Purvottanasana Strengthens Arms, Wrists, and Legs, While Stretching Shoulders, Chest, and Front Ankles

Purva means east in Sanskrit, ut tan means intense stretch, and asana means posture. The front of the body, from the tips of the toes to the crown of the head, is referred to as the east in yogic terminology.

As a result, in Purvis tan asana, also known as the upward plank pose or east intense stretch posture, the entire front of the body is stretched to its maximum with a slight backbend.

The other side of the body is stretched, similar to the Plank Pose.

Purvottanasana is regarded as a base pose because it can be used to create other purvottanasana variations. Purvottanasana can be incorporated into flow yoga sequences because it increases bodily energy.

Steps for Upward Plank Pose:

  • In the Dandasana position, sit with your legs extended in front of you.
  • Point your toes and place your hands slightly behind your hips with the fingers pointing down.
  • Tuck your chin to your chest while rolling your inner thighs in, drawing your belly in, and lifting your hips as high as possible with each inhalation.
  • To raise your chest, firmly press your shoulder blades against your back.
  • You can decide to turn your head back after lifting your chest.
  • When you bring your head back, keep your chin tucked until you can no longer do so. After that, slowly raise your head. Alternately, keep your head up and tuck your chin into your chest if this feels too strenuous on your neck.
  • After staying in this position for approximately five breaths, return your hips to Dandasana as you exhale.

Purvottanasana (Upward Plank Pose) Benefits:

  • Human Anatomy

    1. Enhances the thyroid gland’s ability to function:

The thyroid gland in the neck produces thyroid hormone, which aids in the body’s metabolic rate and the growth of the human body.

    1. Enhances the adrenal gland’s ability to function:

The adrenal gland, located above the kidneys and aids in blood supply, secretes various hormones necessary for the body to function properly.

    1. Enhances thymus function:

The thymus, located in front of the heart, aids in maintaining the immune system and aids the body in warding off outside invaders.

    • General Advantages

      1. Increased shoulder and arm strength:

Purvottanasana increases wrist strength, which spreads upward to the entire arm, including the shoulders. The pose will be simple, and the muscle strength around the shoulders will increase without risk of injury if the body’s weight is evenly distributed between the wrists and shoulders.

      1. Lessens cramps in the quadriceps, hamstrings, and calves:

Regular practice of this pose will help to loosen the muscles in these areas, easing cramps.

      1. Upward plank pose is excellent for athletes because it helps arm and leg strength, two areas that must be worked on in most sports.
      1. Enhances shoulder alignment:

When properly practised, it can assist in reducing rounded shoulders and enhancing alignment.

      1. Core strength is enhanced:

Pulling the stomach in consciously while performing Purvottanasana enhances core strength.

      1. Helps with balance:

This pose is a great and simple way to learn to improve your body’s balance while paying attention to the alignment of your arms and feet.

      1. Purvottanasana, which can be performed to relieve heaviness around the lower abdomen during menstruation, is a great pose for women to practise.
      1. Tone your entire body:

This pose tones your entire body, from your toes to your neck, allowing you to get a well-toned body by getting rid of belly fat and thigh, hip, chest, and hip area fat.

Purvottanasana (Upward Plank Pose) Contraindications:

      • High Blood Pressure:

If you have high blood pressure, you should practise this pose under supervision because it causes a sudden flow of blood to the head when your head and neck fall back.

      • To be avoided if experiencing a severe migraine:

If experiencing a severe migraine, proper instruction is required because this pose causes the head to droop backwards.

      • Any wrist, neck, or back injury:

Be careful when practising this pose because any of these injuries will make it difficult.

      • General body weakness:

Before practising this pose, it’s important to work on your basic strength because your elbow and wrist joints aren’t used to bearing the weight of your body while your arms are behind you.
