500 Hour Hatha Yoga Teacher Training Course In Nepal

YTT Courses & Yoga Retreats in the Nepal

Why choose Nepal for your Yoga Teacher Training Course?

Nepal may appear small on the map sandwiched between these two enormous countries since it shares borders with China and India.

However, it’s truly pretty large—possibly larger than the Nepali yoga spirit! It is a country where you can achieve awareness with each step you take. Whether trekking through a remote village, exploring a massive temple, or scaling Mount Everest, Nepal is renowned for its ethereal, spiritual atmosphere.

Not to mention that going on a yoga retreat to Nepal is one of the most amazing things you can do. This land contains jungle wildlife, golden temples, unique ceremonies, and heritage sites. It is the ideal location for a yoga holiday, from its humid woodland plains to the freezing alpine summits.

To give you an idea of the spiritual atmosphere surrounding here, remember that the birthplace of Gautama Buddha, the founder of Buddhism, is Lumbini, in southern Nepal. It is regarded as the birthplace of yoga in India and has a rich Hindu culture that has enhanced the yoga concept since its inception.

Nepalis are well known for their warm personalities; they are great hosts, constantly have a smile, and live each day with optimism and delight. Undoubtedly, any yogi may use a method on and off the mat.

Lama monk in yoga hall bhagsu
Monks in Dharamshala

However, this cosmopolitan nation is not limited to its spiritual undertones. There are many complementary activities to enjoy while on a yoga vacation in this region, which is home to several highest peaks on Earth.

Remember that eight of the ten tallest mountains in the world are here. This entails beautiful scenery for practicing your asanas, clean air for pranayama, and various hiking and yoga retreats that will give your practice new depth.

Anyone looking for tranquility, serenity, wholesome cuisine, yoga instruction and training, peace of mind, and an internal perspective is welcome at the 100-hour program. It is not a social vacation hotspot but a place to discover one’s center and relax the senses.

What is Hatha Yoga?

Yoga actually means union. Here we are talking about the union of ‘Ha’ and ‘Tha’. They are none other than the sun and the moon. There is one energy that governs the universe, and you can be privy to it, when you face the union of the two opposite forces of nature or the universe. Hatha Yoga is basically a preparatory yoga form, where you bring balance between the two nadis or channels, the Ida nadi and the Pingala nadi. Hatha Yoga is also considered as the classical form of yoga. You will master Hatha Yoga today, at Shree Hari Yoga School.

What will you learn in Hatha Yoga?

boat pose

About Hatha Yoga

You will practice a variety of asanas in the Hatha Yoga Class. Hatha yoga asanas have been created to empower you in various ways. Moreover, anyone can practice the asanas, no matter what age. The main purpose of this form is to release tension from the mind and body. Additionally, it also removes negative vibes from the same. The asanas will also bring back the positive energy into the body. If you perform Hatha Yoga on a regular basis, you will gain in strength. There are more than 80 asanas in Hatha yoga practice. In this form, you have to focus on the pose and then add the breath to it. You have to develop stability and balance through the practice of this classical yoga form. You should know the main classical asanas, as mentioned in the Hatha Yoga Pradipika. They are Swastikasana, Dhanurasana, Matsyendrasana, Simhasana, and Bhadrasana, to name a few.

Pranayama In Hatha Yoga

In the classical Hatha Yoga texts, like Hatha Yoga Pradipika, you will learn that most diseases of the body can be eradicated through proper Pranayama practice. When you perform Pranayama in a suitable manner, the lungs, heart, and the nerves become strong. Nadi Shodhana is one of the main Pranayama practices, that most yogis doing a yoga course will be comfortable with, at least initially. It is also better known as Alternate nostril breathing. You will be inhaling through one nostril, shut it off, with the thumb and fingers and then again exhale out of the alternate nostril. Inhale again through the alternate nostril, and close it. You can also impact certain chakras with breathing techniques. Apart from the Nadi Shodhana Pranayama, you can also learn and practice other forms such as Ujjayi breath, Shitali breath, and Shitkari breath. Slow and fast active yogic breathing will also make a huge difference to your lives.

Yoga Teacher Training

Asanas In Hatha Yoga

You will learn about various asanas as a part of the 500 hour Hatha Yoga teacher training course. There will be deeper contortions, twists, and inversions. ‘Ha’ means ‘sun’ and ‘Tha’ means ‘moon’. That is something you must know at the very beginning. Hatha Yoga is about the unity of two of these opposite forces. Swastikasana is one of the easiest poses which you can master, as a beginner yogi. It is a cross-legged pose that most people use while meditating. You will come across this pose as the first pose in the realm of your Hatha Yoga practice. This pose also resembles the mystical mark of goodness from the Vedic times. Gomukhasana is another pose, which as the name suggests resembles a cow face. It is difficult to do this initially, but with some practice you will be a professional. These asanas give you a high energy boost. If you practice these transformative asanas, you will never feel low again.


As a part of the 500 hour hatha yoga ttc, you will learn various types of mantras. There are heart openers, healing mantras, and mantras for balance to name a few. Gayatri Mantra is one of the first mantras, that you may have learnt as a child. Again, it assumes a lot of importance as a part of this hatha yoga class. The mantra traces its way back to the Rig Veda and has also been mentioned in the Upanishads and Bhagavad Gita. Om or Aum, whatever you choose to call it, is another one of those mantras that is considered omnipresent and an important part of our Sanatan dharma.


Art of Teaching

Now, you can join the 500 hour Hatha Yoga teacher training course at Shree Hari Yoga SchoolOnce you head there, you will come face to face with the teaching mechanisms. It is a powerful experiential mode of learning, that awaits to impress you. The approach towards teaching students Hatha Yoga is very professional as well as family-like. You will be embraced as a part of the community. The practice peaks slowly and as you progress, you move into more advanced asana and pranayama practices. The teachers at the school will teach you all the alignments and modifications, for each and every pose. You will also learn about safe practices. As a student, you will also work on your self-practice, as that is equally important. The teachers at Shree Hari Yoga School will guide you and help you to create Hatha Yoga sequences for yourself and all others. You can follow in the footsteps of the guru, who teaches you the same.

Anatomy and Physiology

A skilled and advanced yoga teacher should know, how to move and when. And, that is exactly what you will be doing, as a part of the program. The impact of your movements also assumes a lot of importance. Yoga is balance and stability moulded into one. You will learn about the names of the muscles, bones, ligaments, tissues, cells, and more in this comprehensive class. Physiology is also important, as you have to understand the body processes, to guide your students in a better manner. There will be students, who come to you for alleviation of pain. You have to guide them on the right path, and work around their injuries.

vinyassa flow in the himalaya mountains ins Dharamshala
ashtanga yoga


You will study the Hatha Yoga Pradipika, as a part of this yoga course. Yoga Philosophy is a very fascinating realm in yoga studies. You will learn about the implementation of the philosophies of yoga in this course. Pure lectures are considered boring, and we strive to make things interesting for our learners. The teachers at the school will weave stories around the verses, so that you never lose track of the subject and listen and absorb the learnings. It is through such classes, that you will learn how to control and discipline the body. After you have established yourself in asana practice, you can learn about Pranayama. It is absolutely in that order.

Sound Healing

Now, you can balance the body, mind, and the soul with the help of sound therapy. You can deepen the yogic journey of letting go and removing blockages, by incorporating sounds into your life. Moreover, you can also recharge yourself. The school, Shree Hari Yoga School is located near the sea, in the idyllic Nepal. You will be able to come in contact with Mother Earth and go further into the realm. There will be music, bells, chimes, and gongs, that will help you to steer through the challenging times, while you are pursuing the course. If you suffer from any sort of pain, that will also lessen.

leg stretch
advanced ashtanga

Shatkarma (Cleansing)

According to the Hatha Yoga Pradipika, there are six cleansing techniques. They are addressed as Shat karma kriyas or Shatkriyas. If you want to eliminate the toxins from the body, to prepare it for higher goals, then this is a necessity and an important part of the Hatha Yoga practice. The main internal organs are excretory, nervous, circulatory, respiratory, digestive, and endocrine.You have to ensure to keep these organs clean at all times, to seek out of the body experiences as in yoga. You can also call them the building blocks of the yoga journey. Dhauti, Basti, Trataka, Neti, Nauli, and Kapalbhati are the Shatkarma kriyas, which you can practice today.


You should be aware that there are more than 25 mudras in the 500 hour Hatha Yoga Teacher Training Course, where you will learn t incorporate them within the asanas or poses. You will be able to awaken the gods sitting at the doorway to consciousness through the mudras. Adinath Lord Shiva had taught mankind the essence of mudras. It is one of the most precious gifts that he gifted mankind years ago. So, you can utilize the same in the best manner possible, in yoga.

teacher trainees in mediation
fish pose


Bandhas means locks or being closed. You will learn various types of energy locks in the 500 hour hatha yoga teacher training in Nepal. These are yoga techniques which help one to shut off many parts of the body, and direct the energy to the parts, where they are required most. Bandhas are muscular contractions, which have the power to restrict the flow of blood. After contraction and restriction, when you release a bandha, you boost circulation. The various types of bandhas, which you will learn about are Mula bandha, Jalandhara bandha, Uddhiyana bandha, and the Maha bandha. Learn how to safely practice the bandhas as a part of your Hatha Yoga practice.

Yoga Alliance Standard We Maintain For Hatha Yoga

The 500 hour hatha yoga teacher training course in Nepal, is accredited by Yoga Alliance. Yoga Alliance is a non-governmental organization that certifies schools providing authentic yoga training. If you complete the training, you will be able to apply for RYT 500 certification. Get your name enlisted on global yoga platforms, and get job offers as well. You can teach across the world with the RYT 500 certification.


Yoga Sequencing Classes (Practicum) For Hatha Yoga

The best teachers will guide you through the Hatha Yoga classes. Under most circumstances, a Hatha class starts with Surya Namaskara. You can use these as warm up. Moreover, you can hold the poses for longer. You will be moving your spine in all directions, as a part of the classes. Moreover, you empower your spine with more stamina, through the process. Shoulder stand poses are also a part of the sequence, where you give the brain a fresh dose of oxygen. Sarvangasana is a good option. Halasana, Setu Bandhasana, and Matsyendrasana follows. Next, you can add Pranayamas like Anuloma Viloma.  Simple Hatha Yoga sequences take 20 minutes to complete. The teachers at the school will teach you more variations.

Schedule Of Hatha Yoga At Shree Hari Yoga School

The 500 hour hatha yoga teacher training course in Nepal, is accredited by Yoga Alliance. Yoga Alliance is a non-governmental organization that certifies schools providing authentic yoga training. If you complete the training, you will be able to apply for RYT 500 certification. Get your name enlisted on global yoga platforms, and get job offers as well. You can teach across the world with the RYT 500 certification.

Nepal Teacher Training Lifestyle

How you will spend your days and nights during the course

Daily Routine

Shree Hari Yoga is a global, inspiring community where you can meet many individuals who share your interests. It is a spiritual center where yoga practitioners can develop and feed their souls to find the road to liberation. In addition to practicing yoga, we think it’s important to adopt a genuine yogic lifestyle.

Under the guidance of a very skilled yoga master, this ten-night, eleven-day excursion is an excellent opportunity to learn about posture, meditation, breathing science, mantra chanting, philosophy, and relaxation. You can be completely confident in your ability to build a solid and dependable personal practice in all yoga schools.

outdoor yoga class in the mountains
pranayama class

Sample Schedule

Your actual schedule will vary weekly but this is an example of what you can expect:

06:30am – 07:30am ​Meditation/Pranayama/ Mantra/ sound healing/ yoga nindra
07:30am – 09:00am led Hatha yoga
09:00am – 10:00am Breakfast
11:00am – 12:00pm Philosophy
12:00pm – 13:00pm​ Art of teaching
14:00pm – 15:00pm​ Anatomy/ physiology/ TCM / Ayurveda
15:00pm – 16:00pm self study
16:00pm – 17:30pm Mysore style Hatha
19:00pm – 20:00pm ​Dinner

Where You Will Stay

The retreat center offers twin sharing rooms, private rooms with king-size beds, and 24-hour hot/cold showers. It is situated in a serene area that will make you feel like you are in a genuine yogic setting. There is a swimming pool, bathrooms with continuous spring water, a mountain as a backdrop, Phewa Lake in front, and a landmark farm in the foreground. The food served is organic and comes from the garden.

You’ll be surrounded by nature and daily encounters with unharmed wildlife at Shree Hari Yoga. The rooms’ magnificent views of the lush, green, misty Himalayas are particularly notable. We provide welcoming rooms on both a private and shared basis.
Wi-Fi access and spotless private bathrooms with hot showers are features of our accommodations.
You have a private balcony to take in the splendor of unspoiled nature and a study place.
The ideal setting for some introspection and meditation

room dharamsala
shy diet food

What You Will Eat

The food we eat is necessary for our physical well-being and good mental health. Yoga practitioners classify food in a somewhat different way than scientists do.
The yogic food classification is Satva, Rajas, and Tamas rather than proteins, fats, or carbohydrates.
Sattvic food helps you feel energized, enthusiastic, and light, whereas rajasic food might make you restless.
Our cuisine is renowned for its flavor and variety around the world. An experienced chef cleanly prepares each meal, and organic vegetables are used.
Our 100-hour yoga teacher training in Nepal course prices cover all strictly vegetarian meals.

The following meals are included:

  1. Breakfast
  2. Lunch
  3. Dinner

The following dietary requirement(s) are served and/or catered to:

  • Fruitarian
  • Organic
  • Yogic
  • Ayurvedic
  • Herbal Tea
  • Ayurvedic Tea
  • Raw Food

Opening & Closing

Please feel free to check-in any time from 10 am on the day before your course’s start date. This arrival day is dedicated for you to settle in and get familiar with your new surroundings. In the evening there will be an orientation and opening ceremony followed by a welcome dinner. The following morning your training schedule will commence after a sunrise fire ceremony.

On the final day, we will hold a closing ceremony where you will get your certificate followed by a photo session with your fellow graduates. Check-out time is 1 pm, but you may join activities throughout the day as desired.

YTTC opening ceremony, havan, fire ceremony
restaurant in upper Bhagasu

After Class in Nepal

From daring pursuits like hiking, mountaineering, skydiving, bungee jumping, or rafting to more sedate ones like culinary tours to sample delectable Nepali cuisine or a stroll through its charming villages, to name a few.

Upcoming Yoga Courses in Nepal

You can join the 500 Hour Hatha Yoga Teacher Training course in Nepal, at any time of the year. We post the same on the website at regular intervals, twice a month. If you are interested in advancing your yoga career, then you should enquire now about the advanced Hatha Yoga courses as well. We are just a call and e-mail away.

DatesCourseLocationsShared RoomPrivate RoomBook Early Discount*
1725141600500September 202409/01/202401 Sep 2024 - 25 Oct 2024500 Hour Ashtanga Yoga Teacher TrainingGoa€3,300€3,600SAVE €200*Contact
1727301600500September 202409/26/202426 Sep 2024 - 19 Nov 2024500 Hour Ashtanga Yoga Teacher TrainingGoa€3,300€3,600SAVE €200*Contact
1729461600500October 202410/21/202421 Oct 2024 - 14 Dec 2024500 Hour Ashtanga Yoga Teacher TrainingGoa€3,300€3,600SAVE €200*Contact
1731625200500November 202411/15/202415 Nov 2024 - 08 Jan 2025500 Hour Ashtanga Yoga Teacher TrainingGoa€3,300€3,600SAVE €200*Contact
1733785200500December 202412/10/202410 Dec 2024 - 02 Feb 2025500 Hour Ashtanga Yoga Teacher TrainingGoa€3,300€3,600SAVE €200*Contact
1735945200500January 202501/04/202504 Jan 2025 - 27 Feb 2025500 Hour Ashtanga Yoga Teacher TrainingGoa€3,300€3,600SAVE €200*Contact
1738105200500January 202501/29/202529 Jan 2025 - 24 Mar 2025500 Hour Ashtanga Yoga Teacher TrainingGoa€3,300€3,600SAVE €200*Contact
1740265200500February 202502/23/202523 Feb 2025 - 18 Apr 2025500 Hour Ashtanga Yoga Teacher TrainingGoa€3,300€3,600SAVE €200*Contact
1725141600500September 202409/01/202401 Sep 2024 - 25 Oct 2024500 Hour Hatha Yoga Teacher TrainingGoa€3,300€3,600SAVE €200*Contact
1727301600500September 202409/26/202426 Sep 2024 - 19 Nov 2024500 Hour Hatha Yoga Teacher TrainingGoa€3,300€3,600SAVE €200*Contact
1729461600500October 202410/21/202421 Oct 2024 - 14 Dec 2024500 Hour Hatha Yoga Teacher TrainingGoa€3,300€3,600SAVE €200*Contact
1731625200500November 202411/15/202415 Nov 2024 - 08 Jan 2025500 Hour Hatha Yoga Teacher TrainingGoa€3,300€3,600SAVE €200*Contact
1733785200500December 202412/10/202410 Dec 2024 - 02 Feb 2025500 Hour Hatha Yoga Teacher TrainingGoa€3,300€3,600SAVE €200*Contact
1735945200500January 202501/04/202504 Jan 2025 - 27 Feb 2025500 Hour Hatha Yoga Teacher TrainingGoa€3,300€3,600SAVE €200*Contact
1738105200500January 202501/29/202529 Jan 2025 - 24 Mar 2025500 Hour Hatha Yoga Teacher TrainingGoa€3,300€3,600SAVE €200*Contact
1740265200500February 202502/23/202523 Feb 2025 - 18 Apr 2025500 Hour Hatha Yoga Teacher TrainingGoa€3,300€3,600SAVE €200*Contact
1725141600500September 202409/01/202401 Sep 2024 - 25 Oct 2024500 Hour Multistyle Yoga Teacher TrainingGoa€3,300€3,600SAVE €200*Contact
1727301600500September 202409/26/202426 Sep 2024 - 19 Nov 2024500 Hour Multistyle Yoga Teacher TrainingGoa€3,300€3,600SAVE €200*Contact
1729461600500October 202410/21/202421 Oct 2024 - 14 Dec 2024500 Hour Multistyle Yoga Teacher TrainingGoa€3,300€3,600SAVE €200*Contact
1731625200500November 202411/15/202415 Nov 2024 - 08 Jan 2025500 Hour Multistyle Yoga Teacher TrainingGoa€3,300€3,600SAVE €200*Contact
1733785200500December 202412/10/202410 Dec 2024 - 02 Feb 2025500 Hour Multistyle Yoga Teacher TrainingGoa€3,300€3,600SAVE €200*Contact
1735945200500January 202501/04/202504 Jan 2025 - 27 Feb 2025500 Hour Multistyle Yoga Teacher TrainingGoa€3,300€3,600SAVE €200*Contact
1738105200500January 202501/29/202529 Jan 2025 - 24 Mar 2025500 Hour Multistyle Yoga Teacher TrainingGoa€3,300€3,600SAVE €200*Contact
1740265200500February 202502/23/202523 Feb 2025 - 18 Apr 2025500 Hour Multistyle Yoga Teacher TrainingGoa€3,300€3,600SAVE €200*Contact
1725141600500September 202409/01/202401 Sep 2024 - 25 Oct 2024500 Hour Restorative Yoga Teacher TrainingGoa€3,300€3,600SAVE €200*Contact
1727301600500September 202409/26/202426 Sep 2024 - 19 Nov 2024500 Hour Restorative Yoga Teacher TrainingGoa€3,300€3,600SAVE €200*Contact
1729461600500October 202410/21/202421 Oct 2024 - 14 Dec 2024500 Hour Restorative Yoga Teacher TrainingGoa€3,300€3,600SAVE €200*Contact
1731625200500November 202411/15/202415 Nov 2024 - 08 Jan 2025500 Hour Restorative Yoga Teacher TrainingGoa€3,300€3,600SAVE €200*Contact
1733785200500December 202412/10/202410 Dec 2024 - 02 Feb 2025500 Hour Restorative Yoga Teacher TrainingGoa€3,300€3,600SAVE €200*Contact
1735945200500January 202501/04/202504 Jan 2025 - 27 Feb 2025500 Hour Restorative Yoga Teacher TrainingGoa€3,300€3,600SAVE €200*Contact
1738105200500January 202501/29/202529 Jan 2025 - 24 Mar 2025500 Hour Restorative Yoga Teacher TrainingGoa€3,300€3,600SAVE €200*Contact
1740265200500February 202502/23/202523 Feb 2025 - 18 Apr 2025500 Hour Restorative Yoga Teacher TrainingGoa€3,300€3,600SAVE €200*Contact
1725141600500September 202409/01/202401 Sep 2024 - 25 Oct 2024500 Hour Therapeutic Yoga Teacher TrainingGoa€3,300€3,600SAVE €200*Contact
1727301600500September 202409/26/202426 Sep 2024 - 19 Nov 2024500 Hour Therapeutic Yoga Teacher TrainingGoa€3,300€3,600SAVE €200*Contact
1729461600500October 202410/21/202421 Oct 2024 - 14 Dec 2024500 Hour Therapeutic Yoga Teacher TrainingGoa€3,300€3,600SAVE €200*Contact
1731625200500November 202411/15/202415 Nov 2024 - 08 Jan 2025500 Hour Therapeutic Yoga Teacher TrainingGoa€3,300€3,600SAVE €200*Contact
1733785200500December 202412/10/202410 Dec 2024 - 02 Feb 2025500 Hour Therapeutic Yoga Teacher TrainingGoa€3,300€3,600SAVE €200*Contact
1735945200500January 202501/04/202504 Jan 2025 - 27 Feb 2025500 Hour Therapeutic Yoga Teacher TrainingGoa€3,300€3,600SAVE €200*Contact
1738105200500January 202501/29/202529 Jan 2025 - 24 Mar 2025500 Hour Therapeutic Yoga Teacher TrainingGoa€3,300€3,600SAVE €200*Contact
1740265200500February 202502/23/202523 Feb 2025 - 18 Apr 2025500 Hour Therapeutic Yoga Teacher TrainingGoa€3,300€3,600SAVE €200*Contact
1725141600500September 202409/01/202401 Sep 2024 - 25 Oct 2024500 Hour Vinyasa Yoga Teacher TrainingGoa€3,300€3,600SAVE €200*Contact
1727301600500September 202409/26/202426 Sep 2024 - 19 Nov 2024500 Hour Vinyasa Yoga Teacher TrainingGoa€3,300€3,600SAVE €200*Contact
1729461600500October 202410/21/202421 Oct 2024 - 14 Dec 2024500 Hour Vinyasa Yoga Teacher TrainingGoa€3,300€3,600SAVE €200*Contact
1731625200500November 202411/15/202415 Nov 2024 - 08 Jan 2025500 Hour Vinyasa Yoga Teacher TrainingGoa€3,300€3,600SAVE €200*Contact
1733785200500December 202412/10/202410 Dec 2024 - 02 Feb 2025500 Hour Vinyasa Yoga Teacher TrainingGoa€3,300€3,600SAVE €200*Contact
1735945200500January 202501/04/202504 Jan 2025 - 27 Feb 2025500 Hour Vinyasa Yoga Teacher TrainingGoa€3,300€3,600SAVE €200*Contact
1738105200500January 202501/29/202529 Jan 2025 - 24 Mar 2025500 Hour Vinyasa Yoga Teacher TrainingGoa€3,300€3,600SAVE €200*Contact
1740265200500February 202502/23/202523 Feb 2025 - 18 Apr 2025500 Hour Vinyasa Yoga Teacher TrainingGoa€3,300€3,600SAVE €200*Contact
1725141600500September 202409/01/202401 Sep 2024 - 25 Oct 2024500 Hour Yin Yoga Teacher TrainingGoa€3,300€3,600SAVE €200*Contact
1727301600500September 202409/26/202426 Sep 2024 - 19 Nov 2024500 Hour Yin Yoga Teacher TrainingGoa€3,300€3,600SAVE €200*Contact
1729461600500October 202410/21/202421 Oct 2024 - 14 Dec 2024500 Hour Yin Yoga Teacher TrainingGoa€3,300€3,600SAVE €200*Contact
1731625200500November 202411/15/202415 Nov 2024 - 08 Jan 2025500 Hour Yin Yoga Teacher TrainingGoa€3,300€3,600SAVE €200*Contact
1733785200500December 202412/10/202410 Dec 2024 - 02 Feb 2025500 Hour Yin Yoga Teacher TrainingGoa€3,300€3,600SAVE €200*Contact
1735945200500January 202501/04/202504 Jan 2025 - 27 Feb 2025500 Hour Yin Yoga Teacher TrainingGoa€3,300€3,600SAVE €200*Contact
1738105200500January 202501/29/202529 Jan 2025 - 24 Mar 2025500 Hour Yin Yoga Teacher TrainingGoa€3,300€3,600SAVE €200*Contact
1740265200500February 202502/23/202523 Feb 2025 - 18 Apr 2025500 Hour Yin Yoga Teacher TrainingGoa€3,300€3,600SAVE €200*Contact
1725141600300September 202409/01/202401 Sep 2024 - 30 Sep 2024300 Hour Ashtanga Yoga Teacher TrainingGoa€2,100€2,350SAVE €150*Contact
1727733600300October 202410/01/202401 Oct 2024 - 30 Oct 2024300 Hour Ashtanga Yoga Teacher TrainingGoa€2,100€2,350SAVE €150*Contact
1730415600300November 202411/01/202401 Nov 2024 - 30 Nov 2024300 Hour Ashtanga Yoga Teacher TrainingGoa€2,100€2,350SAVE €150*Contact
1733007600300December 202412/01/202401 Dec 2024 - 30 Dec 2024300 Hour Ashtanga Yoga Teacher TrainingGoa€2,100€2,350SAVE €150*Contact
1735686000300January 202501/01/202501 Jan 2025 - 30 Jan 2025300 Hour Ashtanga Yoga Teacher TrainingGoa€2,100€2,350SAVE €150*Contact
1738364400300February 202502/01/202501 Feb 2025 - 02 Mar 2025300 Hour Ashtanga Yoga Teacher TrainingGoa€2,100€2,350SAVE €150*Contact
1740783600300March 202503/01/202501 Mar 2025 - 30 Mar 2025300 Hour Ashtanga Yoga Teacher TrainingGoa€2,100€2,350SAVE €150*Contact
1743458400300April 202504/01/202501 Apr 2025 - 30 Apr 2025300 Hour Ashtanga Yoga Teacher TrainingGoa€2,100€2,350SAVE €150*Contact
1725141600300September 202409/01/202401 Sep 2024 - 30 Sep 2024300 Hour Hatha Yoga Teacher TrainingGoa€2,100€2,350SAVE €150*Contact
1727733600300October 202410/01/202401 Oct 2024 - 30 Oct 2024300 Hour Hatha Yoga Teacher TrainingGoa€2,100€2,350SAVE €150*Contact
1730415600300November 202411/01/202401 Nov 2024 - 30 Nov 2024300 Hour Hatha Yoga Teacher TrainingGoa€2,100€2,350SAVE €150*Contact
1733007600300December 202412/01/202401 Dec 2024 - 30 Dec 2024300 Hour Hatha Yoga Teacher TrainingGoa€2,100€2,350SAVE €150*Contact
1735686000300January 202501/01/202501 Jan 2025 - 30 Jan 2025300 Hour Hatha Yoga Teacher TrainingGoa€2,100€2,350SAVE €150*Contact
1738364400300February 202502/01/202501 Feb 2025 - 02 Mar 2025300 Hour Hatha Yoga Teacher TrainingGoa€2,100€2,350SAVE €150*Contact
1740783600300March 202503/01/202501 Mar 2025 - 30 Mar 2025300 Hour Hatha Yoga Teacher TrainingGoa€2,100€2,350SAVE €150*Contact
1743458400300April 202504/01/202501 Apr 2025 - 30 Apr 2025300 Hour Hatha Yoga Teacher TrainingGoa€2,100€2,350SAVE €150*Contact
1725141600300September 202409/01/202401 Sep 2024 - 30 Sep 2024300 Hour Multistyle Yoga Teacher TrainingGoa€2,100€2,350SAVE €150*Contact
1727733600300October 202410/01/202401 Oct 2024 - 30 Oct 2024300 Hour Multistyle Yoga Teacher TrainingGoa€2,100€2,350SAVE €150*Contact
1730415600300November 202411/01/202401 Nov 2024 - 30 Nov 2024300 Hour Multistyle Yoga Teacher TrainingGoa€2,100€2,350SAVE €150*Contact
1733007600300December 202412/01/202401 Dec 2024 - 30 Dec 2024300 Hour Multistyle Yoga Teacher TrainingGoa€2,100€2,350SAVE €150*Contact
1735686000300January 202501/01/202501 Jan 2025 - 30 Jan 2025300 Hour Multistyle Yoga Teacher TrainingGoa€2,100€2,350SAVE €150*Contact
1738364400300February 202502/01/202501 Feb 2025 - 02 Mar 2025300 Hour Multistyle Yoga Teacher TrainingGoa€2,100€2,350SAVE €150*Contact
1740783600300March 202503/01/202501 Mar 2025 - 30 Mar 2025300 Hour Multistyle Yoga Teacher TrainingGoa€2,100€2,350SAVE €150*Contact
1743458400300April 202504/01/202501 Apr 2025 - 30 Apr 2025300 Hour Multistyle Yoga Teacher TrainingGoa€2,100€2,350SAVE €150*Contact
1725141600300September 202409/01/202401 Sep 2024 - 30 Sep 2024300 Hour Restorative Yoga Teacher TrainingGoa€2,100€2,350SAVE €150*Contact
1727733600300October 202410/01/202401 Oct 2024 - 30 Oct 2024300 Hour Restorative Yoga Teacher TrainingGoa€2,100€2,350SAVE €150*Contact
1730415600300November 202411/01/202401 Nov 2024 - 30 Nov 2024300 Hour Restorative Yoga Teacher TrainingGoa€2,100€2,350SAVE €150*Contact
1733007600300December 202412/01/202401 Dec 2024 - 30 Dec 2024300 Hour Restorative Yoga Teacher TrainingGoa€2,100€2,350SAVE €150*Contact
1735686000300January 202501/01/202501 Jan 2025 - 30 Jan 2025300 Hour Restorative Yoga Teacher TrainingGoa€2,100€2,350SAVE €150*Contact
1738364400300February 202502/01/202501 Feb 2025 - 02 Mar 2025300 Hour Restorative Yoga Teacher TrainingGoa€2,100€2,350SAVE €150*Contact
1740783600300March 202503/01/202501 Mar 2025 - 30 Mar 2025300 Hour Restorative Yoga Teacher TrainingGoa€2,100€2,350SAVE €150*Contact
1743458400300April 202504/01/202501 Apr 2025 - 30 Apr 2025300 Hour Restorative Yoga Teacher TrainingGoa€2,100€2,350SAVE €150*Contact
1725141600300September 202409/01/202401 Sep 2024 - 30 Sep 2024300 Hour Therapeutic Yoga Teacher TrainingGoa€2,100€2,350SAVE €150*Contact
1727733600300October 202410/01/202401 Oct 2024 - 30 Oct 2024300 Hour Therapeutic Yoga Teacher TrainingGoa€2,100€2,350SAVE €150*Contact
1730415600300November 202411/01/202401 Nov 2024 - 30 Nov 2024300 Hour Therapeutic Yoga Teacher TrainingGoa€2,100€2,350SAVE €150*Contact
1733007600300December 202412/01/202401 Dec 2024 - 30 Dec 2024300 Hour Therapeutic Yoga Teacher TrainingGoa€2,100€2,350SAVE €150*Contact
1735686000300January 202501/01/202501 Jan 2025 - 30 Jan 2025300 Hour Therapeutic Yoga Teacher TrainingGoa€2,100€2,350SAVE €150*Contact
1738364400300February 202502/01/202501 Feb 2025 - 02 Mar 2025300 Hour Therapeutic Yoga Teacher TrainingGoa€2,100€2,350SAVE €150*Contact
1740783600300March 202503/01/202501 Mar 2025 - 30 Mar 2025300 Hour Therapeutic Yoga Teacher TrainingGoa€2,100€2,350SAVE €150*Contact
1743458400300April 202504/01/202501 Apr 2025 - 30 Apr 2025300 Hour Therapeutic Yoga Teacher TrainingGoa€2,100€2,350SAVE €150*Contact
1725141600300September 202409/01/202401 Sep 2024 - 30 Sep 2024300 Hour Vinyasa Yoga Teacher TrainingGoa€2,100€2,350SAVE €150*Contact
1727733600300October 202410/01/202401 Oct 2024 - 30 Oct 2024300 Hour Vinyasa Yoga Teacher TrainingGoa€2,100€2,350SAVE €150*Contact
1730415600300November 202411/01/202401 Nov 2024 - 30 Nov 2024300 Hour Vinyasa Yoga Teacher TrainingGoa€2,100€2,350SAVE €150*Contact
1733007600300December 202412/01/202401 Dec 2024 - 30 Dec 2024300 Hour Vinyasa Yoga Teacher TrainingGoa€2,100€2,350SAVE €150*Contact
1735686000300January 202501/01/202501 Jan 2025 - 30 Jan 2025300 Hour Vinyasa Yoga Teacher TrainingGoa€2,100€2,350SAVE €150*Contact
1738364400300February 202502/01/202501 Feb 2025 - 02 Mar 2025300 Hour Vinyasa Yoga Teacher TrainingGoa€2,100€2,350SAVE €150*Contact
1740783600300March 202503/01/202501 Mar 2025 - 30 Mar 2025300 Hour Vinyasa Yoga Teacher TrainingGoa€2,100€2,350SAVE €150*Contact
1743458400300April 202504/01/202501 Apr 2025 - 30 Apr 2025300 Hour Vinyasa Yoga Teacher TrainingGoa€2,100€2,350SAVE €150*Contact
1725141600300September 202409/01/202401 Sep 2024 - 30 Sep 2024300 Hour Yin Yoga Teacher TrainingGoa€2,100€2,350SAVE €150*Contact
1727733600300October 202410/01/202401 Oct 2024 - 30 Oct 2024300 Hour Yin Yoga Teacher TrainingGoa€2,100€2,350SAVE €150*Contact
1730415600300November 202411/01/202401 Nov 2024 - 30 Nov 2024300 Hour Yin Yoga Teacher TrainingGoa€2,100€2,350SAVE €150*Contact
1733007600300December 202412/01/202401 Dec 2024 - 30 Dec 2024300 Hour Yin Yoga Teacher TrainingGoa€2,100€2,350SAVE €150*Contact
1735686000300January 202501/01/202501 Jan 2025 - 30 Jan 2025300 Hour Yin Yoga Teacher TrainingGoa€2,100€2,350SAVE €150*Contact
1738364400300February 202502/01/202501 Feb 2025 - 02 Mar 2025300 Hour Yin Yoga Teacher TrainingGoa€2,100€2,350SAVE €150*Contact
1740783600300March 202503/01/202501 Mar 2025 - 30 Mar 2025300 Hour Yin Yoga Teacher TrainingGoa€2,100€2,350SAVE €150*Contact
1743458400300April 202504/01/202501 Apr 2025 - 30 Apr 2025300 Hour Yin Yoga Teacher TrainingGoa€2,100€2,350SAVE €150*Contact
1725141600200September 202409/01/202401 Sep 2024 - 25 Sep 2024200 Hour Ashtanga Teacher TrainingGoa€1,500€1,750SAVE €100*Contact
1727301600200September 202409/26/202426 Sep 2024 - 20 Oct 2024200 Hour Ashtanga Teacher TrainingGoa€1,500€1,750SAVE €100*Contact
1729461600200October 202410/21/202421 Oct 2024 - 14 Nov 2024200 Hour Ashtanga Teacher TrainingGoa€1,500€1,750SAVE €100*Contact
1731625200200November 202411/15/202415 Nov 2024 - 09 Dec 2024200 Hour Ashtanga Teacher TrainingGoa€1,500€1,750SAVE €100*Contact
1733785200200December 202412/10/202410 Dec 2024 - 03 Jan 2025200 Hour Ashtanga Teacher TrainingGoa€1,500€1,750SAVE €100*Contact
1735945200200January 202501/04/202504 Jan 2025 - 28 Jan 2025200 Hour Ashtanga Teacher TrainingGoa€1,500€1,750SAVE €100*Contact
1738105200200January 202501/29/202529 Jan 2025 - 22 Feb 2025200 Hour Ashtanga Teacher TrainingGoa€1,500€1,750SAVE €100*Contact
1740265200200February 202502/23/202523 Feb 2025 - 19 Mar 2025200 Hour Ashtanga Teacher TrainingGoa€1,500€1,750SAVE €100*Contact
1742425200200March 202503/20/202520 Mar 2025 - 13 Apr 2025200 Hour Ashtanga Teacher TrainingGoa€1,500€1,750SAVE €100*Contact
1744581600200April 202504/14/202514 Apr 2025 - 08 May 2025200 Hour Ashtanga Teacher TrainingGoa€1,500€1,750SAVE €100*Contact
1725141600200September 202409/01/202401 Sep 2024 - 25 Sep 2024200 Hour Hatha Teacher TrainingGoa€1,500€1,750SAVE €100*Contact
1727301600200September 202409/26/202426 Sep 2024 - 20 Oct 2024200 Hour Hatha Teacher TrainingGoa€1,500€1,750SAVE €100*Contact
1729461600200October 202410/21/202421 Oct 2024 - 14 Nov 2024200 Hour Hatha Teacher TrainingGoa€1,500€1,750SAVE €100*Contact
1731625200200November 202411/15/202415 Nov 2024 - 09 Dec 2024200 Hour Hatha Teacher TrainingGoa€1,500€1,750SAVE €100*Contact
1733785200200December 202412/10/202410 Dec 2024 - 03 Jan 2025200 Hour Hatha Teacher TrainingGoa€1,500€1,750SAVE €100*Contact
1735945200200January 202501/04/202504 Jan 2025 - 28 Jan 2025200 Hour Hatha Teacher TrainingGoa€1,500€1,750SAVE €100*Contact
1738105200200January 202501/29/202529 Jan 2025 - 22 Feb 2025200 Hour Hatha Teacher TrainingGoa€1,500€1,750SAVE €100*Contact
1740265200200February 202502/23/202523 Feb 2025 - 19 Mar 2025200 Hour Hatha Teacher TrainingGoa€1,500€1,750SAVE €100*Contact
1742425200200March 202503/20/202520 Mar 2025 - 13 Apr 2025200 Hour Hatha Teacher TrainingGoa€1,500€1,750SAVE €100*Contact
1744581600200April 202504/14/202514 Apr 2025 - 08 May 2025200 Hour Hatha Teacher TrainingGoa€1,500€1,750SAVE €100*Contact
1725141600200September 202409/01/202401 Sep 2024 - 25 Sep 2024200 Hour Multistyle Teacher TrainingGoa€1,500€1,750SAVE €100*Contact
1727301600200September 202409/26/202426 Sep 2024 - 20 Oct 2024200 Hour Multistyle Teacher TrainingGoa€1,500€1,750SAVE €100*Contact
1729461600200October 202410/21/202421 Oct 2024 - 14 Nov 2024200 Hour Multistyle Teacher TrainingGoa€1,500€1,750SAVE €100*Contact
1731625200200November 202411/15/202415 Nov 2024 - 09 Dec 2024200 Hour Multistyle Teacher TrainingGoa€1,500€1,750SAVE €100*Contact
1733785200200December 202412/10/202410 Dec 2024 - 03 Jan 2025200 Hour Multistyle Teacher TrainingGoa€1,500€1,750SAVE €100*Contact
1735945200200January 202501/04/202504 Jan 2025 - 28 Jan 2025200 Hour Multistyle Teacher TrainingGoa€1,500€1,750SAVE €100*Contact
1738105200200January 202501/29/202529 Jan 2025 - 22 Feb 2025200 Hour Multistyle Teacher TrainingGoa€1,500€1,750SAVE €100*Contact
1740265200200February 202502/23/202523 Feb 2025 - 19 Mar 2025200 Hour Multistyle Teacher TrainingGoa€1,500€1,750SAVE €100*Contact
1742425200200March 202503/20/202520 Mar 2025 - 13 Apr 2025200 Hour Multistyle Teacher TrainingGoa€1,500€1,750SAVE €100*Contact
1744581600200April 202504/14/202514 Apr 2025 - 08 May 2025200 Hour Multistyle Teacher TrainingGoa€1,500€1,750SAVE €100*Contact
1725141600200September 202409/01/202401 Sep 2024 - 25 Sep 2024200 Hour Restorative Teacher TrainingGoa€1,500€1,750SAVE €100*Contact
1727301600200September 202409/26/202426 Sep 2024 - 20 Oct 2024200 Hour Restorative Teacher TrainingGoa€1,500€1,750SAVE €100*Contact
1729461600200October 202410/21/202421 Oct 2024 - 14 Nov 2024200 Hour Restorative Teacher TrainingGoa€1,500€1,750SAVE €100*Contact
1731625200200November 202411/15/202415 Nov 2024 - 09 Dec 2024200 Hour Restorative Teacher TrainingGoa€1,500€1,750SAVE €100*Contact
1733785200200December 202412/10/202410 Dec 2024 - 03 Jan 2025200 Hour Restorative Teacher TrainingGoa€1,500€1,750SAVE €100*Contact
1735945200200January 202501/04/202504 Jan 2025 - 28 Jan 2025200 Hour Restorative Teacher TrainingGoa€1,500€1,750SAVE €100*Contact
1738105200200January 202501/29/202529 Jan 2025 - 22 Feb 2025200 Hour Restorative Teacher TrainingGoa€1,500€1,750SAVE €100*Contact
1740265200200February 202502/23/202523 Feb 2025 - 19 Mar 2025200 Hour Restorative Teacher TrainingGoa€1,500€1,750SAVE €100*Contact
1742425200200March 202503/20/202520 Mar 2025 - 13 Apr 2025200 Hour Restorative Teacher TrainingGoa€1,500€1,750SAVE €100*Contact
1744581600200April 202504/14/202514 Apr 2025 - 08 May 2025200 Hour Restorative Teacher TrainingGoa€1,500€1,750SAVE €100*Contact
1725141600200September 202409/01/202401 Sep 2024 - 25 Sep 2024200 Hour Therapeutic Teacher TrainingGoa€1,500€1,750SAVE €100*Contact
1727301600200September 202409/26/202426 Sep 2024 - 20 Oct 2024200 Hour Therapeutic Teacher TrainingGoa€1,500€1,750SAVE €100*Contact
1729461600200October 202410/21/202421 Oct 2024 - 14 Nov 2024200 Hour Therapeutic Teacher TrainingGoa€1,500€1,750SAVE €100*Contact
1731625200200November 202411/15/202415 Nov 2024 - 09 Dec 2024200 Hour Therapeutic Teacher TrainingGoa€1,500€1,750SAVE €100*Contact
1733785200200December 202412/10/202410 Dec 2024 - 03 Jan 2025200 Hour Therapeutic Teacher TrainingGoa€1,500€1,750SAVE €100*Contact
1735945200200January 202501/04/202504 Jan 2025 - 28 Jan 2025200 Hour Therapeutic Teacher TrainingGoa€1,500€1,750SAVE €100*Contact
1738105200200January 202501/29/202529 Jan 2025 - 22 Feb 2025200 Hour Therapeutic Teacher TrainingGoa€1,500€1,750SAVE €100*Contact
1740265200200February 202502/23/202523 Feb 2025 - 19 Mar 2025200 Hour Therapeutic Teacher TrainingGoa€1,500€1,750SAVE €100*Contact
1742425200200March 202503/20/202520 Mar 2025 - 13 Apr 2025200 Hour Therapeutic Teacher TrainingGoa€1,500€1,750SAVE €100*Contact
1744581600200April 202504/14/202514 Apr 2025 - 08 May 2025200 Hour Therapeutic Teacher TrainingGoa€1,500€1,750SAVE €100*Contact
1725141600200September 202409/01/202401 Sep 2024 - 25 Sep 2024200 Hour Vinyasa Teacher TrainingGoa€1,500€1,750SAVE €100*Contact
1727301600200September 202409/26/202426 Sep 2024 - 20 Oct 2024200 Hour Vinyasa Teacher TrainingGoa€1,500€1,750SAVE €100*Contact
1729461600200October 202410/21/202421 Oct 2024 - 14 Nov 2024200 Hour Vinyasa Teacher TrainingGoa€1,500€1,750SAVE €100*Contact
1731625200200November 202411/15/202415 Nov 2024 - 09 Dec 2024200 Hour Vinyasa Teacher TrainingGoa€1,500€1,750SAVE €100*Contact
1733785200200December 202412/10/202410 Dec 2024 - 03 Jan 2025200 Hour Vinyasa Teacher TrainingGoa€1,500€1,750SAVE €100*Contact
1735945200200January 202501/04/202504 Jan 2025 - 28 Jan 2025200 Hour Vinyasa Teacher TrainingGoa€1,500€1,750SAVE €100*Contact
1738105200200January 202501/29/202529 Jan 2025 - 22 Feb 2025200 Hour Vinyasa Teacher TrainingGoa€1,500€1,750SAVE €100*Contact
1740265200200February 202502/23/202523 Feb 2025 - 19 Mar 2025200 Hour Vinyasa Teacher TrainingGoa€1,500€1,750SAVE €100*Contact
1742425200200March 202503/20/202520 Mar 2025 - 13 Apr 2025200 Hour Vinyasa Teacher TrainingGoa€1,500€1,750SAVE €100*Contact
1744581600200April 202504/14/202514 Apr 2025 - 08 May 2025200 Hour Vinyasa Teacher TrainingGoa€1,500€1,750SAVE €100*Contact
1725141600200September 202409/01/202401 Sep 2024 - 25 Sep 2024200 Hour Yin Yoga Teacher TrainingGoa€1,500€1,750SAVE €100*Contact
1727301600200September 202409/26/202426 Sep 2024 - 20 Oct 2024200 Hour Yin Yoga Teacher TrainingGoa€1,500€1,750SAVE €100*Contact
1729461600200October 202410/21/202421 Oct 2024 - 14 Nov 2024200 Hour Yin Yoga Teacher TrainingGoa€1,500€1,750SAVE €100*Contact
1731625200200November 202411/15/202415 Nov 2024 - 09 Dec 2024200 Hour Yin Yoga Teacher TrainingGoa€1,500€1,750SAVE €100*Contact
1733785200200December 202412/10/202410 Dec 2024 - 03 Jan 2025200 Hour Yin Yoga Teacher TrainingGoa€1,500€1,750SAVE €100*Contact
1735945200200January 202501/04/202504 Jan 2025 - 28 Jan 2025200 Hour Yin Yoga Teacher TrainingGoa€1,500€1,750SAVE €100*Contact
1738105200200January 202501/29/202529 Jan 2025 - 22 Feb 2025200 Hour Yin Yoga Teacher TrainingGoa€1,500€1,750SAVE €100*Contact
1740265200200February 202502/23/202523 Feb 2025 - 19 Mar 2025200 Hour Yin Yoga Teacher TrainingGoa€1,500€1,750SAVE €100*Contact
1742425200200March 202503/20/202520 Mar 2025 - 13 Apr 2025200 Hour Yin Yoga Teacher TrainingGoa€1,500€1,750SAVE €100*Contact
1744581600200April 202504/14/202514 Apr 2025 - 08 May 2025200 Hour Yin Yoga Teacher TrainingGoa€1,500€1,750SAVE €100*Contact
1725141600100September 202409/01/202401 Sep 2024 - 12 Sep 2024100 Hour Ashtanga Teacher TrainingGoa€800€925SAVE €50*Contact
1726696800100September 202409/19/202419 Sep 2024 - 30 Sep 2024100 Hour Ashtanga Teacher TrainingGoa€800€925SAVE €50*Contact
1727733600100October 202410/01/202401 Oct 2024 - 12 Oct 2024100 Hour Ashtanga Teacher TrainingGoa€800€925SAVE €50*Contact
1729288800100October 202410/19/202419 Oct 2024 - 30 Oct 2024100 Hour Ashtanga Teacher TrainingGoa€800€925SAVE €50*Contact
1730415600100November 202411/01/202401 Nov 2024 - 12 Nov 2024100 Hour Ashtanga Teacher TrainingGoa€800€925SAVE €50*Contact
1731970800100November 202411/19/202419 Nov 2024 - 30 Nov 2024100 Hour Ashtanga Teacher TrainingGoa€800€925SAVE €50*Contact
1733007600100December 202412/01/202401 Dec 2024 - 12 Dec 2024100 Hour Ashtanga Teacher TrainingGoa€800€925SAVE €50*Contact
1734562800100December 202412/19/202419 Dec 2024 - 30 Dec 2024100 Hour Ashtanga Teacher TrainingGoa€800€925SAVE €50*Contact
1735686000100January 202501/01/202501 Jan 2025 - 12 Jan 2025100 Hour Ashtanga Teacher TrainingGoa€800€925SAVE €50*Contact
1737241200100January 202501/19/202519 Jan 2025 - 30 Jan 2025100 Hour Ashtanga Teacher TrainingGoa€800€925SAVE €50*Contact
1738364400100February 202502/01/202501 Feb 2025 - 12 Feb 2025100 Hour Ashtanga Teacher TrainingGoa€800€925SAVE €50*Contact
1739919600100February 202502/19/202519 Feb 2025 - 02 Mar 2025100 Hour Ashtanga Teacher TrainingGoa€800€925SAVE €50*Contact
1740783600100March 202503/01/202501 Mar 2025 - 12 Mar 2025100 Hour Ashtanga Teacher TrainingGoa€800€925SAVE €50*Contact
1742338800100March 202503/19/202519 Mar 2025 - 30 Mar 2025100 Hour Ashtanga Teacher TrainingGoa€800€925SAVE €50*Contact
1743458400100April 202504/01/202501 Apr 2025 - 12 Apr 2025100 Hour Ashtanga Teacher TrainingGoa€800€925SAVE €50*Contact
1745013600100April 202504/19/202519 Apr 2025 - 30 Apr 2025100 Hour Ashtanga Teacher TrainingGoa€800€925SAVE €50*Contact
1725141600100September 202409/01/202401 Sep 2024 - 12 Sep 2024100 Hour Hatha Teacher TrainingGoa€800€925SAVE €50*Contact
1726696800100September 202409/19/202419 Sep 2024 - 30 Sep 2024100 Hour Hatha Teacher TrainingGoa€800€925SAVE €50*Contact
1727733600100October 202410/01/202401 Oct 2024 - 12 Oct 2024100 Hour Hatha Teacher TrainingGoa€800€925SAVE €50*Contact
1729288800100October 202410/19/202419 Oct 2024 - 30 Oct 2024100 Hour Hatha Teacher TrainingGoa€800€925SAVE €50*Contact
1730415600100November 202411/01/202401 Nov 2024 - 12 Nov 2024100 Hour Hatha Teacher TrainingGoa€800€925SAVE €50*Contact
1731970800100November 202411/19/202419 Nov 2024 - 30 Nov 2024100 Hour Hatha Teacher TrainingGoa€800€925SAVE €50*Contact
1733007600100December 202412/01/202401 Dec 2024 - 12 Dec 2024100 Hour Hatha Teacher TrainingGoa€800€925SAVE €50*Contact
1734562800100December 202412/19/202419 Dec 2024 - 30 Dec 2024100 Hour Hatha Teacher TrainingGoa€800€925SAVE €50*Contact
1735686000100January 202501/01/202501 Jan 2025 - 12 Jan 2025100 Hour Hatha Teacher TrainingGoa€800€925SAVE €50*Contact
1737241200100January 202501/19/202519 Jan 2025 - 30 Jan 2025100 Hour Hatha Teacher TrainingGoa€800€925SAVE €50*Contact
1738364400100February 202502/01/202501 Feb 2025 - 12 Feb 2025100 Hour Hatha Teacher TrainingGoa€800€925SAVE €50*Contact
1739919600100February 202502/19/202519 Feb 2025 - 02 Mar 2025100 Hour Hatha Teacher TrainingGoa€800€925SAVE €50*Contact
1740783600100March 202503/01/202501 Mar 2025 - 12 Mar 2025100 Hour Hatha Teacher TrainingGoa€800€925SAVE €50*Contact
1742338800100March 202503/19/202519 Mar 2025 - 30 Mar 2025100 Hour Hatha Teacher TrainingGoa€800€925SAVE €50*Contact
1743458400100April 202504/01/202501 Apr 2025 - 12 Apr 2025100 Hour Hatha Teacher TrainingGoa€800€925SAVE €50*Contact
1745013600100April 202504/19/202519 Apr 2025 - 30 Apr 2025100 Hour Hatha Teacher TrainingGoa€800€925SAVE €50*Contact
1725141600100September 202409/01/202401 Sep 2024 - 12 Sep 2024100 Hour Vinyasa Teacher TrainingGoa€800€925SAVE €50*Contact
1726696800100September 202409/19/202419 Sep 2024 - 30 Sep 2024100 Hour Vinyasa Teacher TrainingGoa€800€925SAVE €50*Contact
1727733600100October 202410/01/202401 Oct 2024 - 12 Oct 2024100 Hour Vinyasa Teacher TrainingGoa€800€925SAVE €50*Contact
1729288800100October 202410/19/202419 Oct 2024 - 30 Oct 2024100 Hour Vinyasa Teacher TrainingGoa€800€925SAVE €50*Contact
1730415600100November 202411/01/202401 Nov 2024 - 12 Nov 2024100 Hour Vinyasa Teacher TrainingGoa€800€925SAVE €50*Contact
1731970800100November 202411/19/202419 Nov 2024 - 30 Nov 2024100 Hour Vinyasa Teacher TrainingGoa€800€925SAVE €50*Contact
1733007600100December 202412/01/202401 Dec 2024 - 12 Dec 2024100 Hour Vinyasa Teacher TrainingGoa€800€925SAVE €50*Contact
1734562800100December 202412/19/202419 Dec 2024 - 30 Dec 2024100 Hour Vinyasa Teacher TrainingGoa€800€925SAVE €50*Contact
1735686000100January 202501/01/202501 Jan 2025 - 12 Jan 2025100 Hour Vinyasa Teacher TrainingGoa€800€925SAVE €50*Contact
1737241200100January 202501/19/202519 Jan 2025 - 30 Jan 2025100 Hour Vinyasa Teacher TrainingGoa€800€925SAVE €50*Contact
1738364400100February 202502/01/202501 Feb 2025 - 12 Feb 2025100 Hour Vinyasa Teacher TrainingGoa€800€925SAVE €50*Contact
1739919600100February 202502/19/202519 Feb 2025 - 02 Mar 2025100 Hour Vinyasa Teacher TrainingGoa€800€925SAVE €50*Contact
1740783600100March 202503/01/202501 Mar 2025 - 12 Mar 2025100 Hour Vinyasa Teacher TrainingGoa€800€925SAVE €50*Contact
1742338800100March 202503/19/202519 Mar 2025 - 30 Mar 2025100 Hour Vinyasa Teacher TrainingGoa€800€925SAVE €50*Contact
1743458400100April 202504/01/202501 Apr 2025 - 12 Apr 2025100 Hour Vinyasa Teacher TrainingGoa€800€925SAVE €50*Contact
1745013600100April 202504/19/202519 Apr 2025 - 30 Apr 2025100 Hour Vinyasa Teacher TrainingGoa€800€925SAVE €50*Contact
1725141600100September 202409/01/202401 Sep 2024 - 12 Sep 2024100 Hour Restorative Teacher TrainingGoa€800€925SAVE €50*Contact
1726696800100September 202409/19/202419 Sep 2024 - 30 Sep 2024100 Hour Restorative Teacher TrainingGoa€800€925SAVE €50*Contact
1727733600100October 202410/01/202401 Oct 2024 - 12 Oct 2024100 Hour Restorative Teacher TrainingGoa€800€925SAVE €50*Contact
1729288800100October 202410/19/202419 Oct 2024 - 30 Oct 2024100 Hour Restorative Teacher TrainingGoa€800€925SAVE €50*Contact
1730415600100November 202411/01/202401 Nov 2024 - 12 Nov 2024100 Hour Restorative Teacher TrainingGoa€800€925SAVE €50*Contact
1731970800100November 202411/19/202419 Nov 2024 - 30 Nov 2024100 Hour Restorative Teacher TrainingGoa€800€925SAVE €50*Contact
1733007600100December 202412/01/202401 Dec 2024 - 12 Dec 2024100 Hour Restorative Teacher TrainingGoa€800€925SAVE €50*Contact
1734562800100December 202412/19/202419 Dec 2024 - 30 Dec 2024100 Hour Restorative Teacher TrainingGoa€800€925SAVE €50*Contact
1735686000100January 202501/01/202501 Jan 2025 - 12 Jan 2025100 Hour Restorative Teacher TrainingGoa€800€925SAVE €50*Contact
1737241200100January 202501/19/202519 Jan 2025 - 30 Jan 2025100 Hour Restorative Teacher TrainingGoa€800€925SAVE €50*Contact
1738364400100February 202502/01/202501 Feb 2025 - 12 Feb 2025100 Hour Restorative Teacher TrainingGoa€800€925SAVE €50*Contact
1739919600100February 202502/19/202519 Feb 2025 - 02 Mar 2025100 Hour Restorative Teacher TrainingGoa€800€925SAVE €50*Contact
1740783600100March 202503/01/202501 Mar 2025 - 12 Mar 2025100 Hour Restorative Teacher TrainingGoa€800€925SAVE €50*Contact
1742338800100March 202503/19/202519 Mar 2025 - 30 Mar 2025100 Hour Restorative Teacher TrainingGoa€800€925SAVE €50*Contact
1743458400100April 202504/01/202501 Apr 2025 - 12 Apr 2025100 Hour Restorative Teacher TrainingGoa€800€925SAVE €50*Contact
1745013600100April 202504/19/202519 Apr 2025 - 30 Apr 2025100 Hour Restorative Teacher TrainingGoa€800€925SAVE €50*Contact
1725141600100September 202409/01/202401 Sep 2024 - 12 Sep 2024100 Hour Therapeutic Teacher TrainingGoa€800€925SAVE €50*Contact
1726696800100September 202409/19/202419 Sep 2024 - 30 Sep 2024100 Hour Therapeutic Teacher TrainingGoa€800€925SAVE €50*Contact
1727733600100October 202410/01/202401 Oct 2024 - 12 Oct 2024100 Hour Therapeutic Teacher TrainingGoa€800€925SAVE €50*Contact
1729288800100October 202410/19/202419 Oct 2024 - 30 Oct 2024100 Hour Therapeutic Teacher TrainingGoa€800€925SAVE €50*Contact
1730415600100November 202411/01/202401 Nov 2024 - 12 Nov 2024100 Hour Therapeutic Teacher TrainingGoa€800€925SAVE €50*Contact
1731970800100November 202411/19/202419 Nov 2024 - 30 Nov 2024100 Hour Therapeutic Teacher TrainingGoa€800€925SAVE €50*Contact
1733007600100December 202412/01/202401 Dec 2024 - 12 Dec 2024100 Hour Therapeutic Teacher TrainingGoa€800€925SAVE €50*Contact
1734562800100December 202412/19/202419 Dec 2024 - 30 Dec 2024100 Hour Therapeutic Teacher TrainingGoa€800€925SAVE €50*Contact
1735686000100January 202501/01/202501 Jan 2025 - 12 Jan 2025100 Hour Therapeutic Teacher TrainingGoa€800€925SAVE €50*Contact
1737241200100January 202501/19/202519 Jan 2025 - 30 Jan 2025100 Hour Therapeutic Teacher TrainingGoa€800€925SAVE €50*Contact
1738364400100February 202502/01/202501 Feb 2025 - 12 Feb 2025100 Hour Therapeutic Teacher TrainingGoa€800€925SAVE €50*Contact
1739919600100February 202502/19/202519 Feb 2025 - 02 Mar 2025100 Hour Therapeutic Teacher TrainingGoa€800€925SAVE €50*Contact
1740783600100March 202503/01/202501 Mar 2025 - 12 Mar 2025100 Hour Therapeutic Teacher TrainingGoa€800€925SAVE €50*Contact
1742338800100March 202503/19/202519 Mar 2025 - 30 Mar 2025100 Hour Therapeutic Teacher TrainingGoa€800€925SAVE €50*Contact
1743458400100April 202504/01/202501 Apr 2025 - 12 Apr 2025100 Hour Therapeutic Teacher TrainingGoa€800€925SAVE €50*Contact
1745013600100April 202504/19/202519 Apr 2025 - 30 Apr 2025100 Hour Therapeutic Teacher TrainingGoa€800€925SAVE €50*Contact
1725141600100September 202409/01/202401 Sep 2024 - 12 Sep 2024100 Hour Yin Yoga Teacher TrainingGoa€800€925SAVE €50*Contact
1726696800100September 202409/19/202419 Sep 2024 - 30 Sep 2024100 Hour Yin Yoga Teacher TrainingGoa€800€925SAVE €50*Contact
1727733600100October 202410/01/202401 Oct 2024 - 12 Oct 2024100 Hour Yin Yoga Teacher TrainingGoa€800€925SAVE €50*Contact
1729288800100October 202410/19/202419 Oct 2024 - 30 Oct 2024100 Hour Yin Yoga Teacher TrainingGoa€800€925SAVE €50*Contact
1730415600100November 202411/01/202401 Nov 2024 - 12 Nov 2024100 Hour Yin Yoga Teacher TrainingGoa€800€925SAVE €50*Contact
1731970800100November 202411/19/202419 Nov 2024 - 30 Nov 2024100 Hour Yin Yoga Teacher TrainingGoa€800€925SAVE €50*Contact
1733007600100December 202412/01/202401 Dec 2024 - 12 Dec 2024100 Hour Yin Yoga Teacher TrainingGoa€800€925SAVE €50*Contact
1734562800100December 202412/19/202419 Dec 2024 - 30 Dec 2024100 Hour Yin Yoga Teacher TrainingGoa€800€925SAVE €50*Contact
1735686000100January 202501/01/202501 Jan 2025 - 12 Jan 2025100 Hour Yin Yoga Teacher TrainingGoa€800€925SAVE €50*Contact
1737241200100January 202501/19/202519 Jan 2025 - 30 Jan 2025100 Hour Yin Yoga Teacher TrainingGoa€800€925SAVE €50*Contact
1738364400100February 202502/01/202501 Feb 2025 - 12 Feb 2025100 Hour Yin Yoga Teacher TrainingGoa€800€925SAVE €50*Contact
1739919600100February 202502/19/202519 Feb 2025 - 02 Mar 2025100 Hour Yin Yoga Teacher TrainingGoa€800€925SAVE €50*Contact
1740783600100March 202503/01/202501 Mar 2025 - 12 Mar 2025100 Hour Yin Yoga Teacher TrainingGoa€800€925SAVE €50*Contact
1742338800100March 202503/19/202519 Mar 2025 - 30 Mar 2025100 Hour Yin Yoga Teacher TrainingGoa€800€925SAVE €50*Contact
1743458400100April 202504/01/202501 Apr 2025 - 12 Apr 2025100 Hour Yin Yoga Teacher TrainingGoa€800€925SAVE €50*Contact
1745013600100April 202504/19/202519 Apr 2025 - 30 Apr 2025100 Hour Yin Yoga Teacher TrainingGoa€800€925SAVE €50*Contact
50May 2024,June 2024,July 2024,August 2024,September 2024,October 2024,November 2024,December 2024,January 2025,February 2025,March 2025,April 2025Every Monday to Saturday50 Hour Yin Yoga Teacher TrainingGoa€550€675SAVE €50*Contact
50May 2024,June 2024,July 2024,August 2024,September 2024,October 2024,November 2024,December 2024,January 2025,February 2025,March 2025,April 2025Every Monday to Saturday50 Hour Yoga Nidra Teacher TrainingGoa€550€675SAVE €50*Contact
172522800050-aerielSeptember 202409/02/202402 Sep 2024 - 07 Sep 202450 Hour Aerial Yoga Teacher TrainingGoa€550€675Contact
172643760050-aerielSeptember 202409/16/202416 Sep 2024 - 21 Sep 202450 Hour Aerial Yoga Teacher TrainingGoa€550€675Contact
172764720050-aerielSeptember 202409/30/202430 Sep 2024 - 05 Oct 202450 Hour Aerial Yoga Teacher TrainingGoa€550€675Contact
172885680050-aerielOctober 202410/14/202414 Oct 2024 - 19 Oct 202450 Hour Aerial Yoga Teacher TrainingGoa€550€675Contact
173007000050-aerielOctober 202410/28/202428 Oct 2024 - 02 Nov 202450 Hour Aerial Yoga Teacher TrainingGoa€550€675Contact
173127960050-aerielNovember 202411/11/202411 Nov 2024 - 16 Nov 202450 Hour Aerial Yoga Teacher TrainingGoa€550€675Contact
173248920050-aerielNovember 202411/25/202425 Nov 2024 - 30 Nov 202450 Hour Aerial Yoga Teacher TrainingGoa€550€675Contact
173369880050-aerielDecember 202412/09/202409 Dec 2024 - 14 Dec 202450 Hour Aerial Yoga Teacher TrainingGoa€550€675Contact
173490840050-aerielDecember 202412/23/202423 Dec 2024 - 28 Dec 202450 Hour Aerial Yoga Teacher TrainingGoa€550€675Contact
173611800050-aerielJanuary 202501/06/202506 Jan 2025 - 11 Jan 202550 Hour Aerial Yoga Teacher TrainingGoa€550€675Contact
173732760050-aerielJanuary 202501/20/202520 Jan 2025 - 25 Jan 202550 Hour Aerial Yoga Teacher TrainingGoa€550€675Contact
173853720050-aerielFebruary 202502/03/202503 Feb 2025 - 08 Feb 202550 Hour Aerial Yoga Teacher TrainingGoa€550€675Contact
173974680050-aerielFebruary 202502/17/202517 Feb 2025 - 22 Feb 202550 Hour Aerial Yoga Teacher TrainingGoa€550€675Contact
174095640050-aerielMarch 202503/03/202503 Mar 2025 - 08 Mar 202550 Hour Aerial Yoga Teacher TrainingGoa€550€675Contact
174216600050-aerielMarch 202503/17/202517 Mar 2025 - 22 Mar 202550 Hour Aerial Yoga Teacher TrainingGoa€550€675Contact
174337200050-aerielMarch 202503/31/202531 Mar 2025 - 05 Apr 202550 Hour Aerial Yoga Teacher TrainingGoa€550€675Contact
174458160050-aerielApril 202504/14/202514 Apr 2025 - 19 Apr 202550 Hour Aerial Yoga Teacher TrainingGoa€550€675Contact
174579120050-aerielApril 202504/28/202528 Apr 2025 - 03 May 202550 Hour Aerial Yoga Teacher TrainingGoa€550€675Contact
174700080050-aerielMay 202505/12/202512 May 2025 - 17 May 202550 Hour Aerial Yoga Teacher TrainingGoa€550€675Contact
1725141600100-aerielSeptember 202409/01/202401 Sep 2024 - 12 Sep 2024100 Hour Aerial Yoga Teacher TrainingGoa€800€925Contact
1726437600100-aerielSeptember 202409/16/202416 Sep 2024 - 27 Sep 2024100 Hour Aerial Yoga Teacher TrainingGoa€800€925Contact
1727647200100-aerielSeptember 202409/30/202430 Sep 2024 - 11 Oct 2024100 Hour Aerial Yoga Teacher TrainingGoa€800€925Contact
1728856800100-aerielOctober 202410/14/202414 Oct 2024 - 25 Oct 2024100 Hour Aerial Yoga Teacher TrainingGoa€800€925Contact
1730070000100-aerielOctober 202410/28/202428 Oct 2024 - 08 Nov 2024100 Hour Aerial Yoga Teacher TrainingGoa€800€925Contact
1731279600100-aerielNovember 202411/11/202411 Nov 2024 - 22 Nov 2024100 Hour Aerial Yoga Teacher TrainingGoa€800€925Contact
1732489200100-aerielNovember 202411/25/202425 Nov 2024 - 06 Dec 2024100 Hour Aerial Yoga Teacher TrainingGoa€800€925Contact
1733698800100-aerielDecember 202412/09/202409 Dec 2024 - 20 Dec 2024100 Hour Aerial Yoga Teacher TrainingGoa€800€925Contact
1734908400100-aerielDecember 202412/23/202423 Dec 2024 - 03 Jan 2025100 Hour Aerial Yoga Teacher TrainingGoa€800€925Contact
1736118000100-aerielJanuary 202501/06/202506 Jan 2025 - 17 Jan 2025100 Hour Aerial Yoga Teacher TrainingGoa€800€925Contact
1737327600100-aerielJanuary 202501/20/202520 Jan 2025 - 31 Jan 2025100 Hour Aerial Yoga Teacher TrainingGoa€800€925Contact
1738537200100-aerielFebruary 202502/03/202503 Feb 2025 - 14 Feb 2025100 Hour Aerial Yoga Teacher TrainingGoa€800€925Contact
1739746800100-aerielFebruary 202502/17/202517 Feb 2025 - 28 Feb 2025100 Hour Aerial Yoga Teacher TrainingGoa€800€925Contact
1740956400100-aerielMarch 202503/03/202503 Mar 2025 - 14 Mar 2025100 Hour Aerial Yoga Teacher TrainingGoa€800€925Contact
1742166000100-aerielMarch 202503/17/202517 Mar 2025 - 28 Mar 2025100 Hour Aerial Yoga Teacher TrainingGoa€800€925Contact
1743372000100-aerielMarch 202503/31/202531 Mar 2025 - 11 Apr 2025100 Hour Aerial Yoga Teacher TrainingGoa€800€925Contact
1744581600100-aerielApril 202504/14/202514 Apr 2025 - 25 Apr 2025100 Hour Aerial Yoga Teacher TrainingGoa€800€925Contact
1745791200100-aerielApril 202504/28/202528 Apr 2025 - 09 May 2025100 Hour Aerial Yoga Teacher TrainingGoa€800€925Contact
1747000800100-aerielMay 202505/12/202512 May 2025 - 23 May 2025100 Hour Aerial Yoga Teacher TrainingGoa€800€925Contact
1725141600500September 202409/01/202401 Sep 2024 - 25 Oct 2024500 Hour Ashtanga Yoga Teacher TrainingGokarna€3,300€3,600SAVE €200*Contact
1727301600500September 202409/26/202426 Sep 2024 - 19 Nov 2024500 Hour Ashtanga Yoga Teacher TrainingGokarna€3,300€3,600SAVE €200*Contact
1729461600500October 202410/21/202421 Oct 2024 - 14 Dec 2024500 Hour Ashtanga Yoga Teacher TrainingGokarna€3,300€3,600SAVE €200*Contact
1731625200500November 202411/15/202415 Nov 2024 - 08 Jan 2025500 Hour Ashtanga Yoga Teacher TrainingGokarna€3,300€3,600SAVE €200*Contact
1733785200500December 202412/10/202410 Dec 2024 - 02 Feb 2025500 Hour Ashtanga Yoga Teacher TrainingGokarna€3,300€3,600SAVE €200*Contact
1735945200500January 202501/04/202504 Jan 2025 - 27 Feb 2025500 Hour Ashtanga Yoga Teacher TrainingGokarna€3,300€3,600SAVE €200*Contact
1738105200500January 202501/29/202529 Jan 2025 - 24 Mar 2025500 Hour Ashtanga Yoga Teacher TrainingGokarna€3,300€3,600SAVE €200*Contact
1740265200500February 202502/23/202523 Feb 2025 - 18 Apr 2025500 Hour Ashtanga Yoga Teacher TrainingGokarna€3,300€3,600SAVE €200*Contact
1725141600500September 202409/01/202401 Sep 2024 - 25 Oct 2024500 Hour Hatha Yoga Teacher TrainingGokarna€3,300€3,600SAVE €200*Contact
1727301600500September 202409/26/202426 Sep 2024 - 19 Nov 2024500 Hour Hatha Yoga Teacher TrainingGokarna€3,300€3,600SAVE €200*Contact
1729461600500October 202410/21/202421 Oct 2024 - 14 Dec 2024500 Hour Hatha Yoga Teacher TrainingGokarna€3,300€3,600SAVE €200*Contact
1731625200500November 202411/15/202415 Nov 2024 - 08 Jan 2025500 Hour Hatha Yoga Teacher TrainingGokarna€3,300€3,600SAVE €200*Contact
1733785200500December 202412/10/202410 Dec 2024 - 02 Feb 2025500 Hour Hatha Yoga Teacher TrainingGokarna€3,300€3,600SAVE €200*Contact
1735945200500January 202501/04/202504 Jan 2025 - 27 Feb 2025500 Hour Hatha Yoga Teacher TrainingGokarna€3,300€3,600SAVE €200*Contact
1738105200500January 202501/29/202529 Jan 2025 - 24 Mar 2025500 Hour Hatha Yoga Teacher TrainingGokarna€3,300€3,600SAVE €200*Contact
1740265200500February 202502/23/202523 Feb 2025 - 18 Apr 2025500 Hour Hatha Yoga Teacher TrainingGokarna€3,300€3,600SAVE €200*Contact
1725141600500September 202409/01/202401 Sep 2024 - 25 Oct 2024500 Hour Multistyle Yoga Teacher TrainingGokarna€3,300€3,600SAVE €200*Contact
1727301600500September 202409/26/202426 Sep 2024 - 19 Nov 2024500 Hour Multistyle Yoga Teacher TrainingGokarna€3,300€3,600SAVE €200*Contact
1729461600500October 202410/21/202421 Oct 2024 - 14 Dec 2024500 Hour Multistyle Yoga Teacher TrainingGokarna€3,300€3,600SAVE €200*Contact
1731625200500November 202411/15/202415 Nov 2024 - 08 Jan 2025500 Hour Multistyle Yoga Teacher TrainingGokarna€3,300€3,600SAVE €200*Contact
1733785200500December 202412/10/202410 Dec 2024 - 02 Feb 2025500 Hour Multistyle Yoga Teacher TrainingGokarna€3,300€3,600SAVE €200*Contact
1735945200500January 202501/04/202504 Jan 2025 - 27 Feb 2025500 Hour Multistyle Yoga Teacher TrainingGokarna€3,300€3,600SAVE €200*Contact
1738105200500January 202501/29/202529 Jan 2025 - 24 Mar 2025500 Hour Multistyle Yoga Teacher TrainingGokarna€3,300€3,600SAVE €200*Contact
1740265200500February 202502/23/202523 Feb 2025 - 18 Apr 2025500 Hour Multistyle Yoga Teacher TrainingGokarna€3,300€3,600SAVE €200*Contact
1725141600500September 202409/01/202401 Sep 2024 - 25 Oct 2024500 Hour Restorative Yoga Teacher TrainingGokarna€3,300€3,600SAVE €200*Contact
1727301600500September 202409/26/202426 Sep 2024 - 19 Nov 2024500 Hour Restorative Yoga Teacher TrainingGokarna€3,300€3,600SAVE €200*Contact
1729461600500October 202410/21/202421 Oct 2024 - 14 Dec 2024500 Hour Restorative Yoga Teacher TrainingGokarna€3,300€3,600SAVE €200*Contact
1731625200500November 202411/15/202415 Nov 2024 - 08 Jan 2025500 Hour Restorative Yoga Teacher TrainingGokarna€3,300€3,600SAVE €200*Contact
1733785200500December 202412/10/202410 Dec 2024 - 02 Feb 2025500 Hour Restorative Yoga Teacher TrainingGokarna€3,300€3,600SAVE €200*Contact
1735945200500January 202501/04/202504 Jan 2025 - 27 Feb 2025500 Hour Restorative Yoga Teacher TrainingGokarna€3,300€3,600SAVE €200*Contact
1738105200500January 202501/29/202529 Jan 2025 - 24 Mar 2025500 Hour Restorative Yoga Teacher TrainingGokarna€3,300€3,600SAVE €200*Contact
1740265200500February 202502/23/202523 Feb 2025 - 18 Apr 2025500 Hour Restorative Yoga Teacher TrainingGokarna€3,300€3,600SAVE €200*Contact
1725141600500September 202409/01/202401 Sep 2024 - 25 Oct 2024500 Hour Therapeutic Yoga Teacher TrainingGokarna€3,300€3,600SAVE €200*Contact
1727301600500September 202409/26/202426 Sep 2024 - 19 Nov 2024500 Hour Therapeutic Yoga Teacher TrainingGokarna€3,300€3,600SAVE €200*Contact
1729461600500October 202410/21/202421 Oct 2024 - 14 Dec 2024500 Hour Therapeutic Yoga Teacher TrainingGokarna€3,300€3,600SAVE €200*Contact
1731625200500November 202411/15/202415 Nov 2024 - 08 Jan 2025500 Hour Therapeutic Yoga Teacher TrainingGokarna€3,300€3,600SAVE €200*Contact
1733785200500December 202412/10/202410 Dec 2024 - 02 Feb 2025500 Hour Therapeutic Yoga Teacher TrainingGokarna€3,300€3,600SAVE €200*Contact
1735945200500January 202501/04/202504 Jan 2025 - 27 Feb 2025500 Hour Therapeutic Yoga Teacher TrainingGokarna€3,300€3,600SAVE €200*Contact
1738105200500January 202501/29/202529 Jan 2025 - 24 Mar 2025500 Hour Therapeutic Yoga Teacher TrainingGokarna€3,300€3,600SAVE €200*Contact
1740265200500February 202502/23/202523 Feb 2025 - 18 Apr 2025500 Hour Therapeutic Yoga Teacher TrainingGokarna€3,300€3,600SAVE €200*Contact
1725141600500September 202409/01/202401 Sep 2024 - 25 Oct 2024500 Hour Vinyasa Yoga Teacher TrainingGokarna€3,300€3,600SAVE €200*Contact
1727301600500September 202409/26/202426 Sep 2024 - 19 Nov 2024500 Hour Vinyasa Yoga Teacher TrainingGokarna€3,300€3,600SAVE €200*Contact
1729461600500October 202410/21/202421 Oct 2024 - 14 Dec 2024500 Hour Vinyasa Yoga Teacher TrainingGokarna€3,300€3,600SAVE €200*Contact
1731625200500November 202411/15/202415 Nov 2024 - 08 Jan 2025500 Hour Vinyasa Yoga Teacher TrainingGokarna€3,300€3,600SAVE €200*Contact
1733785200500December 202412/10/202410 Dec 2024 - 02 Feb 2025500 Hour Vinyasa Yoga Teacher TrainingGokarna€3,300€3,600SAVE €200*Contact
1735945200500January 202501/04/202504 Jan 2025 - 27 Feb 2025500 Hour Vinyasa Yoga Teacher TrainingGokarna€3,300€3,600SAVE €200*Contact
1738105200500January 202501/29/202529 Jan 2025 - 24 Mar 2025500 Hour Vinyasa Yoga Teacher TrainingGokarna€3,300€3,600SAVE €200*Contact
1740265200500February 202502/23/202523 Feb 2025 - 18 Apr 2025500 Hour Vinyasa Yoga Teacher TrainingGokarna€3,300€3,600SAVE €200*Contact
1725141600500September 202409/01/202401 Sep 2024 - 25 Oct 2024500 Hour Yin Yoga Teacher TrainingGokarna€3,300€3,600SAVE €200*Contact
1727301600500September 202409/26/202426 Sep 2024 - 19 Nov 2024500 Hour Yin Yoga Teacher TrainingGokarna€3,300€3,600SAVE €200*Contact
1729461600500October 202410/21/202421 Oct 2024 - 14 Dec 2024500 Hour Yin Yoga Teacher TrainingGokarna€3,300€3,600SAVE €200*Contact
1731625200500November 202411/15/202415 Nov 2024 - 08 Jan 2025500 Hour Yin Yoga Teacher TrainingGokarna€3,300€3,600SAVE €200*Contact
1733785200500December 202412/10/202410 Dec 2024 - 02 Feb 2025500 Hour Yin Yoga Teacher TrainingGokarna€3,300€3,600SAVE €200*Contact
1735945200500January 202501/04/202504 Jan 2025 - 27 Feb 2025500 Hour Yin Yoga Teacher TrainingGokarna€3,300€3,600SAVE €200*Contact
1738105200500January 202501/29/202529 Jan 2025 - 24 Mar 2025500 Hour Yin Yoga Teacher TrainingGokarna€3,300€3,600SAVE €200*Contact
1740265200500February 202502/23/202523 Feb 2025 - 18 Apr 2025500 Hour Yin Yoga Teacher TrainingGokarna€3,300€3,600SAVE €200*Contact
1725141600300September 202409/01/202401 Sep 2024 - 30 Sep 2024300 Hour Ashtanga Yoga Teacher TrainingGokarna€2,100€2,350SAVE €150*Contact
1727733600300October 202410/01/202401 Oct 2024 - 30 Oct 2024300 Hour Ashtanga Yoga Teacher TrainingGokarna€2,100€2,350SAVE €150*Contact
1730415600300November 202411/01/202401 Nov 2024 - 30 Nov 2024300 Hour Ashtanga Yoga Teacher TrainingGokarna€2,100€2,350SAVE €150*Contact
1733007600300December 202412/01/202401 Dec 2024 - 30 Dec 2024300 Hour Ashtanga Yoga Teacher TrainingGokarna€2,100€2,350SAVE €150*Contact
1735686000300January 202501/01/202501 Jan 2025 - 30 Jan 2025300 Hour Ashtanga Yoga Teacher TrainingGokarna€2,100€2,350SAVE €150*Contact
1738364400300February 202502/01/202501 Feb 2025 - 02 Mar 2025300 Hour Ashtanga Yoga Teacher TrainingGokarna€2,100€2,350SAVE €150*Contact
1740783600300March 202503/01/202501 Mar 2025 - 30 Mar 2025300 Hour Ashtanga Yoga Teacher TrainingGokarna€2,100€2,350SAVE €150*Contact
1743458400300April 202504/01/202501 Apr 2025 - 30 Apr 2025300 Hour Ashtanga Yoga Teacher TrainingGokarna€2,100€2,350SAVE €150*Contact
1725141600300September 202409/01/202401 Sep 2024 - 30 Sep 2024300 Hour Hatha Yoga Teacher TrainingGokarna€2,100€2,350SAVE €150*Contact
1727733600300October 202410/01/202401 Oct 2024 - 30 Oct 2024300 Hour Hatha Yoga Teacher TrainingGokarna€2,100€2,350SAVE €150*Contact
1730415600300November 202411/01/202401 Nov 2024 - 30 Nov 2024300 Hour Hatha Yoga Teacher TrainingGokarna€2,100€2,350SAVE €150*Contact
1733007600300December 202412/01/202401 Dec 2024 - 30 Dec 2024300 Hour Hatha Yoga Teacher TrainingGokarna€2,100€2,350SAVE €150*Contact
1735686000300January 202501/01/202501 Jan 2025 - 30 Jan 2025300 Hour Hatha Yoga Teacher TrainingGokarna€2,100€2,350SAVE €150*Contact
1738364400300February 202502/01/202501 Feb 2025 - 02 Mar 2025300 Hour Hatha Yoga Teacher TrainingGokarna€2,100€2,350SAVE €150*Contact
1740783600300March 202503/01/202501 Mar 2025 - 30 Mar 2025300 Hour Hatha Yoga Teacher TrainingGokarna€2,100€2,350SAVE €150*Contact
1743458400300April 202504/01/202501 Apr 2025 - 30 Apr 2025300 Hour Hatha Yoga Teacher TrainingGokarna€2,100€2,350SAVE €150*Contact
1725141600300September 202409/01/202401 Sep 2024 - 30 Sep 2024300 Hour Multistyle Yoga Teacher TrainingGokarna€2,100€2,350SAVE €150*Contact
1727733600300October 202410/01/202401 Oct 2024 - 30 Oct 2024300 Hour Multistyle Yoga Teacher TrainingGokarna€2,100€2,350SAVE €150*Contact
1730415600300November 202411/01/202401 Nov 2024 - 30 Nov 2024300 Hour Multistyle Yoga Teacher TrainingGokarna€2,100€2,350SAVE €150*Contact
1733007600300December 202412/01/202401 Dec 2024 - 30 Dec 2024300 Hour Multistyle Yoga Teacher TrainingGokarna€2,100€2,350SAVE €150*Contact
1735686000300January 202501/01/202501 Jan 2025 - 30 Jan 2025300 Hour Multistyle Yoga Teacher TrainingGokarna€2,100€2,350SAVE €150*Contact
1738364400300February 202502/01/202501 Feb 2025 - 02 Mar 2025300 Hour Multistyle Yoga Teacher TrainingGokarna€2,100€2,350SAVE €150*Contact
1740783600300March 202503/01/202501 Mar 2025 - 30 Mar 2025300 Hour Multistyle Yoga Teacher TrainingGokarna€2,100€2,350SAVE €150*Contact
1743458400300April 202504/01/202501 Apr 2025 - 30 Apr 2025300 Hour Multistyle Yoga Teacher TrainingGokarna€2,100€2,350SAVE €150*Contact
1725141600300September 202409/01/202401 Sep 2024 - 30 Sep 2024300 Hour Restorative Yoga Teacher TrainingGokarna€2,100€2,350SAVE €150*Contact
1727733600300October 202410/01/202401 Oct 2024 - 30 Oct 2024300 Hour Restorative Yoga Teacher TrainingGokarna€2,100€2,350SAVE €150*Contact
1730415600300November 202411/01/202401 Nov 2024 - 30 Nov 2024300 Hour Restorative Yoga Teacher TrainingGokarna€2,100€2,350SAVE €150*Contact
1733007600300December 202412/01/202401 Dec 2024 - 30 Dec 2024300 Hour Restorative Yoga Teacher TrainingGokarna€2,100€2,350SAVE €150*Contact
1735686000300January 202501/01/202501 Jan 2025 - 30 Jan 2025300 Hour Restorative Yoga Teacher TrainingGokarna€2,100€2,350SAVE €150*Contact
1738364400300February 202502/01/202501 Feb 2025 - 02 Mar 2025300 Hour Restorative Yoga Teacher TrainingGokarna€2,100€2,350SAVE €150*Contact
1740783600300March 202503/01/202501 Mar 2025 - 30 Mar 2025300 Hour Restorative Yoga Teacher TrainingGokarna€2,100€2,350SAVE €150*Contact
1743458400300April 202504/01/202501 Apr 2025 - 30 Apr 2025300 Hour Restorative Yoga Teacher TrainingGokarna€2,100€2,350SAVE €150*Contact
1725141600300September 202409/01/202401 Sep 2024 - 30 Sep 2024300 Hour Therapeutic Yoga Teacher TrainingGokarna€2,100€2,350SAVE €150*Contact
1727733600300October 202410/01/202401 Oct 2024 - 30 Oct 2024300 Hour Therapeutic Yoga Teacher TrainingGokarna€2,100€2,350SAVE €150*Contact
1730415600300November 202411/01/202401 Nov 2024 - 30 Nov 2024300 Hour Therapeutic Yoga Teacher TrainingGokarna€2,100€2,350SAVE €150*Contact
1733007600300December 202412/01/202401 Dec 2024 - 30 Dec 2024300 Hour Therapeutic Yoga Teacher TrainingGokarna€2,100€2,350SAVE €150*Contact
1735686000300January 202501/01/202501 Jan 2025 - 30 Jan 2025300 Hour Therapeutic Yoga Teacher TrainingGokarna€2,100€2,350SAVE €150*Contact
1738364400300February 202502/01/202501 Feb 2025 - 02 Mar 2025300 Hour Therapeutic Yoga Teacher TrainingGokarna€2,100€2,350SAVE €150*Contact
1740783600300March 202503/01/202501 Mar 2025 - 30 Mar 2025300 Hour Therapeutic Yoga Teacher TrainingGokarna€2,100€2,350SAVE €150*Contact
1743458400300April 202504/01/202501 Apr 2025 - 30 Apr 2025300 Hour Therapeutic Yoga Teacher TrainingGokarna€2,100€2,350SAVE €150*Contact
1725141600300September 202409/01/202401 Sep 2024 - 30 Sep 2024300 Hour Vinyasa Yoga Teacher TrainingGokarna€2,100€2,350SAVE €150*Contact
1727733600300October 202410/01/202401 Oct 2024 - 30 Oct 2024300 Hour Vinyasa Yoga Teacher TrainingGokarna€2,100€2,350SAVE €150*Contact
1730415600300November 202411/01/202401 Nov 2024 - 30 Nov 2024300 Hour Vinyasa Yoga Teacher TrainingGokarna€2,100€2,350SAVE €150*Contact
1733007600300December 202412/01/202401 Dec 2024 - 30 Dec 2024300 Hour Vinyasa Yoga Teacher TrainingGokarna€2,100€2,350SAVE €150*Contact
1735686000300January 202501/01/202501 Jan 2025 - 30 Jan 2025300 Hour Vinyasa Yoga Teacher TrainingGokarna€2,100€2,350SAVE €150*Contact
1738364400300February 202502/01/202501 Feb 2025 - 02 Mar 2025300 Hour Vinyasa Yoga Teacher TrainingGokarna€2,100€2,350SAVE €150*Contact
1740783600300March 202503/01/202501 Mar 2025 - 30 Mar 2025300 Hour Vinyasa Yoga Teacher TrainingGokarna€2,100€2,350SAVE €150*Contact
1743458400300April 202504/01/202501 Apr 2025 - 30 Apr 2025300 Hour Vinyasa Yoga Teacher TrainingGokarna€2,100€2,350SAVE €150*Contact
1725141600300September 202409/01/202401 Sep 2024 - 30 Sep 2024300 Hour Yin Yoga Teacher TrainingGokarna€2,100€2,350SAVE €150*Contact
1727733600300October 202410/01/202401 Oct 2024 - 30 Oct 2024300 Hour Yin Yoga Teacher TrainingGokarna€2,100€2,350SAVE €150*Contact
1730415600300November 202411/01/202401 Nov 2024 - 30 Nov 2024300 Hour Yin Yoga Teacher TrainingGokarna€2,100€2,350SAVE €150*Contact
1733007600300December 202412/01/202401 Dec 2024 - 30 Dec 2024300 Hour Yin Yoga Teacher TrainingGokarna€2,100€2,350SAVE €150*Contact
1735686000300January 202501/01/202501 Jan 2025 - 30 Jan 2025300 Hour Yin Yoga Teacher TrainingGokarna€2,100€2,350SAVE €150*Contact
1738364400300February 202502/01/202501 Feb 2025 - 02 Mar 2025300 Hour Yin Yoga Teacher TrainingGokarna€2,100€2,350SAVE €150*Contact
1740783600300March 202503/01/202501 Mar 2025 - 30 Mar 2025300 Hour Yin Yoga Teacher TrainingGokarna€2,100€2,350SAVE €150*Contact
1743458400300April 202504/01/202501 Apr 2025 - 30 Apr 2025300 Hour Yin Yoga Teacher TrainingGokarna€2,100€2,350SAVE €150*Contact
1725141600200September 202409/01/202401 Sep 2024 - 25 Sep 2024200 Hour Ashtanga Teacher TrainingGokarna€1,500€1,750SAVE €100*Contact
1727301600200September 202409/26/202426 Sep 2024 - 20 Oct 2024200 Hour Ashtanga Teacher TrainingGokarna€1,500€1,750SAVE €100*Contact
1729461600200October 202410/21/202421 Oct 2024 - 14 Nov 2024200 Hour Ashtanga Teacher TrainingGokarna€1,500€1,750SAVE €100*Contact
1731625200200November 202411/15/202415 Nov 2024 - 09 Dec 2024200 Hour Ashtanga Teacher TrainingGokarna€1,500€1,750SAVE €100*Contact
1733785200200December 202412/10/202410 Dec 2024 - 03 Jan 2025200 Hour Ashtanga Teacher TrainingGokarna€1,500€1,750SAVE €100*Contact
1735945200200January 202501/04/202504 Jan 2025 - 28 Jan 2025200 Hour Ashtanga Teacher TrainingGokarna€1,500€1,750SAVE €100*Contact
1738105200200January 202501/29/202529 Jan 2025 - 22 Feb 2025200 Hour Ashtanga Teacher TrainingGokarna€1,500€1,750SAVE €100*Contact
1740265200200February 202502/23/202523 Feb 2025 - 19 Mar 2025200 Hour Ashtanga Teacher TrainingGokarna€1,500€1,750SAVE €100*Contact
1742425200200March 202503/20/202520 Mar 2025 - 13 Apr 2025200 Hour Ashtanga Teacher TrainingGokarna€1,500€1,750SAVE €100*Contact
1744581600200April 202504/14/202514 Apr 2025 - 08 May 2025200 Hour Ashtanga Teacher TrainingGokarna€1,500€1,750SAVE €100*Contact
1725141600200September 202409/01/202401 Sep 2024 - 25 Sep 2024200 Hour Hatha Teacher TrainingGokarna€1,500€1,750SAVE €100*Contact
1727301600200September 202409/26/202426 Sep 2024 - 20 Oct 2024200 Hour Hatha Teacher TrainingGokarna€1,500€1,750SAVE €100*Contact
1729461600200October 202410/21/202421 Oct 2024 - 14 Nov 2024200 Hour Hatha Teacher TrainingGokarna€1,500€1,750SAVE €100*Contact
1731625200200November 202411/15/202415 Nov 2024 - 09 Dec 2024200 Hour Hatha Teacher TrainingGokarna€1,500€1,750SAVE €100*Contact
1733785200200December 202412/10/202410 Dec 2024 - 03 Jan 2025200 Hour Hatha Teacher TrainingGokarna€1,500€1,750SAVE €100*Contact
1735945200200January 202501/04/202504 Jan 2025 - 28 Jan 2025200 Hour Hatha Teacher TrainingGokarna€1,500€1,750SAVE €100*Contact
1738105200200January 202501/29/202529 Jan 2025 - 22 Feb 2025200 Hour Hatha Teacher TrainingGokarna€1,500€1,750SAVE €100*Contact
1740265200200February 202502/23/202523 Feb 2025 - 19 Mar 2025200 Hour Hatha Teacher TrainingGokarna€1,500€1,750SAVE €100*Contact
1742425200200March 202503/20/202520 Mar 2025 - 13 Apr 2025200 Hour Hatha Teacher TrainingGokarna€1,500€1,750SAVE €100*Contact
1744581600200April 202504/14/202514 Apr 2025 - 08 May 2025200 Hour Hatha Teacher TrainingGokarna€1,500€1,750SAVE €100*Contact
1725141600200September 202409/01/202401 Sep 2024 - 25 Sep 2024200 Hour Multistyle Teacher TrainingGokarna€1,500€1,750SAVE €100*Contact
1727301600200September 202409/26/202426 Sep 2024 - 20 Oct 2024200 Hour Multistyle Teacher TrainingGokarna€1,500€1,750SAVE €100*Contact
1729461600200October 202410/21/202421 Oct 2024 - 14 Nov 2024200 Hour Multistyle Teacher TrainingGokarna€1,500€1,750SAVE €100*Contact
1731625200200November 202411/15/202415 Nov 2024 - 09 Dec 2024200 Hour Multistyle Teacher TrainingGokarna€1,500€1,750SAVE €100*Contact
1733785200200December 202412/10/202410 Dec 2024 - 03 Jan 2025200 Hour Multistyle Teacher TrainingGokarna€1,500€1,750SAVE €100*Contact
1735945200200January 202501/04/202504 Jan 2025 - 28 Jan 2025200 Hour Multistyle Teacher TrainingGokarna€1,500€1,750SAVE €100*Contact
1738105200200January 202501/29/202529 Jan 2025 - 22 Feb 2025200 Hour Multistyle Teacher TrainingGokarna€1,500€1,750SAVE €100*Contact
1740265200200February 202502/23/202523 Feb 2025 - 19 Mar 2025200 Hour Multistyle Teacher TrainingGokarna€1,500€1,750SAVE €100*Contact
1742425200200March 202503/20/202520 Mar 2025 - 13 Apr 2025200 Hour Multistyle Teacher TrainingGokarna€1,500€1,750SAVE €100*Contact
1744581600200April 202504/14/202514 Apr 2025 - 08 May 2025200 Hour Multistyle Teacher TrainingGokarna€1,500€1,750SAVE €100*Contact
1725141600200September 202409/01/202401 Sep 2024 - 25 Sep 2024200 Hour Restorative Teacher TrainingGokarna€1,500€1,750SAVE €100*Contact
1727301600200September 202409/26/202426 Sep 2024 - 20 Oct 2024200 Hour Restorative Teacher TrainingGokarna€1,500€1,750SAVE €100*Contact
1729461600200October 202410/21/202421 Oct 2024 - 14 Nov 2024200 Hour Restorative Teacher TrainingGokarna€1,500€1,750SAVE €100*Contact
1731625200200November 202411/15/202415 Nov 2024 - 09 Dec 2024200 Hour Restorative Teacher TrainingGokarna€1,500€1,750SAVE €100*Contact
1733785200200December 202412/10/202410 Dec 2024 - 03 Jan 2025200 Hour Restorative Teacher TrainingGokarna€1,500€1,750SAVE €100*Contact
1735945200200January 202501/04/202504 Jan 2025 - 28 Jan 2025200 Hour Restorative Teacher TrainingGokarna€1,500€1,750SAVE €100*Contact
1738105200200January 202501/29/202529 Jan 2025 - 22 Feb 2025200 Hour Restorative Teacher TrainingGokarna€1,500€1,750SAVE €100*Contact
1740265200200February 202502/23/202523 Feb 2025 - 19 Mar 2025200 Hour Restorative Teacher TrainingGokarna€1,500€1,750SAVE €100*Contact
1742425200200March 202503/20/202520 Mar 2025 - 13 Apr 2025200 Hour Restorative Teacher TrainingGokarna€1,500€1,750SAVE €100*Contact
1744581600200April 202504/14/202514 Apr 2025 - 08 May 2025200 Hour Restorative Teacher TrainingGokarna€1,500€1,750SAVE €100*Contact
1725141600200September 202409/01/202401 Sep 2024 - 25 Sep 2024200 Hour Therapeutic Teacher TrainingGokarna€1,500€1,750SAVE €100*Contact
1727301600200September 202409/26/202426 Sep 2024 - 20 Oct 2024200 Hour Therapeutic Teacher TrainingGokarna€1,500€1,750SAVE €100*Contact
1729461600200October 202410/21/202421 Oct 2024 - 14 Nov 2024200 Hour Therapeutic Teacher TrainingGokarna€1,500€1,750SAVE €100*Contact
1731625200200November 202411/15/202415 Nov 2024 - 09 Dec 2024200 Hour Therapeutic Teacher TrainingGokarna€1,500€1,750SAVE €100*Contact
1733785200200December 202412/10/202410 Dec 2024 - 03 Jan 2025200 Hour Therapeutic Teacher TrainingGokarna€1,500€1,750SAVE €100*Contact
1735945200200January 202501/04/202504 Jan 2025 - 28 Jan 2025200 Hour Therapeutic Teacher TrainingGokarna€1,500€1,750SAVE €100*Contact
1738105200200January 202501/29/202529 Jan 2025 - 22 Feb 2025200 Hour Therapeutic Teacher TrainingGokarna€1,500€1,750SAVE €100*Contact
1740265200200February 202502/23/202523 Feb 2025 - 19 Mar 2025200 Hour Therapeutic Teacher TrainingGokarna€1,500€1,750SAVE €100*Contact
1742425200200March 202503/20/202520 Mar 2025 - 13 Apr 2025200 Hour Therapeutic Teacher TrainingGokarna€1,500€1,750SAVE €100*Contact
1744581600200April 202504/14/202514 Apr 2025 - 08 May 2025200 Hour Therapeutic Teacher TrainingGokarna€1,500€1,750SAVE €100*Contact
1725141600200September 202409/01/202401 Sep 2024 - 25 Sep 2024200 Hour Vinyasa Teacher TrainingGokarna€1,500€1,750SAVE €100*Contact
1727301600200September 202409/26/202426 Sep 2024 - 20 Oct 2024200 Hour Vinyasa Teacher TrainingGokarna€1,500€1,750SAVE €100*Contact
1729461600200October 202410/21/202421 Oct 2024 - 14 Nov 2024200 Hour Vinyasa Teacher TrainingGokarna€1,500€1,750SAVE €100*Contact
1731625200200November 202411/15/202415 Nov 2024 - 09 Dec 2024200 Hour Vinyasa Teacher TrainingGokarna€1,500€1,750SAVE €100*Contact
1733785200200December 202412/10/202410 Dec 2024 - 03 Jan 2025200 Hour Vinyasa Teacher TrainingGokarna€1,500€1,750SAVE €100*Contact
1735945200200January 202501/04/202504 Jan 2025 - 28 Jan 2025200 Hour Vinyasa Teacher TrainingGokarna€1,500€1,750SAVE €100*Contact
1738105200200January 202501/29/202529 Jan 2025 - 22 Feb 2025200 Hour Vinyasa Teacher TrainingGokarna€1,500€1,750SAVE €100*Contact
1740265200200February 202502/23/202523 Feb 2025 - 19 Mar 2025200 Hour Vinyasa Teacher TrainingGokarna€1,500€1,750SAVE €100*Contact
1742425200200March 202503/20/202520 Mar 2025 - 13 Apr 2025200 Hour Vinyasa Teacher TrainingGokarna€1,500€1,750SAVE €100*Contact
1744581600200April 202504/14/202514 Apr 2025 - 08 May 2025200 Hour Vinyasa Teacher TrainingGokarna€1,500€1,750SAVE €100*Contact
1725141600200September 202409/01/202401 Sep 2024 - 25 Sep 2024200 Hour Yin Yoga Teacher TrainingGokarna€1,500€1,750SAVE €100*Contact
1727301600200September 202409/26/202426 Sep 2024 - 20 Oct 2024200 Hour Yin Yoga Teacher TrainingGokarna€1,500€1,750SAVE €100*Contact
1729461600200October 202410/21/202421 Oct 2024 - 14 Nov 2024200 Hour Yin Yoga Teacher TrainingGokarna€1,500€1,750SAVE €100*Contact
1731625200200November 202411/15/202415 Nov 2024 - 09 Dec 2024200 Hour Yin Yoga Teacher TrainingGokarna€1,500€1,750SAVE €100*Contact
1733785200200December 202412/10/202410 Dec 2024 - 03 Jan 2025200 Hour Yin Yoga Teacher TrainingGokarna€1,500€1,750SAVE €100*Contact
1735945200200January 202501/04/202504 Jan 2025 - 28 Jan 2025200 Hour Yin Yoga Teacher TrainingGokarna€1,500€1,750SAVE €100*Contact
1738105200200January 202501/29/202529 Jan 2025 - 22 Feb 2025200 Hour Yin Yoga Teacher TrainingGokarna€1,500€1,750SAVE €100*Contact
1740265200200February 202502/23/202523 Feb 2025 - 19 Mar 2025200 Hour Yin Yoga Teacher TrainingGokarna€1,500€1,750SAVE €100*Contact
1742425200200March 202503/20/202520 Mar 2025 - 13 Apr 2025200 Hour Yin Yoga Teacher TrainingGokarna€1,500€1,750SAVE €100*Contact
1744581600200April 202504/14/202514 Apr 2025 - 08 May 2025200 Hour Yin Yoga Teacher TrainingGokarna€1,500€1,750SAVE €100*Contact
1725141600100September 202409/01/202401 Sep 2024 - 12 Sep 2024100 Hour Ashtanga Teacher TrainingGokarna€800€925SAVE €50*Contact
1726696800100September 202409/19/202419 Sep 2024 - 30 Sep 2024100 Hour Ashtanga Teacher TrainingGokarna€800€925SAVE €50*Contact
1727733600100October 202410/01/202401 Oct 2024 - 12 Oct 2024100 Hour Ashtanga Teacher TrainingGokarna€800€925SAVE €50*Contact
1729288800100October 202410/19/202419 Oct 2024 - 30 Oct 2024100 Hour Ashtanga Teacher TrainingGokarna€800€925SAVE €50*Contact
1730415600100November 202411/01/202401 Nov 2024 - 12 Nov 2024100 Hour Ashtanga Teacher TrainingGokarna€800€925SAVE €50*Contact
1731970800100November 202411/19/202419 Nov 2024 - 30 Nov 2024100 Hour Ashtanga Teacher TrainingGokarna€800€925SAVE €50*Contact
1733007600100December 202412/01/202401 Dec 2024 - 12 Dec 2024100 Hour Ashtanga Teacher TrainingGokarna€800€925SAVE €50*Contact
1734562800100December 202412/19/202419 Dec 2024 - 30 Dec 2024100 Hour Ashtanga Teacher TrainingGokarna€800€925SAVE €50*Contact
1735686000100January 202501/01/202501 Jan 2025 - 12 Jan 2025100 Hour Ashtanga Teacher TrainingGokarna€800€925SAVE €50*Contact
1737241200100January 202501/19/202519 Jan 2025 - 30 Jan 2025100 Hour Ashtanga Teacher TrainingGokarna€800€925SAVE €50*Contact
1738364400100February 202502/01/202501 Feb 2025 - 12 Feb 2025100 Hour Ashtanga Teacher TrainingGokarna€800€925SAVE €50*Contact
1739919600100February 202502/19/202519 Feb 2025 - 02 Mar 2025100 Hour Ashtanga Teacher TrainingGokarna€800€925SAVE €50*Contact
1740783600100March 202503/01/202501 Mar 2025 - 12 Mar 2025100 Hour Ashtanga Teacher TrainingGokarna€800€925SAVE €50*Contact
1742338800100March 202503/19/202519 Mar 2025 - 30 Mar 2025100 Hour Ashtanga Teacher TrainingGokarna€800€925SAVE €50*Contact
1743458400100April 202504/01/202501 Apr 2025 - 12 Apr 2025100 Hour Ashtanga Teacher TrainingGokarna€800€925SAVE €50*Contact
1745013600100April 202504/19/202519 Apr 2025 - 30 Apr 2025100 Hour Ashtanga Teacher TrainingGokarna€800€925SAVE €50*Contact
1725141600100September 202409/01/202401 Sep 2024 - 12 Sep 2024100 Hour Hatha Teacher TrainingGokarna€800€925SAVE €50*Contact
1726696800100September 202409/19/202419 Sep 2024 - 30 Sep 2024100 Hour Hatha Teacher TrainingGokarna€800€925SAVE €50*Contact
1727733600100October 202410/01/202401 Oct 2024 - 12 Oct 2024100 Hour Hatha Teacher TrainingGokarna€800€925SAVE €50*Contact
1729288800100October 202410/19/202419 Oct 2024 - 30 Oct 2024100 Hour Hatha Teacher TrainingGokarna€800€925SAVE €50*Contact
1730415600100November 202411/01/202401 Nov 2024 - 12 Nov 2024100 Hour Hatha Teacher TrainingGokarna€800€925SAVE €50*Contact
1731970800100November 202411/19/202419 Nov 2024 - 30 Nov 2024100 Hour Hatha Teacher TrainingGokarna€800€925SAVE €50*Contact
1733007600100December 202412/01/202401 Dec 2024 - 12 Dec 2024100 Hour Hatha Teacher TrainingGokarna€800€925SAVE €50*Contact
1734562800100December 202412/19/202419 Dec 2024 - 30 Dec 2024100 Hour Hatha Teacher TrainingGokarna€800€925SAVE €50*Contact
1735686000100January 202501/01/202501 Jan 2025 - 12 Jan 2025100 Hour Hatha Teacher TrainingGokarna€800€925SAVE €50*Contact
1737241200100January 202501/19/202519 Jan 2025 - 30 Jan 2025100 Hour Hatha Teacher TrainingGokarna€800€925SAVE €50*Contact
1738364400100February 202502/01/202501 Feb 2025 - 12 Feb 2025100 Hour Hatha Teacher TrainingGokarna€800€925SAVE €50*Contact
1739919600100February 202502/19/202519 Feb 2025 - 02 Mar 2025100 Hour Hatha Teacher TrainingGokarna€800€925SAVE €50*Contact
1740783600100March 202503/01/202501 Mar 2025 - 12 Mar 2025100 Hour Hatha Teacher TrainingGokarna€800€925SAVE €50*Contact
1742338800100March 202503/19/202519 Mar 2025 - 30 Mar 2025100 Hour Hatha Teacher TrainingGokarna€800€925SAVE €50*Contact
1743458400100April 202504/01/202501 Apr 2025 - 12 Apr 2025100 Hour Hatha Teacher TrainingGokarna€800€925SAVE €50*Contact
1745013600100April 202504/19/202519 Apr 2025 - 30 Apr 2025100 Hour Hatha Teacher TrainingGokarna€800€925SAVE €50*Contact
1725141600100September 202409/01/202401 Sep 2024 - 12 Sep 2024100 Hour Vinyasa Teacher TrainingGokarna€800€925SAVE €50*Contact
1726696800100September 202409/19/202419 Sep 2024 - 30 Sep 2024100 Hour Vinyasa Teacher TrainingGokarna€800€925SAVE €50*Contact
1727733600100October 202410/01/202401 Oct 2024 - 12 Oct 2024100 Hour Vinyasa Teacher TrainingGokarna€800€925SAVE €50*Contact
1729288800100October 202410/19/202419 Oct 2024 - 30 Oct 2024100 Hour Vinyasa Teacher TrainingGokarna€800€925SAVE €50*Contact
1730415600100November 202411/01/202401 Nov 2024 - 12 Nov 2024100 Hour Vinyasa Teacher TrainingGokarna€800€925SAVE €50*Contact
1731970800100November 202411/19/202419 Nov 2024 - 30 Nov 2024100 Hour Vinyasa Teacher TrainingGokarna€800€925SAVE €50*Contact
1733007600100December 202412/01/202401 Dec 2024 - 12 Dec 2024100 Hour Vinyasa Teacher TrainingGokarna€800€925SAVE €50*Contact
1734562800100December 202412/19/202419 Dec 2024 - 30 Dec 2024100 Hour Vinyasa Teacher TrainingGokarna€800€925SAVE €50*Contact
1735686000100January 202501/01/202501 Jan 2025 - 12 Jan 2025100 Hour Vinyasa Teacher TrainingGokarna€800€925SAVE €50*Contact
1737241200100January 202501/19/202519 Jan 2025 - 30 Jan 2025100 Hour Vinyasa Teacher TrainingGokarna€800€925SAVE €50*Contact
1738364400100February 202502/01/202501 Feb 2025 - 12 Feb 2025100 Hour Vinyasa Teacher TrainingGokarna€800€925SAVE €50*Contact
1739919600100February 202502/19/202519 Feb 2025 - 02 Mar 2025100 Hour Vinyasa Teacher TrainingGokarna€800€925SAVE €50*Contact
1740783600100March 202503/01/202501 Mar 2025 - 12 Mar 2025100 Hour Vinyasa Teacher TrainingGokarna€800€925SAVE €50*Contact
1742338800100March 202503/19/202519 Mar 2025 - 30 Mar 2025100 Hour Vinyasa Teacher TrainingGokarna€800€925SAVE €50*Contact
1743458400100April 202504/01/202501 Apr 2025 - 12 Apr 2025100 Hour Vinyasa Teacher TrainingGokarna€800€925SAVE €50*Contact
1745013600100April 202504/19/202519 Apr 2025 - 30 Apr 2025100 Hour Vinyasa Teacher TrainingGokarna€800€925SAVE €50*Contact
1725141600100September 202409/01/202401 Sep 2024 - 12 Sep 2024100 Hour Restorative Teacher TrainingGokarna€800€925SAVE €50*Contact
1726696800100September 202409/19/202419 Sep 2024 - 30 Sep 2024100 Hour Restorative Teacher TrainingGokarna€800€925SAVE €50*Contact
1727733600100October 202410/01/202401 Oct 2024 - 12 Oct 2024100 Hour Restorative Teacher TrainingGokarna€800€925SAVE €50*Contact
1729288800100October 202410/19/202419 Oct 2024 - 30 Oct 2024100 Hour Restorative Teacher TrainingGokarna€800€925SAVE €50*Contact
1730415600100November 202411/01/202401 Nov 2024 - 12 Nov 2024100 Hour Restorative Teacher TrainingGokarna€800€925SAVE €50*Contact
1731970800100November 202411/19/202419 Nov 2024 - 30 Nov 2024100 Hour Restorative Teacher TrainingGokarna€800€925SAVE €50*Contact
1733007600100December 202412/01/202401 Dec 2024 - 12 Dec 2024100 Hour Restorative Teacher TrainingGokarna€800€925SAVE €50*Contact
1734562800100December 202412/19/202419 Dec 2024 - 30 Dec 2024100 Hour Restorative Teacher TrainingGokarna€800€925SAVE €50*Contact
1735686000100January 202501/01/202501 Jan 2025 - 12 Jan 2025100 Hour Restorative Teacher TrainingGokarna€800€925SAVE €50*Contact
1737241200100January 202501/19/202519 Jan 2025 - 30 Jan 2025100 Hour Restorative Teacher TrainingGokarna€800€925SAVE €50*Contact
1738364400100February 202502/01/202501 Feb 2025 - 12 Feb 2025100 Hour Restorative Teacher TrainingGokarna€800€925SAVE €50*Contact
1739919600100February 202502/19/202519 Feb 2025 - 02 Mar 2025100 Hour Restorative Teacher TrainingGokarna€800€925SAVE €50*Contact
1740783600100March 202503/01/202501 Mar 2025 - 12 Mar 2025100 Hour Restorative Teacher TrainingGokarna€800€925SAVE €50*Contact
1742338800100March 202503/19/202519 Mar 2025 - 30 Mar 2025100 Hour Restorative Teacher TrainingGokarna€800€925SAVE €50*Contact
1743458400100April 202504/01/202501 Apr 2025 - 12 Apr 2025100 Hour Restorative Teacher TrainingGokarna€800€925SAVE €50*Contact
1745013600100April 202504/19/202519 Apr 2025 - 30 Apr 2025100 Hour Restorative Teacher TrainingGokarna€800€925SAVE €50*Contact
1725141600100September 202409/01/202401 Sep 2024 - 12 Sep 2024100 Hour Therapeutic Teacher TrainingGokarna€800€925SAVE €50*Contact
1726696800100September 202409/19/202419 Sep 2024 - 30 Sep 2024100 Hour Therapeutic Teacher TrainingGokarna€800€925SAVE €50*Contact
1727733600100October 202410/01/202401 Oct 2024 - 12 Oct 2024100 Hour Therapeutic Teacher TrainingGokarna€800€925SAVE €50*Contact
1729288800100October 202410/19/202419 Oct 2024 - 30 Oct 2024100 Hour Therapeutic Teacher TrainingGokarna€800€925SAVE €50*Contact
1730415600100November 202411/01/202401 Nov 2024 - 12 Nov 2024100 Hour Therapeutic Teacher TrainingGokarna€800€925SAVE €50*Contact
1731970800100November 202411/19/202419 Nov 2024 - 30 Nov 2024100 Hour Therapeutic Teacher TrainingGokarna€800€925SAVE €50*Contact
1733007600100December 202412/01/202401 Dec 2024 - 12 Dec 2024100 Hour Therapeutic Teacher TrainingGokarna€800€925SAVE €50*Contact
1734562800100December 202412/19/202419 Dec 2024 - 30 Dec 2024100 Hour Therapeutic Teacher TrainingGokarna€800€925SAVE €50*Contact
1735686000100January 202501/01/202501 Jan 2025 - 12 Jan 2025100 Hour Therapeutic Teacher TrainingGokarna€800€925SAVE €50*Contact
1737241200100January 202501/19/202519 Jan 2025 - 30 Jan 2025100 Hour Therapeutic Teacher TrainingGokarna€800€925SAVE €50*Contact
1738364400100February 202502/01/202501 Feb 2025 - 12 Feb 2025100 Hour Therapeutic Teacher TrainingGokarna€800€925SAVE €50*Contact
1739919600100February 202502/19/202519 Feb 2025 - 02 Mar 2025100 Hour Therapeutic Teacher TrainingGokarna€800€925SAVE €50*Contact
1740783600100March 202503/01/202501 Mar 2025 - 12 Mar 2025100 Hour Therapeutic Teacher TrainingGokarna€800€925SAVE €50*Contact
1742338800100March 202503/19/202519 Mar 2025 - 30 Mar 2025100 Hour Therapeutic Teacher TrainingGokarna€800€925SAVE €50*Contact
1743458400100April 202504/01/202501 Apr 2025 - 12 Apr 2025100 Hour Therapeutic Teacher TrainingGokarna€800€925SAVE €50*Contact
1745013600100April 202504/19/202519 Apr 2025 - 30 Apr 2025100 Hour Therapeutic Teacher TrainingGokarna€800€925SAVE €50*Contact
1725141600100September 202409/01/202401 Sep 2024 - 12 Sep 2024100 Hour Yin Yoga Teacher TrainingGokarna€800€925SAVE €50*Contact
1726696800100September 202409/19/202419 Sep 2024 - 30 Sep 2024100 Hour Yin Yoga Teacher TrainingGokarna€800€925SAVE €50*Contact
1727733600100October 202410/01/202401 Oct 2024 - 12 Oct 2024100 Hour Yin Yoga Teacher TrainingGokarna€800€925SAVE €50*Contact
1729288800100October 202410/19/202419 Oct 2024 - 30 Oct 2024100 Hour Yin Yoga Teacher TrainingGokarna€800€925SAVE €50*Contact
1730415600100November 202411/01/202401 Nov 2024 - 12 Nov 2024100 Hour Yin Yoga Teacher TrainingGokarna€800€925SAVE €50*Contact
1731970800100November 202411/19/202419 Nov 2024 - 30 Nov 2024100 Hour Yin Yoga Teacher TrainingGokarna€800€925SAVE €50*Contact
1733007600100December 202412/01/202401 Dec 2024 - 12 Dec 2024100 Hour Yin Yoga Teacher TrainingGokarna€800€925SAVE €50*Contact
1734562800100December 202412/19/202419 Dec 2024 - 30 Dec 2024100 Hour Yin Yoga Teacher TrainingGokarna€800€925SAVE €50*Contact
1735686000100January 202501/01/202501 Jan 2025 - 12 Jan 2025100 Hour Yin Yoga Teacher TrainingGokarna€800€925SAVE €50*Contact
1737241200100January 202501/19/202519 Jan 2025 - 30 Jan 2025100 Hour Yin Yoga Teacher TrainingGokarna€800€925SAVE €50*Contact
1738364400100February 202502/01/202501 Feb 2025 - 12 Feb 2025100 Hour Yin Yoga Teacher TrainingGokarna€800€925SAVE €50*Contact
1739919600100February 202502/19/202519 Feb 2025 - 02 Mar 2025100 Hour Yin Yoga Teacher TrainingGokarna€800€925SAVE €50*Contact
1740783600100March 202503/01/202501 Mar 2025 - 12 Mar 2025100 Hour Yin Yoga Teacher TrainingGokarna€800€925SAVE €50*Contact
1742338800100March 202503/19/202519 Mar 2025 - 30 Mar 2025100 Hour Yin Yoga Teacher TrainingGokarna€800€925SAVE €50*Contact
1743458400100April 202504/01/202501 Apr 2025 - 12 Apr 2025100 Hour Yin Yoga Teacher TrainingGokarna€800€925SAVE €50*Contact
1745013600100April 202504/19/202519 Apr 2025 - 30 Apr 2025100 Hour Yin Yoga Teacher TrainingGokarna€800€925SAVE €50*Contact
50May 2024,June 2024,July 2024,August 2024,September 2024,October 2024,November 2024,December 2024,January 2025,February 2025,March 2025,April 2025Every Monday to Saturday50 Hour Yin Yoga Teacher TrainingGokarna€550€675SAVE €50*Contact
50May 2024,June 2024,July 2024,August 2024,September 2024,October 2024,November 2024,December 2024,January 2025,February 2025,March 2025,April 2025Every Monday to Saturday50 Hour Yoga Nidra Teacher TrainingGokarna€550€675SAVE €50*Contact
1716501600500May 202405/24/202424 May 2024 - 17 Jul 2024500 Hour Ashtanga Yoga Teacher TrainingDharamsala€3,300€3,600SAVE €200*Contact
1718661600500June 202406/18/202418 Jun 2024 - 11 Aug 2024500 Hour Ashtanga Yoga Teacher TrainingDharamsala€3,300€3,600SAVE €200*Contact
1720821600500July 202407/13/202413 Jul 2024 - 05 Sep 2024500 Hour Ashtanga Yoga Teacher TrainingDharamsala€3,300€3,600SAVE €200*Contact
1722981600500August 202408/07/202407 Aug 2024 - 30 Sep 2024500 Hour Ashtanga Yoga Teacher TrainingDharamsala€3,300€3,600SAVE €200*Contact
1740783600500March 202503/01/202501 Mar 2025 - 24 Apr 2025500 Hour Ashtanga Yoga Teacher TrainingDharamsala€3,300€3,600SAVE €200*Contact
1742943600500March 202503/26/202526 Mar 2025 - 19 May 2025500 Hour Ashtanga Yoga Teacher TrainingDharamsala€3,300€3,600SAVE €200*Contact
1745100000500April 202504/20/202520 Apr 2025 - 13 Jun 2025500 Hour Ashtanga Yoga Teacher TrainingDharamsala€3,300€3,600SAVE €200*Contact
1747260000500May 202505/15/202515 May 2025 - 08 Jul 2025500 Hour Ashtanga Yoga Teacher TrainingDharamsala€3,300€3,600SAVE €200*Contact
1749420000500June 202506/09/202509 Jun 2025 - 02 Aug 2025500 Hour Ashtanga Yoga Teacher TrainingDharamsala€3,300€3,600SAVE €200*Contact
1751580000500July 202507/04/202504 Jul 2025 - 27 Aug 2025500 Hour Ashtanga Yoga Teacher TrainingDharamsala€3,300€3,600SAVE €200*Contact
1755900000500August 202508/23/202523 Aug 2025 - 16 Oct 2025500 Hour Ashtanga Yoga Teacher TrainingDharamsala€3,300€3,600SAVE €200*Contact
1747260000500May 202505/15/202515 May 2025 - 08 Jun 2025500 Hour Ashtanga Yoga Teacher TrainingDharamsala€3,300€3,600SAVE €200*Contact
1749420000500June 202506/09/202509 Jun 2025 - 02 Aug 2025500 Hour Ashtanga Yoga Teacher TrainingDharamsala€3,300€3,600SAVE €200*Contact
1751580000500July 202507/04/202504 Jul 2025 - 27 Aug 2025500 Hour Ashtanga Yoga Teacher TrainingDharamsala€3,300€3,600SAVE €200*Contact
1753740000500July 202507/29/202529 Jul 2025 - 21 Sep 2025500 Hour Ashtanga Yoga Teacher TrainingDharamsala€3,300€3,600SAVE €200*Contact
1716501600500May 202405/24/202424 May 2024 - 17 Jul 2024500 Hour Hatha Yoga Teacher TrainingDharamsala€3,300€3,600SAVE €200*Contact
1718661600500June 202406/18/202418 Jun 2024 - 11 Aug 2024500 Hour Hatha Yoga Teacher TrainingDharamsala€3,300€3,600SAVE €200*Contact
1720821600500July 202407/13/202413 Jul 2024 - 05 Sep 2024500 Hour Hatha Yoga Teacher TrainingDharamsala€3,300€3,600SAVE €200*Contact
1722981600500August 202408/07/202407 Aug 2024 - 30 Sep 2024500 Hour Hatha Yoga Teacher TrainingDharamsala€3,300€3,600SAVE €200*Contact
1740783600500March 202503/01/202501 Mar 2025 - 24 Apr 2025500 Hour Hatha Yoga Teacher TrainingDharamsala€3,300€3,600SAVE €200*Contact
1742943600500March 202503/26/202526 Mar 2025 - 19 May 2025500 Hour Hatha Yoga Teacher TrainingDharamsala€3,300€3,600SAVE €200*Contact
1745100000500April 202504/20/202520 Apr 2025 - 13 Jun 2025500 Hour Hatha Yoga Teacher TrainingDharamsala€3,300€3,600SAVE €200*Contact
1747260000500May 202505/15/202515 May 2025 - 08 Jul 2025500 Hour Hatha Yoga Teacher TrainingDharamsala€3,300€3,600SAVE €200*Contact
1749420000500June 202506/09/202509 Jun 2025 - 02 Aug 2025500 Hour Hatha Yoga Teacher TrainingDharamsala€3,300€3,600SAVE €200*Contact
1751580000500July 202507/04/202504 Jul 2025 - 27 Aug 2025500 Hour Hatha Yoga Teacher TrainingDharamsala€3,300€3,600SAVE €200*Contact
1755900000500August 202508/23/202523 Aug 2025 - 16 Oct 2025500 Hour Hatha Yoga Teacher TrainingDharamsala€3,300€3,600SAVE €200*Contact
1747260000500May 202505/15/202515 May 2025 - 08 Jun 2025500 Hour Hatha Yoga Teacher TrainingDharamsala€3,300€3,600SAVE €200*Contact
1749420000500June 202506/09/202509 Jun 2025 - 02 Aug 2025500 Hour Hatha Yoga Teacher TrainingDharamsala€3,300€3,600SAVE €200*Contact
1751580000500July 202507/04/202504 Jul 2025 - 27 Aug 2025500 Hour Hatha Yoga Teacher TrainingDharamsala€3,300€3,600SAVE €200*Contact
1753740000500July 202507/29/202529 Jul 2025 - 21 Sep 2025500 Hour Hatha Yoga Teacher TrainingDharamsala€3,300€3,600SAVE €200*Contact
1716501600500May 202405/24/202424 May 2024 - 17 Jul 2024500 Hour Multistyle Yoga Teacher TrainingDharamsala€3,300€3,600SAVE €200*Contact
1718661600500June 202406/18/202418 Jun 2024 - 11 Aug 2024500 Hour Multistyle Yoga Teacher TrainingDharamsala€3,300€3,600SAVE €200*Contact
1720821600500July 202407/13/202413 Jul 2024 - 05 Sep 2024500 Hour Multistyle Yoga Teacher TrainingDharamsala€3,300€3,600SAVE €200*Contact
1722981600500August 202408/07/202407 Aug 2024 - 30 Sep 2024500 Hour Multistyle Yoga Teacher TrainingDharamsala€3,300€3,600SAVE €200*Contact
1740783600500March 202503/01/202501 Mar 2025 - 24 Apr 2025500 Hour Multistyle Yoga Teacher TrainingDharamsala€3,300€3,600SAVE €200*Contact
1742943600500March 202503/26/202526 Mar 2025 - 19 May 2025500 Hour Multistyle Yoga Teacher TrainingDharamsala€3,300€3,600SAVE €200*Contact
1745100000500April 202504/20/202520 Apr 2025 - 13 Jun 2025500 Hour Multistyle Yoga Teacher TrainingDharamsala€3,300€3,600SAVE €200*Contact
1747260000500May 202505/15/202515 May 2025 - 08 Jul 2025500 Hour Multistyle Yoga Teacher TrainingDharamsala€3,300€3,600SAVE €200*Contact
1749420000500June 202506/09/202509 Jun 2025 - 02 Aug 2025500 Hour Multistyle Yoga Teacher TrainingDharamsala€3,300€3,600SAVE €200*Contact
1751580000500July 202507/04/202504 Jul 2025 - 27 Aug 2025500 Hour Multistyle Yoga Teacher TrainingDharamsala€3,300€3,600SAVE €200*Contact
1755900000500August 202508/23/202523 Aug 2025 - 16 Oct 2025500 Hour Multistyle Yoga Teacher TrainingDharamsala€3,300€3,600SAVE €200*Contact
1747260000500May 202505/15/202515 May 2025 - 08 Jun 2025500 Hour Multistyle Yoga Teacher TrainingDharamsala€3,300€3,600SAVE €200*Contact
1749420000500June 202506/09/202509 Jun 2025 - 02 Aug 2025500 Hour Multistyle Yoga Teacher TrainingDharamsala€3,300€3,600SAVE €200*Contact
1751580000500July 202507/04/202504 Jul 2025 - 27 Aug 2025500 Hour Multistyle Yoga Teacher TrainingDharamsala€3,300€3,600SAVE €200*Contact
1753740000500July 202507/29/202529 Jul 2025 - 21 Sep 2025500 Hour Multistyle Yoga Teacher TrainingDharamsala€3,300€3,600SAVE €200*Contact
1716501600500May 202405/24/202424 May 2024 - 17 Jul 2024500 Hour Restorative Yoga Teacher TrainingDharamsala€3,300€3,600SAVE €200*Contact
1718661600500June 202406/18/202418 Jun 2024 - 11 Aug 2024500 Hour Restorative Yoga Teacher TrainingDharamsala€3,300€3,600SAVE €200*Contact
1720821600500July 202407/13/202413 Jul 2024 - 05 Sep 2024500 Hour Restorative Yoga Teacher TrainingDharamsala€3,300€3,600SAVE €200*Contact
1722981600500August 202408/07/202407 Aug 2024 - 30 Sep 2024500 Hour Restorative Yoga Teacher TrainingDharamsala€3,300€3,600SAVE €200*Contact
1740783600500March 202503/01/202501 Mar 2025 - 24 Apr 2025500 Hour Restorative Yoga Teacher TrainingDharamsala€3,300€3,600SAVE €200*Contact
1742943600500March 202503/26/202526 Mar 2025 - 19 May 2025500 Hour Restorative Yoga Teacher TrainingDharamsala€3,300€3,600SAVE €200*Contact
1745100000500April 202504/20/202520 Apr 2025 - 13 Jun 2025500 Hour Restorative Yoga Teacher TrainingDharamsala€3,300€3,600SAVE €200*Contact
1747260000500May 202505/15/202515 May 2025 - 08 Jul 2025500 Hour Restorative Yoga Teacher TrainingDharamsala€3,300€3,600SAVE €200*Contact
1749420000500June 202506/09/202509 Jun 2025 - 02 Aug 2025500 Hour Restorative Yoga Teacher TrainingDharamsala€3,300€3,600SAVE €200*Contact
1751580000500July 202507/04/202504 Jul 2025 - 27 Aug 2025500 Hour Restorative Yoga Teacher TrainingDharamsala€3,300€3,600SAVE €200*Contact
1755900000500August 202508/23/202523 Aug 2025 - 16 Oct 2025500 Hour Restorative Yoga Teacher TrainingDharamsala€3,300€3,600SAVE €200*Contact
1747260000500May 202505/15/202515 May 2025 - 08 Jun 2025500 Hour Restorative Yoga Teacher TrainingDharamsala€3,300€3,600SAVE €200*Contact
1749420000500June 202506/09/202509 Jun 2025 - 02 Aug 2025500 Hour Restorative Yoga Teacher TrainingDharamsala€3,300€3,600SAVE €200*Contact
1751580000500July 202507/04/202504 Jul 2025 - 27 Aug 2025500 Hour Restorative Yoga Teacher TrainingDharamsala€3,300€3,600SAVE €200*Contact
1753740000500July 202507/29/202529 Jul 2025 - 21 Sep 2025500 Hour Restorative Yoga Teacher TrainingDharamsala€3,300€3,600SAVE €200*Contact
1716501600500May 202405/24/202424 May 2024 - 17 Jul 2024500 Hour Therapeutic Yoga Teacher TrainingDharamsala€3,300€3,600SAVE €200*Contact
1718661600500June 202406/18/202418 Jun 2024 - 11 Aug 2024500 Hour Therapeutic Yoga Teacher TrainingDharamsala€3,300€3,600SAVE €200*Contact
1720821600500July 202407/13/202413 Jul 2024 - 05 Sep 2024500 Hour Therapeutic Yoga Teacher TrainingDharamsala€3,300€3,600SAVE €200*Contact
1722981600500August 202408/07/202407 Aug 2024 - 30 Sep 2024500 Hour Therapeutic Yoga Teacher TrainingDharamsala€3,300€3,600SAVE €200*Contact
1740783600500March 202503/01/202501 Mar 2025 - 24 Apr 2025500 Hour Therapeutic Yoga Teacher TrainingDharamsala€3,300€3,600SAVE €200*Contact
1742943600500March 202503/26/202526 Mar 2025 - 19 May 2025500 Hour Therapeutic Yoga Teacher TrainingDharamsala€3,300€3,600SAVE €200*Contact
1745100000500April 202504/20/202520 Apr 2025 - 13 Jun 2025500 Hour Therapeutic Yoga Teacher TrainingDharamsala€3,300€3,600SAVE €200*Contact
1747260000500May 202505/15/202515 May 2025 - 08 Jul 2025500 Hour Therapeutic Yoga Teacher TrainingDharamsala€3,300€3,600SAVE €200*Contact
1749420000500June 202506/09/202509 Jun 2025 - 02 Aug 2025500 Hour Therapeutic Yoga Teacher TrainingDharamsala€3,300€3,600SAVE €200*Contact
1751580000500July 202507/04/202504 Jul 2025 - 27 Aug 2025500 Hour Therapeutic Yoga Teacher TrainingDharamsala€3,300€3,600SAVE €200*Contact
1755900000500August 202508/23/202523 Aug 2025 - 16 Oct 2025500 Hour Therapeutic Yoga Teacher TrainingDharamsala€3,300€3,600SAVE €200*Contact
1747260000500May 202505/15/202515 May 2025 - 08 Jun 2025500 Hour Therapeutic Yoga Teacher TrainingDharamsala€3,300€3,600SAVE €200*Contact
1749420000500June 202506/09/202509 Jun 2025 - 02 Aug 2025500 Hour Therapeutic Yoga Teacher TrainingDharamsala€3,300€3,600SAVE €200*Contact
1751580000500July 202507/04/202504 Jul 2025 - 27 Aug 2025500 Hour Therapeutic Yoga Teacher TrainingDharamsala€3,300€3,600SAVE €200*Contact
1753740000500July 202507/29/202529 Jul 2025 - 21 Sep 2025500 Hour Therapeutic Yoga Teacher TrainingDharamsala€3,300€3,600SAVE €200*Contact
1716501600500May 202405/24/202424 May 2024 - 17 Jul 2024500 Hour Vinyasa Yoga Teacher TrainingDharamsala€3,300€3,600SAVE €200*Contact
1718661600500June 202406/18/202418 Jun 2024 - 11 Aug 2024500 Hour Vinyasa Yoga Teacher TrainingDharamsala€3,300€3,600SAVE €200*Contact
1720821600500July 202407/13/202413 Jul 2024 - 05 Sep 2024500 Hour Vinyasa Yoga Teacher TrainingDharamsala€3,300€3,600SAVE €200*Contact
1722981600500August 202408/07/202407 Aug 2024 - 30 Sep 2024500 Hour Vinyasa Yoga Teacher TrainingDharamsala€3,300€3,600SAVE €200*Contact
1740783600500March 202503/01/202501 Mar 2025 - 24 Apr 2025500 Hour Vinyasa Yoga Teacher TrainingDharamsala€3,300€3,600SAVE €200*Contact
1742943600500March 202503/26/202526 Mar 2025 - 19 May 2025500 Hour Vinyasa Yoga Teacher TrainingDharamsala€3,300€3,600SAVE €200*Contact
1745100000500April 202504/20/202520 Apr 2025 - 13 Jun 2025500 Hour Vinyasa Yoga Teacher TrainingDharamsala€3,300€3,600SAVE €200*Contact
1747260000500May 202505/15/202515 May 2025 - 08 Jul 2025500 Hour Vinyasa Yoga Teacher TrainingDharamsala€3,300€3,600SAVE €200*Contact
1749420000500June 202506/09/202509 Jun 2025 - 02 Aug 2025500 Hour Vinyasa Yoga Teacher TrainingDharamsala€3,300€3,600SAVE €200*Contact
1751580000500July 202507/04/202504 Jul 2025 - 27 Aug 2025500 Hour Vinyasa Yoga Teacher TrainingDharamsala€3,300€3,600SAVE €200*Contact
1755900000500August 202508/23/202523 Aug 2025 - 16 Oct 2025500 Hour Vinyasa Yoga Teacher TrainingDharamsala€3,300€3,600SAVE €200*Contact
1747260000500May 202505/15/202515 May 2025 - 08 Jun 2025500 Hour Vinyasa Yoga Teacher TrainingDharamsala€3,300€3,600SAVE €200*Contact
1749420000500June 202506/09/202509 Jun 2025 - 02 Aug 2025500 Hour Vinyasa Yoga Teacher TrainingDharamsala€3,300€3,600SAVE €200*Contact
1751580000500July 202507/04/202504 Jul 2025 - 27 Aug 2025500 Hour Vinyasa Yoga Teacher TrainingDharamsala€3,300€3,600SAVE €200*Contact
1753740000500July 202507/29/202529 Jul 2025 - 21 Sep 2025500 Hour Vinyasa Yoga Teacher TrainingDharamsala€3,300€3,600SAVE €200*Contact
1716501600500May 202405/24/202424 May 2024 - 17 Jul 2024500 Hour Yin Yoga Teacher TrainingDharamsala€3,300€3,600SAVE €200*Contact
1718661600500June 202406/18/202418 Jun 2024 - 11 Aug 2024500 Hour Yin Yoga Teacher TrainingDharamsala€3,300€3,600SAVE €200*Contact
1720821600500July 202407/13/202413 Jul 2024 - 05 Sep 2024500 Hour Yin Yoga Teacher TrainingDharamsala€3,300€3,600SAVE €200*Contact
1722981600500August 202408/07/202407 Aug 2024 - 30 Sep 2024500 Hour Yin Yoga Teacher TrainingDharamsala€3,300€3,600SAVE €200*Contact
1740783600500March 202503/01/202501 Mar 2025 - 24 Apr 2025500 Hour Yin Yoga Teacher TrainingDharamsala€3,300€3,600SAVE €200*Contact
1742943600500March 202503/26/202526 Mar 2025 - 19 May 2025500 Hour Yin Yoga Teacher TrainingDharamsala€3,300€3,600SAVE €200*Contact
1745100000500April 202504/20/202520 Apr 2025 - 13 Jun 2025500 Hour Yin Yoga Teacher TrainingDharamsala€3,300€3,600SAVE €200*Contact
1747260000500May 202505/15/202515 May 2025 - 08 Jul 2025500 Hour Yin Yoga Teacher TrainingDharamsala€3,300€3,600SAVE €200*Contact
1749420000500June 202506/09/202509 Jun 2025 - 02 Aug 2025500 Hour Yin Yoga Teacher TrainingDharamsala€3,300€3,600SAVE €200*Contact
1751580000500July 202507/04/202504 Jul 2025 - 27 Aug 2025500 Hour Yin Yoga Teacher TrainingDharamsala€3,300€3,600SAVE €200*Contact
1755900000500August 202508/23/202523 Aug 2025 - 16 Oct 2025500 Hour Yin Yoga Teacher TrainingDharamsala€3,300€3,600SAVE €200*Contact
1747260000500May 202505/15/202515 May 2025 - 08 Jun 2025500 Hour Yin Yoga Teacher TrainingDharamsala€3,300€3,600SAVE €200*Contact
1749420000500June 202506/09/202509 Jun 2025 - 02 Aug 2025500 Hour Yin Yoga Teacher TrainingDharamsala€3,300€3,600SAVE €200*Contact
1751580000500July 202507/04/202504 Jul 2025 - 27 Aug 2025500 Hour Yin Yoga Teacher TrainingDharamsala€3,300€3,600SAVE €200*Contact
1753740000500July 202507/29/202529 Jul 2025 - 21 Sep 2025500 Hour Yin Yoga Teacher TrainingDharamsala€3,300€3,600SAVE €200*Contact
1717192800300June 202406/01/202401 Jun 2024 - 30 Jun 2024300 Hour Ashtanga Yoga Teacher TrainingDharamsala€2,100€2,350SAVE €150*Contact
1719784800300July 202407/01/202401 Jul 2024 - 30 Jul 2024300 Hour Ashtanga Yoga Teacher TrainingDharamsala€2,100€2,350SAVE €150*Contact
1722463200300August 202408/01/202401 Aug 2024 - 30 Aug 2024300 Hour Ashtanga Yoga Teacher TrainingDharamsala€2,100€2,350SAVE €150*Contact
1725141600300September 202409/01/202401 Sep 2024 - 30 Sep 2024300 Hour Ashtanga Yoga Teacher TrainingDharamsala€2,100€2,350SAVE €150*Contact
1727733600300October 202410/01/202401 Oct 2024 - 30 Oct 2024300 Hour Ashtanga Yoga Teacher TrainingDharamsala€2,100€2,350SAVE €150*Contact
1740783600300March 202503/01/202501 Mar 2025 - 30 Mar 2025300 Hour Ashtanga Yoga Teacher TrainingDharamsala€2,100€2,350SAVE €150*Contact
1743458400300April 202504/01/202501 Apr 2025 - 30 Apr 2025300 Hour Ashtanga Yoga Teacher TrainingDharamsala€2,100€2,350SAVE €150*Contact
1746050400300May 202505/01/202501 May 2025 - 30 May 2025300 Hour Ashtanga Yoga Teacher TrainingDharamsala€2,100€2,350SAVE €150*Contact
1748728800300June 202506/01/202501 Jun 2025 - 30 Jun 2025300 Hour Ashtanga Yoga Teacher TrainingDharamsala€2,100€2,350SAVE €150*Contact
1751320800300July 202507/01/202501 Jul 2025 - 30 Jul 2025300 Hour Ashtanga Yoga Teacher TrainingDharamsala€2,100€2,350SAVE €150*Contact
1753999200300August 202508/01/202501 Aug 2025 - 30 Aug 2025300 Hour Ashtanga Yoga Teacher TrainingDharamsala€2,100€2,350SAVE €150*Contact
1759269600300October 202510/01/202501 Oct 2025 - 30 Oct 2025300 Hour Ashtanga Yoga Teacher TrainingDharamsala€2,100€2,350SAVE €150*Contact
1748728800300June 202506/01/202501 Jun 2025 - 30 Jun 2025300 Hour Ashtanga Yoga Teacher TrainingDharamsala€2,100€2,350SAVE €150*Contact
1751320800300July 202507/01/202501 Jul 2025 - 30 Jul 2025300 Hour Ashtanga Yoga Teacher TrainingDharamsala€2,100€2,350SAVE €150*Contact
1717192800300June 202406/01/202401 Jun 2024 - 30 Jun 2024300 Hour Hatha Yoga Teacher TrainingDharamsala€2,100€2,350SAVE €150*Contact
1719784800300July 202407/01/202401 Jul 2024 - 30 Jul 2024300 Hour Hatha Yoga Teacher TrainingDharamsala€2,100€2,350SAVE €150*Contact
1722463200300August 202408/01/202401 Aug 2024 - 30 Aug 2024300 Hour Hatha Yoga Teacher TrainingDharamsala€2,100€2,350SAVE €150*Contact
1725141600300September 202409/01/202401 Sep 2024 - 30 Sep 2024300 Hour Hatha Yoga Teacher TrainingDharamsala€2,100€2,350SAVE €150*Contact
1727733600300October 202410/01/202401 Oct 2024 - 30 Oct 2024300 Hour Hatha Yoga Teacher TrainingDharamsala€2,100€2,350SAVE €150*Contact
1740783600300March 202503/01/202501 Mar 2025 - 30 Mar 2025300 Hour Hatha Yoga Teacher TrainingDharamsala€2,100€2,350SAVE €150*Contact
1743458400300April 202504/01/202501 Apr 2025 - 30 Apr 2025300 Hour Hatha Yoga Teacher TrainingDharamsala€2,100€2,350SAVE €150*Contact
1746050400300May 202505/01/202501 May 2025 - 30 May 2025300 Hour Hatha Yoga Teacher TrainingDharamsala€2,100€2,350SAVE €150*Contact
1748728800300June 202506/01/202501 Jun 2025 - 30 Jun 2025300 Hour Hatha Yoga Teacher TrainingDharamsala€2,100€2,350SAVE €150*Contact
1751320800300July 202507/01/202501 Jul 2025 - 30 Jul 2025300 Hour Hatha Yoga Teacher TrainingDharamsala€2,100€2,350SAVE €150*Contact
1753999200300August 202508/01/202501 Aug 2025 - 30 Aug 2025300 Hour Hatha Yoga Teacher TrainingDharamsala€2,100€2,350SAVE €150*Contact
1759269600300October 202510/01/202501 Oct 2025 - 30 Oct 2025300 Hour Hatha Yoga Teacher TrainingDharamsala€2,100€2,350SAVE €150*Contact
1748728800300June 202506/01/202501 Jun 2025 - 30 Jun 2025300 Hour Hatha Yoga Teacher TrainingDharamsala€2,100€2,350SAVE €150*Contact
1751320800300July 202507/01/202501 Jul 2025 - 30 Jul 2025300 Hour Hatha Yoga Teacher TrainingDharamsala€2,100€2,350SAVE €150*Contact
1717192800300June 202406/01/202401 Jun 2024 - 30 Jun 2024300 Hour Multistyle Yoga Teacher TrainingDharamsala€2,100€2,350SAVE €150*Contact
1719784800300July 202407/01/202401 Jul 2024 - 30 Jul 2024300 Hour Multistyle Yoga Teacher TrainingDharamsala€2,100€2,350SAVE €150*Contact
1722463200300August 202408/01/202401 Aug 2024 - 30 Aug 2024300 Hour Multistyle Yoga Teacher TrainingDharamsala€2,100€2,350SAVE €150*Contact
1725141600300September 202409/01/202401 Sep 2024 - 30 Sep 2024300 Hour Multistyle Yoga Teacher TrainingDharamsala€2,100€2,350SAVE €150*Contact
1727733600300October 202410/01/202401 Oct 2024 - 30 Oct 2024300 Hour Multistyle Yoga Teacher TrainingDharamsala€2,100€2,350SAVE €150*Contact
1740783600300March 202503/01/202501 Mar 2025 - 30 Mar 2025300 Hour Multistyle Yoga Teacher TrainingDharamsala€2,100€2,350SAVE €150*Contact
1743458400300April 202504/01/202501 Apr 2025 - 30 Apr 2025300 Hour Multistyle Yoga Teacher TrainingDharamsala€2,100€2,350SAVE €150*Contact
1746050400300May 202505/01/202501 May 2025 - 30 May 2025300 Hour Multistyle Yoga Teacher TrainingDharamsala€2,100€2,350SAVE €150*Contact
1748728800300June 202506/01/202501 Jun 2025 - 30 Jun 2025300 Hour Multistyle Yoga Teacher TrainingDharamsala€2,100€2,350SAVE €150*Contact
1751320800300July 202507/01/202501 Jul 2025 - 30 Jul 2025300 Hour Multistyle Yoga Teacher TrainingDharamsala€2,100€2,350SAVE €150*Contact
1753999200300August 202508/01/202501 Aug 2025 - 30 Aug 2025300 Hour Multistyle Yoga Teacher TrainingDharamsala€2,100€2,350SAVE €150*Contact
1759269600300October 202510/01/202501 Oct 2025 - 30 Oct 2025300 Hour Multistyle Yoga Teacher TrainingDharamsala€2,100€2,350SAVE €150*Contact
1748728800300June 202506/01/202501 Jun 2025 - 30 Jun 2025300 Hour Multistyle Yoga Teacher TrainingDharamsala€2,100€2,350SAVE €150*Contact
1751320800300July 202507/01/202501 Jul 2025 - 30 Jul 2025300 Hour Multistyle Yoga Teacher TrainingDharamsala€2,100€2,350SAVE €150*Contact
1717192800300June 202406/01/202401 Jun 2024 - 30 Jun 2024300 Hour Restorative Yoga Teacher TrainingDharamsala€2,100€2,350SAVE €150*Contact
1719784800300July 202407/01/202401 Jul 2024 - 30 Jul 2024300 Hour Restorative Yoga Teacher TrainingDharamsala€2,100€2,350SAVE €150*Contact
1722463200300August 202408/01/202401 Aug 2024 - 30 Aug 2024300 Hour Restorative Yoga Teacher TrainingDharamsala€2,100€2,350SAVE €150*Contact
1725141600300September 202409/01/202401 Sep 2024 - 30 Sep 2024300 Hour Restorative Yoga Teacher TrainingDharamsala€2,100€2,350SAVE €150*Contact
1727733600300October 202410/01/202401 Oct 2024 - 30 Oct 2024300 Hour Restorative Yoga Teacher TrainingDharamsala€2,100€2,350SAVE €150*Contact
1740783600300March 202503/01/202501 Mar 2025 - 30 Mar 2025300 Hour Restorative Yoga Teacher TrainingDharamsala€2,100€2,350SAVE €150*Contact
1743458400300April 202504/01/202501 Apr 2025 - 30 Apr 2025300 Hour Restorative Yoga Teacher TrainingDharamsala€2,100€2,350SAVE €150*Contact
1746050400300May 202505/01/202501 May 2025 - 30 May 2025300 Hour Restorative Yoga Teacher TrainingDharamsala€2,100€2,350SAVE €150*Contact
1748728800300June 202506/01/202501 Jun 2025 - 30 Jun 2025300 Hour Restorative Yoga Teacher TrainingDharamsala€2,100€2,350SAVE €150*Contact
1751320800300July 202507/01/202501 Jul 2025 - 30 Jul 2025300 Hour Restorative Yoga Teacher TrainingDharamsala€2,100€2,350SAVE €150*Contact
1753999200300August 202508/01/202501 Aug 2025 - 30 Aug 2025300 Hour Restorative Yoga Teacher TrainingDharamsala€2,100€2,350SAVE €150*Contact
1759269600300October 202510/01/202501 Oct 2025 - 30 Oct 2025300 Hour Restorative Yoga Teacher TrainingDharamsala€2,100€2,350SAVE €150*Contact
1748728800300June 202506/01/202501 Jun 2025 - 30 Jun 2025300 Hour Restorative Yoga Teacher TrainingDharamsala€2,100€2,350SAVE €150*Contact
1751320800300July 202507/01/202501 Jul 2025 - 30 Jul 2025300 Hour Restorative Yoga Teacher TrainingDharamsala€2,100€2,350SAVE €150*Contact
1717192800300June 202406/01/202401 Jun 2024 - 30 Jun 2024300 Hour Therapeutic Yoga Teacher TrainingDharamsala€2,100€2,350SAVE €150*Contact
1719784800300July 202407/01/202401 Jul 2024 - 30 Jul 2024300 Hour Therapeutic Yoga Teacher TrainingDharamsala€2,100€2,350SAVE €150*Contact
1722463200300August 202408/01/202401 Aug 2024 - 30 Aug 2024300 Hour Therapeutic Yoga Teacher TrainingDharamsala€2,100€2,350SAVE €150*Contact
1725141600300September 202409/01/202401 Sep 2024 - 30 Sep 2024300 Hour Therapeutic Yoga Teacher TrainingDharamsala€2,100€2,350SAVE €150*Contact
1727733600300October 202410/01/202401 Oct 2024 - 30 Oct 2024300 Hour Therapeutic Yoga Teacher TrainingDharamsala€2,100€2,350SAVE €150*Contact
1740783600300March 202503/01/202501 Mar 2025 - 30 Mar 2025300 Hour Therapeutic Yoga Teacher TrainingDharamsala€2,100€2,350SAVE €150*Contact
1743458400300April 202504/01/202501 Apr 2025 - 30 Apr 2025300 Hour Therapeutic Yoga Teacher TrainingDharamsala€2,100€2,350SAVE €150*Contact
1746050400300May 202505/01/202501 May 2025 - 30 May 2025300 Hour Therapeutic Yoga Teacher TrainingDharamsala€2,100€2,350SAVE €150*Contact
1748728800300June 202506/01/202501 Jun 2025 - 30 Jun 2025300 Hour Therapeutic Yoga Teacher TrainingDharamsala€2,100€2,350SAVE €150*Contact
1751320800300July 202507/01/202501 Jul 2025 - 30 Jul 2025300 Hour Therapeutic Yoga Teacher TrainingDharamsala€2,100€2,350SAVE €150*Contact
1753999200300August 202508/01/202501 Aug 2025 - 30 Aug 2025300 Hour Therapeutic Yoga Teacher TrainingDharamsala€2,100€2,350SAVE €150*Contact
1759269600300October 202510/01/202501 Oct 2025 - 30 Oct 2025300 Hour Therapeutic Yoga Teacher TrainingDharamsala€2,100€2,350SAVE €150*Contact
1748728800300June 202506/01/202501 Jun 2025 - 30 Jun 2025300 Hour Therapeutic Yoga Teacher TrainingDharamsala€2,100€2,350SAVE €150*Contact
1751320800300July 202507/01/202501 Jul 2025 - 30 Jul 2025300 Hour Therapeutic Yoga Teacher TrainingDharamsala€2,100€2,350SAVE €150*Contact
1717192800300June 202406/01/202401 Jun 2024 - 30 Jun 2024300 Hour Vinyasa Yoga Teacher TrainingDharamsala€2,100€2,350SAVE €150*Contact
1719784800300July 202407/01/202401 Jul 2024 - 30 Jul 2024300 Hour Vinyasa Yoga Teacher TrainingDharamsala€2,100€2,350SAVE €150*Contact
1722463200300August 202408/01/202401 Aug 2024 - 30 Aug 2024300 Hour Vinyasa Yoga Teacher TrainingDharamsala€2,100€2,350SAVE €150*Contact
1725141600300September 202409/01/202401 Sep 2024 - 30 Sep 2024300 Hour Vinyasa Yoga Teacher TrainingDharamsala€2,100€2,350SAVE €150*Contact
1727733600300October 202410/01/202401 Oct 2024 - 30 Oct 2024300 Hour Vinyasa Yoga Teacher TrainingDharamsala€2,100€2,350SAVE €150*Contact
1740783600300March 202503/01/202501 Mar 2025 - 30 Mar 2025300 Hour Vinyasa Yoga Teacher TrainingDharamsala€2,100€2,350SAVE €150*Contact
1743458400300April 202504/01/202501 Apr 2025 - 30 Apr 2025300 Hour Vinyasa Yoga Teacher TrainingDharamsala€2,100€2,350SAVE €150*Contact
1746050400300May 202505/01/202501 May 2025 - 30 May 2025300 Hour Vinyasa Yoga Teacher TrainingDharamsala€2,100€2,350SAVE €150*Contact
1748728800300June 202506/01/202501 Jun 2025 - 30 Jun 2025300 Hour Vinyasa Yoga Teacher TrainingDharamsala€2,100€2,350SAVE €150*Contact
1751320800300July 202507/01/202501 Jul 2025 - 30 Jul 2025300 Hour Vinyasa Yoga Teacher TrainingDharamsala€2,100€2,350SAVE €150*Contact
1753999200300August 202508/01/202501 Aug 2025 - 30 Aug 2025300 Hour Vinyasa Yoga Teacher TrainingDharamsala€2,100€2,350SAVE €150*Contact
1759269600300October 202510/01/202501 Oct 2025 - 30 Oct 2025300 Hour Vinyasa Yoga Teacher TrainingDharamsala€2,100€2,350SAVE €150*Contact
1748728800300June 202506/01/202501 Jun 2025 - 30 Jun 2025300 Hour Vinyasa Yoga Teacher TrainingDharamsala€2,100€2,350SAVE €150*Contact
1751320800300July 202507/01/202501 Jul 2025 - 30 Jul 2025300 Hour Vinyasa Yoga Teacher TrainingDharamsala€2,100€2,350SAVE €150*Contact
1717192800300June 202406/01/202401 Jun 2024 - 30 Jun 2024300 Hour Yin Yoga Teacher TrainingDharamsala€2,100€2,350SAVE €150*Contact
1719784800300July 202407/01/202401 Jul 2024 - 30 Jul 2024300 Hour Yin Yoga Teacher TrainingDharamsala€2,100€2,350SAVE €150*Contact
1722463200300August 202408/01/202401 Aug 2024 - 30 Aug 2024300 Hour Yin Yoga Teacher TrainingDharamsala€2,100€2,350SAVE €150*Contact
1725141600300September 202409/01/202401 Sep 2024 - 30 Sep 2024300 Hour Yin Yoga Teacher TrainingDharamsala€2,100€2,350SAVE €150*Contact
1727733600300October 202410/01/202401 Oct 2024 - 30 Oct 2024300 Hour Yin Yoga Teacher TrainingDharamsala€2,100€2,350SAVE €150*Contact
1740783600300March 202503/01/202501 Mar 2025 - 30 Mar 2025300 Hour Yin Yoga Teacher TrainingDharamsala€2,100€2,350SAVE €150*Contact
1743458400300April 202504/01/202501 Apr 2025 - 30 Apr 2025300 Hour Yin Yoga Teacher TrainingDharamsala€2,100€2,350SAVE €150*Contact
1746050400300May 202505/01/202501 May 2025 - 30 May 2025300 Hour Yin Yoga Teacher TrainingDharamsala€2,100€2,350SAVE €150*Contact
1748728800300June 202506/01/202501 Jun 2025 - 30 Jun 2025300 Hour Yin Yoga Teacher TrainingDharamsala€2,100€2,350SAVE €150*Contact
1751320800300July 202507/01/202501 Jul 2025 - 30 Jul 2025300 Hour Yin Yoga Teacher TrainingDharamsala€2,100€2,350SAVE €150*Contact
1753999200300August 202508/01/202501 Aug 2025 - 30 Aug 2025300 Hour Yin Yoga Teacher TrainingDharamsala€2,100€2,350SAVE €150*Contact
1759269600300October 202510/01/202501 Oct 2025 - 30 Oct 2025300 Hour Yin Yoga Teacher TrainingDharamsala€2,100€2,350SAVE €150*Contact
1748728800300June 202506/01/202501 Jun 2025 - 30 Jun 2025300 Hour Yin Yoga Teacher TrainingDharamsala€2,100€2,350SAVE €150*Contact
1751320800300July 202507/01/202501 Jul 2025 - 30 Jul 2025300 Hour Yin Yoga Teacher TrainingDharamsala€2,100€2,350SAVE €150*Contact
1716501600200May 202405/24/202424 May 2024 - 17 Jun 2024200 Hour Ashtanga Teacher TrainingDharamsala€1,500€1,750SAVE €100*Contact
1718661600200June 202406/18/202418 Jun 2024 - 12 Jul 2024200 Hour Ashtanga Teacher TrainingDharamsala€1,500€1,750SAVE €100*Contact
1720821600200July 202407/13/202413 Jul 2024 - 06 Aug 2024200 Hour Ashtanga Teacher TrainingDharamsala€1,500€1,750SAVE €100*Contact
1722981600200August 202408/07/202407 Aug 2024 - 31 Aug 2024200 Hour Ashtanga Teacher TrainingDharamsala€1,500€1,750SAVE €100*Contact
1725141600200September 202409/01/202401 Sep 2024 - 25 Sep 2024200 Hour Ashtanga Teacher TrainingDharamsala€1,500€1,750SAVE €100*Contact
1727301600200September 202409/26/202426 Sep 2024 - 20 Oct 2024200 Hour Ashtanga Teacher TrainingDharamsala€1,500€1,750SAVE €100*Contact
1740783600200March 202503/01/202501 Mar 2025 - 25 Mar 2025200 Hour Ashtanga Teacher TrainingDharamsala€1,500€1,750SAVE €100*Contact
1742943600200March 202503/26/202526 Mar 2025 - 19 Apr 2025200 Hour Ashtanga Teacher TrainingDharamsala€1,500€1,750SAVE €100*Contact
1745100000200April 202504/20/202520 Apr 2025 - 14 May 2025200 Hour Ashtanga Teacher TrainingDharamsala€1,500€1,750SAVE €100*Contact
1747260000200May 202505/15/202515 May 2025 - 08 Jun 2025200 Hour Ashtanga Teacher TrainingDharamsala€1,500€1,750SAVE €100*Contact
1749420000200June 202506/09/202509 Jun 2025 - 03 Jul 2025200 Hour Ashtanga Teacher TrainingDharamsala€1,500€1,750SAVE €100*Contact
1751580000200July 202507/04/202504 Jul 2025 - 28 Jul 2025200 Hour Ashtanga Teacher TrainingDharamsala€1,500€1,750SAVE €100*Contact
1755900000200August 202508/23/202523 Aug 2025 - 16 Sep 2025200 Hour Ashtanga Teacher TrainingDharamsala€1,500€1,750SAVE €100*Contact
1747260000200May 202505/15/202515 May 2025 - 08 Jun 2025200 Hour Ashtanga Teacher TrainingDharamsala€1,500€1,750SAVE €100*Contact
1749420000200June 202506/09/202509 Jun 2025 - 03 Jul 2025200 Hour Ashtanga Teacher TrainingDharamsala€1,500€1,750SAVE €100*Contact
1751580000200July 202507/04/202504 Jul 2025 - 28 Jul 2025200 Hour Ashtanga Teacher TrainingDharamsala€1,500€1,750SAVE €100*Contact
1753740000200July 202507/29/202529 Jul 2025 - 22 Aug 2025200 Hour Ashtanga Teacher TrainingDharamsala€1,500€1,750SAVE €100*Contact
1716501600200May 202405/24/202424 May 2024 - 17 Jun 2024200 Hour Hatha Teacher TrainingDharamsala€1,500€1,750SAVE €100*Contact
1718661600200June 202406/18/202418 Jun 2024 - 12 Jul 2024200 Hour Hatha Teacher TrainingDharamsala€1,500€1,750SAVE €100*Contact
1720821600200July 202407/13/202413 Jul 2024 - 06 Aug 2024200 Hour Hatha Teacher TrainingDharamsala€1,500€1,750SAVE €100*Contact
1722981600200August 202408/07/202407 Aug 2024 - 31 Aug 2024200 Hour Hatha Teacher TrainingDharamsala€1,500€1,750SAVE €100*Contact
1725141600200September 202409/01/202401 Sep 2024 - 25 Sep 2024200 Hour Hatha Teacher TrainingDharamsala€1,500€1,750SAVE €100*Contact
1727301600200September 202409/26/202426 Sep 2024 - 20 Oct 2024200 Hour Hatha Teacher TrainingDharamsala€1,500€1,750SAVE €100*Contact
1740783600200March 202503/01/202501 Mar 2025 - 25 Mar 2025200 Hour Hatha Teacher TrainingDharamsala€1,500€1,750SAVE €100*Contact
1742943600200March 202503/26/202526 Mar 2025 - 19 Apr 2025200 Hour Hatha Teacher TrainingDharamsala€1,500€1,750SAVE €100*Contact
1745100000200April 202504/20/202520 Apr 2025 - 14 May 2025200 Hour Hatha Teacher TrainingDharamsala€1,500€1,750SAVE €100*Contact
1747260000200May 202505/15/202515 May 2025 - 08 Jun 2025200 Hour Hatha Teacher TrainingDharamsala€1,500€1,750SAVE €100*Contact
1749420000200June 202506/09/202509 Jun 2025 - 03 Jul 2025200 Hour Hatha Teacher TrainingDharamsala€1,500€1,750SAVE €100*Contact
1751580000200July 202507/04/202504 Jul 2025 - 28 Jul 2025200 Hour Hatha Teacher TrainingDharamsala€1,500€1,750SAVE €100*Contact
1755900000200August 202508/23/202523 Aug 2025 - 16 Sep 2025200 Hour Hatha Teacher TrainingDharamsala€1,500€1,750SAVE €100*Contact
1747260000200May 202505/15/202515 May 2025 - 08 Jun 2025200 Hour Hatha Teacher TrainingDharamsala€1,500€1,750SAVE €100*Contact
1749420000200June 202506/09/202509 Jun 2025 - 03 Jul 2025200 Hour Hatha Teacher TrainingDharamsala€1,500€1,750SAVE €100*Contact
1751580000200July 202507/04/202504 Jul 2025 - 28 Jul 2025200 Hour Hatha Teacher TrainingDharamsala€1,500€1,750SAVE €100*Contact
1753740000200July 202507/29/202529 Jul 2025 - 22 Aug 2025200 Hour Hatha Teacher TrainingDharamsala€1,500€1,750SAVE €100*Contact
1716501600200May 202405/24/202424 May 2024 - 17 Jun 2024200 Hour Multistyle Teacher TrainingDharamsala€1,500€1,750SAVE €100*Contact
1718661600200June 202406/18/202418 Jun 2024 - 12 Jul 2024200 Hour Multistyle Teacher TrainingDharamsala€1,500€1,750SAVE €100*Contact
1720821600200July 202407/13/202413 Jul 2024 - 06 Aug 2024200 Hour Multistyle Teacher TrainingDharamsala€1,500€1,750SAVE €100*Contact
1722981600200August 202408/07/202407 Aug 2024 - 31 Aug 2024200 Hour Multistyle Teacher TrainingDharamsala€1,500€1,750SAVE €100*Contact
1725141600200September 202409/01/202401 Sep 2024 - 25 Sep 2024200 Hour Multistyle Teacher TrainingDharamsala€1,500€1,750SAVE €100*Contact
1727301600200September 202409/26/202426 Sep 2024 - 20 Oct 2024200 Hour Multistyle Teacher TrainingDharamsala€1,500€1,750SAVE €100*Contact
1740783600200March 202503/01/202501 Mar 2025 - 25 Mar 2025200 Hour Multistyle Teacher TrainingDharamsala€1,500€1,750SAVE €100*Contact
1742943600200March 202503/26/202526 Mar 2025 - 19 Apr 2025200 Hour Multistyle Teacher TrainingDharamsala€1,500€1,750SAVE €100*Contact
1745100000200April 202504/20/202520 Apr 2025 - 14 May 2025200 Hour Multistyle Teacher TrainingDharamsala€1,500€1,750SAVE €100*Contact
1747260000200May 202505/15/202515 May 2025 - 08 Jun 2025200 Hour Multistyle Teacher TrainingDharamsala€1,500€1,750SAVE €100*Contact
1749420000200June 202506/09/202509 Jun 2025 - 03 Jul 2025200 Hour Multistyle Teacher TrainingDharamsala€1,500€1,750SAVE €100*Contact
1751580000200July 202507/04/202504 Jul 2025 - 28 Jul 2025200 Hour Multistyle Teacher TrainingDharamsala€1,500€1,750SAVE €100*Contact
1755900000200August 202508/23/202523 Aug 2025 - 16 Sep 2025200 Hour Multistyle Teacher TrainingDharamsala€1,500€1,750SAVE €100*Contact
1747260000200May 202505/15/202515 May 2025 - 08 Jun 2025200 Hour Multistyle Teacher TrainingDharamsala€1,500€1,750SAVE €100*Contact
1749420000200June 202506/09/202509 Jun 2025 - 03 Jul 2025200 Hour Multistyle Teacher TrainingDharamsala€1,500€1,750SAVE €100*Contact
1751580000200July 202507/04/202504 Jul 2025 - 28 Jul 2025200 Hour Multistyle Teacher TrainingDharamsala€1,500€1,750SAVE €100*Contact
1753740000200July 202507/29/202529 Jul 2025 - 22 Aug 2025200 Hour Multistyle Teacher TrainingDharamsala€1,500€1,750SAVE €100*Contact
1716501600200May 202405/24/202424 May 2024 - 17 Jun 2024200 Hour Restorative Teacher TrainingDharamsala€1,500€1,750SAVE €100*Contact
1718661600200June 202406/18/202418 Jun 2024 - 12 Jul 2024200 Hour Restorative Teacher TrainingDharamsala€1,500€1,750SAVE €100*Contact
1720821600200July 202407/13/202413 Jul 2024 - 06 Aug 2024200 Hour Restorative Teacher TrainingDharamsala€1,500€1,750SAVE €100*Contact
1722981600200August 202408/07/202407 Aug 2024 - 31 Aug 2024200 Hour Restorative Teacher TrainingDharamsala€1,500€1,750SAVE €100*Contact
1725141600200September 202409/01/202401 Sep 2024 - 25 Sep 2024200 Hour Restorative Teacher TrainingDharamsala€1,500€1,750SAVE €100*Contact
1727301600200September 202409/26/202426 Sep 2024 - 20 Oct 2024200 Hour Restorative Teacher TrainingDharamsala€1,500€1,750SAVE €100*Contact
1740783600200March 202503/01/202501 Mar 2025 - 25 Mar 2025200 Hour Restorative Teacher TrainingDharamsala€1,500€1,750SAVE €100*Contact
1742943600200March 202503/26/202526 Mar 2025 - 19 Apr 2025200 Hour Restorative Teacher TrainingDharamsala€1,500€1,750SAVE €100*Contact
1745100000200April 202504/20/202520 Apr 2025 - 14 May 2025200 Hour Restorative Teacher TrainingDharamsala€1,500€1,750SAVE €100*Contact
1747260000200May 202505/15/202515 May 2025 - 08 Jun 2025200 Hour Restorative Teacher TrainingDharamsala€1,500€1,750SAVE €100*Contact
1749420000200June 202506/09/202509 Jun 2025 - 03 Jul 2025200 Hour Restorative Teacher TrainingDharamsala€1,500€1,750SAVE €100*Contact
1751580000200July 202507/04/202504 Jul 2025 - 28 Jul 2025200 Hour Restorative Teacher TrainingDharamsala€1,500€1,750SAVE €100*Contact
1755900000200August 202508/23/202523 Aug 2025 - 16 Sep 2025200 Hour Restorative Teacher TrainingDharamsala€1,500€1,750SAVE €100*Contact
1747260000200May 202505/15/202515 May 2025 - 08 Jun 2025200 Hour Restorative Teacher TrainingDharamsala€1,500€1,750SAVE €100*Contact
1749420000200June 202506/09/202509 Jun 2025 - 03 Jul 2025200 Hour Restorative Teacher TrainingDharamsala€1,500€1,750SAVE €100*Contact
1751580000200July 202507/04/202504 Jul 2025 - 28 Jul 2025200 Hour Restorative Teacher TrainingDharamsala€1,500€1,750SAVE €100*Contact
1753740000200July 202507/29/202529 Jul 2025 - 22 Aug 2025200 Hour Restorative Teacher TrainingDharamsala€1,500€1,750SAVE €100*Contact
1716501600200May 202405/24/202424 May 2024 - 17 Jun 2024200 Hour Therapeutic Teacher TrainingDharamsala€1,500€1,750SAVE €100*Contact
1718661600200June 202406/18/202418 Jun 2024 - 12 Jul 2024200 Hour Therapeutic Teacher TrainingDharamsala€1,500€1,750SAVE €100*Contact
1720821600200July 202407/13/202413 Jul 2024 - 06 Aug 2024200 Hour Therapeutic Teacher TrainingDharamsala€1,500€1,750SAVE €100*Contact
1722981600200August 202408/07/202407 Aug 2024 - 31 Aug 2024200 Hour Therapeutic Teacher TrainingDharamsala€1,500€1,750SAVE €100*Contact
1725141600200September 202409/01/202401 Sep 2024 - 25 Sep 2024200 Hour Therapeutic Teacher TrainingDharamsala€1,500€1,750SAVE €100*Contact
1727301600200September 202409/26/202426 Sep 2024 - 20 Oct 2024200 Hour Therapeutic Teacher TrainingDharamsala€1,500€1,750SAVE €100*Contact
1740783600200March 202503/01/202501 Mar 2025 - 25 Mar 2025200 Hour Therapeutic Teacher TrainingDharamsala€1,500€1,750SAVE €100*Contact
1742943600200March 202503/26/202526 Mar 2025 - 19 Apr 2025200 Hour Therapeutic Teacher TrainingDharamsala€1,500€1,750SAVE €100*Contact
1745100000200April 202504/20/202520 Apr 2025 - 14 May 2025200 Hour Therapeutic Teacher TrainingDharamsala€1,500€1,750SAVE €100*Contact
1747260000200May 202505/15/202515 May 2025 - 08 Jun 2025200 Hour Therapeutic Teacher TrainingDharamsala€1,500€1,750SAVE €100*Contact
1749420000200June 202506/09/202509 Jun 2025 - 03 Jul 2025200 Hour Therapeutic Teacher TrainingDharamsala€1,500€1,750SAVE €100*Contact
1751580000200July 202507/04/202504 Jul 2025 - 28 Jul 2025200 Hour Therapeutic Teacher TrainingDharamsala€1,500€1,750SAVE €100*Contact
1755900000200August 202508/23/202523 Aug 2025 - 16 Sep 2025200 Hour Therapeutic Teacher TrainingDharamsala€1,500€1,750SAVE €100*Contact
1747260000200May 202505/15/202515 May 2025 - 08 Jun 2025200 Hour Therapeutic Teacher TrainingDharamsala€1,500€1,750SAVE €100*Contact
1749420000200June 202506/09/202509 Jun 2025 - 03 Jul 2025200 Hour Therapeutic Teacher TrainingDharamsala€1,500€1,750SAVE €100*Contact
1751580000200July 202507/04/202504 Jul 2025 - 28 Jul 2025200 Hour Therapeutic Teacher TrainingDharamsala€1,500€1,750SAVE €100*Contact
1753740000200July 202507/29/202529 Jul 2025 - 22 Aug 2025200 Hour Therapeutic Teacher TrainingDharamsala€1,500€1,750SAVE €100*Contact
1716501600200May 202405/24/202424 May 2024 - 17 Jun 2024200 Hour Vinyasa Teacher TrainingDharamsala€1,500€1,750SAVE €100*Contact
1718661600200June 202406/18/202418 Jun 2024 - 12 Jul 2024200 Hour Vinyasa Teacher TrainingDharamsala€1,500€1,750SAVE €100*Contact
1720821600200July 202407/13/202413 Jul 2024 - 06 Aug 2024200 Hour Vinyasa Teacher TrainingDharamsala€1,500€1,750SAVE €100*Contact
1722981600200August 202408/07/202407 Aug 2024 - 31 Aug 2024200 Hour Vinyasa Teacher TrainingDharamsala€1,500€1,750SAVE €100*Contact
1725141600200September 202409/01/202401 Sep 2024 - 25 Sep 2024200 Hour Vinyasa Teacher TrainingDharamsala€1,500€1,750SAVE €100*Contact
1727301600200September 202409/26/202426 Sep 2024 - 20 Oct 2024200 Hour Vinyasa Teacher TrainingDharamsala€1,500€1,750SAVE €100*Contact
1740783600200March 202503/01/202501 Mar 2025 - 25 Mar 2025200 Hour Vinyasa Teacher TrainingDharamsala€1,500€1,750SAVE €100*Contact
1742943600200March 202503/26/202526 Mar 2025 - 19 Apr 2025200 Hour Vinyasa Teacher TrainingDharamsala€1,500€1,750SAVE €100*Contact
1745100000200April 202504/20/202520 Apr 2025 - 14 May 2025200 Hour Vinyasa Teacher TrainingDharamsala€1,500€1,750SAVE €100*Contact
1747260000200May 202505/15/202515 May 2025 - 08 Jun 2025200 Hour Vinyasa Teacher TrainingDharamsala€1,500€1,750SAVE €100*Contact
1749420000200June 202506/09/202509 Jun 2025 - 03 Jul 2025200 Hour Vinyasa Teacher TrainingDharamsala€1,500€1,750SAVE €100*Contact
1751580000200July 202507/04/202504 Jul 2025 - 28 Jul 2025200 Hour Vinyasa Teacher TrainingDharamsala€1,500€1,750SAVE €100*Contact
1755900000200August 202508/23/202523 Aug 2025 - 16 Sep 2025200 Hour Vinyasa Teacher TrainingDharamsala€1,500€1,750SAVE €100*Contact
1747260000200May 202505/15/202515 May 2025 - 08 Jun 2025200 Hour Vinyasa Teacher TrainingDharamsala€1,500€1,750SAVE €100*Contact
1749420000200June 202506/09/202509 Jun 2025 - 03 Jul 2025200 Hour Vinyasa Teacher TrainingDharamsala€1,500€1,750SAVE €100*Contact
1751580000200July 202507/04/202504 Jul 2025 - 28 Jul 2025200 Hour Vinyasa Teacher TrainingDharamsala€1,500€1,750SAVE €100*Contact
1753740000200July 202507/29/202529 Jul 2025 - 22 Aug 2025200 Hour Vinyasa Teacher TrainingDharamsala€1,500€1,750SAVE €100*Contact
1716501600200May 202405/24/202424 May 2024 - 17 Jun 2024200 Hour Yin Yoga Teacher TrainingDharamsala€1,500€1,750SAVE €100*Contact
1718661600200June 202406/18/202418 Jun 2024 - 12 Jul 2024200 Hour Yin Yoga Teacher TrainingDharamsala€1,500€1,750SAVE €100*Contact
1720821600200July 202407/13/202413 Jul 2024 - 06 Aug 2024200 Hour Yin Yoga Teacher TrainingDharamsala€1,500€1,750SAVE €100*Contact
1722981600200August 202408/07/202407 Aug 2024 - 31 Aug 2024200 Hour Yin Yoga Teacher TrainingDharamsala€1,500€1,750SAVE €100*Contact
1725141600200September 202409/01/202401 Sep 2024 - 25 Sep 2024200 Hour Yin Yoga Teacher TrainingDharamsala€1,500€1,750SAVE €100*Contact
1727301600200September 202409/26/202426 Sep 2024 - 20 Oct 2024200 Hour Yin Yoga Teacher TrainingDharamsala€1,500€1,750SAVE €100*Contact
1740783600200March 202503/01/202501 Mar 2025 - 25 Mar 2025200 Hour Yin Yoga Teacher TrainingDharamsala€1,500€1,750SAVE €100*Contact
1742943600200March 202503/26/202526 Mar 2025 - 19 Apr 2025200 Hour Yin Yoga Teacher TrainingDharamsala€1,500€1,750SAVE €100*Contact
1745100000200April 202504/20/202520 Apr 2025 - 14 May 2025200 Hour Yin Yoga Teacher TrainingDharamsala€1,500€1,750SAVE €100*Contact
1747260000200May 202505/15/202515 May 2025 - 08 Jun 2025200 Hour Yin Yoga Teacher TrainingDharamsala€1,500€1,750SAVE €100*Contact
1749420000200June 202506/09/202509 Jun 2025 - 03 Jul 2025200 Hour Yin Yoga Teacher TrainingDharamsala€1,500€1,750SAVE €100*Contact
1751580000200July 202507/04/202504 Jul 2025 - 28 Jul 2025200 Hour Yin Yoga Teacher TrainingDharamsala€1,500€1,750SAVE €100*Contact
1755900000200August 202508/23/202523 Aug 2025 - 16 Sep 2025200 Hour Yin Yoga Teacher TrainingDharamsala€1,500€1,750SAVE €100*Contact
1747260000200May 202505/15/202515 May 2025 - 08 Jun 2025200 Hour Yin Yoga Teacher TrainingDharamsala€1,500€1,750SAVE €100*Contact
1749420000200June 202506/09/202509 Jun 2025 - 03 Jul 2025200 Hour Yin Yoga Teacher TrainingDharamsala€1,500€1,750SAVE €100*Contact
1751580000200July 202507/04/202504 Jul 2025 - 28 Jul 2025200 Hour Yin Yoga Teacher TrainingDharamsala€1,500€1,750SAVE €100*Contact
1753740000200July 202507/29/202529 Jul 2025 - 22 Aug 2025200 Hour Yin Yoga Teacher TrainingDharamsala€1,500€1,750SAVE €100*Contact
1717192800100June 202406/01/202401 Jun 2024 - 12 Jun 2024100 Hour Ashtanga Teacher TrainingDharamsala€800€925SAVE €50*Contact
1718748000100June 202406/19/202419 Jun 2024 - 30 Jun 2024100 Hour Ashtanga Teacher TrainingDharamsala€800€925SAVE €50*Contact
1719784800100July 202407/01/202401 Jul 2024 - 12 Jul 2024100 Hour Ashtanga Teacher TrainingDharamsala€800€925SAVE €50*Contact
1721340000100July 202407/19/202419 Jul 2024 - 30 Jul 2024100 Hour Ashtanga Teacher TrainingDharamsala€800€925SAVE €50*Contact
1722463200100August 202408/01/202401 Aug 2024 - 12 Aug 2024100 Hour Ashtanga Teacher TrainingDharamsala€800€925SAVE €50*Contact
1724018400100August 202408/19/202419 Aug 2024 - 30 Aug 2024100 Hour Ashtanga Teacher TrainingDharamsala€800€925SAVE €50*Contact
1725141600100September 202409/01/202401 Sep 2024 - 12 Sep 2024100 Hour Ashtanga Teacher TrainingDharamsala€800€925SAVE €50*Contact
1726696800100September 202409/19/202419 Sep 2024 - 30 Sep 2024100 Hour Ashtanga Teacher TrainingDharamsala€800€925SAVE €50*Contact
1740783600100March 202503/01/202501 Mar 2025 - 12 Mar 2025100 Hour Ashtanga Teacher TrainingDharamsala€800€925SAVE €50*Contact
1742338800100March 202503/19/202519 Mar 2025 - 30 Mar 2025100 Hour Ashtanga Teacher TrainingDharamsala€800€925SAVE €50*Contact
1743458400100April 202504/01/202501 Apr 2025 - 12 Apr 2025100 Hour Ashtanga Teacher TrainingDharamsala€800€925SAVE €50*Contact
1745013600100April 202504/19/202519 Apr 2025 - 30 Apr 2025100 Hour Ashtanga Teacher TrainingDharamsala€800€925SAVE €50*Contact
1746050400100May 202505/01/202501 May 2025 - 12 May 2025100 Hour Ashtanga Teacher TrainingDharamsala€800€925SAVE €50*Contact
1747605600100May 202505/19/202519 May 2025 - 30 May 2025100 Hour Ashtanga Teacher TrainingDharamsala€800€925SAVE €50*Contact
1748728800100June 202506/01/202501 Jun 2025 - 12 Jun 2025100 Hour Ashtanga Teacher TrainingDharamsala€800€925SAVE €50*Contact
1750284000100June 202506/19/202519 Jun 2025 - 30 Jun 2025100 Hour Ashtanga Teacher TrainingDharamsala€800€925SAVE €50*Contact
1751320800100July 202507/01/202501 Jul 2025 - 12 Jul 2025100 Hour Ashtanga Teacher TrainingDharamsala€800€925SAVE €50*Contact
1752876000100July 202507/19/202519 Jul 2025 - 30 Jul 2025100 Hour Ashtanga Teacher TrainingDharamsala€800€925SAVE €50*Contact
1753999200100August 202508/01/202501 Aug 2025 - 12 Aug 2025100 Hour Ashtanga Teacher TrainingDharamsala€800€925SAVE €50*Contact
1717192800100June 202406/01/202401 Jun 2024 - 12 Jun 2024100 Hour Hatha Teacher TrainingDharamsala€800€925SAVE €50*Contact
1718748000100June 202406/19/202419 Jun 2024 - 30 Jun 2024100 Hour Hatha Teacher TrainingDharamsala€800€925SAVE €50*Contact
1719784800100July 202407/01/202401 Jul 2024 - 12 Jul 2024100 Hour Hatha Teacher TrainingDharamsala€800€925SAVE €50*Contact
1721340000100July 202407/19/202419 Jul 2024 - 30 Jul 2024100 Hour Hatha Teacher TrainingDharamsala€800€925SAVE €50*Contact
1722463200100August 202408/01/202401 Aug 2024 - 12 Aug 2024100 Hour Hatha Teacher TrainingDharamsala€800€925SAVE €50*Contact
1724018400100August 202408/19/202419 Aug 2024 - 30 Aug 2024100 Hour Hatha Teacher TrainingDharamsala€800€925SAVE €50*Contact
1725141600100September 202409/01/202401 Sep 2024 - 12 Sep 2024100 Hour Hatha Teacher TrainingDharamsala€800€925SAVE €50*Contact
1726696800100September 202409/19/202419 Sep 2024 - 30 Sep 2024100 Hour Hatha Teacher TrainingDharamsala€800€925SAVE €50*Contact
1740783600100March 202503/01/202501 Mar 2025 - 12 Mar 2025100 Hour Hatha Teacher TrainingDharamsala€800€925SAVE €50*Contact
1742338800100March 202503/19/202519 Mar 2025 - 30 Mar 2025100 Hour Hatha Teacher TrainingDharamsala€800€925SAVE €50*Contact
1743458400100April 202504/01/202501 Apr 2025 - 12 Apr 2025100 Hour Hatha Teacher TrainingDharamsala€800€925SAVE €50*Contact
1745013600100April 202504/19/202519 Apr 2025 - 30 Apr 2025100 Hour Hatha Teacher TrainingDharamsala€800€925SAVE €50*Contact
1746050400100May 202505/01/202501 May 2025 - 12 May 2025100 Hour Hatha Teacher TrainingDharamsala€800€925SAVE €50*Contact
1747605600100May 202505/19/202519 May 2025 - 30 May 2025100 Hour Hatha Teacher TrainingDharamsala€800€925SAVE €50*Contact
1748728800100June 202506/01/202501 Jun 2025 - 12 Jun 2025100 Hour Hatha Teacher TrainingDharamsala€800€925SAVE €50*Contact
1750284000100June 202506/19/202519 Jun 2025 - 30 Jun 2025100 Hour Hatha Teacher TrainingDharamsala€800€925SAVE €50*Contact
1751320800100July 202507/01/202501 Jul 2025 - 12 Jul 2025100 Hour Hatha Teacher TrainingDharamsala€800€925SAVE €50*Contact
1752876000100July 202507/19/202519 Jul 2025 - 30 Jul 2025100 Hour Hatha Teacher TrainingDharamsala€800€925SAVE €50*Contact
1753999200100August 202508/01/202501 Aug 2025 - 12 Aug 2025100 Hour Hatha Teacher TrainingDharamsala€800€925SAVE €50*Contact
1717192800100June 202406/01/202401 Jun 2024 - 12 Jun 2024100 Hour Vinyasa Teacher TrainingDharamsala€800€925SAVE €50*Contact
1718748000100June 202406/19/202419 Jun 2024 - 30 Jun 2024100 Hour Vinyasa Teacher TrainingDharamsala€800€925SAVE €50*Contact
1719784800100July 202407/01/202401 Jul 2024 - 12 Jul 2024100 Hour Vinyasa Teacher TrainingDharamsala€800€925SAVE €50*Contact
1721340000100July 202407/19/202419 Jul 2024 - 30 Jul 2024100 Hour Vinyasa Teacher TrainingDharamsala€800€925SAVE €50*Contact
1722463200100August 202408/01/202401 Aug 2024 - 12 Aug 2024100 Hour Vinyasa Teacher TrainingDharamsala€800€925SAVE €50*Contact
1724018400100August 202408/19/202419 Aug 2024 - 30 Aug 2024100 Hour Vinyasa Teacher TrainingDharamsala€800€925SAVE €50*Contact
1725141600100September 202409/01/202401 Sep 2024 - 12 Sep 2024100 Hour Vinyasa Teacher TrainingDharamsala€800€925SAVE €50*Contact
1726696800100September 202409/19/202419 Sep 2024 - 30 Sep 2024100 Hour Vinyasa Teacher TrainingDharamsala€800€925SAVE €50*Contact
1740783600100March 202503/01/202501 Mar 2025 - 12 Mar 2025100 Hour Vinyasa Teacher TrainingDharamsala€800€925SAVE €50*Contact
1742338800100March 202503/19/202519 Mar 2025 - 30 Mar 2025100 Hour Vinyasa Teacher TrainingDharamsala€800€925SAVE €50*Contact
1743458400100April 202504/01/202501 Apr 2025 - 12 Apr 2025100 Hour Vinyasa Teacher TrainingDharamsala€800€925SAVE €50*Contact
1745013600100April 202504/19/202519 Apr 2025 - 30 Apr 2025100 Hour Vinyasa Teacher TrainingDharamsala€800€925SAVE €50*Contact
1746050400100May 202505/01/202501 May 2025 - 12 May 2025100 Hour Vinyasa Teacher TrainingDharamsala€800€925SAVE €50*Contact
1747605600100May 202505/19/202519 May 2025 - 30 May 2025100 Hour Vinyasa Teacher TrainingDharamsala€800€925SAVE €50*Contact
1748728800100June 202506/01/202501 Jun 2025 - 12 Jun 2025100 Hour Vinyasa Teacher TrainingDharamsala€800€925SAVE €50*Contact
1750284000100June 202506/19/202519 Jun 2025 - 30 Jun 2025100 Hour Vinyasa Teacher TrainingDharamsala€800€925SAVE €50*Contact
1751320800100July 202507/01/202501 Jul 2025 - 12 Jul 2025100 Hour Vinyasa Teacher TrainingDharamsala€800€925SAVE €50*Contact
1752876000100July 202507/19/202519 Jul 2025 - 30 Jul 2025100 Hour Vinyasa Teacher TrainingDharamsala€800€925SAVE €50*Contact
1753999200100August 202508/01/202501 Aug 2025 - 12 Aug 2025100 Hour Vinyasa Teacher TrainingDharamsala€800€925SAVE €50*Contact
1717192800100June 202406/01/202401 Jun 2024 - 12 Jun 2024100 Hour Restorative Teacher TrainingDharamsala€800€925SAVE €50*Contact
1718748000100June 202406/19/202419 Jun 2024 - 30 Jun 2024100 Hour Restorative Teacher TrainingDharamsala€800€925SAVE €50*Contact
1719784800100July 202407/01/202401 Jul 2024 - 12 Jul 2024100 Hour Restorative Teacher TrainingDharamsala€800€925SAVE €50*Contact
1721340000100July 202407/19/202419 Jul 2024 - 30 Jul 2024100 Hour Restorative Teacher TrainingDharamsala€800€925SAVE €50*Contact
1722463200100August 202408/01/202401 Aug 2024 - 12 Aug 2024100 Hour Restorative Teacher TrainingDharamsala€800€925SAVE €50*Contact
1724018400100August 202408/19/202419 Aug 2024 - 30 Aug 2024100 Hour Restorative Teacher TrainingDharamsala€800€925SAVE €50*Contact
1725141600100September 202409/01/202401 Sep 2024 - 12 Sep 2024100 Hour Restorative Teacher TrainingDharamsala€800€925SAVE €50*Contact
1726696800100September 202409/19/202419 Sep 2024 - 30 Sep 2024100 Hour Restorative Teacher TrainingDharamsala€800€925SAVE €50*Contact
1740783600100March 202503/01/202501 Mar 2025 - 12 Mar 2025100 Hour Restorative Teacher TrainingDharamsala€800€925SAVE €50*Contact
1742338800100March 202503/19/202519 Mar 2025 - 30 Mar 2025100 Hour Restorative Teacher TrainingDharamsala€800€925SAVE €50*Contact
1743458400100April 202504/01/202501 Apr 2025 - 12 Apr 2025100 Hour Restorative Teacher TrainingDharamsala€800€925SAVE €50*Contact
1745013600100April 202504/19/202519 Apr 2025 - 30 Apr 2025100 Hour Restorative Teacher TrainingDharamsala€800€925SAVE €50*Contact
1746050400100May 202505/01/202501 May 2025 - 12 May 2025100 Hour Restorative Teacher TrainingDharamsala€800€925SAVE €50*Contact
1747605600100May 202505/19/202519 May 2025 - 30 May 2025100 Hour Restorative Teacher TrainingDharamsala€800€925SAVE €50*Contact
1748728800100June 202506/01/202501 Jun 2025 - 12 Jun 2025100 Hour Restorative Teacher TrainingDharamsala€800€925SAVE €50*Contact
1750284000100June 202506/19/202519 Jun 2025 - 30 Jun 2025100 Hour Restorative Teacher TrainingDharamsala€800€925SAVE €50*Contact
1751320800100July 202507/01/202501 Jul 2025 - 12 Jul 2025100 Hour Restorative Teacher TrainingDharamsala€800€925SAVE €50*Contact
1752876000100July 202507/19/202519 Jul 2025 - 30 Jul 2025100 Hour Restorative Teacher TrainingDharamsala€800€925SAVE €50*Contact
1753999200100August 202508/01/202501 Aug 2025 - 12 Aug 2025100 Hour Restorative Teacher TrainingDharamsala€800€925SAVE €50*Contact
1717192800100June 202406/01/202401 Jun 2024 - 12 Jun 2024100 Hour Therapeutic Teacher TrainingDharamsala€800€925SAVE €50*Contact
1718748000100June 202406/19/202419 Jun 2024 - 30 Jun 2024100 Hour Therapeutic Teacher TrainingDharamsala€800€925SAVE €50*Contact
1719784800100July 202407/01/202401 Jul 2024 - 12 Jul 2024100 Hour Therapeutic Teacher TrainingDharamsala€800€925SAVE €50*Contact
1721340000100July 202407/19/202419 Jul 2024 - 30 Jul 2024100 Hour Therapeutic Teacher TrainingDharamsala€800€925SAVE €50*Contact
1722463200100August 202408/01/202401 Aug 2024 - 12 Aug 2024100 Hour Therapeutic Teacher TrainingDharamsala€800€925SAVE €50*Contact
1724018400100August 202408/19/202419 Aug 2024 - 30 Aug 2024100 Hour Therapeutic Teacher TrainingDharamsala€800€925SAVE €50*Contact
1725141600100September 202409/01/202401 Sep 2024 - 12 Sep 2024100 Hour Therapeutic Teacher TrainingDharamsala€800€925SAVE €50*Contact
1726696800100September 202409/19/202419 Sep 2024 - 30 Sep 2024100 Hour Therapeutic Teacher TrainingDharamsala€800€925SAVE €50*Contact
1740783600100March 202503/01/202501 Mar 2025 - 12 Mar 2025100 Hour Therapeutic Teacher TrainingDharamsala€800€925SAVE €50*Contact
1742338800100March 202503/19/202519 Mar 2025 - 30 Mar 2025100 Hour Therapeutic Teacher TrainingDharamsala€800€925SAVE €50*Contact
1743458400100April 202504/01/202501 Apr 2025 - 12 Apr 2025100 Hour Therapeutic Teacher TrainingDharamsala€800€925SAVE €50*Contact
1745013600100April 202504/19/202519 Apr 2025 - 30 Apr 2025100 Hour Therapeutic Teacher TrainingDharamsala€800€925SAVE €50*Contact
1746050400100May 202505/01/202501 May 2025 - 12 May 2025100 Hour Therapeutic Teacher TrainingDharamsala€800€925SAVE €50*Contact
1747605600100May 202505/19/202519 May 2025 - 30 May 2025100 Hour Therapeutic Teacher TrainingDharamsala€800€925SAVE €50*Contact
1748728800100June 202506/01/202501 Jun 2025 - 12 Jun 2025100 Hour Therapeutic Teacher TrainingDharamsala€800€925SAVE €50*Contact
1750284000100June 202506/19/202519 Jun 2025 - 30 Jun 2025100 Hour Therapeutic Teacher TrainingDharamsala€800€925SAVE €50*Contact
1751320800100July 202507/01/202501 Jul 2025 - 12 Jul 2025100 Hour Therapeutic Teacher TrainingDharamsala€800€925SAVE €50*Contact
1752876000100July 202507/19/202519 Jul 2025 - 30 Jul 2025100 Hour Therapeutic Teacher TrainingDharamsala€800€925SAVE €50*Contact
1753999200100August 202508/01/202501 Aug 2025 - 12 Aug 2025100 Hour Therapeutic Teacher TrainingDharamsala€800€925SAVE €50*Contact
1717192800100June 202406/01/202401 Jun 2024 - 12 Jun 2024100 Hour Yin Yoga Teacher TrainingDharamsala€800€925SAVE €50*Contact
1718748000100June 202406/19/202419 Jun 2024 - 30 Jun 2024100 Hour Yin Yoga Teacher TrainingDharamsala€800€925SAVE €50*Contact
1719784800100July 202407/01/202401 Jul 2024 - 12 Jul 2024100 Hour Yin Yoga Teacher TrainingDharamsala€800€925SAVE €50*Contact
1721340000100July 202407/19/202419 Jul 2024 - 30 Jul 2024100 Hour Yin Yoga Teacher TrainingDharamsala€800€925SAVE €50*Contact
1722463200100August 202408/01/202401 Aug 2024 - 12 Aug 2024100 Hour Yin Yoga Teacher TrainingDharamsala€800€925SAVE €50*Contact
1724018400100August 202408/19/202419 Aug 2024 - 30 Aug 2024100 Hour Yin Yoga Teacher TrainingDharamsala€800€925SAVE €50*Contact
1725141600100September 202409/01/202401 Sep 2024 - 12 Sep 2024100 Hour Yin Yoga Teacher TrainingDharamsala€800€925SAVE €50*Contact
1726696800100September 202409/19/202419 Sep 2024 - 30 Sep 2024100 Hour Yin Yoga Teacher TrainingDharamsala€800€925SAVE €50*Contact
1740783600100March 202503/01/202501 Mar 2025 - 12 Mar 2025100 Hour Yin Yoga Teacher TrainingDharamsala€800€925SAVE €50*Contact
1742338800100March 202503/19/202519 Mar 2025 - 30 Mar 2025100 Hour Yin Yoga Teacher TrainingDharamsala€800€925SAVE €50*Contact
1743458400100April 202504/01/202501 Apr 2025 - 12 Apr 2025100 Hour Yin Yoga Teacher TrainingDharamsala€800€925SAVE €50*Contact
1745013600100April 202504/19/202519 Apr 2025 - 30 Apr 2025100 Hour Yin Yoga Teacher TrainingDharamsala€800€925SAVE €50*Contact
1746050400100May 202505/01/202501 May 2025 - 12 May 2025100 Hour Yin Yoga Teacher TrainingDharamsala€800€925SAVE €50*Contact
1747605600100May 202505/19/202519 May 2025 - 30 May 2025100 Hour Yin Yoga Teacher TrainingDharamsala€800€925SAVE €50*Contact
1748728800100June 202506/01/202501 Jun 2025 - 12 Jun 2025100 Hour Yin Yoga Teacher TrainingDharamsala€800€925SAVE €50*Contact
1750284000100June 202506/19/202519 Jun 2025 - 30 Jun 2025100 Hour Yin Yoga Teacher TrainingDharamsala€800€925SAVE €50*Contact
1751320800100July 202507/01/202501 Jul 2025 - 12 Jul 2025100 Hour Yin Yoga Teacher TrainingDharamsala€800€925SAVE €50*Contact
1752876000100July 202507/19/202519 Jul 2025 - 30 Jul 2025100 Hour Yin Yoga Teacher TrainingDharamsala€800€925SAVE €50*Contact
1753999200100August 202508/01/202501 Aug 2025 - 12 Aug 2025100 Hour Yin Yoga Teacher TrainingDharamsala€800€925SAVE €50*Contact
50May 2024,June 2024,July 2024,August 2024,September 2024,October 2024,November 2024,December 2024,January 2025,February 2025,March 2025,April 2025Every Monday to Saturday50 Hour Yin Yoga Teacher TrainingDharamsala€550€675SAVE €50*Contact
50May 2024,June 2024,July 2024,August 2024,September 2024,October 2024,November 2024,December 2024,January 2025,February 2025,March 2025,April 2025Every Monday to Saturday50 Hour Yoga Nidra Teacher TrainingDharamsala€550€675SAVE €50*Contact
1714341600500April 202404/29/202429 Apr 2024 - 22 Jun 2024500 Hour Ashtanga Yoga Teacher TrainingRishikesh€3,300€3,600SAVE €200*Contact
1716501600500May 202405/24/202424 May 2024 - 17 Jul 2024500 Hour Ashtanga Yoga Teacher TrainingRishikesh€3,300€3,600SAVE €200*Contact
1718661600500June 202406/18/202418 Jun 2024 - 11 Aug 2024500 Hour Ashtanga Yoga Teacher TrainingRishikesh€3,300€3,600SAVE €200*Contact
1720821600500July 202407/13/202413 Jul 2024 - 05 Sep 2024500 Hour Ashtanga Yoga Teacher TrainingRishikesh€3,300€3,600SAVE €200*Contact
1722981600500August 202408/07/202407 Aug 2024 - 30 Sep 2024500 Hour Ashtanga Yoga Teacher TrainingRishikesh€3,300€3,600SAVE €200*Contact
1714341600500April 202404/29/202429 Apr 2024 - 22 Jun 2024500 Hour Hatha Yoga Teacher TrainingRishikesh€3,300€3,600SAVE €200*Contact
1716501600500May 202405/24/202424 May 2024 - 17 Jul 2024500 Hour Hatha Yoga Teacher TrainingRishikesh€3,300€3,600SAVE €200*Contact
1718661600500June 202406/18/202418 Jun 2024 - 11 Aug 2024500 Hour Hatha Yoga Teacher TrainingRishikesh€3,300€3,600SAVE €200*Contact
1720821600500July 202407/13/202413 Jul 2024 - 05 Sep 2024500 Hour Hatha Yoga Teacher TrainingRishikesh€3,300€3,600SAVE €200*Contact
1722981600500August 202408/07/202407 Aug 2024 - 30 Sep 2024500 Hour Hatha Yoga Teacher TrainingRishikesh€3,300€3,600SAVE €200*Contact
1714341600500April 202404/29/202429 Apr 2024 - 22 Jun 2024500 Hour Multistyle Yoga Teacher TrainingRishikesh€3,300€3,600SAVE €200*Contact
1716501600500May 202405/24/202424 May 2024 - 17 Jul 2024500 Hour Multistyle Yoga Teacher TrainingRishikesh€3,300€3,600SAVE €200*Contact
1718661600500June 202406/18/202418 Jun 2024 - 11 Aug 2024500 Hour Multistyle Yoga Teacher TrainingRishikesh€3,300€3,600SAVE €200*Contact
1720821600500July 202407/13/202413 Jul 2024 - 05 Sep 2024500 Hour Multistyle Yoga Teacher TrainingRishikesh€3,300€3,600SAVE €200*Contact
1722981600500August 202408/07/202407 Aug 2024 - 30 Sep 2024500 Hour Multistyle Yoga Teacher TrainingRishikesh€3,300€3,600SAVE €200*Contact
1714341600500April 202404/29/202429 Apr 2024 - 22 Jun 2024500 Hour Restorative Yoga Teacher TrainingRishikesh€3,300€3,600SAVE €200*Contact
1716501600500May 202405/24/202424 May 2024 - 17 Jul 2024500 Hour Restorative Yoga Teacher TrainingRishikesh€3,300€3,600SAVE €200*Contact
1718661600500June 202406/18/202418 Jun 2024 - 11 Aug 2024500 Hour Restorative Yoga Teacher TrainingRishikesh€3,300€3,600SAVE €200*Contact
1720821600500July 202407/13/202413 Jul 2024 - 05 Sep 2024500 Hour Restorative Yoga Teacher TrainingRishikesh€3,300€3,600SAVE €200*Contact
1722981600500August 202408/07/202407 Aug 2024 - 30 Sep 2024500 Hour Restorative Yoga Teacher TrainingRishikesh€3,300€3,600SAVE €200*Contact
1714341600500April 202404/29/202429 Apr 2024 - 22 Jun 2024500 Hour Therapeutic Yoga Teacher TrainingRishikesh€3,300€3,600SAVE €200*Contact
1716501600500May 202405/24/202424 May 2024 - 17 Jul 2024500 Hour Therapeutic Yoga Teacher TrainingRishikesh€3,300€3,600SAVE €200*Contact
1718661600500June 202406/18/202418 Jun 2024 - 11 Aug 2024500 Hour Therapeutic Yoga Teacher TrainingRishikesh€3,300€3,600SAVE €200*Contact
1720821600500July 202407/13/202413 Jul 2024 - 05 Sep 2024500 Hour Therapeutic Yoga Teacher TrainingRishikesh€3,300€3,600SAVE €200*Contact
1722981600500August 202408/07/202407 Aug 2024 - 30 Sep 2024500 Hour Therapeutic Yoga Teacher TrainingRishikesh€3,300€3,600SAVE €200*Contact
1714341600500April 202404/29/202429 Apr 2024 - 22 Jun 2024500 Hour Vinyasa Yoga Teacher TrainingRishikesh€3,300€3,600SAVE €200*Contact
1716501600500May 202405/24/202424 May 2024 - 17 Jul 2024500 Hour Vinyasa Yoga Teacher TrainingRishikesh€3,300€3,600SAVE €200*Contact
1718661600500June 202406/18/202418 Jun 2024 - 11 Aug 2024500 Hour Vinyasa Yoga Teacher TrainingRishikesh€3,300€3,600SAVE €200*Contact
1720821600500July 202407/13/202413 Jul 2024 - 05 Sep 2024500 Hour Vinyasa Yoga Teacher TrainingRishikesh€3,300€3,600SAVE €200*Contact
1722981600500August 202408/07/202407 Aug 2024 - 30 Sep 2024500 Hour Vinyasa Yoga Teacher TrainingRishikesh€3,300€3,600SAVE €200*Contact
1714341600500April 202404/29/202429 Apr 2024 - 22 Jun 2024500 Hour Yin Yoga Teacher TrainingRishikesh€3,300€3,600SAVE €200*Contact
1716501600500May 202405/24/202424 May 2024 - 17 Jul 2024500 Hour Yin Yoga Teacher TrainingRishikesh€3,300€3,600SAVE €200*Contact
1718661600500June 202406/18/202418 Jun 2024 - 11 Aug 2024500 Hour Yin Yoga Teacher TrainingRishikesh€3,300€3,600SAVE €200*Contact
1720821600500July 202407/13/202413 Jul 2024 - 05 Sep 2024500 Hour Yin Yoga Teacher TrainingRishikesh€3,300€3,600SAVE €200*Contact
1722981600500August 202408/07/202407 Aug 2024 - 30 Sep 2024500 Hour Yin Yoga Teacher TrainingRishikesh€3,300€3,600SAVE €200*Contact
1717192800300June 202406/01/202401 Jun 2024 - 30 Jun 2024300 Hour Ashtanga Yoga Teacher TrainingRishikesh€2,100€2,350SAVE €150*Contact
1719784800300July 202407/01/202401 Jul 2024 - 30 Jul 2024300 Hour Ashtanga Yoga Teacher TrainingRishikesh€2,100€2,350SAVE €150*Contact
1722463200300August 202408/01/202401 Aug 2024 - 30 Aug 2024300 Hour Ashtanga Yoga Teacher TrainingRishikesh€2,100€2,350SAVE €150*Contact
1725141600300September 202409/01/202401 Sep 2024 - 30 Sep 2024300 Hour Ashtanga Yoga Teacher TrainingRishikesh€2,100€2,350SAVE €150*Contact
1727733600300October 202410/01/202401 Oct 2024 - 30 Oct 2024300 Hour Ashtanga Yoga Teacher TrainingRishikesh€2,100€2,350SAVE €150*Contact
1717192800300June 202406/01/202401 Jun 2024 - 30 Jun 2024300 Hour Hatha Yoga Teacher TrainingRishikesh€2,100€2,350SAVE €150*Contact
1719784800300July 202407/01/202401 Jul 2024 - 30 Jul 2024300 Hour Hatha Yoga Teacher TrainingRishikesh€2,100€2,350SAVE €150*Contact
1722463200300August 202408/01/202401 Aug 2024 - 30 Aug 2024300 Hour Hatha Yoga Teacher TrainingRishikesh€2,100€2,350SAVE €150*Contact
1725141600300September 202409/01/202401 Sep 2024 - 30 Sep 2024300 Hour Hatha Yoga Teacher TrainingRishikesh€2,100€2,350SAVE €150*Contact
1727733600300October 202410/01/202401 Oct 2024 - 30 Oct 2024300 Hour Hatha Yoga Teacher TrainingRishikesh€2,100€2,350SAVE €150*Contact
1717192800300June 202406/01/202401 Jun 2024 - 30 Jun 2024300 Hour Multistyle Yoga Teacher TrainingRishikesh€2,100€2,350SAVE €150*Contact
1719784800300July 202407/01/202401 Jul 2024 - 30 Jul 2024300 Hour Multistyle Yoga Teacher TrainingRishikesh€2,100€2,350SAVE €150*Contact
1722463200300August 202408/01/202401 Aug 2024 - 30 Aug 2024300 Hour Multistyle Yoga Teacher TrainingRishikesh€2,100€2,350SAVE €150*Contact
1725141600300September 202409/01/202401 Sep 2024 - 30 Sep 2024300 Hour Multistyle Yoga Teacher TrainingRishikesh€2,100€2,350SAVE €150*Contact
1727733600300October 202410/01/202401 Oct 2024 - 30 Oct 2024300 Hour Multistyle Yoga Teacher TrainingRishikesh€2,100€2,350SAVE €150*Contact
1717192800300June 202406/01/202401 Jun 2024 - 30 Jun 2024300 Hour Restorative Yoga Teacher TrainingRishikesh€2,100€2,350SAVE €150*Contact
1719784800300July 202407/01/202401 Jul 2024 - 30 Jul 2024300 Hour Restorative Yoga Teacher TrainingRishikesh€2,100€2,350SAVE €150*Contact
1722463200300August 202408/01/202401 Aug 2024 - 30 Aug 2024300 Hour Restorative Yoga Teacher TrainingRishikesh€2,100€2,350SAVE €150*Contact
1725141600300September 202409/01/202401 Sep 2024 - 30 Sep 2024300 Hour Restorative Yoga Teacher TrainingRishikesh€2,100€2,350SAVE €150*Contact
1727733600300October 202410/01/202401 Oct 2024 - 30 Oct 2024300 Hour Restorative Yoga Teacher TrainingRishikesh€2,100€2,350SAVE €150*Contact
1717192800300June 202406/01/202401 Jun 2024 - 30 Jun 2024300 Hour Therapeutic Yoga Teacher TrainingRishikesh€2,100€2,350SAVE €150*Contact
1719784800300July 202407/01/202401 Jul 2024 - 30 Jul 2024300 Hour Therapeutic Yoga Teacher TrainingRishikesh€2,100€2,350SAVE €150*Contact
1722463200300August 202408/01/202401 Aug 2024 - 30 Aug 2024300 Hour Therapeutic Yoga Teacher TrainingRishikesh€2,100€2,350SAVE €150*Contact
1725141600300September 202409/01/202401 Sep 2024 - 30 Sep 2024300 Hour Therapeutic Yoga Teacher TrainingRishikesh€2,100€2,350SAVE €150*Contact
1727733600300October 202410/01/202401 Oct 2024 - 30 Oct 2024300 Hour Therapeutic Yoga Teacher TrainingRishikesh€2,100€2,350SAVE €150*Contact
1717192800300June 202406/01/202401 Jun 2024 - 30 Jun 2024300 Hour Vinyasa Yoga Teacher TrainingRishikesh€2,100€2,350SAVE €150*Contact
1719784800300July 202407/01/202401 Jul 2024 - 30 Jul 2024300 Hour Vinyasa Yoga Teacher TrainingRishikesh€2,100€2,350SAVE €150*Contact
1722463200300August 202408/01/202401 Aug 2024 - 30 Aug 2024300 Hour Vinyasa Yoga Teacher TrainingRishikesh€2,100€2,350SAVE €150*Contact
1725141600300September 202409/01/202401 Sep 2024 - 30 Sep 2024300 Hour Vinyasa Yoga Teacher TrainingRishikesh€2,100€2,350SAVE €150*Contact
1727733600300October 202410/01/202401 Oct 2024 - 30 Oct 2024300 Hour Vinyasa Yoga Teacher TrainingRishikesh€2,100€2,350SAVE €150*Contact
1717192800300June 202406/01/202401 Jun 2024 - 30 Jun 2024300 Hour Yin Yoga Teacher TrainingRishikesh€2,100€2,350SAVE €150*Contact
1719784800300July 202407/01/202401 Jul 2024 - 30 Jul 2024300 Hour Yin Yoga Teacher TrainingRishikesh€2,100€2,350SAVE €150*Contact
1722463200300August 202408/01/202401 Aug 2024 - 30 Aug 2024300 Hour Yin Yoga Teacher TrainingRishikesh€2,100€2,350SAVE €150*Contact
1725141600300September 202409/01/202401 Sep 2024 - 30 Sep 2024300 Hour Yin Yoga Teacher TrainingRishikesh€2,100€2,350SAVE €150*Contact
1727733600300October 202410/01/202401 Oct 2024 - 30 Oct 2024300 Hour Yin Yoga Teacher TrainingRishikesh€2,100€2,350SAVE €150*Contact
1716501600200May 202405/24/202424 May 2024 - 17 Jun 2024200 Hour Ashtanga Teacher TrainingRishikesh€1,500€1,750SAVE €100*Contact
1718661600200June 202406/18/202418 Jun 2024 - 12 Jul 2024200 Hour Ashtanga Teacher TrainingRishikesh€1,500€1,750SAVE €100*Contact
1720821600200July 202407/13/202413 Jul 2024 - 06 Aug 2024200 Hour Ashtanga Teacher TrainingRishikesh€1,500€1,750SAVE €100*Contact
1722981600200August 202408/07/202407 Aug 2024 - 31 Aug 2024200 Hour Ashtanga Teacher TrainingRishikesh€1,500€1,750SAVE €100*Contact
1725141600200September 202409/01/202401 Sep 2024 - 25 Sep 2024200 Hour Ashtanga Teacher TrainingRishikesh€1,500€1,750SAVE €100*Contact
1727301600200September 202409/26/202426 Sep 2024 - 20 Oct 2024200 Hour Ashtanga Teacher TrainingRishikesh€1,500€1,750SAVE €100*Contact
1716501600200May 202405/24/202424 May 2024 - 17 Jun 2024200 Hour Hatha Teacher TrainingRishikesh€1,500€1,750SAVE €100*Contact
1718661600200June 202406/18/202418 Jun 2024 - 12 Jul 2024200 Hour Hatha Teacher TrainingRishikesh€1,500€1,750SAVE €100*Contact
1720821600200July 202407/13/202413 Jul 2024 - 06 Aug 2024200 Hour Hatha Teacher TrainingRishikesh€1,500€1,750SAVE €100*Contact
1722981600200August 202408/07/202407 Aug 2024 - 31 Aug 2024200 Hour Hatha Teacher TrainingRishikesh€1,500€1,750SAVE €100*Contact
1725141600200September 202409/01/202401 Sep 2024 - 25 Sep 2024200 Hour Hatha Teacher TrainingRishikesh€1,500€1,750SAVE €100*Contact
1727301600200September 202409/26/202426 Sep 2024 - 20 Oct 2024200 Hour Hatha Teacher TrainingRishikesh€1,500€1,750SAVE €100*Contact
1716501600200May 202405/24/202424 May 2024 - 17 Jun 2024200 Hour Multistyle Teacher TrainingRishikesh€1,500€1,750SAVE €100*Contact
1718661600200June 202406/18/202418 Jun 2024 - 12 Jul 2024200 Hour Multistyle Teacher TrainingRishikesh€1,500€1,750SAVE €100*Contact
1720821600200July 202407/13/202413 Jul 2024 - 06 Aug 2024200 Hour Multistyle Teacher TrainingRishikesh€1,500€1,750SAVE €100*Contact
1722981600200August 202408/07/202407 Aug 2024 - 31 Aug 2024200 Hour Multistyle Teacher TrainingRishikesh€1,500€1,750SAVE €100*Contact
1725141600200September 202409/01/202401 Sep 2024 - 25 Sep 2024200 Hour Multistyle Teacher TrainingRishikesh€1,500€1,750SAVE €100*Contact
1727301600200September 202409/26/202426 Sep 2024 - 20 Oct 2024200 Hour Multistyle Teacher TrainingRishikesh€1,500€1,750SAVE €100*Contact
1716501600200May 202405/24/202424 May 2024 - 17 Jun 2024200 Hour Restorative Teacher TrainingRishikesh€1,500€1,750SAVE €100*Contact
1718661600200June 202406/18/202418 Jun 2024 - 12 Jul 2024200 Hour Restorative Teacher TrainingRishikesh€1,500€1,750SAVE €100*Contact
1720821600200July 202407/13/202413 Jul 2024 - 06 Aug 2024200 Hour Restorative Teacher TrainingRishikesh€1,500€1,750SAVE €100*Contact
1722981600200August 202408/07/202407 Aug 2024 - 31 Aug 2024200 Hour Restorative Teacher TrainingRishikesh€1,500€1,750SAVE €100*Contact
1725141600200September 202409/01/202401 Sep 2024 - 25 Sep 2024200 Hour Restorative Teacher TrainingRishikesh€1,500€1,750SAVE €100*Contact
1727301600200September 202409/26/202426 Sep 2024 - 20 Oct 2024200 Hour Restorative Teacher TrainingRishikesh€1,500€1,750SAVE €100*Contact
1716501600200May 202405/24/202424 May 2024 - 17 Jun 2024200 Hour Therapeutic Teacher TrainingRishikesh€1,500€1,750SAVE €100*Contact
1718661600200June 202406/18/202418 Jun 2024 - 12 Jul 2024200 Hour Therapeutic Teacher TrainingRishikesh€1,500€1,750SAVE €100*Contact
1720821600200July 202407/13/202413 Jul 2024 - 06 Aug 2024200 Hour Therapeutic Teacher TrainingRishikesh€1,500€1,750SAVE €100*Contact
1722981600200August 202408/07/202407 Aug 2024 - 31 Aug 2024200 Hour Therapeutic Teacher TrainingRishikesh€1,500€1,750SAVE €100*Contact
1725141600200September 202409/01/202401 Sep 2024 - 25 Sep 2024200 Hour Therapeutic Teacher TrainingRishikesh€1,500€1,750SAVE €100*Contact
1727301600200September 202409/26/202426 Sep 2024 - 20 Oct 2024200 Hour Therapeutic Teacher TrainingRishikesh€1,500€1,750SAVE €100*Contact
1716501600200May 202405/24/202424 May 2024 - 17 Jun 2024200 Hour Vinyasa Teacher TrainingRishikesh€1,500€1,750SAVE €100*Contact
1718661600200June 202406/18/202418 Jun 2024 - 12 Jul 2024200 Hour Vinyasa Teacher TrainingRishikesh€1,500€1,750SAVE €100*Contact
1720821600200July 202407/13/202413 Jul 2024 - 06 Aug 2024200 Hour Vinyasa Teacher TrainingRishikesh€1,500€1,750SAVE €100*Contact
1722981600200August 202408/07/202407 Aug 2024 - 31 Aug 2024200 Hour Vinyasa Teacher TrainingRishikesh€1,500€1,750SAVE €100*Contact
1725141600200September 202409/01/202401 Sep 2024 - 25 Sep 2024200 Hour Vinyasa Teacher TrainingRishikesh€1,500€1,750SAVE €100*Contact
1727301600200September 202409/26/202426 Sep 2024 - 20 Oct 2024200 Hour Vinyasa Teacher TrainingRishikesh€1,500€1,750SAVE €100*Contact
1716501600200May 202405/24/202424 May 2024 - 17 Jun 2024200 Hour Yin Yoga Teacher TrainingRishikesh€1,500€1,750SAVE €100*Contact
1718661600200June 202406/18/202418 Jun 2024 - 12 Jul 2024200 Hour Yin Yoga Teacher TrainingRishikesh€1,500€1,750SAVE €100*Contact
1720821600200July 202407/13/202413 Jul 2024 - 06 Aug 2024200 Hour Yin Yoga Teacher TrainingRishikesh€1,500€1,750SAVE €100*Contact
1722981600200August 202408/07/202407 Aug 2024 - 31 Aug 2024200 Hour Yin Yoga Teacher TrainingRishikesh€1,500€1,750SAVE €100*Contact
1725141600200September 202409/01/202401 Sep 2024 - 25 Sep 2024200 Hour Yin Yoga Teacher TrainingRishikesh€1,500€1,750SAVE €100*Contact
1727301600200September 202409/26/202426 Sep 2024 - 20 Oct 2024200 Hour Yin Yoga Teacher TrainingRishikesh€1,500€1,750SAVE €100*Contact
1717192800100June 202406/01/202401 Jun 2024 - 12 Jun 2024100 Hour Ashtanga Teacher TrainingRishikesh€800€925SAVE €50*Contact
1718748000100June 202406/19/202419 Jun 2024 - 30 Jun 2024100 Hour Ashtanga Teacher TrainingRishikesh€800€925SAVE €50*Contact
1719784800100July 202407/01/202401 Jul 2024 - 12 Jul 2024100 Hour Ashtanga Teacher TrainingRishikesh€800€925SAVE €50*Contact
1721340000100July 202407/19/202419 Jul 2024 - 30 Jul 2024100 Hour Ashtanga Teacher TrainingRishikesh€800€925SAVE €50*Contact
1722463200100August 202408/01/202401 Aug 2024 - 12 Aug 2024100 Hour Ashtanga Teacher TrainingRishikesh€800€925SAVE €50*Contact
1724018400100August 202408/19/202419 Aug 2024 - 30 Aug 2024100 Hour Ashtanga Teacher TrainingRishikesh€800€925SAVE €50*Contact
1725141600100September 202409/01/202401 Sep 2024 - 12 Sep 2024100 Hour Ashtanga Teacher TrainingRishikesh€800€925SAVE €50*Contact
1726696800100September 202409/19/202419 Sep 2024 - 30 Sep 2024100 Hour Ashtanga Teacher TrainingRishikesh€800€925SAVE €50*Contact
1727733600100October 202410/01/202401 Oct 2024 - 12 Oct 2024100 Hour Ashtanga Teacher TrainingRishikesh€800€925SAVE €50*Contact
1729288800100October 202410/19/202419 Oct 2024 - 30 Oct 2024100 Hour Ashtanga Teacher TrainingRishikesh€800€925SAVE €50*Contact
1717192800100June 202406/01/202401 Jun 2024 - 12 Jun 2024100 Hour Hatha Teacher TrainingRishikesh€800€925SAVE €50*Contact
1718748000100June 202406/19/202419 Jun 2024 - 30 Jun 2024100 Hour Hatha Teacher TrainingRishikesh€800€925SAVE €50*Contact
1719784800100July 202407/01/202401 Jul 2024 - 12 Jul 2024100 Hour Hatha Teacher TrainingRishikesh€800€925SAVE €50*Contact
1721340000100July 202407/19/202419 Jul 2024 - 30 Jul 2024100 Hour Hatha Teacher TrainingRishikesh€800€925SAVE €50*Contact
1722463200100August 202408/01/202401 Aug 2024 - 12 Aug 2024100 Hour Hatha Teacher TrainingRishikesh€800€925SAVE €50*Contact
1724018400100August 202408/19/202419 Aug 2024 - 30 Aug 2024100 Hour Hatha Teacher TrainingRishikesh€800€925SAVE €50*Contact
1725141600100September 202409/01/202401 Sep 2024 - 12 Sep 2024100 Hour Hatha Teacher TrainingRishikesh€800€925SAVE €50*Contact
1726696800100September 202409/19/202419 Sep 2024 - 30 Sep 2024100 Hour Hatha Teacher TrainingRishikesh€800€925SAVE €50*Contact
1727733600100October 202410/01/202401 Oct 2024 - 12 Oct 2024100 Hour Hatha Teacher TrainingRishikesh€800€925SAVE €50*Contact
1729288800100October 202410/19/202419 Oct 2024 - 30 Oct 2024100 Hour Hatha Teacher TrainingRishikesh€800€925SAVE €50*Contact
1717192800100June 202406/01/202401 Jun 2024 - 12 Jun 2024100 Hour Vinyasa Teacher TrainingRishikesh€800€925SAVE €50*Contact
1718748000100June 202406/19/202419 Jun 2024 - 30 Jun 2024100 Hour Vinyasa Teacher TrainingRishikesh€800€925SAVE €50*Contact
1719784800100July 202407/01/202401 Jul 2024 - 12 Jul 2024100 Hour Vinyasa Teacher TrainingRishikesh€800€925SAVE €50*Contact
1721340000100July 202407/19/202419 Jul 2024 - 30 Jul 2024100 Hour Vinyasa Teacher TrainingRishikesh€800€925SAVE €50*Contact
1722463200100August 202408/01/202401 Aug 2024 - 12 Aug 2024100 Hour Vinyasa Teacher TrainingRishikesh€800€925SAVE €50*Contact
1724018400100August 202408/19/202419 Aug 2024 - 30 Aug 2024100 Hour Vinyasa Teacher TrainingRishikesh€800€925SAVE €50*Contact
1725141600100September 202409/01/202401 Sep 2024 - 12 Sep 2024100 Hour Vinyasa Teacher TrainingRishikesh€800€925SAVE €50*Contact
1726696800100September 202409/19/202419 Sep 2024 - 30 Sep 2024100 Hour Vinyasa Teacher TrainingRishikesh€800€925SAVE €50*Contact
1727733600100October 202410/01/202401 Oct 2024 - 12 Oct 2024100 Hour Vinyasa Teacher TrainingRishikesh€800€925SAVE €50*Contact
1729288800100October 202410/19/202419 Oct 2024 - 30 Oct 2024100 Hour Vinyasa Teacher TrainingRishikesh€800€925SAVE €50*Contact
1717192800100June 202406/01/202401 Jun 2024 - 12 Jun 2024100 Hour Restorative Teacher TrainingRishikesh€800€925SAVE €50*Contact
1718748000100June 202406/19/202419 Jun 2024 - 30 Jun 2024100 Hour Restorative Teacher TrainingRishikesh€800€925SAVE €50*Contact
1719784800100July 202407/01/202401 Jul 2024 - 12 Jul 2024100 Hour Restorative Teacher TrainingRishikesh€800€925SAVE €50*Contact
1721340000100July 202407/19/202419 Jul 2024 - 30 Jul 2024100 Hour Restorative Teacher TrainingRishikesh€800€925SAVE €50*Contact
1722463200100August 202408/01/202401 Aug 2024 - 12 Aug 2024100 Hour Restorative Teacher TrainingRishikesh€800€925SAVE €50*Contact
1724018400100August 202408/19/202419 Aug 2024 - 30 Aug 2024100 Hour Restorative Teacher TrainingRishikesh€800€925SAVE €50*Contact
1725141600100September 202409/01/202401 Sep 2024 - 12 Sep 2024100 Hour Restorative Teacher TrainingRishikesh€800€925SAVE €50*Contact
1726696800100September 202409/19/202419 Sep 2024 - 30 Sep 2024100 Hour Restorative Teacher TrainingRishikesh€800€925SAVE €50*Contact
1727733600100October 202410/01/202401 Oct 2024 - 12 Oct 2024100 Hour Restorative Teacher TrainingRishikesh€800€925SAVE €50*Contact
1729288800100October 202410/19/202419 Oct 2024 - 30 Oct 2024100 Hour Restorative Teacher TrainingRishikesh€800€925SAVE €50*Contact
1717192800100June 202406/01/202401 Jun 2024 - 12 Jun 2024100 Hour Therapeutic Teacher TrainingRishikesh€800€925SAVE €50*Contact
1718748000100June 202406/19/202419 Jun 2024 - 30 Jun 2024100 Hour Therapeutic Teacher TrainingRishikesh€800€925SAVE €50*Contact
1719784800100July 202407/01/202401 Jul 2024 - 12 Jul 2024100 Hour Therapeutic Teacher TrainingRishikesh€800€925SAVE €50*Contact
1721340000100July 202407/19/202419 Jul 2024 - 30 Jul 2024100 Hour Therapeutic Teacher TrainingRishikesh€800€925SAVE €50*Contact
1722463200100August 202408/01/202401 Aug 2024 - 12 Aug 2024100 Hour Therapeutic Teacher TrainingRishikesh€800€925SAVE €50*Contact
1724018400100August 202408/19/202419 Aug 2024 - 30 Aug 2024100 Hour Therapeutic Teacher TrainingRishikesh€800€925SAVE €50*Contact
1725141600100September 202409/01/202401 Sep 2024 - 12 Sep 2024100 Hour Therapeutic Teacher TrainingRishikesh€800€925SAVE €50*Contact
1726696800100September 202409/19/202419 Sep 2024 - 30 Sep 2024100 Hour Therapeutic Teacher TrainingRishikesh€800€925SAVE €50*Contact
1727733600100October 202410/01/202401 Oct 2024 - 12 Oct 2024100 Hour Therapeutic Teacher TrainingRishikesh€800€925SAVE €50*Contact
1729288800100October 202410/19/202419 Oct 2024 - 30 Oct 2024100 Hour Therapeutic Teacher TrainingRishikesh€800€925SAVE €50*Contact
1717192800100June 202406/01/202401 Jun 2024 - 12 Jun 2024100 Hour Yin Yoga Teacher TrainingRishikesh€800€925SAVE €50*Contact
1718748000100June 202406/19/202419 Jun 2024 - 30 Jun 2024100 Hour Yin Yoga Teacher TrainingRishikesh€800€925SAVE €50*Contact
1719784800100July 202407/01/202401 Jul 2024 - 12 Jul 2024100 Hour Yin Yoga Teacher TrainingRishikesh€800€925SAVE €50*Contact
1721340000100July 202407/19/202419 Jul 2024 - 30 Jul 2024100 Hour Yin Yoga Teacher TrainingRishikesh€800€925SAVE €50*Contact
1722463200100August 202408/01/202401 Aug 2024 - 12 Aug 2024100 Hour Yin Yoga Teacher TrainingRishikesh€800€925SAVE €50*Contact
1724018400100August 202408/19/202419 Aug 2024 - 30 Aug 2024100 Hour Yin Yoga Teacher TrainingRishikesh€800€925SAVE €50*Contact
1725141600100September 202409/01/202401 Sep 2024 - 12 Sep 2024100 Hour Yin Yoga Teacher TrainingRishikesh€800€925SAVE €50*Contact
1726696800100September 202409/19/202419 Sep 2024 - 30 Sep 2024100 Hour Yin Yoga Teacher TrainingRishikesh€800€925SAVE €50*Contact
1727733600100October 202410/01/202401 Oct 2024 - 12 Oct 2024100 Hour Yin Yoga Teacher TrainingRishikesh€800€925SAVE €50*Contact
1729288800100October 202410/19/202419 Oct 2024 - 30 Oct 2024100 Hour Yin Yoga Teacher TrainingRishikesh€800€925SAVE €50*Contact
50May 2024,June 2024,July 2024,August 2024,September 2024,October 2024,November 2024,December 2024,January 2025,February 2025,March 2025,April 2025Every Monday to Saturday50 Hour Yin Yoga Teacher TrainingRishikesh€550€675SAVE €50*Contact
50May 2024,June 2024,July 2024,August 2024,September 2024,October 2024,November 2024,December 2024,January 2025,February 2025,March 2025,April 2025Every Monday to Saturday50 Hour Yoga Nidra Teacher TrainingRishikesh€550€675SAVE €50*Contact

What is Included:

  • Yoga Course Tuition
  • Course Handbook
  • Overnight Accommodation**
  • 3 Vegetarian Meals on Full Days, 2 Meals on Saturdays**
  • All Teaching Materials
  • WIFI**
  • T-shirts, Bags, Note Pads, and Pens

What is Not Included:

  • Airfare
  • Visa Fees
  • Dinner on Saturday, Meals on Sunday**
  • Excursions
  • Airport Pickup (available at an additional fee)
  • Laundry (available at an additional fee)
**Applies to residential courses only

Map & Directions to the Nepal Yoga Center

Our Dharamsala Yoga Center is located in the Bagsu (Bhagsunag) Village neighborhood:

Shree Hari Yoga Center
VPO Bhagasu Nag Upper Bhagasu
Kangra, Dharamshala
Himachal Pradesh 176219

Frequently Asked Questions

What Our Graduates Say

Get the Yoga Teacher Training Brochure Now!

  • Course Outline
  • Pricing & Discounts
  • Accommodations & Food
  • Requirements
  • And all other details

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