Baddha Konasana Helps Open the Deepest Part of the Hip Muscle

Baddha Konasana

Bound Angle Pose means the more recent Sanskrit name Baddha Konasana. The words “baddha” (bound), “koa” (angle), and “asana” (posture or seat) are all derived from Sanskrit. The bound is a seated position that is fastened, combined, or trapped. Although it has been referred to as Bhadrasana (with “Bhadra” meaning “throne”) in the Hatha Yoga Pradipika to denote that this pose is the throne of meditation. According to legend, it evolved from the seated position Indian Cobblers take, giving rise to Cobbler’s Pose.

Because of how the legs move in this pose, sometimes called the “Butterfly Pose,” it looks like a butterfly flapping its wings. Teenagers, children, gymnasts, ice skaters, and wrestlers can benefit from practicing Baddha Konasana (Bound Angle Pose) because it will help open up their inner thighs. People tend to store stress and negative energies in the hips and lower back, so this pose aids in releasing them while also activating the Root (Muladhara), Sacral (Swadhisthana), and Solar Plexus (Manipura) Chakras.

In the second and third trimester of pregnancy, as well as for mothers who have just given birth, the yoga instructor can introduce this pose.


  1. Sit in Staff Pose (Dandasana) on your mat, with your legs in front of you and your spine straight. Your palms should be on the mat as you rest your arms at your sides.
  2. Kneel and tuck your heels into your pelvis. Your knees should be spread wide to either side as you press the bottoms of your feet together. It’s crucial to let your knees droop as far as they will allow in this pose; never press on them!
  1. Use your first two fingers to encircle your big toes. Your feet should be firmly planted into the ground and pressed together at the outside edges.
  2. Sit straight up. Through the crown of your head, extend the length of your spine.
  3. Softly direct your attention forward or to the tip of your nose.
  4. Keep the position for five minutes or longer. Release the clasp on your toes first before releasing the pose. Then, in Staff Pose, gently raise your knees and spread your legs out again along the floor (Dandasana).
Baddha Konasana-2

Bound Angle Pose Benefits:

    • Stretches, Strengthens, Lengthens:

The groin, adductors (inner thighs), and knees are stretched in Baddha Konasana (Bound Angle Pose).Along with the hip flexors, it also strengthens the psoas and pelvic floor muscles. One can lengthen and decompress the spine, and the hip flexor muscles become more relaxed.

    • Range of motion and flexibility:

Baddha Konasana enables the practitioner to access and strengthen the pelvic floor muscles. Regular application of this pose promotes hip opening by assisting in the release of all hip and pelvic floor stiffness and tightness. Thus, the flexibility of the pelvic joints improves, enabling students to perform challenging hip opening exercises like Goddess Pose or Seated Straddle Pose.

    • Chest, Diaphragm, and Breath:

There is a moderate chest opening because of the lengthened spine and the support of the palms on the feet. The torso is lengthened due to the elongated spine, which also opens up the chest. This works well to expand lung capacity. Additionally, the practitioner concentrates on their breathing while holding this position, and with each exhalation, the groyne stretch gets longer. Because of this, with consistent practice, an advanced yogi can also let go of the support provided by the baddha and spread his fingers out like lotus petals.

    • Awareness and Focus:

Baddha Konasana, also known as the bound angle pose, is a meditative posture. In this pose, the yoga instructor should help the students become aware of their breathing. The practitioner can feel the groin stretching a little bit more, and the hip opening a little bit more with each exhale when they patiently focus on the breath in addition to the physical alignment.

    • Alignment and Posture:

Baddha Konasana, also known as the Bound Angle Pose, is a good example of how a lengthened spine combined with the hip opening can increase a person’s overall flexibility and increase their agility. As a result, this spinal toning and alignment improve posture.

    • Energizing, de-stressing, and relaxing:

The pelvic floor’s blood circulation is improved by Baddha Konasana. The sacrum contains three parasympathetic nerves, which stimulate the parasympathetic nervous system, also known as the “rest and digest” system. When this occurs, the heart rate slows, which aids in energy conservation and thus energizes the body. It eases the sphincter muscles and improves the function of the intestines. Hence, both the body and the mind are calmed and stabilized.

    • Stimulation and Organs/Circulation and Systems:

Baddha Konasana (Bound Angle Pose) stimulates the kidney meridian, which influences the glands located in the kidneys. According to Chinese medicine, meridians are energy channels. These aid in the hormone secretion that controls functions such as immunity, excretion, metabolism, and more.

Due to the close relationship between the pelvic floor and the posture of Baddha Konasana, improved blood flow aids in the stimulation and better function of the organs located there. It strengthens the uterus, aids in reducing menstrual problems, and helps balance and activate the hormones. It stimulates the prostate, bladder, and ovaries. This technique can treat problems with sexual arousal and infertility.

    • Therapeutic, Healing, and Ailments:

Regular practice of this pose can relieve lower back pain because lower back stiffness and pain are linked to hip tightness.The Bound Angle Pose, or Baddha Konasana, also facilitates access to the thoracolumbar fascia, which is linked to sciatica and piriformis syndrome, both of which result in excruciating pain in the lower back, buttocks, hips, hamstrings, and feet.

    • Balance and Emotions:

The bound angle pose, or Baddha Konasana, aids in a person’s emotional equilibrium. The Muladhara Chakra, Swadisthana Chakra, and Manipura Chakra are stimulated by this pose, which also targets the base of the spine. These chakras are related to balancing a person’s fundamental qualities of stability, creativity, and emotional connection.

    • Others:

Teenagers and children can practice Baddha Konasana (Bound Angle Pose), which will help balance their hormones. Additionally, Baddha Konasana is an excellent pose for pregnant women in their second and third trimesters to practice because of its many advantages of relaxation, hip-opening, strengthening the pelvic floor and hormone balancing.

Baddha Konasana Contraindications:

    • Injury and Surgery/Ailment and Physical Strength:

It is strictly forbidden to perform Baddha Konasana if you have a groin injury. It might make the injury worse.

Baddha Konasana must be avoided if you have any kind of knee injury, including a torn ligament, worn-out joints (where the lubrication between the joints has worn out), or rheumatoid arthritis.

Students who have had surgery on their knees, ankles, or hips should also avoid this pose.

    • Others:

Yoga instructors should go slowly when working with senior citizens because their knees and ankles are weak, and they have trouble sitting on the floor. Pregnant women should avoid this until the second trimester of prenatal yoga. The hip opening is not advised until then, thus the reason.

The first semester is when the womb is strongest, and this type of opening can cause miscarriages.

    • Absence of Body-Breath Connections:

The meditative pose known as Baddha Konasana (Bound Angle Pose) is one. In this pose, breathing deliberately is essential. With a relaxed breath, the practitioner concentrates on stretching the groin and opening the hips.

Every time they exhale, they work on gradually widening the opening.

As a result, breath-aware students may jerk their stretch and be unable to determine the sustainable stretch.

    • Trauma, anxiety, and restorative therapy:

Due to the pose’s ability to calm the nervous system, yoga instructors can use it to treat mild depression and anxiety. Those who have experienced trauma, however, must proceed cautiously.

Yoga instructors must rule out serious kidney issues, osteoporosis, weak knee joints, a degenerated spine, and rheumatoid arthritis before recommending this pose for treating kidney, knee, and reproductive disorders.

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Shree Hari Yoga