Supta Baddha Konasana Stretches the Inner Thigh, Groin And Knee

Bound Angle Pose Internationa yoga day

The term Supta Baddha Konasana, which translates as “Reclining Bound Angle Pose,” originates from the Sanskrit words “supta,” which means “reclined,” “baddha,” which means “bound,” “kona,” which means “angle” or “split,” and “asana,” which means “posture.”
Restorative yoga positions are those in which the practitioner focuses more on the body while doing yoga to replenish energy and relax the nervous system. This particular pose belongs to the category of restorative yoga poses.

In most cases, this pose is performed toward the end of a yoga session as a beautiful and peaceful technique to achieve mastery over the body and the mind.
Because lying on one’s back allows for rest to be given to the hips and the back, the supine posture is an essential component of any yoga practice.

The majority of yoga positions that are intended to relax the body appear to be simple. Still, in reality, they demand a significant amount of work to bring the mind to focus on the body when the body is in a relaxed state.
Only through consistent practice can one achieve this.
Because variations of reclining bound angle posture can be formed from this pose, it is considered a base pose. Reclining Bound Angle Pose Variations The Reclining Bound Angle Pose is beneficial for increasing overall energy levels in the body and can therefore be incorporated into flow yoga sequences.

Reclining Bound Angle Pose Benefits

  • Stretches and expands the adductor muscles in the inner thighs. The opening of the thighs that occurs when the knees are pushed toward the floor stretches and develops the adductor muscles in the inner thighs.
  • Stretches the groin muscles and keeps them fit: This yoga posture stretches the groin muscles and stretches the inner thighs, which helps maintain the groin area fit.
  • Toning of the lower abdominal muscles and reducing extra fat: When the groin muscles are stretched, toning the lower abdominal muscles reduces the amount of excess fat.
  • Flex: The same action is performed on the hips in Supta Baddha Konasana as in Baddha Konasana; this action causes the hips to expand while simultaneously flexing (Bound Angle Pose). However, when performing Supta Baddha Konasana, the hips are in a supine position, which requires additional flexing.
    Flexing the hips in this position increases flexibility, which in turn allows for deeper expansion.
  • Restorative yoga positions ease tension in the body by relaxing the internal organs, which in turn helps to soothe the organs themselves.If the lower back is supported and raised with bolsters and blankets, Supta Baddha Konasana can have a more profound influence on the practitioner. This is especially true if the practitioner maintains control of their breathing throughout the pose.
    When done with full support at the lower back, knees, and head, the chest opens up, and practicing heart-opening meditation becomes easy and effective.
  • A wonderful relaxing meditative pose: When done with full support at the lower back, knees, and head.
  • Improved flexibility throughout the entire leg: When Supta Baddha Konasana is practiced for a longer period, and with correct alignment, it has the effect of increasing flexibility around the knees, the inner thighs, and the ankles.
  • When practiced by women a few days before the moon cycle, this position functions as a terrific technique to calm and minimize the symptoms of premenstrual syndrome (PMS). • Relaxes the body and eliminates the discomfort associated with PMS.
  • A Relaxing Pose for Pregnant Women: This pose is a beautiful method to relax the body and mind during pregnancy when performed with complete support, as described above. Supta Baddha Konasana, when practiced before night, provides good sleep and soothes the mind of individuals with insomnia.
  • Practice to achieve better sleep for patients with insomnia.
  • Increases heart rate and activity, which in turn promotes blood circulation
  • An excellent technique to relax after an untimely miscarriage: It is reported that this pose is comforting to both the mind and the body after an unplanned pregnancy loss.
  • It is beneficial because it helps send new circulation to the reproductive organ and releases any discomfort in the lower back and the lower abdomen.
  • Maintains normal levels of blood pressure.
  • Reduces the risk of hernia by increasing flexibility in the hips and groin area.
  • Reduces pain in the lower back.
    Relieves varicose veins and sciatica.
    It helps to alleviate some of the discomfort associated with hemorrhoids.
    Provides relief from indigestion as well as flatulence.
    Renal toning and improved bladder control are two benefits of regular exercise.
    Increases blood circulation in the ovarian region, which is especially advantageous during puberty and menopause when the body is undergoing significant changes.
    Reduces the discomfort associated with menstruation and leukorrhea.
    Provides treatment for a prolapsed uterus.

Bound Angle Pose Steps:

  1. Lie in a comfortable position with your legs extended and your arms at your sides with your hands facing up toward the ceiling.
  2. Bring the bottoms of your feet together by bending your knees and bringing them together until they contact. It is essential that the borders of your feet, including your pinky toes, are lying on the mat. Allow the legs to open up and gravity to support the legs’ weight as they fall open.
  3. Pay attention to your physical self. If you feel your hips and groin are tight, you should move your feet further away from your body. On the other hand, if you feel your hips and groin are more open, you should move your feet closer to your body to deepen the stretch.
  4. Allow your back body to sink more deeply into the mat and relax your shoulders so that they are no longer pressing against your ears. Maintain the position for anywhere between one and five minutes, depending on how comfortable you feel in it.
  5. To come out of the position, place the palms of your hands on the outer thighs, and then bring the soles of your feet down until they are flat on the mat. This will allow you to fold your legs together gently. After that, pull your knees into your chest and sway your body from side to side in a slow and gentle motion to relieve tension in the low back.

Contraindications for the Reclining Bound Angle Pose:

  • Should not be performed if there is an existing injury to the knees, the neck, or the hips.
  • Someone suffering from severe sciatica.Although holding this yoga stance provides the nerve with some much-needed relief, it can be difficult to do in more difficult situations and may cause some agony.
  • Assuming a supine position can be difficult for anybody experiencing lower back pain. Consequently, check to see that there is support for the same.
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Shree Hari Yoga