A deep-seated twist, Revolved Head-on-Knee Pose strengthens your legs and core while stretching your entire body. This pose is known as “Parivrtta Janu Sirsasana” in Sanskrit (PAHR-ee-VREE-tah JAH-noo sheer-SHAH-suh-nuh).
The word “Parivrtta” means “revolved.”
“Janu” is Hindi for “knee.”
“Sirsa,” which means “head,”
“Asana,” which means “position,”
Revolved Head On Knee Pose is a gentle pose that can be incorporated into flow yoga sequences as a cool-down practice to help relax the neck, back, and legs for students who spend a lot of time sitting at their desks, for people who play sports or have poor posture (hunched or slouched back), or as part of daily yoga for seniors to help them uniquely open the heart-and-hips.
It is frequently performed while the body is heated, in the second half of a yoga class. In addition to massaging the internal organs, twisting with a forward bend stretches and strengthens the glutes and hamstrings, making this variant an excellent posture to increase the range of motion in the body’s numerous joints, especially the hips, shoulders, and knees.
Steps for the Revolved Head on Knee Pose:
- Get into a seated wide-legged straddle position (Upavistha Konasana).
- With your right knee flexed, touch the inside of your left thigh with the sole of your right foot.
- After taking a breath, raise your arms to the heavens. Take a deep breath out and tilt your torso as far to the left as you can, bringing your left forearm’s backside to the floor just inside your left leg. Bring your left arm onto a block at the inner of your thigh if you cannot make it that far over.
- Starting with your left leg, steadily rotate your upper body away from it as you exhale, opening your chest to the ceiling.
- Raise your head and neck to follow the curve of your spine as you lift your eyes upward.
- Let your right bicep cross your right ear as you raise your right arm overhead. Maintain a straight right arm.
- As an alternative, flex your right elbow and use your right hand to hold the back of your head. Keep your right elbow from bending inward. Work to preserve the right opening.
- Continue to flex your left foot.
- After a few breaths, release the twist and sit back up.
Move your legs into a different position to twist to the other side.
Benefits of Revolved Head on Knee Pose Preparation
- Stretches, Strengthens and Lengthens: Because this pose involves a twist and a small amount of forward bending, the muscles of the legs, back, and torso are all actively working to support the hips and shoulders while in the twist. Stretching the arms while in the Revolved Head on Knee Pose helps to lengthen and strengthen the arms and shoulders. As in Janu Sirsasana, twisting while bending one leg stretches the hamstrings, psoas, and glutes, strengthening and enhancing their flexibility. Additionally, twisting with a slight forward bend affects the spine (strengthening the middle and upper back), the abdomen and core (due to twist and engagement), and the neck. It also helps open the hip and heart (as we gaze back). Therefore, it is possible to conclude that practicing the Revolved Head on Knee Pose generally benefits the body by extending and stretching the relevant muscles and strengthening them.
- Flexibility and range of motion: The spine, shoulders, neck, and legs may all move more freely when the upper body is rotated while one knee is bent. Thus, with awareness, the muscles surrounding the hip, knee, and shoulder joints will have a greater range of motion, preparing the body for challenging twisting postures like Revolved Triangle Pose or Revolved Lunge Pose.
- Diaphragm, Chest, and Breath: Effective use of the intercostal muscles assures improved lung function, and a gentle heart opening practice that helps bring awareness to stretching the chest, rib cage, upper back, and shoulders accomplishes this.
- Posture and alignment: The twisting and grounding movements co-occur. The twist occurs as you stretch your spine and push the bent knee to the floor.For people who spend a lot of time hunched over a desk, this twist with a forward bend helps loosen up their shoulders, back, and legs. The Revolved Head On Knee Pose helps to open the chest, back, and shoulders, paving the way for smooth prana or energy flow. This, in turn, aids in releasing tension held in the body and has a beneficial impact on the mind.
- Stimulation and Organs: The Revolved Head on Knee Pose delivers moderate pressure to the abdomen, and the spine stretch in a forward bend gives the abdominal organs and muscles the proper massage. Additionally, when the core and abdomen are engaged, the internal organs are stimulated, somewhat increasing their functionality. The thyroid gland is stimulated when the neck is twisted to gaze behind. Consequently, treating thyroid abnormalities gently is necessary.
- Others: Although Revolved Head On Knee Pose is a simple exercise, it is necessary to warm up the muscles in the back and hips so they can bend forward after the twist. Additionally, including yoga for athletes helps them relax their back and leg muscles after a tough game or a long run. Furthermore, it may be included in any yoga and is a secure and efficient exercise that doesn’t require a lot of physical strength. The same technique can be performed seated on a bed for individuals unable to sit on the floor.
- Warm-up postures: Revolved Head On Knee Pose develops strength in the arms, shoulders, and spine for advanced twisting poses, as well as the lower back and hamstrings for forward-bending asanas such Seated Side Straddle Pose, Three Legged Downward Facing Dog, and Half Bound Forward Fold Pose.