Virabhadrasana is a foundational yoga pose that balances flexibility and strength in true warrior fashionshreehariJanuary 17, 2017Yoga, yoga nidra, yoga pose
Halasana reduces backache and can help you get to sleepshreehariJanuary 7, 2017Yoga, yoga nidra, yoga pose
Anantasana- Side-Reclining Pose Stretches the Back Of the Legs, the Sides of the Torso, and Tones the BellyshreehariDecember 16, 2016Yoga, yoga nidra, yoga pose
TolasanaStrengthens the Wrists, Arms, and AbdomenshreehariNovember 16, 2016Yoga, yoga nidra, yoga pose
Vasisthasana powerful arm and wrist strengthenershreehariSeptember 2, 2016Yoga, yoga nidra, yoga pose
Benefits of Child’s Pose Which is Also a Counter Asana For Many Asanas:shreehariMay 6, 2016Bhagavadgita, Yoga, yoga nidra, yoga pose, Yoga therapy
10 Popular Yoga Disciplines Today stefanieFebruary 1, 2015Yoga, yoga nidra, Yoga retreat, Yoga teacher training