan 2025200 Hour Hatha Teacher TrainingGokarna€1,500€1,750SAVE €100*Contact
1735945200200January 202501/04/202504 Jan 2025 - 28 Jan 2025200 Hour Hatha Teacher TrainingGokarna€1,500€1,750SAVE €100*Contact
1738105200200January 202501/29/202529 Jan 2025 - 22 Feb 2025200 Hour Hatha Teacher TrainingGokarna€1,500€1,750SAVE €100*Contact
1740265200200February 202502/23/202523 Feb 2025 - 19 Mar 2025200 Hour Hatha Teacher TrainingGokarna€1,500€1,750SAVE €100*Contact
1742425200200March 202503/20/202520 Mar 2025 - 13 Apr 2025200 Hour Hatha Teacher TrainingGokarna€1,500€1,750SAVE €100*Contact
1744581600200April 202504/14/202514 Apr 2025 - 08 May 2025200 Hour Hatha Teacher TrainingGokarna€1,500€1,750SAVE €100*Contact
1725141600200September 202409/01/202401 Sep 2024 - 25 Sep 2024200 Hour Multistyle Teacher TrainingGokarna€1,500€1,750SAVE €100*Contact
1727301600200September 202409/26/202426 Sep 2024 - 20 Oct 2024200 Hour Multistyle Teacher TrainingGokarna€1,500€1,750SAVE €100*Contact
1729461600200October 202410/21/202421 Oct 2024 - 14 Nov 2024200 Hour Multistyle Teacher TrainingGokarna€1,500€1,750SAVE €100*Contact
1731625200200November 202411/15/202415 Nov 2024 - 09 Dec 2024200 Hour Multistyle Teacher TrainingGokarna€1,500€1,750SAVE €100*Contact
1733785200200December 202412/10/202410 Dec 2024 - 03 Jan 2025200 Hour Multistyle Teacher TrainingGokarna€1,500€1,750SAVE €100*Contact
1735945200200January 202501/04/202504 Jan 2025 - 28 Jan 2025200 Hour Multistyle Teacher TrainingGokarna€1,500€1,750SAVE €100*Contact
1738105200200January 202501/29/202529 Jan 2025 - 22 Feb 2025200 Hour Multistyle Teacher TrainingGokarna€1,500€1,750SAVE €100*Contact
1740265200200February 202502/23/202523 Feb 2025 - 19 Mar 2025200 Hour Multistyle Teacher TrainingGokarna€1,500€1,750SAVE €100*Contact
1742425200200March 202503/20/202520 Mar 2025 - 13 Apr 2025200 Hour Multistyle Teacher TrainingGokarna€1,500€1,750SAVE €100*Contact
1744581600200April 202504/14/202514 Apr 2025 - 08 May 2025200 Hour Multistyle Teacher TrainingGokarna€1,500€1,750SAVE €100*Contact
1725141600200September 202409/01/202401 Sep 2024 - 25 Sep 2024200 Hour Restorative Teacher TrainingGokarna€1,500€1,750SAVE €100*Contact
1727301600200September 202409/26/202426 Sep 2024 - 20 Oct 2024200 Hour Restorative Teacher TrainingGokarna€1,500€1,750SAVE €100*Contact
1729461600200October 202410/21/202421 Oct 2024 - 14 Nov 2024200 Hour Restorative Teacher TrainingGokarna€1,500€1,750SAVE €100*Contact
1731625200200November 202411/15/202415 Nov 2024 - 09 Dec 2024200 Hour Restorative Teacher TrainingGokarna€1,500€1,750SAVE €100*Contact
1733785200200December 202412/10/202410 Dec 2024 - 03 Jan 2025200 Hour Restorative Teacher TrainingGokarna€1,500€1,750SAVE €100*Contact
1735945200200January 202501/04/202504 Jan 2025 - 28 Jan 2025200 Hour Restorative Teacher TrainingGokarna€1,500€1,750SAVE €100*Contact
1738105200200January 202501/29/202529 Jan 2025 - 22 Feb 2025200 Hour Restorative Teacher TrainingGokarna€1,500€1,750SAVE €100*Contact
1740265200200February 202502/23/202523 Feb 2025 - 19 Mar 2025200 Hour Restorative Teacher TrainingGokarna€1,500€1,750SAVE €100*Contact
1742425200200March 202503/20/202520 Mar 2025 - 13 Apr 2025200 Hour Restorative Teacher TrainingGokarna€1,500€1,750SAVE €100*Contact
1744581600200April 202504/14/202514 Apr 2025 - 08 May 2025200 Hour Restorative Teacher TrainingGokarna€1,500€1,750SAVE €100*Contact
1725141600200September 202409/01/202401 Sep 2024 - 25 Sep 2024200 Hour Therapeutic Teacher TrainingGokarna€1,500€1,750SAVE €100*Contact
1727301600200September 202409/26/202426 Sep 2024 - 20 Oct 2024200 Hour Therapeutic Teacher TrainingGokarna€1,500€1,750SAVE €100*Contact
1729461600200October 202410/21/202421 Oct 2024 - 14 Nov 2024200 Hour Therapeutic Teacher TrainingGokarna€1,500€1,750SAVE €100*Contact
1731625200200November 202411/15/202415 Nov 2024 - 09 Dec 2024200 Hour Therapeutic Teacher TrainingGokarna€1,500€1,750SAVE €100*Contact
1733785200200December 202412/10/202410 Dec 2024 - 03 Jan 2025200 Hour Therapeutic Teacher TrainingGokarna€1,500€1,750SAVE €100*Contact
1735945200200January 202501/04/202504 Jan 2025 - 28 Jan 2025200 Hour Therapeutic Teacher TrainingGokarna€1,500€1,750SAVE €100*Contact
1738105200200January 202501/29/202529 Jan 2025 - 22 Feb 2025200 Hour Therapeutic Teacher TrainingGokarna€1,500€1,750SAVE €100*Contact
1740265200200February 202502/23/202523 Feb 2025 - 19 Mar 2025200 Hour Therapeutic Teacher TrainingGokarna€1,500€1,750SAVE €100*Contact
1742425200200March 202503/20/202520 Mar 2025 - 13 Apr 2025200 Hour Therapeutic Teacher TrainingGokarna€1,500€1,750SAVE €100*Contact
1744581600200April 202504/14/202514 Apr 2025 - 08 May 2025200 Hour Therapeutic Teacher TrainingGokarna€1,500€1,750SAVE €100*Contact
1725141600200September 202409/01/202401 Sep 2024 - 25 Sep 2024200 Hour Vinyasa Teacher TrainingGokarna€1,500€1,750SAVE €100*Contact
1727301600200September 202409/26/202426 Sep 2024 - 20 Oct 2024200 Hour Vinyasa Teacher TrainingGokarna€1,500€1,750SAVE €100*Contact
1729461600200October 202410/21/202421 Oct 2024 - 14 Nov 2024200 Hour Vinyasa Teacher TrainingGokarna€1,500€1,750SAVE €100*Contact
1731625200200November 202411/15/202415 Nov 2024 - 09 Dec 2024200 Hour Vinyasa Teacher TrainingGokarna€1,500€1,750SAVE €100*Contact
1733785200200December 202412/10/202410 Dec 2024 - 03 Jan 2025200 Hour Vinyasa Teacher TrainingGokarna€1,500€1,750SAVE €100*Contact
1735945200200January 202501/04/202504 Jan 2025 - 28 Jan 2025200 Hour Vinyasa Teacher TrainingGokarna€1,500€1,750SAVE €100*Contact
1738105200200January 202501/29/202529 Jan 2025 - 22 Feb 2025200 Hour Vinyasa Teacher TrainingGokarna€1,500€1,750SAVE €100*Contact
1740265200200February 202502/23/202523 Feb 2025 - 19 Mar 2025200 Hour Vinyasa Teacher TrainingGokarna€1,500€1,750SAVE €100*Contact
1742425200200March 202503/20/202520 Mar 2025 - 13 Apr 2025200 Hour Vinyasa Teacher TrainingGokarna€1,500€1,750SAVE €100*Contact
1744581600200April 202504/14/202514 Apr 2025 - 08 May 2025200 Hour Vinyasa Teacher TrainingGokarna€1,500€1,750SAVE €100*Contact
1725141600200September 202409/01/202401 Sep 2024 - 25 Sep 2024200 Hour Yin Yoga Teacher TrainingGokarna€1,500€1,750SAVE €100*Contact
1727301600200September 202409/26/202426 Sep 2024 - 20 Oct 2024200 Hour Yin Yoga Teacher TrainingGokarna€1,500€1,750SAVE €100*Contact
1729461600200October 202410/21/202421 Oct 2024 - 14 Nov 2024200 Hour Yin Yoga Teacher TrainingGokarna€1,500€1,750SAVE €100*Contact
1731625200200November 202411/15/202415 Nov 2024 - 09 Dec 2024200 Hour Yin Yoga Teacher TrainingGokarna€1,500€1,750SAVE €100*Contact
1733785200200December 202412/10/202410 Dec 2024 - 03 Jan 2025200 Hour Yin Yoga Teacher TrainingGokarna€1,500€1,750SAVE €100*Contact
1735945200200January 202501/04/202504 Jan 2025 - 28 Jan 2025200 Hour Yin Yoga Teacher TrainingGokarna€1,500€1,750SAVE €100*Contact
1738105200200January 202501/29/202529 Jan 2025 - 22 Feb 2025200 Hour Yin Yoga Teacher TrainingGokarna€1,500€1,750SAVE €100*Contact
1740265200200February 202502/23/202523 Feb 2025 - 19 Mar 2025200 Hour Yin Yoga Teacher TrainingGokarna€1,500€1,750SAVE €100*Contact
1742425200200March 202503/20/202520 Mar 2025 - 13 Apr 2025200 Hour Yin Yoga Teacher TrainingGokarna€1,500€1,750SAVE €100*Contact
1744581600200April 202504/14/202514 Apr 2025 - 08 May 2025200 Hour Yin Yoga Teacher TrainingGokarna€1,500€1,750SAVE €100*Contact
1725141600100September 202409/01/202401 Sep 2024 - 12 Sep 2024100 Hour Ashtanga Teacher TrainingGokarna€800€925SAVE €50*Contact
1726696800100September 202409/19/202419 Sep 2024 - 30 Sep 2024100 Hour Ashtanga Teacher TrainingGokarna€800€925SAVE €50*Contact
1727733600100October 202410/01/202401 Oct 2024 - 12 Oct 2024100 Hour Ashtanga Teacher TrainingGokarna€800€925SAVE €50*Contact
1729288800100October 202410/19/202419 Oct 2024 - 30 Oct 2024100 Hour Ashtanga Teacher TrainingGokarna€800€925SAVE €50*Contact
1730415600100November 202411/01/202401 Nov 2024 - 12 Nov 2024100 Hour Ashtanga Teacher TrainingGokarna€800€925SAVE €50*Contact
1731970800100November 202411/19/202419 Nov 2024 - 30 Nov 2024100 Hour Ashtanga Teacher TrainingGokarna€800€925SAVE €50*Contact
1733007600100December 202412/01/202401 Dec 2024 - 12 Dec 2024100 Hour Ashtanga Teacher TrainingGokarna€800€925SAVE €50*Contact
1734562800100December 202412/19/202419 Dec 2024 - 30 Dec 2024100 Hour Ashtanga Teacher TrainingGokarna€800€925SAVE €50*Contact
1735686000100January 202501/01/202501 Jan 2025 - 12 Jan 2025100 Hour Ashtanga Teacher TrainingGokarna€800€925SAVE €50*Contact
1737241200100January 202501/19/202519 Jan 2025 - 30 Jan 2025100 Hour Ashtanga Teacher TrainingGokarna€800€925SAVE €50*Contact
1738364400100February 202502/01/202501 Feb 2025 - 12 Feb 2025100 Hour Ashtanga Teacher TrainingGokarna€800€925SAVE €50*Contact
1739919600100February 202502/19/202519 Feb 2025 - 02 Mar 2025100 Hour Ashtanga Teacher TrainingGokarna€800€925SAVE €50*Contact
1740783600100March 202503/01/202501 Mar 2025 - 12 Mar 2025100 Hour Ashtanga Teacher TrainingGokarna€800€925SAVE €50*Contact
1742338800100March 202503/19/202519 Mar 2025 - 30 Mar 2025100 Hour Ashtanga Teacher TrainingGokarna€800€925SAVE €50*Contact
1743458400100April 202504/01/202501 Apr 2025 - 12 Apr 2025100 Hour Ashtanga Teacher TrainingGokarna€800€925SAVE €50*Contact
1745013600100April 202504/19/202519 Apr 2025 - 30 Apr 2025100 Hour Ashtanga Teacher TrainingGokarna€800€925SAVE €50*Contact
1725141600100September 202409/01/202401 Sep 2024 - 12 Sep 2024100 Hour Hatha Teacher TrainingGokarna€800€925SAVE €50*Contact
1726696800100September 202409/19/202419 Sep 2024 - 30 Sep 2024100 Hour Hatha Teacher TrainingGokarna€800€925SAVE €50*Contact
1727733600100October 202410/01/202401 Oct 2024 - 12 Oct 2024100 Hour Hatha Teacher TrainingGokarna€800€925SAVE €50*Contact
1729288800100October 202410/19/202419 Oct 2024 - 30 Oct 2024100 Hour Hatha Teacher TrainingGokarna€800€925SAVE €50*Contact
1730415600100November 202411/01/202401 Nov 2024 - 12 Nov 2024100 Hour Hatha Teacher TrainingGokarna€800€925SAVE €50*Contact
1731970800100November 202411/19/202419 Nov 2024 - 30 Nov 2024100 Hour Hatha Teacher TrainingGokarna€800€925SAVE €50*Contact
1733007600100December 202412/01/202401 Dec 2024 - 12 Dec 2024100 Hour Hatha Teacher TrainingGokarna€800€925SAVE €50*Contact
1734562800100December 202412/19/202419 Dec 2024 - 30 Dec 2024100 Hour Hatha Teacher TrainingGokarna€800€925SAVE €50*Contact
1735686000100January 202501/01/202501 Jan 2025 - 12 Jan 2025100 Hour Hatha Teacher TrainingGokarna€800€925SAVE €50*Contact
1737241200100January 202501/19/202519 Jan 2025 - 30 Jan 2025100 Hour Hatha Teacher TrainingGokarna€800€925SAVE €50*Contact
1738364400100February 202502/01/202501 Feb 2025 - 12 Feb 2025100 Hour Hatha Teacher TrainingGokarna€800€925SAVE €50*Contact
1739919600100February 202502/19/202519 Feb 2025 - 02 Mar 2025100 Hour Hatha Teacher TrainingGokarna€800€925SAVE €50*Contact
1740783600100March 202503/01/202501 Mar 2025 - 12 Mar 2025100 Hour Hatha Teacher TrainingGokarna€800€925SAVE €50*Contact
1742338800100March 202503/19/202519 Mar 2025 - 30 Mar 2025100 Hour Hatha Teacher TrainingGokarna€800€925SAVE €50*Contact
1743458400100April 202504/01/202501 Apr 2025 - 12 Apr 2025100 Hour Hatha Teacher TrainingGokarna€800€925SAVE €50*Contact
1745013600100April 202504/19/202519 Apr 2025 - 30 Apr 2025100 Hour Hatha Teacher TrainingGokarna€800€925SAVE €50*Contact
1725141600100September 202409/01/202401 Sep 2024 - 12 Sep 2024100 Hour Vinyasa Teacher TrainingGokarna€800€925SAVE €50*Contact
1726696800100September 202409/19/202419 Sep 2024 - 30 Sep 2024100 Hour Vinyasa Teacher TrainingGokarna€800€925SAVE €50*Contact
1727733600100October 202410/01/202401 Oct 2024 - 12 Oct 2024100 Hour Vinyasa Teacher TrainingGokarna€800€925SAVE €50*Contact
1729288800100October 202410/19/202419 Oct 2024 - 30 Oct 2024100 Hour Vinyasa Teacher TrainingGokarna€800€925SAVE €50*Contact
1730415600100November 202411/01/202401 Nov 2024 - 12 Nov 2024100 Hour Vinyasa Teacher TrainingGokarna€800€925SAVE €50*Contact
1731970800100November 202411/19/202419 Nov 2024 - 30 Nov 2024100 Hour Vinyasa Teacher TrainingGokarna€800€925SAVE €50*Contact
1733007600100December 202412/01/202401 Dec 2024 - 12 Dec 2024100 Hour Vinyasa Teacher TrainingGokarna€800€925SAVE €50*Contact
1734562800100December 202412/19/202419 Dec 2024 - 30 Dec 2024100 Hour Vinyasa Teacher TrainingGokarna€800€925SAVE €50*Contact
1735686000100January 202501/01/202501 Jan 2025 - 12 Jan 2025100 Hour Vinyasa Teacher TrainingGokarna€800€925SAVE €50*Contact
1737241200100January 202501/19/202519 Jan 2025 - 30 Jan 2025100 Hour Vinyasa Teacher TrainingGokarna€800€925SAVE €50*Contact
1738364400100February 202502/01/202501 Feb 2025 - 12 Feb 2025100 Hour Vinyasa Teacher TrainingGokarna€800€925SAVE €50*Contact
1739919600100February 202502/19/202519 Feb 2025 - 02 Mar 2025100 Hour Vinyasa Teacher TrainingGokarna€800€925SAVE €50*Contact
1740783600100March 202503/01/202501 Mar 2025 - 12 Mar 2025100 Hour Vinyasa Teacher TrainingGokarna€800€925SAVE €50*Contact
1742338800100March 202503/19/202519 Mar 2025 - 30 Mar 2025100 Hour Vinyasa Teacher TrainingGokarna€800€925SAVE €50*Contact
1743458400100April 202504/01/202501 Apr 2025 - 12 Apr 2025100 Hour Vinyasa Teacher TrainingGokarna€800€925SAVE €50*Contact
1745013600100April 202504/19/202519 Apr 2025 - 30 Apr 2025100 Hour Vinyasa Teacher TrainingGokarna€800€925SAVE €50*Contact
1725141600100September 202409/01/202401 Sep 2024 - 12 Sep 2024100 Hour Restorative Teacher TrainingGokarna€800€925SAVE €50*Contact
1726696800100September 202409/19/202419 Sep 2024 - 30 Sep 2024100 Hour Restorative Teacher TrainingGokarna€800€925SAVE €50*Contact
1727733600100October 202410/01/202401 Oct 2024 - 12 Oct 2024100 Hour Restorative Teacher TrainingGokarna€800€925SAVE €50*Contact
1729288800100October 202410/19/202419 Oct 2024 - 30 Oct 2024100 Hour Restorative Teacher TrainingGokarna€800€925SAVE €50*Contact
1730415600100November 202411/01/202401 Nov 2024 - 12 Nov 2024100 Hour Restorative Teacher TrainingGokarna€800€925SAVE €50*Contact
1731970800100November 202411/19/202419 Nov 2024 - 30 Nov 2024100 Hour Restorative Teacher TrainingGokarna€800€925SAVE €50*Contact
1733007600100December 202412/01/202401 Dec 2024 - 12 Dec 2024100 Hour Restorative Teacher TrainingGokarna€800€925SAVE €50*Contact
1734562800100December 202412/19/202419 Dec 2024 - 30 Dec 2024100 Hour Restorative Teacher TrainingGokarna€800€925SAVE €50*Contact
1735686000100January 202501/01/202501 Jan 2025 - 12 Jan 2025100 Hour Restorative Teacher TrainingGokarna€800€925SAVE €50*Contact
1737241200100January 202501/19/202519 Jan 2025 - 30 Jan 2025100 Hour Restorative Teacher TrainingGokarna€800€925SAVE €50*Contact
1738364400100February 202502/01/202501 Feb 2025 - 12 Feb 2025100 Hour Restorative Teacher TrainingGokarna€800€925SAVE €50*Contact
1739919600100February 202502/19/202519 Feb 2025 - 02 Mar 2025100 Hour Restorative Teacher TrainingGokarna€800€925SAVE €50*Contact
1740783600100March 202503/01/202501 Mar 2025 - 12 Mar 2025100 Hour Restorative Teacher TrainingGokarna€800€925SAVE €50*Contact
1742338800100March 202503/19/202519 Mar 2025 - 30 Mar 2025100 Hour Restorative Teacher TrainingGokarna€800€925SAVE €50*Contact
1743458400100April 202504/01/202501 Apr 2025 - 12 Apr 2025100 Hour Restorative Teacher TrainingGokarna€800€925SAVE €50*Contact
1745013600100April 202504/19/202519 Apr 2025 - 30 Apr 2025100 Hour Restorative Teacher TrainingGokarna€800€925SAVE €50*Contact
1725141600100September 202409/01/202401 Sep 2024 - 12 Sep 2024100 Hour Therapeutic Teacher TrainingGokarna€800€925SAVE €50*Contact
1726696800100September 202409/19/202419 Sep 2024 - 30 Sep 2024100 Hour Therapeutic Teacher TrainingGokarna€800€925SAVE €50*Contact
1727733600100October 202410/01/202401 Oct 2024 - 12 Oct 2024100 Hour Therapeutic Teacher TrainingGokarna€800€925SAVE €50*Contact
1729288800100October 202410/19/202419 Oct 2024 - 30 Oct 2024100 Hour Therapeutic Teacher TrainingGokarna€800€925SAVE €50*Contact
1730415600100November 202411/01/202401 Nov 2024 - 12 Nov 2024100 Hour Therapeutic Teacher TrainingGokarna€800€925SAVE €50*Contact
1731970800100November 202411/19/202419 Nov 2024 - 30 Nov 2024100 Hour Therapeutic Teacher TrainingGokarna€800€925SAVE €50*Contact
1733007600100December 202412/01/202401 Dec 2024 - 12 Dec 2024100 Hour Therapeutic Teacher TrainingGokarna€800€925SAVE €50*Contact
1734562800100December 202412/19/202419 Dec 2024 - 30 Dec 2024100 Hour Therapeutic Teacher TrainingGokarna€800€925SAVE €50*Contact
1735686000100January 202501/01/202501 Jan 2025 - 12 Jan 2025100 Hour Therapeutic Teacher TrainingGokarna€800€925SAVE €50*Contact
1737241200100January 202501/19/202519 Jan 2025 - 30 Jan 2025100 Hour Therapeutic Teacher TrainingGokarna€800€925SAVE €50*Contact
1738364400100February 202502/01/202501 Feb 2025 - 12 Feb 2025100 Hour Therapeutic Teacher TrainingGokarna€800€925SAVE €50*Contact
1739919600100February 202502/19/202519 Feb 2025 - 02 Mar 2025100 Hour Therapeutic Teacher TrainingGokarna€800€925SAVE €50*Contact
1740783600100March 202503/01/202501 Mar 2025 - 12 Mar 2025100 Hour Therapeutic Teacher TrainingGokarna€800€925SAVE €50*Contact
1742338800100March 202503/19/202519 Mar 2025 - 30 Mar 2025100 Hour Therapeutic Teacher TrainingGokarna€800€925SAVE €50*Contact
1743458400100April 202504/01/202501 Apr 2025 - 12 Apr 2025100 Hour Therapeutic Teacher TrainingGokarna€800€925SAVE €50*Contact
1745013600100April 202504/19/202519 Apr 2025 - 30 Apr 2025100 Hour Therapeutic Teacher TrainingGokarna€800€925SAVE €50*Contact
1725141600100September 202409/01/202401 Sep 2024 - 12 Sep 2024100 Hour Yin Yoga Teacher TrainingGokarna€800€925SAVE €50*Contact
1726696800100September 202409/19/202419 Sep 2024 - 30 Sep 2024100 Hour Yin Yoga Teacher TrainingGokarna€800€925SAVE €50*Contact
1727733600100October 202410/01/202401 Oct 2024 - 12 Oct 2024100 Hour Yin Yoga Teacher TrainingGokarna€800€925SAVE €50*Contact
1729288800100October 202410/19/202419 Oct 2024 - 30 Oct 2024100 Hour Yin Yoga Teacher TrainingGokarna€800€925SAVE €50*Contact
1730415600100November 202411/01/202401 Nov 2024 - 12 Nov 2024100 Hour Yin Yoga Teacher TrainingGokarna€800€925SAVE €50*Contact
1731970800100November 202411/19/202419 Nov 2024 - 30 Nov 2024100 Hour Yin Yoga Teacher TrainingGokarna€800€925SAVE €50*Contact
1733007600100December 202412/01/202401 Dec 2024 - 12 Dec 2024100 Hour Yin Yoga Teacher TrainingGokarna€800€925SAVE €50*Contact
1734562800100December 202412/19/202419 Dec 2024 - 30 Dec 2024100 Hour Yin Yoga Teacher TrainingGokarna€800€925SAVE €50*Contact
1735686000100January 202501/01/202501 Jan 2025 - 12 Jan 2025100 Hour Yin Yoga Teacher TrainingGokarna€800€925SAVE €50*Contact
1737241200100January 202501/19/202519 Jan 2025 - 30 Jan 2025100 Hour Yin Yoga Teacher TrainingGokarna€800€925SAVE €50*Contact
1738364400100February 202502/01/202501 Feb 2025 - 12 Feb 2025100 Hour Yin Yoga Teacher TrainingGokarna€800€925SAVE €50*Contact
1739919600100February 202502/19/202519 Feb 2025 - 02 Mar 2025100 Hour Yin Yoga Teacher TrainingGokarna€800€925SAVE €50*Contact
1740783600100March 202503/01/202501 Mar 2025 - 12 Mar 2025100 Hour Yin Yoga Teacher TrainingGokarna€800€925SAVE €50*Contact
1742338800100March 202503/19/202519 Mar 2025 - 30 Mar 2025100 Hour Yin Yoga Teacher TrainingGokarna€800€925SAVE €50*Contact
1743458400100April 202504/01/202501 Apr 2025 - 12 Apr 2025100 Hour Yin Yoga Teacher TrainingGokarna€800€925SAVE €50*Contact
1745013600100April 202504/19/202519 Apr 2025 - 30 Apr 2025100 Hour Yin Yoga Teacher TrainingGokarna€800€925SAVE €50*Contact
50May 2024,June 2024,July 2024,August 2024,September 2024,October 2024,November 2024,December 2024,January 2025,February 2025,March 2025,April 2025Every Monday to Saturday50 Hour Yin Yoga Teacher TrainingGokarna€550€675SAVE €50*Contact
50May 2024,June 2024,July 2024,August 2024,September 2024,October 2024,November 2024,December 2024,January 2025,February 2025,March 2025,April 2025Every Monday to Saturday50 Hour Yoga Nidra Teacher TrainingGokarna€550€675SAVE €50*Contact
1716501600500May 202405/24/202424 May 2024 - 17 Jul 2024500 Hour Ashtanga Yoga Teacher TrainingDharamsala€3,300€3,600SAVE €200*Contact
1718661600500June 202406/18/202418 Jun 2024 - 11 Aug 2024500 Hour Ashtanga Yoga Teacher TrainingDharamsala€3,300€3,600SAVE €200*Contact
1720821600500July 202407/13/202413 Jul 2024 - 05 Sep 2024500 Hour Ashtanga Yoga Teacher TrainingDharamsala€3,300€3,600SAVE €200*Contact
1722981600500August 202408/07/202407 Aug 2024 - 30 Sep 2024500 Hour Ashtanga Yoga Teacher TrainingDharamsala€3,300€3,600SAVE €200*Contact
1740783600500March 202503/01/202501 Mar 2025 - 24 Apr 2025500 Hour Ashtanga Yoga Teacher TrainingDharamsala€3,300€3,600SAVE €200*Contact
1742943600500March 202503/26/202526 Mar 2025 - 19 May 2025500 Hour Ashtanga Yoga Teacher TrainingDharamsala€3,300€3,600SAVE €200*Contact
1745100000500April 202504/20/202520 Apr 2025 - 13 Jun 2025500 Hour Ashtanga Yoga Teacher TrainingDharamsala€3,300€3,600SAVE €200*Contact
1747260000500May 202505/15/202515 May 2025 - 08 Jul 2025500 Hour Ashtanga Yoga Teacher TrainingDharamsala€3,300€3,600SAVE €200*Contact
1749420000500June 202506/09/202509 Jun 2025 - 02 Aug 2025500 Hour Ashtanga Yoga Teacher TrainingDharamsala€3,300€3,600SAVE €200*Contact
1751580000500July 202507/04/202504 Jul 2025 - 27 Aug 2025500 Hour Ashtanga Yoga Teacher TrainingDharamsala€3,300€3,600SAVE €200*Contact
1755900000500August 202508/23/202523 Aug 2025 - 16 Oct 2025500 Hour Ashtanga Yoga Teacher TrainingDharamsala€3,300€3,600SAVE €200*Contact
1747260000500May 202505/15/202515 May 2025 - 08 Jun 2025500 Hour Ashtanga Yoga Teacher TrainingDharamsala€3,300€3,600SAVE €200*Contact
1749420000500June 202506/09/202509 Jun 2025 - 02 Aug 2025500 Hour Ashtanga Yoga Teacher TrainingDharamsala€3,300€3,600SAVE €200*Contact
1751580000500July 202507/04/202504 Jul 2025 - 27 Aug 2025500 Hour Ashtanga Yoga Teacher TrainingDharamsala€3,300€3,600SAVE €200*Contact
1753740000500July 202507/29/202529 Jul 2025 - 21 Sep 2025500 Hour Ashtanga Yoga Teacher TrainingDharamsala€3,300€3,600SAVE €200*Contact
1716501600500May 202405/24/202424 May 2024 - 17 Jul 2024500 Hour Hatha Yoga Teacher TrainingDharamsala€3,300€3,600SAVE €200*Contact
1718661600500June 202406/18/202418 Jun 2024 - 11 Aug 2024500 Hour Hatha Yoga Teacher TrainingDharamsala€3,300€3,600SAVE €200*Contact
1720821600500July 202407/13/202413 Jul 2024 - 05 Sep 2024500 Hour Hatha Yoga Teacher TrainingDharamsala€3,300€3,600SAVE €200*Contact
1722981600500August 202408/07/202407 Aug 2024 - 30 Sep 2024500 Hour Hatha Yoga Teacher TrainingDharamsala€3,300€3,600SAVE €200*Contact
1740783600500March 202503/01/202501 Mar 2025 - 24 Apr 2025500 Hour Hatha Yoga Teacher TrainingDharamsala€3,300€3,600SAVE €200*Contact
1742943600500March 202503/26/202526 Mar 2025 - 19 May 2025500 Hour Hatha Yoga Teacher TrainingDharamsala€3,300€3,600SAVE €200*Contact
1745100000500April 202504/20/202520 Apr 2025 - 13 Jun 2025500 Hour Hatha Yoga Teacher TrainingDharamsala€3,300€3,600SAVE €200*Contact
1747260000500May 202505/15/202515 May 2025 - 08 Jul 2025500 Hour Hatha Yoga Teacher TrainingDharamsala€3,300€3,600SAVE €200*Contact
1749420000500June 202506/09/202509 Jun 2025 - 02 Aug 2025500 Hour Hatha Yoga Teacher TrainingDharamsala€3,300€3,600SAVE €200*Contact
1751580000500July 202507/04/202504 Jul 2025 - 27 Aug 2025500 Hour Hatha Yoga Teacher TrainingDharamsala€3,300€3,600SAVE €200*Contact
1755900000500August 202508/23/202523 Aug 2025 - 16 Oct 2025500 Hour Hatha Yoga Teacher TrainingDharamsala€3,300€3,600SAVE €200*Contact
1747260000500May 202505/15/202515 May 2025 - 08 Jun 2025500 Hour Hatha Yoga Teacher TrainingDharamsala€3,300€3,600SAVE €200*Contact
1749420000500June 202506/09/202509 Jun 2025 - 02 Aug 2025500 Hour Hatha Yoga Teacher TrainingDharamsala€3,300€3,600SAVE €200*Contact
1751580000500July 202507/04/202504 Jul 2025 - 27 Aug 2025500 Hour Hatha Yoga Teacher TrainingDharamsala€3,300€3,600SAVE €200*Contact
1753740000500July 202507/29/202529 Jul 2025 - 21 Sep 2025500 Hour Hatha Yoga Teacher TrainingDharamsala€3,300€3,600SAVE €200*Contact
1716501600500May 202405/24/202424 May 2024 - 17 Jul 2024500 Hour Multistyle Yoga Teacher TrainingDharamsala€3,300€3,600SAVE €200*Contact
1718661600500June 202406/18/202418 Jun 2024 - 11 Aug 2024500 Hour Multistyle Yoga Teacher TrainingDharamsala€3,300€3,600SAVE €200*Contact
1720821600500July 202407/13/202413 Jul 2024 - 05 Sep 2024500 Hour Multistyle Yoga Teacher TrainingDharamsala€3,300€3,600SAVE €200*Contact
1722981600500August 202408/07/202407 Aug 2024 - 30 Sep 2024500 Hour Multistyle Yoga Teacher TrainingDharamsala€3,300€3,600SAVE €200*Contact
1740783600500March 202503/01/202501 Mar 2025 - 24 Apr 2025500 Hour Multistyle Yoga Teacher TrainingDharamsala€3,300€3,600SAVE €200*Contact
1742943600500March 202503/26/202526 Mar 2025 - 19 May 2025500 Hour Multistyle Yoga Teacher TrainingDharamsala€3,300€3,600SAVE €200*Contact
1745100000500April 202504/20/202520 Apr 2025 - 13 Jun 2025500 Hour Multistyle Yoga Teacher TrainingDharamsala€3,300€3,600SAVE €200*Contact
1747260000500May 202505/15/202515 May 2025 - 08 Jul 2025500 Hour Multistyle Yoga Teacher TrainingDharamsala€3,300€3,600SAVE €200*Contact
1749420000500June 202506/09/202509 Jun 2025 - 02 Aug 2025500 Hour Multistyle Yoga Teacher TrainingDharamsala€3,300€3,600SAVE €200*Contact
1751580000500July 202507/04/202504 Jul 2025 - 27 Aug 2025500 Hour Multistyle Yoga Teacher TrainingDharamsala€3,300€3,600SAVE €200*Contact
1755900000500August 202508/23/202523 Aug 2025 - 16 Oct 2025500 Hour Multistyle Yoga Teacher TrainingDharamsala€3,300€3,600SAVE €200*Contact
1747260000500May 202505/15/202515 May 2025 - 08 Jun 2025500 Hour Multistyle Yoga Teacher TrainingDharamsala€3,300€3,600SAVE €200*Contact
1749420000500June 202506/09/202509 Jun 2025 - 02 Aug 2025500 Hour Multistyle Yoga Teacher TrainingDharamsala€3,300€3,600SAVE €200*Contact
1751580000500July 202507/04/202504 Jul 2025 - 27 Aug 2025500 Hour Multistyle Yoga Teacher TrainingDharamsala€3,300€3,600SAVE €200*Contact
1753740000500July 202507/29/202529 Jul 2025 - 21 Sep 2025500 Hour Multistyle Yoga Teacher TrainingDharamsala€3,300€3,600SAVE €200*Contact
1716501600500May 202405/24/202424 May 2024 - 17 Jul 2024500 Hour Restorative Yoga Teacher TrainingDharamsala€3,300€3,600SAVE €200*Contact
1718661600500June 202406/18/202418 Jun 2024 - 11 Aug 2024500 Hour Restorative Yoga Teacher TrainingDharamsala€3,300€3,600SAVE €200*Contact
1720821600500July 202407/13/202413 Jul 2024 - 05 Sep 2024500 Hour Restorative Yoga Teacher TrainingDharamsala€3,300€3,600SAVE €200*Contact
1722981600500August 202408/07/202407 Aug 2024 - 30 Sep 2024500 Hour Restorative Yoga Teacher TrainingDharamsala€3,300€3,600SAVE €200*Contact
1740783600500March 202503/01/202501 Mar 2025 - 24 Apr 2025500 Hour Restorative Yoga Teacher TrainingDharamsala€3,300€3,600SAVE €200*Contact
1742943600500March 202503/26/202526 Mar 2025 - 19 May 2025500 Hour Restorative Yoga Teacher TrainingDharamsala€3,300€3,600SAVE €200*Contact
1745100000500April 202504/20/202520 Apr 2025 - 13 Jun 2025500 Hour Restorative Yoga Teacher TrainingDharamsala€3,300€3,600SAVE €200*Contact
1747260000500May 202505/15/202515 May 2025 - 08 Jul 2025500 Hour Restorative Yoga Teacher TrainingDharamsala€3,300€3,600SAVE €200*Contact
1749420000500June 202506/09/202509 Jun 2025 - 02 Aug 2025500 Hour Restorative Yoga Teacher TrainingDharamsala€3,300€3,600SAVE €200*Contact
1751580000500July 202507/04/202504 Jul 2025 - 27 Aug 2025500 Hour Restorative Yoga Teacher TrainingDharamsala€3,300€3,600SAVE €200*Contact
1755900000500August 202508/23/202523 Aug 2025 - 16 Oct 2025500 Hour Restorative Yoga Teacher TrainingDharamsala€3,300€3,600SAVE €200*Contact
1747260000500May 202505/15/202515 May 2025 - 08 Jun 2025500 Hour Restorative Yoga Teacher TrainingDharamsala€3,300€3,600SAVE €200*Contact
1749420000500June 202506/09/202509 Jun 2025 - 02 Aug 2025500 Hour Restorative Yoga Teacher TrainingDharamsala€3,300€3,600SAVE €200*Contact
1751580000500July 202507/04/202504 Jul 2025 - 27 Aug 2025500 Hour Restorative Yoga Teacher TrainingDharamsala€3,300€3,600SAVE €200*Contact
1753740000500July 202507/29/202529 Jul 2025 - 21 Sep 2025500 Hour Restorative Yoga Teacher TrainingDharamsala€3,300€3,600SAVE €200*Contact
1716501600500May 202405/24/202424 May 2024 - 17 Jul 2024500 Hour Therapeutic Yoga Teacher TrainingDharamsala€3,300€3,600SAVE €200*Contact
1718661600500June 202406/18/202418 Jun 2024 - 11 Aug 2024500 Hour Therapeutic Yoga Teacher TrainingDharamsala€3,300€3,600SAVE €200*Contact
1720821600500July 202407/13/202413 Jul 2024 - 05 Sep 2024500 Hour Therapeutic Yoga Teacher TrainingDharamsala€3,300€3,600SAVE €200*Contact
1722981600500August 202408/07/202407 Aug 2024 - 30 Sep 2024500 Hour Therapeutic Yoga Teacher TrainingDharamsala€3,300€3,600SAVE €200*Contact
1740783600500March 202503/01/202501 Mar 2025 - 24 Apr 2025500 Hour Therapeutic Yoga Teacher TrainingDharamsala€3,300€3,600SAVE €200*Contact
1742943600500March 202503/26/202526 Mar 2025 - 19 May 2025500 Hour Therapeutic Yoga Teacher TrainingDharamsala€3,300€3,600SAVE €200*Contact
1745100000500April 202504/20/202520 Apr 2025 - 13 Jun 2025500 Hour Therapeutic Yoga Teacher TrainingDharamsala€3,300€3,600SAVE €200*Contact
1747260000500May 202505/15/202515 May 2025 - 08 Jul 2025500 Hour Therapeutic Yoga Teacher TrainingDharamsala€3,300€3,600SAVE €200*Contact
1749420000500June 202506/09/202509 Jun 2025 - 02 Aug 2025500 Hour Therapeutic Yoga Teacher TrainingDharamsala€3,300€3,600SAVE €200*Contact
1751580000500July 202507/04/202504 Jul 2025 - 27 Aug 2025500 Hour Therapeutic Yoga Teacher TrainingDharamsala€3,300€3,600SAVE €200*Contact
1755900000500August 202508/23/202523 Aug 2025 - 16 Oct 2025500 Hour Therapeutic Yoga Teacher TrainingDharamsala€3,300€3,600SAVE €200*Contact
1747260000500May 202505/15/202515 May 2025 - 08 Jun 2025500 Hour Therapeutic Yoga Teacher TrainingDharamsala€3,300€3,600SAVE €200*Contact
1749420000500June 202506/09/202509 Jun 2025 - 02 Aug 2025500 Hour Therapeutic Yoga Teacher TrainingDharamsala€3,300€3,600SAVE €200*Contact
1751580000500July 202507/04/202504 Jul 2025 - 27 Aug 2025500 Hour Therapeutic Yoga Teacher TrainingDharamsala€3,300€3,600SAVE €200*Contact
1753740000500July 202507/29/202529 Jul 2025 - 21 Sep 2025500 Hour Therapeutic Yoga Teacher TrainingDharamsala€3,300€3,600SAVE €200*Contact
1716501600500May 202405/24/202424 May 2024 - 17 Jul 2024500 Hour Vinyasa Yoga Teacher TrainingDharamsala€3,300€3,600SAVE €200*Contact
1718661600500June 202406/18/202418 Jun 2024 - 11 Aug 2024500 Hour Vinyasa Yoga Teacher TrainingDharamsala€3,300€3,600SAVE €200*Contact
1720821600500July 202407/13/202413 Jul 2024 - 05 Sep 2024500 Hour Vinyasa Yoga Teacher TrainingDharamsala€3,300€3,600SAVE €200*Contact
1722981600500August 202408/07/202407 Aug 2024 - 30 Sep 2024500 Hour Vinyasa Yoga Teacher TrainingDharamsala€3,300€3,600SAVE €200*Contact
1740783600500March 202503/01/202501 Mar 2025 - 24 Apr 2025500 Hour Vinyasa Yoga Teacher TrainingDharamsala€3,300€3,600SAVE €200*Contact
1742943600500March 202503/26/202526 Mar 2025 - 19 May 2025500 Hour Vinyasa Yoga Teacher TrainingDharamsala€3,300€3,600SAVE €200*Contact
1745100000500April 202504/20/202520 Apr 2025 - 13 Jun 2025500 Hour Vinyasa Yoga Teacher TrainingDharamsala€3,300€3,600SAVE €200*Contact
1747260000500May 202505/15/202515 May 2025 - 08 Jul 2025500 Hour Vinyasa Yoga Teacher TrainingDharamsala€3,300€3,600SAVE €200*Contact
1749420000500June 202506/09/202509 Jun 2025 - 02 Aug 2025500 Hour Vinyasa Yoga Teacher TrainingDharamsala€3,300€3,600SAVE €200*Contact
1751580000500July 202507/04/202504 Jul 2025 - 27 Aug 2025500 Hour Vinyasa Yoga Teacher TrainingDharamsala€3,300€3,600SAVE €200*Contact
1755900000500August 202508/23/202523 Aug 2025 - 16 Oct 2025500 Hour Vinyasa Yoga Teacher TrainingDharamsala€3,300€3,600SAVE €200*Contact
1747260000500May 202505/15/202515 May 2025 - 08 Jun 2025500 Hour Vinyasa Yoga Teacher TrainingDharamsala€3,300€3,600SAVE €200*Contact
1749420000500June 202506/09/202509 Jun 2025 - 02 Aug 2025500 Hour Vinyasa Yoga Teacher TrainingDharamsala€3,300€3,600SAVE €200*Contact
1751580000500July 202507/04/202504 Jul 2025 - 27 Aug 2025500 Hour Vinyasa Yoga Teacher TrainingDharamsala€3,300€3,600SAVE €200*Contact
1753740000500July 202507/29/202529 Jul 2025 - 21 Sep 2025500 Hour Vinyasa Yoga Teacher TrainingDharamsala€3,300€3,600SAVE €200*Contact
1716501600500May 202405/24/202424 May 2024 - 17 Jul 2024500 Hour Yin Yoga Teacher TrainingDharamsala€3,300€3,600SAVE €200*Contact
1718661600500June 202406/18/202418 Jun 2024 - 11 Aug 2024500 Hour Yin Yoga Teacher TrainingDharamsala€3,300€3,600SAVE €200*Contact
1720821600500July 202407/13/202413 Jul 2024 - 05 Sep 2024500 Hour Yin Yoga Teacher TrainingDharamsala€3,300€3,600SAVE €200*Contact
1722981600500August 202408/07/202407 Aug 2024 - 30 Sep 2024500 Hour Yin Yoga Teacher TrainingDharamsala€3,300€3,600SAVE €200*Contact
1740783600500March 202503/01/202501 Mar 2025 - 24 Apr 2025500 Hour Yin Yoga Teacher TrainingDharamsala€3,300€3,600SAVE €200*Contact
1742943600500March 202503/26/202526 Mar 2025 - 19 May 2025500 Hour Yin Yoga Teacher TrainingDharamsala€3,300€3,600SAVE €200*Contact
1745100000500April 202504/20/202520 Apr 2025 - 13 Jun 2025500 Hour Yin Yoga Teacher TrainingDharamsala€3,300€3,600SAVE €200*Contact
1747260000500May 202505/15/202515 May 2025 - 08 Jul 2025500 Hour Yin Yoga Teacher TrainingDharamsala€3,300€3,600SAVE €200*Contact
1749420000500June 202506/09/202509 Jun 2025 - 02 Aug 2025500 Hour Yin Yoga Teacher TrainingDharamsala€3,300€3,600SAVE €200*Contact
1751580000500July 202507/04/202504 Jul 2025 - 27 Aug 2025500 Hour Yin Yoga Teacher TrainingDharamsala€3,300€3,600SAVE €200*Contact
1755900000500August 202508/23/202523 Aug 2025 - 16 Oct 2025500 Hour Yin Yoga Teacher TrainingDharamsala€3,300€3,600SAVE €200*Contact
1747260000500May 202505/15/202515 May 2025 - 08 Jun 2025500 Hour Yin Yoga Teacher TrainingDharamsala€3,300€3,600SAVE €200*Contact
1749420000500June 202506/09/202509 Jun 2025 - 02 Aug 2025500 Hour Yin Yoga Teacher TrainingDharamsala€3,300€3,600SAVE €200*Contact
1751580000500July 202507/04/202504 Jul 2025 - 27 Aug 2025500 Hour Yin Yoga Teacher TrainingDharamsala€3,300€3,600SAVE €200*Contact
1753740000500July 202507/29/202529 Jul 2025 - 21 Sep 2025500 Hour Yin Yoga Teacher TrainingDharamsala€3,300€3,600SAVE €200*Contact
1717192800300June 202406/01/202401 Jun 2024 - 30 Jun 2024300 Hour Ashtanga Yoga Teacher TrainingDharamsala€2,100€2,350SAVE €150*Contact
1719784800300July 202407/01/202401 Jul 2024 - 30 Jul 2024300 Hour Ashtanga Yoga Teacher TrainingDharamsala€2,100€2,350SAVE €150*Contact
1722463200300August 202408/01/202401 Aug 2024 - 30 Aug 2024300 Hour Ashtanga Yoga Teacher TrainingDharamsala€2,100€2,350SAVE €150*Contact
1725141600300September 202409/01/202401 Sep 2024 - 30 Sep 2024300 Hour Ashtanga Yoga Teacher TrainingDharamsala€2,100€2,350SAVE €150*Contact
1727733600300October 202410/01/202401 Oct 2024 - 30 Oct 2024300 Hour Ashtanga Yoga Teacher TrainingDharamsala€2,100€2,350SAVE €150*Contact
1740783600300March 202503/01/202501 Mar 2025 - 30 Mar 2025300 Hour Ashtanga Yoga Teacher TrainingDharamsala€2,100€2,350SAVE €150*Contact
1743458400300April 202504/01/202501 Apr 2025 - 30 Apr 2025300 Hour Ashtanga Yoga Teacher TrainingDharamsala€2,100€2,350SAVE €150*Contact
1746050400300May 202505/01/202501 May 2025 - 30 May 2025300 Hour Ashtanga Yoga Teacher TrainingDharamsala€2,100€2,350SAVE €150*Contact
1748728800300June 202506/01/202501 Jun 2025 - 30 Jun 2025300 Hour Ashtanga Yoga Teacher TrainingDharamsala€2,100€2,350SAVE €150*Contact
1751320800300July 202507/01/202501 Jul 2025 - 30 Jul 2025300 Hour Ashtanga Yoga Teacher TrainingDharamsala€2,100€2,350SAVE €150*Contact
1753999200300August 202508/01/202501 Aug 2025 - 30 Aug 2025300 Hour Ashtanga Yoga Teacher TrainingDharamsala€2,100€2,350SAVE €150*Contact
1759269600300October 202510/01/202501 Oct 2025 - 30 Oct 2025300 Hour Ashtanga Yoga Teacher TrainingDharamsala€2,100€2,350SAVE €150*Contact
1748728800300June 202506/01/202501 Jun 2025 - 30 Jun 2025300 Hour Ashtanga Yoga Teacher TrainingDharamsala€2,100€2,350SAVE €150*Contact
1751320800300July 202507/01/202501 Jul 2025 - 30 Jul 2025300 Hour Ashtanga Yoga Teacher TrainingDharamsala€2,100€2,350SAVE €150*Contact
1717192800300June 202406/01/202401 Jun 2024 - 30 Jun 2024300 Hour Hatha Yoga Teacher TrainingDharamsala€2,100€2,350SAVE €150*Contact
1719784800300July 202407/01/202401 Jul 2024 - 30 Jul 2024300 Hour Hatha Yoga Teacher TrainingDharamsala€2,100€2,350SAVE €150*Contact
1722463200300August 202408/01/202401 Aug 2024 - 30 Aug 2024300 Hour Hatha Yoga Teacher TrainingDharamsala€2,100€2,350SAVE €150*Contact
1725141600300September 202409/01/202401 Sep 2024 - 30 Sep 2024300 Hour Hatha Yoga Teacher TrainingDharamsala€2,100€2,350SAVE €150*Contact
1727733600300October 202410/01/202401 Oct 2024 - 30 Oct 2024300 Hour Hatha Yoga Teacher TrainingDharamsala€2,100€2,350SAVE €150*Contact
1740783600300March 202503/01/202501 Mar 2025 - 30 Mar 2025300 Hour Hatha Yoga Teacher TrainingDharamsala€2,100€2,350SAVE €150*Contact
1743458400300April 202504/01/202501 Apr 2025 - 30 Apr 2025300 Hour Hatha Yoga Teacher TrainingDharamsala€2,100€2,350SAVE €150*Contact
1746050400300May 202505/01/202501 May 2025 - 30 May 2025300 Hour Hatha Yoga Teacher TrainingDharamsala€2,100€2,350SAVE €150*Contact
1748728800300June 202506/01/202501 Jun 2025 - 30 Jun 2025300 Hour Hatha Yoga Teacher TrainingDharamsala€2,100€2,350SAVE €150*Contact
1751320800300July 202507/01/202501 Jul 2025 - 30 Jul 2025300 Hour Hatha Yoga Teacher TrainingDharamsala€2,100€2,350SAVE €150*Contact
1753999200300August 202508/01/202501 Aug 2025 - 30 Aug 2025300 Hour Hatha Yoga Teacher TrainingDharamsala€2,100€2,350SAVE €150*Contact
1759269600300October 202510/01/202501 Oct 2025 - 30 Oct 2025300 Hour Hatha Yoga Teacher TrainingDharamsala€2,100€2,350SAVE €150*Contact
1748728800300June 202506/01/202501 Jun 2025 - 30 Jun 2025300 Hour Hatha Yoga Teacher TrainingDharamsala€2,100€2,350SAVE €150*Contact
1751320800300July 202507/01/202501 Jul 2025 - 30 Jul 2025300 Hour Hatha Yoga Teacher TrainingDharamsala€2,100€2,350SAVE €150*Contact
1717192800300June 202406/01/202401 Jun 2024 - 30 Jun 2024300 Hour Multistyle Yoga Teacher TrainingDharamsala€2,100€2,350SAVE €150*Contact
1719784800300July 202407/01/202401 Jul 2024 - 30 Jul 2024300 Hour Multistyle Yoga Teacher TrainingDharamsala€2,100€2,350SAVE €150*Contact
1722463200300August 202408/01/202401 Aug 2024 - 30 Aug 2024300 Hour Multistyle Yoga Teacher TrainingDharamsala€2,100€2,350SAVE €150*Contact
1725141600300September 202409/01/202401 Sep 2024 - 30 Sep 2024300 Hour Multistyle Yoga Teacher TrainingDharamsala€2,100€2,350SAVE €150*Contact
1727733600300October 202410/01/202401 Oct 2024 - 30 Oct 2024300 Hour Multistyle Yoga Teacher TrainingDharamsala€2,100€2,350SAVE €150*Contact
1740783600300March 202503/01/202501 Mar 2025 - 30 Mar 2025300 Hour Multistyle Yoga Teacher TrainingDharamsala€2,100€2,350SAVE €150*Contact
1743458400300April 202504/01/202501 Apr 2025 - 30 Apr 2025300 Hour Multistyle Yoga Teacher TrainingDharamsala€2,100€2,350SAVE €150*Contact
1746050400300May 202505/01/202501 May 2025 - 30 May 2025300 Hour Multistyle Yoga Teacher TrainingDharamsala€2,100€2,350SAVE €150*Contact
1748728800300June 202506/01/202501 Jun 2025 - 30 Jun 2025300 Hour Multistyle Yoga Teacher TrainingDharamsala€2,100€2,350SAVE €150*Contact
1751320800300July 202507/01/202501 Jul 2025 - 30 Jul 2025300 Hour Multistyle Yoga Teacher TrainingDharamsala€2,100€2,350SAVE €150*Contact
1753999200300August 202508/01/202501 Aug 2025 - 30 Aug 2025300 Hour Multistyle Yoga Teacher TrainingDharamsala€2,100€2,350SAVE €150*Contact
1759269600300October 202510/01/202501 Oct 2025 - 30 Oct 2025300 Hour Multistyle Yoga Teacher TrainingDharamsala€2,100€2,350SAVE €150*Contact
1748728800300June 202506/01/202501 Jun 2025 - 30 Jun 2025300 Hour Multistyle Yoga Teacher TrainingDharamsala€2,100€2,350SAVE €150*Contact
1751320800300July 202507/01/202501 Jul 2025 - 30 Jul 2025300 Hour Multistyle Yoga Teacher TrainingDharamsala€2,100€2,350SAVE €150*Contact
1717192800300June 202406/01/202401 Jun 2024 - 30 Jun 2024300 Hour Restorative Yoga Teacher TrainingDharamsala€2,100€2,350SAVE €150*Contact
1719784800300July 202407/01/202401 Jul 2024 - 30 Jul 2024300 Hour Restorative Yoga Teacher TrainingDharamsala€2,100€2,350SAVE €150*Contact
1722463200300August 202408/01/202401 Aug 2024 - 30 Aug 2024300 Hour Restorative Yoga Teacher TrainingDharamsala€2,100€2,350SAVE €150*Contact
1725141600300September 202409/01/202401 Sep 2024 - 30 Sep 2024300 Hour Restorative Yoga Teacher TrainingDharamsala€2,100€2,350SAVE €150*Contact
1727733600300October 202410/01/202401 Oct 2024 - 30 Oct 2024300 Hour Restorative Yoga Teacher TrainingDharamsala€2,100€2,350SAVE €150*Contact
1740783600300March 202503/01/202501 Mar 2025 - 30 Mar 2025300 Hour Restorative Yoga Teacher TrainingDharamsala€2,100€2,350SAVE €150*Contact
1743458400300April 202504/01/202501 Apr 2025 - 30 Apr 2025300 Hour Restorative Yoga Teacher TrainingDharamsala€2,100€2,350SAVE €150*Contact
1746050400300May 202505/01/202501 May 2025 - 30 May 2025300 Hour Restorative Yoga Teacher TrainingDharamsala€2,100€2,350SAVE €150*Contact
1748728800300June 202506/01/202501 Jun 2025 - 30 Jun 2025300 Hour Restorative Yoga Teacher TrainingDharamsala€2,100€2,350SAVE €150*Contact
1751320800300July 202507/01/202501 Jul 2025 - 30 Jul 2025300 Hour Restorative Yoga Teacher TrainingDharamsala€2,100€2,350SAVE €150*Contact
1753999200300August 202508/01/202501 Aug 2025 - 30 Aug 2025300 Hour Restorative Yoga Teacher TrainingDharamsala€2,100€2,350SAVE €150*Contact
1759269600300October 202510/01/202501 Oct 2025 - 30 Oct 2025300 Hour Restorative Yoga Teacher TrainingDharamsala€2,100€2,350SAVE €150*Contact
1748728800300June 202506/01/202501 Jun 2025 - 30 Jun 2025300 Hour Restorative Yoga Teacher TrainingDharamsala€2,100€2,350SAVE €150*Contact
1751320800300July 202507/01/202501 Jul 2025 - 30 Jul 2025300 Hour Restorative Yoga Teacher TrainingDharamsala€2,100€2,350SAVE €150*Contact
1717192800300June 202406/01/202401 Jun 2024 - 30 Jun 2024300 Hour Therapeutic Yoga Teacher TrainingDharamsala€2,100€2,350SAVE €150*Contact
1719784800300July 202407/01/202401 Jul 2024 - 30 Jul 2024300 Hour Therapeutic Yoga Teacher TrainingDharamsala€2,100€2,350SAVE €150*Contact
1722463200300August 202408/01/202401 Aug 2024 - 30 Aug 2024300 Hour Therapeutic Yoga Teacher TrainingDharamsala€2,100€2,350SAVE €150*Contact
1725141600300September 202409/01/202401 Sep 2024 - 30 Sep 2024300 Hour Therapeutic Yoga Teacher TrainingDharamsala€2,100€2,350SAVE €150*Contact
1727733600300October 202410/01/202401 Oct 2024 - 30 Oct 2024300 Hour Therapeutic Yoga Teacher TrainingDharamsala€2,100€2,350SAVE €150*Contact
1740783600300March 202503/01/202501 Mar 2025 - 30 Mar 2025300 Hour Therapeutic Yoga Teacher TrainingDharamsala€2,100€2,350SAVE €150*Contact
1743458400300April 202504/01/202501 Apr 2025 - 30 Apr 2025300 Hour Therapeutic Yoga Teacher TrainingDharamsala€2,100€2,350SAVE €150*Contact
1746050400300May 202505/01/202501 May 2025 - 30 May 2025300 Hour Therapeutic Yoga Teacher TrainingDharamsala€2,100€2,350SAVE €150*Contact
1748728800300June 202506/01/202501 Jun 2025 - 30 Jun 2025300 Hour Therapeutic Yoga Teacher TrainingDharamsala€2,100€2,350SAVE €150*Contact
1751320800300July 202507/01/202501 Jul 2025 - 30 Jul 2025300 Hour Therapeutic Yoga Teacher TrainingDharamsala€2,100€2,350SAVE €150*Contact
1753999200300August 202508/01/202501 Aug 2025 - 30 Aug 2025300 Hour Therapeutic Yoga Teacher TrainingDharamsala€2,100€2,350SAVE €150*Contact
1759269600300October 202510/01/202501 Oct 2025 - 30 Oct 2025300 Hour Therapeutic Yoga Teacher TrainingDharamsala€2,100€2,350SAVE €150*Contact
1748728800300June 202506/01/202501 Jun 2025 - 30 Jun 2025300 Hour Therapeutic Yoga Teacher TrainingDharamsala€2,100€2,350SAVE €150*Contact
1751320800300July 202507/01/202501 Jul 2025 - 30 Jul 2025300 Hour Therapeutic Yoga Teacher TrainingDharamsala€2,100€2,350SAVE €150*Contact
1717192800300June 202406/01/202401 Jun 2024 - 30 Jun 2024300 Hour Vinyasa Yoga Teacher TrainingDharamsala€2,100€2,350SAVE €150*Contact
1719784800300July 202407/01/202401 Jul 2024 - 30 Jul 2024300 Hour Vinyasa Yoga Teacher TrainingDharamsala€2,100€2,350SAVE €150*Contact
1722463200300August 202408/01/202401 Aug 2024 - 30 Aug 2024300 Hour Vinyasa Yoga Teacher TrainingDharamsala€2,100€2,350SAVE €150*Contact
1725141600300September 202409/01/202401 Sep 2024 - 30 Sep 2024300 Hour Vinyasa Yoga Teacher TrainingDharamsala€2,100€2,350SAVE €150*Contact
1727733600300October 202410/01/202401 Oct 2024 - 30 Oct 2024300 Hour Vinyasa Yoga Teacher TrainingDharamsala€2,100€2,350SAVE €150*Contact
1740783600300March 202503/01/202501 Mar 2025 - 30 Mar 2025300 Hour Vinyasa Yoga Teacher TrainingDharamsala€2,100€2,350SAVE €150*Contact
1743458400300April 202504/01/202501 Apr 2025 - 30 Apr 2025300 Hour Vinyasa Yoga Teacher TrainingDharamsala€2,100€2,350SAVE €150*Contact
1746050400300May 202505/01/202501 May 2025 - 30 May 2025300 Hour Vinyasa Yoga Teacher TrainingDharamsala€2,100€2,350SAVE €150*Contact
1748728800300June 202506/01/202501 Jun 2025 - 30 Jun 2025300 Hour Vinyasa Yoga Teacher TrainingDharamsala€2,100€2,350SAVE €150*Contact
1751320800300July 202507/01/202501 Jul 2025 - 30 Jul 2025300 Hour Vinyasa Yoga Teacher TrainingDharamsala€2,100€2,350SAVE €150*Contact
1753999200300August 202508/01/202501 Aug 2025 - 30 Aug 2025300 Hour Vinyasa Yoga Teacher TrainingDharamsala€2,100€2,350SAVE €150*Contact
1759269600300October 202510/01/202501 Oct 2025 - 30 Oct 2025300 Hour Vinyasa Yoga Teacher TrainingDharamsala€2,100€2,350SAVE €150*Contact
1748728800300June 202506/01/202501 Jun 2025 - 30 Jun 2025300 Hour Vinyasa Yoga Teacher TrainingDharamsala€2,100€2,350SAVE €150*Contact
1751320800300July 202507/01/202501 Jul 2025 - 30 Jul 2025300 Hour Vinyasa Yoga Teacher TrainingDharamsala€2,100€2,350SAVE €150*Contact
1717192800300June 202406/01/202401 Jun 2024 - 30 Jun 2024300 Hour Yin Yoga Teacher TrainingDharamsala€2,100€2,350SAVE €150*Contact
1719784800300July 202407/01/202401 Jul 2024 - 30 Jul 2024300 Hour Yin Yoga Teacher TrainingDharamsala€2,100€2,350SAVE €150*Contact
1722463200300August 202408/01/202401 Aug 2024 - 30 Aug 2024300 Hour Yin Yoga Teacher TrainingDharamsala€2,100€2,350SAVE €150*Contact
1725141600300September 202409/01/202401 Sep 2024 - 30 Sep 2024300 Hour Yin Yoga Teacher TrainingDharamsala€2,100€2,350SAVE €150*Contact
1727733600300October 202410/01/202401 Oct 2024 - 30 Oct 2024300 Hour Yin Yoga Teacher TrainingDharamsala€2,100€2,350SAVE €150*Contact
1740783600300March 202503/01/202501 Mar 2025 - 30 Mar 2025300 Hour Yin Yoga Teacher TrainingDharamsala€2,100€2,350SAVE €150*Contact
1743458400300April 202504/01/202501 Apr 2025 - 30 Apr 2025300 Hour Yin Yoga Teacher TrainingDharamsala€2,100€2,350SAVE €150*Contact
1746050400300May 202505/01/202501 May 2025 - 30 May 2025300 Hour Yin Yoga Teacher TrainingDharamsala€2,100€2,350SAVE €150*Contact
1748728800300June 202506/01/202501 Jun 2025 - 30 Jun 2025300 Hour Yin Yoga Teacher TrainingDharamsala€2,100€2,350SAVE €150*Contact
1751320800300July 202507/01/202501 Jul 2025 - 30 Jul 2025300 Hour Yin Yoga Teacher TrainingDharamsala€2,100€2,350SAVE €150*Contact
1753999200300August 202508/01/202501 Aug 2025 - 30 Aug 2025300 Hour Yin Yoga Teacher TrainingDharamsala€2,100€2,350SAVE €150*Contact
1759269600300October 202510/01/202501 Oct 2025 - 30 Oct 2025300 Hour Yin Yoga Teacher TrainingDharamsala€2,100€2,350SAVE €150*Contact
1748728800300June 202506/01/202501 Jun 2025 - 30 Jun 2025300 Hour Yin Yoga Teacher TrainingDharamsala€2,100€2,350SAVE €150*Contact
1751320800300July 202507/01/202501 Jul 2025 - 30 Jul 2025300 Hour Yin Yoga Teacher TrainingDharamsala€2,100€2,350SAVE €150*Contact
1716501600200May 202405/24/202424 May 2024 - 17 Jun 2024200 Hour Ashtanga Teacher TrainingDharamsala€1,500€1,750SAVE €100*Contact
1718661600200June 202406/18/202418 Jun 2024 - 12 Jul 2024200 Hour Ashtanga Teacher TrainingDharamsala€1,500€1,750SAVE €100*Contact
1720821600200July 202407/13/202413 Jul 2024 - 06 Aug 2024200 Hour Ashtanga Teacher TrainingDharamsala€1,500€1,750SAVE €100*Contact
1722981600200August 202408/07/202407 Aug 2024 - 31 Aug 2024200 Hour Ashtanga Teacher TrainingDharamsala€1,500€1,750SAVE €100*Contact
1725141600200September 202409/01/202401 Sep 2024 - 25 Sep 2024200 Hour Ashtanga Teacher TrainingDharamsala€1,500€1,750SAVE €100*Contact
1727301600200September 202409/26/202426 Sep 2024 - 20 Oct 2024200 Hour Ashtanga Teacher TrainingDharamsala€1,500€1,750SAVE €100*Contact
1740783600200March 202503/01/202501 Mar 2025 - 25 Mar 2025200 Hour Ashtanga Teacher TrainingDharamsala€1,500€1,750SAVE €100*Contact
1742943600200March 202503/26/202526 Mar 2025 - 19 Apr 2025200 Hour Ashtanga Teacher TrainingDharamsala€1,500€1,750SAVE €100*Contact
1745100000200April 202504/20/202520 Apr 2025 - 14 May 2025200 Hour Ashtanga Teacher TrainingDharamsala€1,500€1,750SAVE €100*Contact
1747260000200May 202505/15/202515 May 2025 - 08 Jun 2025200 Hour Ashtanga Teacher TrainingDharamsala€1,500€1,750SAVE €100*Contact
1749420000200June 202506/09/202509 Jun 2025 - 03 Jul 2025200 Hour Ashtanga Teacher TrainingDharamsala€1,500€1,750SAVE €100*Contact
1751580000200July 202507/04/202504 Jul 2025 - 28 Jul 2025200 Hour Ashtanga Teacher TrainingDharamsala€1,500€1,750SAVE €100*Contact
1755900000200August 202508/23/202523 Aug 2025 - 16 Sep 2025200 Hour Ashtanga Teacher TrainingDharamsala€1,500€1,750SAVE €100*Contact
1747260000200May 202505/15/202515 May 2025 - 08 Jun 2025200 Hour Ashtanga Teacher TrainingDharamsala€1,500€1,750SAVE €100*Contact
1749420000200June 202506/09/202509 Jun 2025 - 03 Jul 2025200 Hour Ashtanga Teacher TrainingDharamsala€1,500€1,750SAVE €100*Contact
1751580000200July 202507/04/202504 Jul 2025 - 28 Jul 2025200 Hour Ashtanga Teacher TrainingDharamsala€1,500€1,750SAVE €100*Contact
1753740000200July 202507/29/202529 Jul 2025 - 22 Aug 2025200 Hour Ashtanga Teacher TrainingDharamsala€1,500€1,750SAVE €100*Contact
1716501600200May 202405/24/202424 May 2024 - 17 Jun 2024200 Hour Hatha Teacher TrainingDharamsala€1,500€1,750SAVE €100*Contact
1718661600200June 202406/18/202418 Jun 2024 - 12 Jul 2024200 Hour Hatha Teacher TrainingDharamsala€1,500€1,750SAVE €100*Contact
1720821600200July 202407/13/202413 Jul 2024 - 06 Aug 2024200 Hour Hatha Teacher TrainingDharamsala€1,500€1,750SAVE €100*Contact
1722981600200August 202408/07/202407 Aug 2024 - 31 Aug 2024200 Hour Hatha Teacher TrainingDharamsala€1,500€1,750SAVE €100*Contact
1725141600200September 202409/01/202401 Sep 2024 - 25 Sep 2024200 Hour Hatha Teacher TrainingDharamsala€1,500€1,750SAVE €100*Contact
1727301600200September 202409/26/202426 Sep 2024 - 20 Oct 2024200 Hour Hatha Teacher TrainingDharamsala€1,500€1,750SAVE €100*Contact
1740783600200March 202503/01/202501 Mar 2025 - 25 Mar 2025200 Hour Hatha Teacher TrainingDharamsala€1,500€1,750SAVE €100*Contact
1742943600200March 202503/26/202526 Mar 2025 - 19 Apr 2025200 Hour Hatha Teacher TrainingDharamsala€1,500€1,750SAVE €100*Contact
1745100000200April 202504/20/202520 Apr 2025 - 14 May 2025200 Hour Hatha Teacher TrainingDharamsala€1,500€1,750SAVE €100*Contact
1747260000200May 202505/15/202515 May 2025 - 08 Jun 2025200 Hour Hatha Teacher TrainingDharamsala€1,500€1,750SAVE €100*Contact
1749420000200June 202506/09/202509 Jun 2025 - 03 Jul 2025200 Hour Hatha Teacher TrainingDharamsala€1,500€1,750SAVE €100*Contact
1751580000200July 202507/04/202504 Jul 2025 - 28 Jul 2025200 Hour Hatha Teacher TrainingDharamsala€1,500€1,750SAVE €100*Contact
1755900000200August 202508/23/202523 Aug 2025 - 16 Sep 2025200 Hour Hatha Teacher TrainingDharamsala€1,500€1,750SAVE €100*Contact
1747260000200May 202505/15/202515 May 2025 - 08 Jun 2025200 Hour Hatha Teacher TrainingDharamsala€1,500€1,750SAVE €100*Contact
1749420000200June 202506/09/202509 Jun 2025 - 03 Jul 2025200 Hour Hatha Teacher TrainingDharamsala€1,500€1,750SAVE €100*Contact
1751580000200July 202507/04/202504 Jul 2025 - 28 Jul 2025200 Hour Hatha Teacher TrainingDharamsala€1,500€1,750SAVE €100*Contact
1753740000200July 202507/29/202529 Jul 2025 - 22 Aug 2025200 Hour Hatha Teacher TrainingDharamsala€1,500€1,750SAVE €100*Contact
1716501600200May 202405/24/202424 May 2024 - 17 Jun 2024200 Hour Multistyle Teacher TrainingDharamsala€1,500€1,750SAVE €100*Contact
1718661600200June 202406/18/202418 Jun 2024 - 12 Jul 2024200 Hour Multistyle Teacher TrainingDharamsala€1,500€1,750SAVE €100*Contact
1720821600200July 202407/13/202413 Jul 2024 - 06 Aug 2024200 Hour Multistyle Teacher TrainingDharamsala€1,500€1,750SAVE €100*Contact
1722981600200August 202408/07/202407 Aug 2024 - 31 Aug 2024200 Hour Multistyle Teacher TrainingDharamsala€1,500€1,750SAVE €100*Contact
1725141600200September 202409/01/202401 Sep 2024 - 25 Sep 2024200 Hour Multistyle Teacher TrainingDharamsala€1,500€1,750SAVE €100*Contact
1727301600200September 202409/26/202426 Sep 2024 - 20 Oct 2024200 Hour Multistyle Teacher TrainingDharamsala€1,500€1,750SAVE €100*Contact
1740783600200March 202503/01/202501 Mar 2025 - 25 Mar 2025200 Hour Multistyle Teacher TrainingDharamsala€1,500€1,750SAVE €100*Contact
1742943600200March 202503/26/202526 Mar 2025 - 19 Apr 2025200 Hour Multistyle Teacher TrainingDharamsala€1,500€1,750SAVE €100*Contact
1745100000200April 202504/20/202520 Apr 2025 - 14 May 2025200 Hour Multistyle Teacher TrainingDharamsala€1,500€1,750SAVE €100*Contact
1747260000200May 202505/15/202515 May 2025 - 08 Jun 2025200 Hour Multistyle Teacher TrainingDharamsala€1,500€1,750SAVE €100*Contact
1749420000200June 202506/09/202509 Jun 2025 - 03 Jul 2025200 Hour Multistyle Teacher TrainingDharamsala€1,500€1,750SAVE €100*Contact
1751580000200July 202507/04/202504 Jul 2025 - 28 Jul 2025200 Hour Multistyle Teacher TrainingDharamsala€1,500€1,750SAVE €100*Contact
1755900000200August 202508/23/202523 Aug 2025 - 16 Sep 2025200 Hour Multistyle Teacher TrainingDharamsala€1,500€1,750SAVE €100*Contact
1747260000200May 202505/15/202515 May 2025 - 08 Jun 2025200 Hour Multistyle Teacher TrainingDharamsala€1,500€1,750SAVE €100*Contact
1749420000200June 202506/09/202509 Jun 2025 - 03 Jul 2025200 Hour Multistyle Teacher TrainingDharamsala€1,500€1,750SAVE €100*Contact
1751580000200July 202507/04/202504 Jul 2025 - 28 Jul 2025200 Hour Multistyle Teacher TrainingDharamsala€1,500€1,750SAVE €100*Contact
1753740000200July 202507/29/202529 Jul 2025 - 22 Aug 2025200 Hour Multistyle Teacher TrainingDharamsala€1,500€1,750SAVE €100*Contact
1716501600200May 202405/24/202424 May 2024 - 17 Jun 2024200 Hour Restorative Teacher TrainingDharamsala€1,500€1,750SAVE €100*Contact
1718661600200June 202406/18/202418 Jun 2024 - 12 Jul 2024200 Hour Restorative Teacher TrainingDharamsala€1,500€1,750SAVE €100*Contact
1720821600200July 202407/13/202413 Jul 2024 - 06 Aug 2024200 Hour Restorative Teacher TrainingDharamsala€1,500€1,750SAVE €100*Contact
1722981600200August 202408/07/202407 Aug 2024 - 31 Aug 2024200 Hour Restorative Teacher TrainingDharamsala€1,500€1,750SAVE €100*Contact
1725141600200September 202409/01/202401 Sep 2024 - 25 Sep 2024200 Hour Restorative Teacher TrainingDharamsala€1,500€1,750SAVE €100*Contact
1727301600200September 202409/26/202426 Sep 2024 - 20 Oct 2024200 Hour Restorative Teacher TrainingDharamsala€1,500€1,750SAVE €100*Contact
1740783600200March 202503/01/202501 Mar 2025 - 25 Mar 2025200 Hour Restorative Teacher TrainingDharamsala€1,500€1,750SAVE €100*Contact
1742943600200March 202503/26/202526 Mar 2025 - 19 Apr 2025200 Hour Restorative Teacher TrainingDharamsala€1,500€1,750SAVE €100*Contact
1745100000200April 202504/20/202520 Apr 2025 - 14 May 2025200 Hour Restorative Teacher TrainingDharamsala€1,500€1,750SAVE €100*Contact
1747260000200May 202505/15/202515 May 2025 - 08 Jun 2025200 Hour Restorative Teacher TrainingDharamsala€1,500€1,750SAVE €100*Contact
1749420000200June 202506/09/202509 Jun 2025 - 03 Jul 2025200 Hour Restorative Teacher TrainingDharamsala€1,500€1,750SAVE €100*Contact
1751580000200July 202507/04/202504 Jul 2025 - 28 Jul 2025200 Hour Restorative Teacher TrainingDharamsala€1,500€1,750SAVE €100*Contact
1755900000200August 202508/23/202523 Aug 2025 - 16 Sep 2025200 Hour Restorative Teacher TrainingDharamsala€1,500€1,750SAVE €100*Contact
1747260000200May 202505/15/202515 May 2025 - 08 Jun 2025200 Hour Restorative Teacher TrainingDharamsala€1,500€1,750SAVE €100*Contact
1749420000200June 202506/09/202509 Jun 2025 - 03 Jul 2025200 Hour Restorative Teacher TrainingDharamsala€1,500€1,750SAVE €100*Contact
1751580000200July 202507/04/202504 Jul 2025 - 28 Jul 2025200 Hour Restorative Teacher TrainingDharamsala€1,500€1,750SAVE €100*Contact
1753740000200July 202507/29/202529 Jul 2025 - 22 Aug 2025200 Hour Restorative Teacher TrainingDharamsala€1,500€1,750SAVE €100*Contact
1716501600200May 202405/24/202424 May 2024 - 17 Jun 2024200 Hour Therapeutic Teacher TrainingDharamsala€1,500€1,750SAVE €100*Contact
1718661600200June 202406/18/202418 Jun 2024 - 12 Jul 2024200 Hour Therapeutic Teacher TrainingDharamsala€1,500€1,750SAVE €100*Contact
1720821600200July 202407/13/202413 Jul 2024 - 06 Aug 2024200 Hour Therapeutic Teacher TrainingDharamsala€1,500€1,750SAVE €100*Contact
1722981600200August 202408/07/202407 Aug 2024 - 31 Aug 2024200 Hour Therapeutic Teacher TrainingDharamsala€1,500€1,750SAVE €100*Contact
1725141600200September 202409/01/202401 Sep 2024 - 25 Sep 2024200 Hour Therapeutic Teacher TrainingDharamsala€1,500€1,750SAVE €100*Contact
1727301600200September 202409/26/202426 Sep 2024 - 20 Oct 2024200 Hour Therapeutic Teacher TrainingDharamsala€1,500€1,750SAVE €100*Contact
1740783600200March 202503/01/202501 Mar 2025 - 25 Mar 2025200 Hour Therapeutic Teacher TrainingDharamsala€1,500€1,750SAVE €100*Contact
1742943600200March 202503/26/202526 Mar 2025 - 19 Apr 2025200 Hour Therapeutic Teacher TrainingDharamsala€1,500€1,750SAVE €100*Contact
1745100000200April 202504/20/202520 Apr 2025 - 14 May 2025200 Hour Therapeutic Teacher TrainingDharamsala€1,500€1,750SAVE €100*Contact
1747260000200May 202505/15/202515 May 2025 - 08 Jun 2025200 Hour Therapeutic Teacher TrainingDharamsala€1,500€1,750SAVE €100*Contact
1749420000200June 202506/09/202509 Jun 2025 - 03 Jul 2025200 Hour Therapeutic Teacher TrainingDharamsala€1,500€1,750SAVE €100*Contact
1751580000200July 202507/04/202504 Jul 2025 - 28 Jul 2025200 Hour Therapeutic Teacher TrainingDharamsala€1,500€1,750SAVE €100*Contact
1755900000200August 202508/23/202523 Aug 2025 - 16 Sep 2025200 Hour Therapeutic Teacher TrainingDharamsala€1,500€1,750SAVE €100*Contact
1747260000200May 202505/15/202515 May 2025 - 08 Jun 2025200 Hour Therapeutic Teacher TrainingDharamsala€1,500€1,750SAVE €100*Contact
1749420000200June 202506/09/202509 Jun 2025 - 03 Jul 2025200 Hour Therapeutic Teacher TrainingDharamsala€1,500€1,750SAVE €100*Contact
1751580000200July 202507/04/202504 Jul 2025 - 28 Jul 2025200 Hour Therapeutic Teacher TrainingDharamsala€1,500€1,750SAVE €100*Contact
1753740000200July 202507/29/202529 Jul 2025 - 22 Aug 2025200 Hour Therapeutic Teacher TrainingDharamsala€1,500€1,750SAVE €100*Contact
1716501600200May 202405/24/202424 May 2024 - 17 Jun 2024200 Hour Vinyasa Teacher TrainingDharamsala€1,500€1,750SAVE €100*Contact
1718661600200June 202406/18/202418 Jun 2024 - 12 Jul 2024200 Hour Vinyasa Teacher TrainingDharamsala€1,500€1,750SAVE €100*Contact
1720821600200July 202407/13/202413 Jul 2024 - 06 Aug 2024200 Hour Vinyasa Teacher TrainingDharamsala€1,500€1,750SAVE €100*Contact
1722981600200August 202408/07/202407 Aug 2024 - 31 Aug 2024200 Hour Vinyasa Teacher TrainingDharamsala€1,500€1,750SAVE €100*Contact
1725141600200September 202409/01/202401 Sep 2024 - 25 Sep 2024200 Hour Vinyasa Teacher TrainingDharamsala€1,500€1,750SAVE €100*Contact
1727301600200September 202409/26/202426 Sep 2024 - 20 Oct 2024200 Hour Vinyasa Teacher TrainingDharamsala€1,500€1,750SAVE €100*Contact
1740783600200March 202503/01/202501 Mar 2025 - 25 Mar 2025200 Hour Vinyasa Teacher TrainingDharamsala€1,500€1,750SAVE €100*Contact
1742943600200March 202503/26/202526 Mar 2025 - 19 Apr 2025200 Hour Vinyasa Teacher TrainingDharamsala€1,500€1,750SAVE €100*Contact
1745100000200April 202504/20/202520 Apr 2025 - 14 May 2025200 Hour Vinyasa Teacher TrainingDharamsala€1,500€1,750SAVE €100*Contact
1747260000200May 202505/15/202515 May 2025 - 08 Jun 2025200 Hour Vinyasa Teacher TrainingDharamsala€1,500€1,750SAVE €100*Contact
1749420000200June 202506/09/202509 Jun 2025 - 03 Jul 2025200 Hour Vinyasa Teacher TrainingDharamsala€1,500€1,750SAVE €100*Contact
1751580000200July 202507/04/202504 Jul 2025 - 28 Jul 2025200 Hour Vinyasa Teacher TrainingDharamsala€1,500€1,750SAVE €100*Contact
1755900000200August 202508/23/202523 Aug 2025 - 16 Sep 2025200 Hour Vinyasa Teacher TrainingDharamsala€1,500€1,750SAVE €100*Contact
1747260000200May 202505/15/202515 May 2025 - 08 Jun 2025200 Hour Vinyasa Teacher TrainingDharamsala€1,500€1,750SAVE €100*Contact
1749420000200June 202506/09/202509 Jun 2025 - 03 Jul 2025200 Hour Vinyasa Teacher TrainingDharamsala€1,500€1,750SAVE €100*Contact
1751580000200July 202507/04/202504 Jul 2025 - 28 Jul 2025200 Hour Vinyasa Teacher TrainingDharamsala€1,500€1,750SAVE €100*Contact
1753740000200July 202507/29/202529 Jul 2025 - 22 Aug 2025200 Hour Vinyasa Teacher TrainingDharamsala€1,500€1,750SAVE €100*Contact
1716501600200May 202405/24/202424 May 2024 - 17 Jun 2024200 Hour Yin Yoga Teacher TrainingDharamsala€1,500€1,750SAVE €100*Contact
1718661600200June 202406/18/202418 Jun 2024 - 12 Jul 2024200 Hour Yin Yoga Teacher TrainingDharamsala€1,500€1,750SAVE €100*Contact
1720821600200July 202407/13/202413 Jul 2024 - 06 Aug 2024200 Hour Yin Yoga Teacher TrainingDharamsala€1,500€1,750SAVE €100*Contact
1722981600200August 202408/07/202407 Aug 2024 - 31 Aug 2024200 Hour Yin Yoga Teacher TrainingDharamsala€1,500€1,750SAVE €100*Contact
1725141600200September 202409/01/202401 Sep 2024 - 25 Sep 2024200 Hour Yin Yoga Teacher TrainingDharamsala€1,500€1,750SAVE €100*Contact
1727301600200September 202409/26/202426 Sep 2024 - 20 Oct 2024200 Hour Yin Yoga Teacher TrainingDharamsala€1,500€1,750SAVE €100*Contact
1740783600200March 202503/01/202501 Mar 2025 - 25 Mar 2025200 Hour Yin Yoga Teacher TrainingDharamsala€1,500€1,750SAVE €100*Contact
1742943600200March 202503/26/202526 Mar 2025 - 19 Apr 2025200 Hour Yin Yoga Teacher TrainingDharamsala€1,500€1,750SAVE €100*Contact
1745100000200April 202504/20/202520 Apr 2025 - 14 May 2025200 Hour Yin Yoga Teacher TrainingDharamsala€1,500€1,750SAVE €100*Contact
1747260000200May 202505/15/202515 May 2025 - 08 Jun 2025200 Hour Yin Yoga Teacher TrainingDharamsala€1,500€1,750SAVE €100*Contact
1749420000200June 202506/09/202509 Jun 2025 - 03 Jul 2025200 Hour Yin Yoga Teacher TrainingDharamsala€1,500€1,750SAVE €100*Contact
1751580000200July 202507/04/202504 Jul 2025 - 28 Jul 2025200 Hour Yin Yoga Teacher TrainingDharamsala€1,500€1,750SAVE €100*Contact
1755900000200August 202508/23/202523 Aug 2025 - 16 Sep 2025200 Hour Yin Yoga Teacher TrainingDharamsala€1,500€1,750SAVE €100*Contact
1747260000200May 202505/15/202515 May 2025 - 08 Jun 2025200 Hour Yin Yoga Teacher TrainingDharamsala€1,500€1,750SAVE €100*Contact
1749420000200June 202506/09/202509 Jun 2025 - 03 Jul 2025200 Hour Yin Yoga Teacher TrainingDharamsala€1,500€1,750SAVE €100*Contact
1751580000200July 202507/04/202504 Jul 2025 - 28 Jul 2025200 Hour Yin Yoga Teacher TrainingDharamsala€1,500€1,750SAVE €100*Contact
1753740000200July 202507/29/202529 Jul 2025 - 22 Aug 2025200 Hour Yin Yoga Teacher TrainingDharamsala€1,500€1,750SAVE €100*Contact
1717192800100June 202406/01/202401 Jun 2024 - 12 Jun 2024100 Hour Ashtanga Teacher TrainingDharamsala€800€925SAVE €50*Contact
1718748000100June 202406/19/202419 Jun 2024 - 30 Jun 2024100 Hour Ashtanga Teacher TrainingDharamsala€800€925SAVE €50*Contact
1719784800100July 202407/01/202401 Jul 2024 - 12 Jul 2024100 Hour Ashtanga Teacher TrainingDharamsala€800€925SAVE €50*Contact
1721340000100July 202407/19/202419 Jul 2024 - 30 Jul 2024100 Hour Ashtanga Teacher TrainingDharamsala€800€925SAVE €50*Contact
1722463200100August 202408/01/202401 Aug 2024 - 12 Aug 2024100 Hour Ashtanga Teacher TrainingDharamsala€800€925SAVE €50*Contact
1724018400100August 202408/19/202419 Aug 2024 - 30 Aug 2024100 Hour Ashtanga Teacher TrainingDharamsala€800€925SAVE €50*Contact
1725141600100September 202409/01/202401 Sep 2024 - 12 Sep 2024100 Hour Ashtanga Teacher TrainingDharamsala€800€925SAVE €50*Contact
1726696800100September 202409/19/202419 Sep 2024 - 30 Sep 2024100 Hour Ashtanga Teacher TrainingDharamsala€800€925SAVE €50*Contact
1740783600100March 202503/01/202501 Mar 2025 - 12 Mar 2025100 Hour Ashtanga Teacher TrainingDharamsala€800€925SAVE €50*Contact
1742338800100March 202503/19/202519 Mar 2025 - 30 Mar 2025100 Hour Ashtanga Teacher TrainingDharamsala€800€925SAVE €50*Contact
1743458400100April 202504/01/202501 Apr 2025 - 12 Apr 2025100 Hour Ashtanga Teacher TrainingDharamsala€800€925SAVE €50*Contact
1745013600100April 202504/19/202519 Apr 2025 - 30 Apr 2025100 Hour Ashtanga Teacher TrainingDharamsala€800€925SAVE €50*Contact
1746050400100May 202505/01/202501 May 2025 - 12 May 2025100 Hour Ashtanga Teacher TrainingDharamsala€800€925SAVE €50*Contact
1747605600100May 202505/19/202519 May 2025 - 30 May 2025100 Hour Ashtanga Teacher TrainingDharamsala€800€925SAVE €50*Contact
1748728800100June 202506/01/202501 Jun 2025 - 12 Jun 2025100 Hour Ashtanga Teacher TrainingDharamsala€800€925SAVE €50*Contact
1750284000100June 202506/19/202519 Jun 2025 - 30 Jun 2025100 Hour Ashtanga Teacher TrainingDharamsala€800€925SAVE €50*Contact
1751320800100July 202507/01/202501 Jul 2025 - 12 Jul 2025100 Hour Ashtanga Teacher TrainingDharamsala€800€925SAVE €50*Contact
1752876000100July 202507/19/202519 Jul 2025 - 30 Jul 2025100 Hour Ashtanga Teacher TrainingDharamsala€800€925SAVE €50*Contact
1753999200100August 202508/01/202501 Aug 2025 - 12 Aug 2025100 Hour Ashtanga Teacher TrainingDharamsala€800€925SAVE €50*Contact
1717192800100June 202406/01/202401 Jun 2024 - 12 Jun 2024100 Hour Hatha Teacher TrainingDharamsala€800€925SAVE €50*Contact
1718748000100June 202406/19/202419 Jun 2024 - 30 Jun 2024100 Hour Hatha Teacher TrainingDharamsala€800€925SAVE €50*Contact
1719784800100July 202407/01/202401 Jul 2024 - 12 Jul 2024100 Hour Hatha Teacher TrainingDharamsala€800€925SAVE €50*Contact
1721340000100July 202407/19/202419 Jul 2024 - 30 Jul 2024100 Hour Hatha Teacher TrainingDharamsala€800€925SAVE €50*Contact
1722463200100August 202408/01/202401 Aug 2024 - 12 Aug 2024100 Hour Hatha Teacher TrainingDharamsala€800€925SAVE €50*Contact
1724018400100August 202408/19/202419 Aug 2024 - 30 Aug 2024100 Hour Hatha Teacher TrainingDharamsala€800€925SAVE €50*Contact
1725141600100September 202409/01/202401 Sep 2024 - 12 Sep 2024100 Hour Hatha Teacher TrainingDharamsala€800€925SAVE €50*Contact
1726696800100September 202409/19/202419 Sep 2024 - 30 Sep 2024100 Hour Hatha Teacher TrainingDharamsala€800€925SAVE €50*Contact
1740783600100March 202503/01/202501 Mar 2025 - 12 Mar 2025100 Hour Hatha Teacher TrainingDharamsala€800€925SAVE €50*Contact
1742338800100March 202503/19/202519 Mar 2025 - 30 Mar 2025100 Hour Hatha Teacher TrainingDharamsala€800€925SAVE €50*Contact
1743458400100April 202504/01/202501 Apr 2025 - 12 Apr 2025100 Hour Hatha Teacher TrainingDharamsala€800€925SAVE €50*Contact
1745013600100April 202504/19/202519 Apr 2025 - 30 Apr 2025100 Hour Hatha Teacher TrainingDharamsala€800€925SAVE €50*Contact
1746050400100May 202505/01/202501 May 2025 - 12 May 2025100 Hour Hatha Teacher TrainingDharamsala€800€925SAVE €50*Contact
1747605600100May 202505/19/202519 May 2025 - 30 May 2025100 Hour Hatha Teacher TrainingDharamsala€800€925SAVE €50*Contact
1748728800100June 202506/01/202501 Jun 2025 - 12 Jun 2025100 Hour Hatha Teacher TrainingDharamsala€800€925SAVE €50*Contact
1750284000100June 202506/19/202519 Jun 2025 - 30 Jun 2025100 Hour Hatha Teacher TrainingDharamsala€800€925SAVE €50*Contact
1751320800100July 202507/01/202501 Jul 2025 - 12 Jul 2025100 Hour Hatha Teacher TrainingDharamsala€800€925SAVE €50*Contact
1752876000100July 202507/19/202519 Jul 2025 - 30 Jul 2025100 Hour Hatha Teacher TrainingDharamsala€800€925SAVE €50*Contact
1753999200100August 202508/01/202501 Aug 2025 - 12 Aug 2025100 Hour Hatha Teacher TrainingDharamsala€800€925SAVE €50*Contact
1717192800100June 202406/01/202401 Jun 2024 - 12 Jun 2024100 Hour Vinyasa Teacher TrainingDharamsala€800€925SAVE €50*Contact
1718748000100June 202406/19/202419 Jun 2024 - 30 Jun 2024100 Hour Vinyasa Teacher TrainingDharamsala€800€925SAVE €50*Contact
1719784800100July 202407/01/202401 Jul 2024 - 12 Jul 2024100 Hour Vinyasa Teacher TrainingDharamsala€800€925SAVE €50*Contact
1721340000100July 202407/19/202419 Jul 2024 - 30 Jul 2024100 Hour Vinyasa Teacher TrainingDharamsala€800€925SAVE €50*Contact
1722463200100August 202408/01/202401 Aug 2024 - 12 Aug 2024100 Hour Vinyasa Teacher TrainingDharamsala€800€925SAVE €50*Contact
1724018400100August 202408/19/202419 Aug 2024 - 30 Aug 2024100 Hour Vinyasa Teacher TrainingDharamsala€800€925SAVE €50*Contact
1725141600100September 202409/01/202401 Sep 2024 - 12 Sep 2024100 Hour Vinyasa Teacher TrainingDharamsala€800€925SAVE €50*Contact
1726696800100September 202409/19/202419 Sep 2024 - 30 Sep 2024100 Hour Vinyasa Teacher TrainingDharamsala€800€925SAVE €50*Contact
1740783600100March 202503/01/202501 Mar 2025 - 12 Mar 2025100 Hour Vinyasa Teacher TrainingDharamsala€800€925SAVE €50*Contact
1742338800100March 202503/19/202519 Mar 2025 - 30 Mar 2025100 Hour Vinyasa Teacher TrainingDharamsala€800€925SAVE €50*Contact
1743458400100April 202504/01/202501 Apr 2025 - 12 Apr 2025100 Hour Vinyasa Teacher TrainingDharamsala€800€925SAVE €50*Contact
1745013600100April 202504/19/202519 Apr 2025 - 30 Apr 2025100 Hour Vinyasa Teacher TrainingDharamsala€800€925SAVE €50*Contact
1746050400100May 202505/01/202501 May 2025 - 12 May 2025100 Hour Vinyasa Teacher TrainingDharamsala€800€925SAVE €50*Contact
1747605600100May 202505/19/202519 May 2025 - 30 May 2025100 Hour Vinyasa Teacher TrainingDharamsala€800€925SAVE €50*Contact
1748728800100June 202506/01/202501 Jun 2025 - 12 Jun 2025100 Hour Vinyasa Teacher TrainingDharamsala€800€925SAVE €50*Contact
1750284000100June 202506/19/202519 Jun 2025 - 30 Jun 2025100 Hour Vinyasa Teacher TrainingDharamsala€800€925SAVE €50*Contact
1751320800100July 202507/01/202501 Jul 2025 - 12 Jul 2025100 Hour Vinyasa Teacher TrainingDharamsala€800€925SAVE €50*Contact
1752876000100July 202507/19/202519 Jul 2025 - 30 Jul 2025100 Hour Vinyasa Teacher TrainingDharamsala€800€925SAVE €50*Contact
1753999200100August 202508/01/202501 Aug 2025 - 12 Aug 2025100 Hour Vinyasa Teacher TrainingDharamsala€800€925SAVE €50*Contact
1717192800100June 202406/01/202401 Jun 2024 - 12 Jun 2024100 Hour Restorative Teacher TrainingDharamsala€800€925SAVE €50*Contact
1718748000100June 202406/19/202419 Jun 2024 - 30 Jun 2024100 Hour Restorative Teacher TrainingDharamsala€800€925SAVE €50*Contact
1719784800100July 202407/01/202401 Jul 2024 - 12 Jul 2024100 Hour Restorative Teacher TrainingDharamsala€800€925SAVE €50*Contact
1721340000100July 202407/19/202419 Jul 2024 - 30 Jul 2024100 Hour Restorative Teacher TrainingDharamsala€800€925SAVE €50*Contact
1722463200100August 202408/01/202401 Aug 2024 - 12 Aug 2024100 Hour Restorative Teacher TrainingDharamsala€800€925SAVE €50*Contact
1724018400100August 202408/19/202419 Aug 2024 - 30 Aug 2024100 Hour Restorative Teacher TrainingDharamsala€800€925SAVE €50*Contact
1725141600100September 202409/01/202401 Sep 2024 - 12 Sep 2024100 Hour Restorative Teacher TrainingDharamsala€800€925SAVE €50*Contact
1726696800100September 202409/19/202419 Sep 2024 - 30 Sep 2024100 Hour Restorative Teacher TrainingDharamsala€800€925SAVE €50*Contact
1740783600100March 202503/01/202501 Mar 2025 - 12 Mar 2025100 Hour Restorative Teacher TrainingDharamsala€800€925SAVE €50*Contact
1742338800100March 202503/19/202519 Mar 2025 - 30 Mar 2025100 Hour Restorative Teacher TrainingDharamsala€800€925SAVE €50*Contact
1743458400100April 202504/01/202501 Apr 2025 - 12 Apr 2025100 Hour Restorative Teacher TrainingDharamsala€800€925SAVE €50*Contact
1745013600100April 202504/19/202519 Apr 2025 - 30 Apr 2025100 Hour Restorative Teacher TrainingDharamsala€800€925SAVE €50*Contact
1746050400100May 202505/01/202501 May 2025 - 12 May 2025100 Hour Restorative Teacher TrainingDharamsala€800€925SAVE €50*Contact
1747605600100May 202505/19/202519 May 2025 - 30 May 2025100 Hour Restorative Teacher TrainingDharamsala€800€925SAVE €50*Contact
1748728800100June 202506/01/202501 Jun 2025 - 12 Jun 2025100 Hour Restorative Teacher TrainingDharamsala€800€925SAVE €50*Contact
1750284000100June 202506/19/202519 Jun 2025 - 30 Jun 2025100 Hour Restorative Teacher TrainingDharamsala€800€925SAVE €50*Contact
1751320800100July 202507/01/202501 Jul 2025 - 12 Jul 2025100 Hour Restorative Teacher TrainingDharamsala€800€925SAVE €50*Contact
1752876000100July 202507/19/202519 Jul 2025 - 30 Jul 2025100 Hour Restorative Teacher TrainingDharamsala€800€925SAVE €50*Contact
1753999200100August 202508/01/202501 Aug 2025 - 12 Aug 2025100 Hour Restorative Teacher TrainingDharamsala€800€925SAVE €50*Contact
1717192800100June 202406/01/202401 Jun 2024 - 12 Jun 2024100 Hour Therapeutic Teacher TrainingDharamsala€800€925SAVE €50*Contact
1718748000100June 202406/19/202419 Jun 2024 - 30 Jun 2024100 Hour Therapeutic Teacher TrainingDharamsala€800€925SAVE €50*Contact
1719784800100July 202407/01/202401 Jul 2024 - 12 Jul 2024100 Hour Therapeutic Teacher TrainingDharamsala€800€925SAVE €50*Contact
1721340000100July 202407/19/202419 Jul 2024 - 30 Jul 2024100 Hour Therapeutic Teacher TrainingDharamsala€800€925SAVE €50*Contact
1722463200100August 202408/01/202401 Aug 2024 - 12 Aug 2024100 Hour Therapeutic Teacher TrainingDharamsala€800€925SAVE €50*Contact
1724018400100August 202408/19/202419 Aug 2024 - 30 Aug 2024100 Hour Therapeutic Teacher TrainingDharamsala€800€925SAVE €50*Contact
1725141600100September 202409/01/202401 Sep 2024 - 12 Sep 2024100 Hour Therapeutic Teacher TrainingDharamsala€800€925SAVE €50*Contact
1726696800100September 202409/19/202419 Sep 2024 - 30 Sep 2024100 Hour Therapeutic Teacher TrainingDharamsala€800€925SAVE €50*Contact
1740783600100March 202503/01/202501 Mar 2025 - 12 Mar 2025100 Hour Therapeutic Teacher TrainingDharamsala€800€925SAVE €50*Contact
1742338800100March 202503/19/202519 Mar 2025 - 30 Mar 2025100 Hour Therapeutic Teacher TrainingDharamsala€800€925SAVE €50*Contact
1743458400100April 202504/01/202501 Apr 2025 - 12 Apr 2025100 Hour Therapeutic Teacher TrainingDharamsala€800€925SAVE €50*Contact
1745013600100April 202504/19/202519 Apr 2025 - 30 Apr 2025100 Hour Therapeutic Teacher TrainingDharamsala€800€925SAVE €50*Contact
1746050400100May 202505/01/202501 May 2025 - 12 May 2025100 Hour Therapeutic Teacher TrainingDharamsala€800€925SAVE €50*Contact
1747605600100May 202505/19/202519 May 2025 - 30 May 2025100 Hour Therapeutic Teacher TrainingDharamsala€800€925SAVE €50*Contact
1748728800100June 202506/01/202501 Jun 2025 - 12 Jun 2025100 Hour Therapeutic Teacher TrainingDharamsala€800€925SAVE €50*Contact
1750284000100June 202506/19/202519 Jun 2025 - 30 Jun 2025100 Hour Therapeutic Teacher TrainingDharamsala€800€925SAVE €50*Contact
1751320800100July 202507/01/202501 Jul 2025 - 12 Jul 2025100 Hour Therapeutic Teacher TrainingDharamsala€800€925SAVE €50*Contact
1752876000100July 202507/19/202519 Jul 2025 - 30 Jul 2025100 Hour Therapeutic Teacher TrainingDharamsala€800€925SAVE €50*Contact
1753999200100August 202508/01/202501 Aug 2025 - 12 Aug 2025100 Hour Therapeutic Teacher TrainingDharamsala€800€925SAVE €50*Contact
1717192800100June 202406/01/202401 Jun 2024 - 12 Jun 2024100 Hour Yin Yoga Teacher TrainingDharamsala€800€925SAVE €50*Contact
1718748000100June 202406/19/202419 Jun 2024 - 30 Jun 2024100 Hour Yin Yoga Teacher TrainingDharamsala€800€925SAVE €50*Contact
1719784800100July 202407/01/202401 Jul 2024 - 12 Jul 2024100 Hour Yin Yoga Teacher TrainingDharamsala€800€925SAVE €50*Contact
1721340000100July 202407/19/202419 Jul 2024 - 30 Jul 2024100 Hour Yin Yoga Teacher TrainingDharamsala€800€925SAVE €50*Contact
1722463200100August 202408/01/202401 Aug 2024 - 12 Aug 2024100 Hour Yin Yoga Teacher TrainingDharamsala€800€925SAVE €50*Contact
1724018400100August 202408/19/202419 Aug 2024 - 30 Aug 2024100 Hour Yin Yoga Teacher TrainingDharamsala€800€925SAVE €50*Contact
1725141600100September 202409/01/202401 Sep 2024 - 12 Sep 2024100 Hour Yin Yoga Teacher TrainingDharamsala€800€925SAVE €50*Contact
1726696800100September 202409/19/202419 Sep 2024 - 30 Sep 2024100 Hour Yin Yoga Teacher TrainingDharamsala€800€925SAVE €50*Contact
1740783600100March 202503/01/202501 Mar 2025 - 12 Mar 2025100 Hour Yin Yoga Teacher TrainingDharamsala€800€925SAVE €50*Contact
1742338800100March 202503/19/202519 Mar 2025 - 30 Mar 2025100 Hour Yin Yoga Teacher TrainingDharamsala€800€925SAVE €50*Contact
1743458400100April 202504/01/202501 Apr 2025 - 12 Apr 2025100 Hour Yin Yoga Teacher TrainingDharamsala€800€925SAVE €50*Contact
1745013600100April 202504/19/202519 Apr 2025 - 30 Apr 2025100 Hour Yin Yoga Teacher TrainingDharamsala€800€925SAVE €50*Contact
1746050400100May 202505/01/202501 May 2025 - 12 May 2025100 Hour Yin Yoga Teacher TrainingDharamsala€800€925SAVE €50*Contact
1747605600100May 202505/19/202519 May 2025 - 30 May 2025100 Hour Yin Yoga Teacher TrainingDharamsala€800€925SAVE €50*Contact
1748728800100June 202506/01/202501 Jun 2025 - 12 Jun 2025100 Hour Yin Yoga Teacher TrainingDharamsala€800€925SAVE €50*Contact
1750284000100June 202506/19/202519 Jun 2025 - 30 Jun 2025100 Hour Yin Yoga Teacher TrainingDharamsala€800€925SAVE €50*Contact
1751320800100July 202507/01/202501 Jul 2025 - 12 Jul 2025100 Hour Yin Yoga Teacher TrainingDharamsala€800€925SAVE €50*Contact
1752876000100July 202507/19/202519 Jul 2025 - 30 Jul 2025100 Hour Yin Yoga Teacher TrainingDharamsala€800€925SAVE €50*Contact
1753999200100August 202508/01/202501 Aug 2025 - 12 Aug 2025100 Hour Yin Yoga Teacher TrainingDharamsala€800€925SAVE €50*Contact
50May 2024,June 2024,July 2024,August 2024,September 2024,October 2024,November 2024,December 2024,January 2025,February 2025,March 2025,April 2025Every Monday to Saturday50 Hour Yin Yoga Teacher TrainingDharamsala€550€675SAVE €50*Contact
50May 2024,June 2024,July 2024,August 2024,September 2024,October 2024,November 2024,December 2024,January 2025,February 2025,March 2025,April 2025Every Monday to Saturday50 Hour Yoga Nidra Teacher TrainingDharamsala€550€675SAVE €50*Contact
1714341600500April 202404/29/202429 Apr 2024 - 22 Jun 2024500 Hour Ashtanga Yoga Teacher TrainingRishikesh€3,300€3,600SAVE €200*Contact
1716501600500May 202405/24/202424 May 2024 - 17 Jul 2024500 Hour Ashtanga Yoga Teacher TrainingRishikesh€3,300€3,600SAVE €200*Contact
1718661600500June 202406/18/202418 Jun 2024 - 11 Aug 2024500 Hour Ashtanga Yoga Teacher TrainingRishikesh€3,300€3,600SAVE €200*Contact
1720821600500July 202407/13/202413 Jul 2024 - 05 Sep 2024500 Hour Ashtanga Yoga Teacher TrainingRishikesh€3,300€3,600SAVE €200*Contact
1722981600500August 202408/07/202407 Aug 2024 - 30 Sep 2024500 Hour Ashtanga Yoga Teacher TrainingRishikesh€3,300€3,600SAVE €200*Contact
1714341600500April 202404/29/202429 Apr 2024 - 22 Jun 2024500 Hour Hatha Yoga Teacher TrainingRishikesh€3,300€3,600SAVE €200*Contact
1716501600500May 202405/24/202424 May 2024 - 17 Jul 2024500 Hour Hatha Yoga Teacher TrainingRishikesh€3,300€3,600SAVE €200*Contact
1718661600500June 202406/18/202418 Jun 2024 - 11 Aug 2024500 Hour Hatha Yoga Teacher TrainingRishikesh€3,300€3,600SAVE €200*Contact
1720821600500July 202407/13/202413 Jul 2024 - 05 Sep 2024500 Hour Hatha Yoga Teacher TrainingRishikesh€3,300€3,600SAVE €200*Contact
1722981600500August 202408/07/202407 Aug 2024 - 30 Sep 2024500 Hour Hatha Yoga Teacher TrainingRishikesh€3,300€3,600SAVE €200*Contact
1714341600500April 202404/29/202429 Apr 2024 - 22 Jun 2024500 Hour Multistyle Yoga Teacher TrainingRishikesh€3,300€3,600SAVE €200*Contact
1716501600500May 202405/24/202424 May 2024 - 17 Jul 2024500 Hour Multistyle Yoga Teacher TrainingRishikesh€3,300€3,600SAVE €200*Contact
1718661600500June 202406/18/202418 Jun 2024 - 11 Aug 2024500 Hour Multistyle Yoga Teacher TrainingRishikesh€3,300€3,600SAVE €200*Contact
1720821600500July 202407/13/202413 Jul 2024 - 05 Sep 2024500 Hour Multistyle Yoga Teacher TrainingRishikesh€3,300€3,600SAVE €200*Contact
1722981600500August 202408/07/202407 Aug 2024 - 30 Sep 2024500 Hour Multistyle Yoga Teacher TrainingRishikesh€3,300€3,600SAVE €200*Contact
1714341600500April 202404/29/202429 Apr 2024 - 22 Jun 2024500 Hour Restorative Yoga Teacher TrainingRishikesh€3,300€3,600SAVE €200*Contact
1716501600500May 202405/24/202424 May 2024 - 17 Jul 2024500 Hour Restorative Yoga Teacher TrainingRishikesh€3,300€3,600SAVE €200*Contact
1718661600500June 202406/18/202418 Jun 2024 - 11 Aug 2024500 Hour Restorative Yoga Teacher TrainingRishikesh€3,300€3,600SAVE €200*Contact
1720821600500July 202407/13/202413 Jul 2024 - 05 Sep 2024500 Hour Restorative Yoga Teacher TrainingRishikesh€3,300€3,600SAVE €200*Contact
1722981600500August 202408/07/202407 Aug 2024 - 30 Sep 2024500 Hour Restorative Yoga Teacher TrainingRishikesh€3,300€3,600SAVE €200*Contact
1714341600500April 202404/29/202429 Apr 2024 - 22 Jun 2024500 Hour Therapeutic Yoga Teacher TrainingRishikesh€3,300€3,600SAVE €200*Contact
1716501600500May 202405/24/202424 May 2024 - 17 Jul 2024500 Hour Therapeutic Yoga Teacher TrainingRishikesh€3,300€3,600SAVE €200*Contact
1718661600500June 202406/18/202418 Jun 2024 - 11 Aug 2024500 Hour Therapeutic Yoga Teacher TrainingRishikesh€3,300€3,600SAVE €200*Contact
1720821600500July 202407/13/202413 Jul 2024 - 05 Sep 2024500 Hour Therapeutic Yoga Teacher TrainingRishikesh€3,300€3,600SAVE €200*Contact
1722981600500August 202408/07/202407 Aug 2024 - 30 Sep 2024500 Hour Therapeutic Yoga Teacher TrainingRishikesh€3,300€3,600SAVE €200*Contact
1714341600500April 202404/29/202429 Apr 2024 - 22 Jun 2024500 Hour Vinyasa Yoga Teacher TrainingRishikesh€3,300€3,600SAVE €200*Contact
1716501600500May 202405/24/202424 May 2024 - 17 Jul 2024500 Hour Vinyasa Yoga Teacher TrainingRishikesh€3,300€3,600SAVE €200*Contact
1718661600500June 202406/18/202418 Jun 2024 - 11 Aug 2024500 Hour Vinyasa Yoga Teacher TrainingRishikesh€3,300€3,600SAVE €200*Contact
1720821600500July 202407/13/202413 Jul 2024 - 05 Sep 2024500 Hour Vinyasa Yoga Teacher TrainingRishikesh€3,300€3,600SAVE €200*Contact
1722981600500August 202408/07/202407 Aug 2024 - 30 Sep 2024500 Hour Vinyasa Yoga Teacher TrainingRishikesh€3,300€3,600SAVE €200*Contact
1714341600500April 202404/29/202429 Apr 2024 - 22 Jun 2024500 Hour Yin Yoga Teacher TrainingRishikesh€3,300€3,600SAVE €200*Contact
1716501600500May 202405/24/202424 May 2024 - 17 Jul 2024500 Hour Yin Yoga Teacher TrainingRishikesh€3,300€3,600SAVE €200*Contact
1718661600500June 202406/18/202418 Jun 2024 - 11 Aug 2024500 Hour Yin Yoga Teacher TrainingRishikesh€3,300€3,600SAVE €200*Contact
1720821600500July 202407/13/202413 Jul 2024 - 05 Sep 2024500 Hour Yin Yoga Teacher TrainingRishikesh€3,300€3,600SAVE €200*Contact
1722981600500August 202408/07/202407 Aug 2024 - 30 Sep 2024500 Hour Yin Yoga Teacher TrainingRishikesh€3,300€3,600SAVE €200*Contact
1717192800300June 202406/01/202401 Jun 2024 - 30 Jun 2024300 Hour Ashtanga Yoga Teacher TrainingRishikesh€2,100€2,350SAVE €150*Contact
1719784800300July 202407/01/202401 Jul 2024 - 30 Jul 2024300 Hour Ashtanga Yoga Teacher TrainingRishikesh€2,100€2,350SAVE €150*Contact
1722463200300August 202408/01/202401 Aug 2024 - 30 Aug 2024300 Hour Ashtanga Yoga Teacher TrainingRishikesh€2,100€2,350SAVE €150*Contact
1725141600300September 202409/01/202401 Sep 2024 - 30 Sep 2024300 Hour Ashtanga Yoga Teacher TrainingRishikesh€2,100€2,350SAVE €150*Contact
1727733600300October 202410/01/202401 Oct 2024 - 30 Oct 2024300 Hour Ashtanga Yoga Teacher TrainingRishikesh€2,100€2,350SAVE €150*Contact
1717192800300June 202406/01/202401 Jun 2024 - 30 Jun 2024300 Hour Hatha Yoga Teacher TrainingRishikesh€2,100€2,350SAVE €150*Contact
1719784800300July 202407/01/202401 Jul 2024 - 30 Jul 2024300 Hour Hatha Yoga Teacher TrainingRishikesh€2,100€2,350SAVE €150*Contact
1722463200300August 202408/01/202401 Aug 2024 - 30 Aug 2024300 Hour Hatha Yoga Teacher TrainingRishikesh€2,100€2,350SAVE €150*Contact
1725141600300September 202409/01/202401 Sep 2024 - 30 Sep 2024300 Hour Hatha Yoga Teacher TrainingRishikesh€2,100€2,350SAVE €150*Contact
1727733600300October 202410/01/202401 Oct 2024 - 30 Oct 2024300 Hour Hatha Yoga Teacher TrainingRishikesh€2,100€2,350SAVE €150*Contact
1717192800300June 202406/01/202401 Jun 2024 - 30 Jun 2024300 Hour Multistyle Yoga Teacher TrainingRishikesh€2,100€2,350SAVE €150*Contact
1719784800300July 202407/01/202401 Jul 2024 - 30 Jul 2024300 Hour Multistyle Yoga Teacher TrainingRishikesh€2,100€2,350SAVE €150*Contact
1722463200300August 202408/01/202401 Aug 2024 - 30 Aug 2024300 Hour Multistyle Yoga Teacher TrainingRishikesh€2,100€2,350SAVE €150*Contact
1725141600300September 202409/01/202401 Sep 2024 - 30 Sep 2024300 Hour Multistyle Yoga Teacher TrainingRishikesh€2,100€2,350SAVE €150*Contact
1727733600300October 202410/01/202401 Oct 2024 - 30 Oct 2024300 Hour Multistyle Yoga Teacher TrainingRishikesh€2,100€2,350SAVE €150*Contact
1717192800300June 202406/01/202401 Jun 2024 - 30 Jun 2024300 Hour Restorative Yoga Teacher TrainingRishikesh€2,100€2,350SAVE €150*Contact
1719784800300July 202407/01/202401 Jul 2024 - 30 Jul 2024300 Hour Restorative Yoga Teacher TrainingRishikesh€2,100€2,350SAVE €150*Contact
1722463200300August 202408/01/202401 Aug 2024 - 30 Aug 2024300 Hour Restorative Yoga Teacher TrainingRishikesh€2,100€2,350SAVE €150*Contact
1725141600300September 202409/01/202401 Sep 2024 - 30 Sep 2024300 Hour Restorative Yoga Teacher TrainingRishikesh€2,100€2,350SAVE €150*Contact
1727733600300October 202410/01/202401 Oct 2024 - 30 Oct 2024300 Hour Restorative Yoga Teacher TrainingRishikesh€2,100€2,350SAVE €150*Contact
1717192800300June 202406/01/202401 Jun 2024 - 30 Jun 2024300 Hour Therapeutic Yoga Teacher TrainingRishikesh€2,100€2,350SAVE €150*Contact
1719784800300July 202407/01/202401 Jul 2024 - 30 Jul 2024300 Hour Therapeutic Yoga Teacher TrainingRishikesh€2,100€2,350SAVE €150*Contact
1722463200300August 202408/01/202401 Aug 2024 - 30 Aug 2024300 Hour Therapeutic Yoga Teacher TrainingRishikesh€2,100€2,350SAVE €150*Contact
1725141600300September 202409/01/202401 Sep 2024 - 30 Sep 2024300 Hour Therapeutic Yoga Teacher TrainingRishikesh€2,100€2,350SAVE €150*Contact
1727733600300October 202410/01/202401 Oct 2024 - 30 Oct 2024300 Hour Therapeutic Yoga Teacher TrainingRishikesh€2,100€2,350SAVE €150*Contact
1717192800300June 202406/01/202401 Jun 2024 - 30 Jun 2024300 Hour Vinyasa Yoga Teacher TrainingRishikesh€2,100€2,350SAVE €150*Contact
1719784800300July 202407/01/202401 Jul 2024 - 30 Jul 2024300 Hour Vinyasa Yoga Teacher TrainingRishikesh€2,100€2,350SAVE €150*Contact
1722463200300August 202408/01/202401 Aug 2024 - 30 Aug 2024300 Hour Vinyasa Yoga Teacher TrainingRishikesh€2,100€2,350SAVE €150*Contact
1725141600300September 202409/01/202401 Sep 2024 - 30 Sep 2024300 Hour Vinyasa Yoga Teacher TrainingRishikesh€2,100€2,350SAVE €150*Contact
1727733600300October 202410/01/202401 Oct 2024 - 30 Oct 2024300 Hour Vinyasa Yoga Teacher TrainingRishikesh€2,100€2,350SAVE €150*Contact
1717192800300June 202406/01/202401 Jun 2024 - 30 Jun 2024300 Hour Yin Yoga Teacher TrainingRishikesh€2,100€2,350SAVE €150*Contact
1719784800300July 202407/01/202401 Jul 2024 - 30 Jul 2024300 Hour Yin Yoga Teacher TrainingRishikesh€2,100€2,350SAVE €150*Contact
1722463200300August 202408/01/202401 Aug 2024 - 30 Aug 2024300 Hour Yin Yoga Teacher TrainingRishikesh€2,100€2,350SAVE €150*Contact
1725141600300September 202409/01/202401 Sep 2024 - 30 Sep 2024300 Hour Yin Yoga Teacher TrainingRishikesh€2,100€2,350SAVE €150*Contact
1727733600300October 202410/01/202401 Oct 2024 - 30 Oct 2024300 Hour Yin Yoga Teacher TrainingRishikesh€2,100€2,350SAVE €150*Contact
1716501600200May 202405/24/202424 May 2024 - 17 Jun 2024200 Hour Ashtanga Teacher TrainingRishikesh€1,500€1,750SAVE €100*Contact
1718661600200June 202406/18/202418 Jun 2024 - 12 Jul 2024200 Hour Ashtanga Teacher TrainingRishikesh€1,500€1,750SAVE €100*Contact
1720821600200July 202407/13/202413 Jul 2024 - 06 Aug 2024200 Hour Ashtanga Teacher TrainingRishikesh€1,500€1,750SAVE €100*Contact
1722981600200August 202408/07/202407 Aug 2024 - 31 Aug 2024200 Hour Ashtanga Teacher TrainingRishikesh€1,500€1,750SAVE €100*Contact
1725141600200September 202409/01/202401 Sep 2024 - 25 Sep 2024200 Hour Ashtanga Teacher TrainingRishikesh€1,500€1,750SAVE €100*Contact
1727301600200September 202409/26/202426 Sep 2024 - 20 Oct 2024200 Hour Ashtanga Teacher TrainingRishikesh€1,500€1,750SAVE €100*Contact
1716501600200May 202405/24/202424 May 2024 - 17 Jun 2024200 Hour Hatha Teacher TrainingRishikesh€1,500€1,750SAVE €100*Contact
1718661600200June 202406/18/202418 Jun 2024 - 12 Jul 2024200 Hour Hatha Teacher TrainingRishikesh€1,500€1,750SAVE €100*Contact
1720821600200July 202407/13/202413 Jul 2024 - 06 Aug 2024200 Hour Hatha Teacher TrainingRishikesh€1,500€1,750SAVE €100*Contact
1722981600200August 202408/07/202407 Aug 2024 - 31 Aug 2024200 Hour Hatha Teacher TrainingRishikesh€1,500€1,750SAVE €100*Contact
1725141600200September 202409/01/202401 Sep 2024 - 25 Sep 2024200 Hour Hatha Teacher TrainingRishikesh€1,500€1,750SAVE €100*Contact
1727301600200September 202409/26/202426 Sep 2024 - 20 Oct 2024200 Hour Hatha Teacher TrainingRishikesh€1,500€1,750SAVE €100*Contact
1716501600200May 202405/24/202424 May 2024 - 17 Jun 2024200 Hour Multistyle Teacher TrainingRishikesh€1,500€1,750SAVE €100*Contact
1718661600200June 202406/18/202418 Jun 2024 - 12 Jul 2024200 Hour Multistyle Teacher TrainingRishikesh€1,500€1,750SAVE €100*Contact
1720821600200July 202407/13/202413 Jul 2024 - 06 Aug 2024200 Hour Multistyle Teacher TrainingRishikesh€1,500€1,750SAVE €100*Contact
1722981600200August 202408/07/202407 Aug 2024 - 31 Aug 2024200 Hour Multistyle Teacher TrainingRishikesh€1,500€1,750SAVE €100*Contact
1725141600200September 202409/01/202401 Sep 2024 - 25 Sep 2024200 Hour Multistyle Teacher TrainingRishikesh€1,500€1,750SAVE €100*Contact
1727301600200September 202409/26/202426 Sep 2024 - 20 Oct 2024200 Hour Multistyle Teacher TrainingRishikesh€1,500€1,750SAVE €100*Contact
1716501600200May 202405/24/202424 May 2024 - 17 Jun 2024200 Hour Restorative Teacher TrainingRishikesh€1,500€1,750SAVE €100*Contact
1718661600200June 202406/18/202418 Jun 2024 - 12 Jul 2024200 Hour Restorative Teacher TrainingRishikesh€1,500€1,750SAVE €100*Contact
1720821600200July 202407/13/202413 Jul 2024 - 06 Aug 2024200 Hour Restorative Teacher TrainingRishikesh€1,500€1,750SAVE €100*Contact
1722981600200August 202408/07/202407 Aug 2024 - 31 Aug 2024200 Hour Restorative Teacher TrainingRishikesh€1,500€1,750SAVE €100*Contact
1725141600200September 202409/01/202401 Sep 2024 - 25 Sep 2024200 Hour Restorative Teacher TrainingRishikesh€1,500€1,750SAVE €100*Contact
1727301600200September 202409/26/202426 Sep 2024 - 20 Oct 2024200 Hour Restorative Teacher TrainingRishikesh€1,500€1,750SAVE €100*Contact
1716501600200May 202405/24/202424 May 2024 - 17 Jun 2024200 Hour Therapeutic Teacher TrainingRishikesh€1,500€1,750SAVE €100*Contact
1718661600200June 202406/18/202418 Jun 2024 - 12 Jul 2024200 Hour Therapeutic Teacher TrainingRishikesh€1,500€1,750SAVE €100*Contact
1720821600200July 202407/13/202413 Jul 2024 - 06 Aug 2024200 Hour Therapeutic Teacher TrainingRishikesh€1,500€1,750SAVE €100*Contact
1722981600200August 202408/07/202407 Aug 2024 - 31 Aug 2024200 Hour Therapeutic Teacher TrainingRishikesh€1,500€1,750SAVE €100*Contact
1725141600200September 202409/01/202401 Sep 2024 - 25 Sep 2024200 Hour Therapeutic Teacher TrainingRishikesh€1,500€1,750SAVE €100*Contact
1727301600200September 202409/26/202426 Sep 2024 - 20 Oct 2024200 Hour Therapeutic Teacher TrainingRishikesh€1,500€1,750SAVE €100*Contact
1716501600200May 202405/24/202424 May 2024 - 17 Jun 2024200 Hour Vinyasa Teacher TrainingRishikesh€1,500€1,750SAVE €100*Contact
1718661600200June 202406/18/202418 Jun 2024 - 12 Jul 2024200 Hour Vinyasa Teacher TrainingRishikesh€1,500€1,750SAVE €100*Contact
1720821600200July 202407/13/202413 Jul 2024 - 06 Aug 2024200 Hour Vinyasa Teacher TrainingRishikesh€1,500€1,750SAVE €100*Contact
1722981600200August 202408/07/202407 Aug 2024 - 31 Aug 2024200 Hour Vinyasa Teacher TrainingRishikesh€1,500€1,750SAVE €100*Contact
1725141600200September 202409/01/202401 Sep 2024 - 25 Sep 2024200 Hour Vinyasa Teacher TrainingRishikesh€1,500€1,750SAVE €100*Contact
1727301600200September 202409/26/202426 Sep 2024 - 20 Oct 2024200 Hour Vinyasa Teacher TrainingRishikesh€1,500€1,750SAVE €100*Contact
1716501600200May 202405/24/202424 May 2024 - 17 Jun 2024200 Hour Yin Yoga Teacher TrainingRishikesh€1,500€1,750SAVE €100*Contact
1718661600200June 202406/18/202418 Jun 2024 - 12 Jul 2024200 Hour Yin Yoga Teacher TrainingRishikesh€1,500€1,750SAVE €100*Contact
1720821600200July 202407/13/202413 Jul 2024 - 06 Aug 2024200 Hour Yin Yoga Teacher TrainingRishikesh€1,500€1,750SAVE €100*Contact
1722981600200August 202408/07/202407 Aug 2024 - 31 Aug 2024200 Hour Yin Yoga Teacher TrainingRishikesh€1,500€1,750SAVE €100*Contact
1725141600200September 202409/01/202401 Sep 2024 - 25 Sep 2024200 Hour Yin Yoga Teacher TrainingRishikesh€1,500€1,750SAVE €100*Contact
1727301600200September 202409/26/202426 Sep 2024 - 20 Oct 2024200 Hour Yin Yoga Teacher TrainingRishikesh€1,500€1,750SAVE €100*Contact
1717192800100June 202406/01/202401 Jun 2024 - 12 Jun 2024100 Hour Ashtanga Teacher TrainingRishikesh€800€925SAVE €50*Contact
1718748000100June 202406/19/202419 Jun 2024 - 30 Jun 2024100 Hour Ashtanga Teacher TrainingRishikesh€800€925SAVE €50*Contact
1719784800100July 202407/01/202401 Jul 2024 - 12 Jul 2024100 Hour Ashtanga Teacher TrainingRishikesh€800€925SAVE €50*Contact
1721340000100July 202407/19/202419 Jul 2024 - 30 Jul 2024100 Hour Ashtanga Teacher TrainingRishikesh€800€925SAVE €50*Contact
1722463200100August 202408/01/202401 Aug 2024 - 12 Aug 2024100 Hour Ashtanga Teacher TrainingRishikesh€800€925SAVE €50*Contact
1724018400100August 202408/19/202419 Aug 2024 - 30 Aug 2024100 Hour Ashtanga Teacher TrainingRishikesh€800€925SAVE €50*Contact
1725141600100September 202409/01/202401 Sep 2024 - 12 Sep 2024100 Hour Ashtanga Teacher TrainingRishikesh€800€925SAVE €50*Contact
1726696800100September 202409/19/202419 Sep 2024 - 30 Sep 2024100 Hour Ashtanga Teacher TrainingRishikesh€800€925SAVE €50*Contact
1727733600100October 202410/01/202401 Oct 2024 - 12 Oct 2024100 Hour Ashtanga Teacher TrainingRishikesh€800€925SAVE €50*Contact
1729288800100October 202410/19/202419 Oct 2024 - 30 Oct 2024100 Hour Ashtanga Teacher TrainingRishikesh€800€925SAVE €50*Contact
1717192800100June 202406/01/202401 Jun 2024 - 12 Jun 2024100 Hour Hatha Teacher TrainingRishikesh€800€925SAVE €50*Contact
1718748000100June 202406/19/202419 Jun 2024 - 30 Jun 2024100 Hour Hatha Teacher TrainingRishikesh€800€925SAVE €50*Contact
1719784800100July 202407/01/202401 Jul 2024 - 12 Jul 2024100 Hour Hatha Teacher TrainingRishikesh€800€925SAVE €50*Contact
1721340000100July 202407/19/202419 Jul 2024 - 30 Jul 2024100 Hour Hatha Teacher TrainingRishikesh€800€925SAVE €50*Contact
1722463200100August 202408/01/202401 Aug 2024 - 12 Aug 2024100 Hour Hatha Teacher TrainingRishikesh€800€925SAVE €50*Contact
1724018400100August 202408/19/202419 Aug 2024 - 30 Aug 2024100 Hour Hatha Teacher TrainingRishikesh€800€925SAVE €50*Contact
1725141600100September 202409/01/202401 Sep 2024 - 12 Sep 2024100 Hour Hatha Teacher TrainingRishikesh€800€925SAVE €50*Contact
1726696800100September 202409/19/202419 Sep 2024 - 30 Sep 2024100 Hour Hatha Teacher TrainingRishikesh€800€925SAVE €50*Contact
1727733600100October 202410/01/202401 Oct 2024 - 12 Oct 2024100 Hour Hatha Teacher TrainingRishikesh€800€925SAVE €50*Contact
1729288800100October 202410/19/202419 Oct 2024 - 30 Oct 2024100 Hour Hatha Teacher TrainingRishikesh€800€925SAVE €50*Contact
1717192800100June 202406/01/202401 Jun 2024 - 12 Jun 2024100 Hour Vinyasa Teacher TrainingRishikesh€800€925SAVE €50*Contact
1718748000100June 202406/19/202419 Jun 2024 - 30 Jun 2024100 Hour Vinyasa Teacher TrainingRishikesh€800€925SAVE €50*Contact
1719784800100July 202407/01/202401 Jul 2024 - 12 Jul 2024100 Hour Vinyasa Teacher TrainingRishikesh€800€925SAVE €50*Contact
1721340000100July 202407/19/202419 Jul 2024 - 30 Jul 2024100 Hour Vinyasa Teacher TrainingRishikesh€800€925SAVE €50*Contact
1722463200100August 202408/01/202401 Aug 2024 - 12 Aug 2024100 Hour Vinyasa Teacher TrainingRishikesh€800€925SAVE €50*Contact
1724018400100August 202408/19/202419 Aug 2024 - 30 Aug 2024100 Hour Vinyasa Teacher TrainingRishikesh€800€925SAVE €50*Contact
1725141600100September 202409/01/202401 Sep 2024 - 12 Sep 2024100 Hour Vinyasa Teacher TrainingRishikesh€800€925SAVE €50*Contact
1726696800100September 202409/19/202419 Sep 2024 - 30 Sep 2024100 Hour Vinyasa Teacher TrainingRishikesh€800€925SAVE €50*Contact
1727733600100October 202410/01/202401 Oct 2024 - 12 Oct 2024100 Hour Vinyasa Teacher TrainingRishikesh€800€925SAVE €50*Contact
1729288800100October 202410/19/202419 Oct 2024 - 30 Oct 2024100 Hour Vinyasa Teacher TrainingRishikesh€800€925SAVE €50*Contact
1717192800100June 202406/01/202401 Jun 2024 - 12 Jun 2024100 Hour Restorative Teacher TrainingRishikesh€800€925SAVE €50*Contact
1718748000100June 202406/19/202419 Jun 2024 - 30 Jun 2024100 Hour Restorative Teacher TrainingRishikesh€800€925SAVE €50*Contact
1719784800100July 202407/01/202401 Jul 2024 - 12 Jul 2024100 Hour Restorative Teacher TrainingRishikesh€800€925SAVE €50*Contact
1721340000100July 202407/19/202419 Jul 2024 - 30 Jul 2024100 Hour Restorative Teacher TrainingRishikesh€800€925SAVE €50*Contact
1722463200100August 202408/01/202401 Aug 2024 - 12 Aug 2024100 Hour Restorative Teacher TrainingRishikesh€800€925SAVE €50*Contact
1724018400100August 202408/19/202419 Aug 2024 - 30 Aug 2024100 Hour Restorative Teacher TrainingRishikesh€800€925SAVE €50*Contact
1725141600100September 202409/01/202401 Sep 2024 - 12 Sep 2024100 Hour Restorative Teacher TrainingRishikesh€800€925SAVE €50*Contact
1726696800100September 202409/19/202419 Sep 2024 - 30 Sep 2024100 Hour Restorative Teacher TrainingRishikesh€800€925SAVE €50*Contact
1727733600100October 202410/01/202401 Oct 2024 - 12 Oct 2024100 Hour Restorative Teacher TrainingRishikesh€800€925SAVE €50*Contact
1729288800100October 202410/19/202419 Oct 2024 - 30 Oct 2024100 Hour Restorative Teacher TrainingRishikesh€800€925SAVE €50*Contact
1717192800100June 202406/01/202401 Jun 2024 - 12 Jun 2024100 Hour Therapeutic Teacher TrainingRishikesh€800€925SAVE €50*Contact
1718748000100June 202406/19/202419 Jun 2024 - 30 Jun 2024100 Hour Therapeutic Teacher TrainingRishikesh€800€925SAVE €50*Contact
1719784800100July 202407/01/202401 Jul 2024 - 12 Jul 2024100 Hour Therapeutic Teacher TrainingRishikesh€800€925SAVE €50*Contact
1721340000100July 202407/19/202419 Jul 2024 - 30 Jul 2024100 Hour Therapeutic Teacher TrainingRishikesh€800€925SAVE €50*Contact
1722463200100August 202408/01/202401 Aug 2024 - 12 Aug 2024100 Hour Therapeutic Teacher TrainingRishikesh€800€925SAVE €50*Contact
1724018400100August 202408/19/202419 Aug 2024 - 30 Aug 2024100 Hour Therapeutic Teacher TrainingRishikesh€800€925SAVE €50*Contact
1725141600100September 202409/01/202401 Sep 2024 - 12 Sep 2024100 Hour Therapeutic Teacher TrainingRishikesh€800€925SAVE €50*Contact
1726696800100September 202409/19/202419 Sep 2024 - 30 Sep 2024100 Hour Therapeutic Teacher TrainingRishikesh€800€925SAVE €50*Contact
1727733600100October 202410/01/202401 Oct 2024 - 12 Oct 2024100 Hour Therapeutic Teacher TrainingRishikesh€800€925SAVE €50*Contact
1729288800100October 202410/19/202419 Oct 2024 - 30 Oct 2024100 Hour Therapeutic Teacher TrainingRishikesh€800€925SAVE €50*Contact
1717192800100June 202406/01/202401 Jun 2024 - 12 Jun 2024100 Hour Yin Yoga Teacher TrainingRishikesh€800€925SAVE €50*Contact
1718748000100June 202406/19/202419 Jun 2024 - 30 Jun 2024100 Hour Yin Yoga Teacher TrainingRishikesh€800€925SAVE €50*Contact
1719784800100July 202407/01/202401 Jul 2024 - 12 Jul 2024100 Hour Yin Yoga Teacher TrainingRishikesh€800€925SAVE €50*Contact
1721340000100July 202407/19/202419 Jul 2024 - 30 Jul 2024100 Hour Yin Yoga Teacher TrainingRishikesh€800€925SAVE €50*Contact
1722463200100August 202408/01/202401 Aug 2024 - 12 Aug 2024100 Hour Yin Yoga Teacher TrainingRishikesh€800€925SAVE €50*Contact
1724018400100August 202408/19/202419 Aug 2024 - 30 Aug 2024100 Hour Yin Yoga Teacher TrainingRishikesh€800€925SAVE €50*Contact
1725141600100September 202409/01/202401 Sep 2024 - 12 Sep 2024100 Hour Yin Yoga Teacher TrainingRishikesh€800€925SAVE €50*Contact
1726696800100September 202409/19/202419 Sep 2024 - 30 Sep 2024100 Hour Yin Yoga Teacher TrainingRishikesh€800€925SAVE €50*Contact
1727733600100October 202410/01/202401 Oct 2024 - 12 Oct 2024100 Hour Yin Yoga Teacher TrainingRishikesh€800€925SAVE €50*Contact
1729288800100October 202410/19/202419 Oct 2024 - 30 Oct 2024100 Hour Yin Yoga Teacher TrainingRishikesh€800€925SAVE €50*Contact
50May 2024,June 2024,July 2024,August 2024,September 2024,October 2024,November 2024,December 2024,January 2025,February 2025,March 2025,April 2025Every Monday to Saturday50 Hour Yin Yoga Teacher TrainingRishikesh€550€675SAVE €50*Contact
50May 2024,June 2024,July 2024,August 2024,September 2024,October 2024,November 2024,December 2024,January 2025,February 2025,March 2025,April 2025Every Monday to Saturday50 Hour Yoga Nidra Teacher TrainingRishikesh€550€675SAVE €50*Contact

What is Included:

  • Yoga Course Tuition
  • Course Handbook
  • Overnight Accommodation**
  • 3 Vegetarian Meals on Full Days, 2 Meals on Saturdays**
  • All Teaching Materials
  • WIFI**
  • T-shirts, Bags, Note Pads, and Pens

What is Not Included:

  • Airfare
  • Visa Fees
  • Dinner on Saturday, Meals on Sunday**
  • Excursions
  • Airport Pickup (available at an additional fee)
  • Laundry (available at an additional fee)
**Applies to residential courses only

Map & Directions to the Rishikesh Yoga Center

Our Rishikesh Yoga Center is located the Tapovan district:

Shree Hari Yoga Center
Rishikesh, Uttarakhand 249137, India

Frequently Asked Questions

What Our Graduates Say

Get the Yoga Teacher Training Brochure Now!

  • Course Outline
  • Pricing & Discounts
  • Accommodations & Food
  • Requirements
  • And all other details

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